]> granicus.if.org Git - pdns/shortlog
2018-03-24 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6382 from rgacogne/dnsdist-nodnscrypt
2018-03-23 Remi Gacognednsdist: Build without DNSCrypt support
2018-03-23 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6344 from rgacogne/rec-lua-ffi...
2018-03-22 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6317 from rgacogne/dnsdist-source...
2018-03-22 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6069 from Habbie/no-more-bootstrap
2018-03-22 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6045 from rgacogne/dnscrypt-xchacha20
2018-03-21 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6374 from chbruyand/auth-quiet...
2018-03-21 Pieter LexisAdd missing README symlink
2018-03-21 Pieter LexisSmall documentation fixes
2018-03-21 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6370 from chbruyand/auth-issue...
2018-03-21 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6342 from chbruyand/reload-resolvconf
2018-03-21 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6352 from cmouse/lua
2018-03-21 Charles-Henri... auth: fix typo in command description
2018-03-21 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6376 from pieterlexis/travis-bulkte...
2018-03-21 Pieter Lexistests: lower dnsbulktest threshold in travis
2018-03-20 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6364 from rgacogne/dnsdist-macro...
2018-03-20 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6327 from lowellmower/server-up...
2018-03-20 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6372 from krionbsd/pedantic
2018-03-20 krionRemove extra semicolons to remove some -pedantic warnings.
2018-03-20 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6363 from chbruyand/issue-6346
2018-03-20 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6366 from rgacogne/dnsdist-exceed...
2018-03-20 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6368 from rgacogne/dnsdist-faster...
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... auth: add quiet modifier to pdnsutil rectify-all-zones...
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... auth: fix regression while handling user-defined axfr...
2018-03-19 Remi Gacognednsdist: Only update the DynBlock state holders when...
2018-03-19 Remi Gacognednsdist: Reserve according to the _query_ ring size...
2018-03-19 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6350 from rgacogne/dnsdist-lua...
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... dnsdist: correct typos in doc, adjust regression test
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... dnsdist: ignore certificate files used by the tests
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... dnsdist: test LuaAction optional second return value
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... dnsdist: add missing definition for DNSResponseAction
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... Merge branch 'master' into issue-6346
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... improve documentation of addLuaAction and addLuaRespons...
2018-03-19 Charles-Henri... dnsdist: make lua actions second return value optional
2018-03-19 Remi Gacognednsdist: Fix 'unreachable code' warnings reported by...
2018-03-16 Peter van DijkMerge pull request #6354 from Habbie/zpt-eof-crash
2018-03-16 Peter van DijkMerge pull request #6360 from Habbie/mirror-dnsperf
2018-03-16 Peter van Dijkuse mirror for dnsperf
2018-03-16 Remi Gacognerec: Set the visibility of FFI functions to 'default...
2018-03-16 Charles-Henri... remove typo
2018-03-15 Peter van DijkMerge pull request #6356 from chbruyand/update-dnsdistc...
2018-03-15 Peter van Dijkrather than crash, sheepishly report no file/linenum
2018-03-15 Aki Tuomibuild-scripts: Use correct example file for lua2
2018-03-15 Remi Gacognednsdist: Move StatNode's counters to uint64_t
2018-03-15 Remi Gacognednsdist: Fix StatNode stats update
2018-03-15 Remi Gacognednsdist: Restore StatNode's children (optionnally)...
2018-03-15 Remi Gacognednsdist: Use a reserve()'d unordered_map for exceed...
2018-03-15 bert hubertMerge pull request #6326 from rgacogne/calidns-ecs
2018-03-15 Charles-Henri... dnsdist: Update deprecated syntax used in dist configur...
2018-03-15 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6345 from pieterlexis/secpoll-update
2018-03-14 Remi Gacognednsdist: Don't copy data around in the exceed* functions
2018-03-14 Remi Gacognednsdist: Don't copy labels into a deque when inserting...
2018-03-14 Remi Gacognednsdist: Don't keep track of the remote in StatNode
2018-03-14 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6338 from cmouse/lua
2018-03-14 Pieter LexisUpdate secpoll
2018-03-14 Lowell Mowermove constant in countServersUp() signature
2018-03-14 Remi Gacognerec: Constify the methods of RecursorLua4 when possible
2018-03-14 Remi Gacognerec: Instruct LuaWrapper to stay away from our FFI...
2018-03-14 Remi Gacognerec: Add a new Lua FFI hook, gettag-ffi
2018-03-14 Charles-Henri... Don't check for changes more than once every 60 secs
2018-03-13 Charles-Henri... Use RAII wrappers for locks and some cleaning following...
2018-03-13 Charles-Henri... Auth: Reload /etc/resolv.conf when modified. Fix #6263
2018-03-13 Aki Tuomibuild lua2 backend packages
2018-03-12 Peter van DijkMerge pull request #6335 from Habbie/jessie-unbound
2018-03-12 Peter van DijkMerge pull request #6334 from Habbie/deb892718
2018-03-12 Peter van Dijknote that libunbound also needs to come from backports
2018-03-12 Peter van Dijkadd latest deb9 auth to secpoll
2018-03-12 Lowell Mowerremove unnecessary class attributes
2018-03-12 Lowell Mowerchange return value to size_t for countServerUp
2018-03-12 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6330 from Habbie/tkey-py3
2018-03-09 Lowell Mowerhardcode servers and up/down in the configuration attribute
2018-03-09 Lowell Mowerc++11 loop style for countServerUp()
2018-03-09 Peter van Dijkmake tkey.py work on Python 3
2018-03-08 Lowell Moweradd function to get count for servers with status UP...
2018-03-08 Lowell Moweradd metric line to interpolate value returned from...
2018-03-08 Lowell Moweradd regression test for server-up metric
2018-03-08 Remi Gacognecalidns: Add the --ecs parameter to add random ECS...
2018-03-08 Remi Gacognednsdist: Remove functions that relied on only one activ...
2018-03-08 Remi Gacognednsdist: Document the new DNSCrypt calls, restore compa...
2018-03-08 Remi GacogneDNSCrypt: Document certificates versions
2018-03-08 Remi GacogneDNSCrypt: Certificate serials should be in network...
2018-03-08 Remi Gacognednsdist: Add support for DNSCrypt's xchacha20, n active...
2018-03-08 Peter van DijkMerge pull request #6157 from cmouse/lua
2018-03-07 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #5361 from oridistor/master
2018-03-07 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6324 from pieterlexis/waitForMultiD...
2018-03-07 Pieter LexisMerge pull request #6325 from zeha/auth-api-409
2018-03-06 Remi Gacognednsdist: Use the best multiplexer available instead...
2018-03-06 Remi Gacognednsdist: Account for more than one socket per backend
2018-03-06 Remi Gacognednsdist: If at least one (re-)connection failed, close...
2018-03-06 Remi Gacognednsdist: Check that the number of sockets is > 0
2018-03-06 Remi Gacognednsdist: Add an option to use several source ports...
2018-03-06 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6289 from zeha/dnsdist-stats
2018-03-06 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6322 from zeha/dnsdist-tests
2018-03-06 Remi GacogneMerge pull request #6323 from zeha/dnsdist-remotelogger...
2018-03-06 Aki Tuomitravis: Run tests for lua2
2018-03-06 Aki Tuomilua2backend: Add new backend
2018-03-06 Aki Tuomipdns: Include lua-auth and it's dependencies in pdnsutil
2018-03-06 Aki Tuomilua-base4: Add QType methods
2018-03-06 Aki Tuomilua-base4: Expose more DNSName methods
2018-03-06 Aki Tuomilua-base4: Add newDRR for making DNSResourceRecords