]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2006-03-27 Andrei ZmievskiSkip BOM for UTF-16/32 converters when setting subst...
2006-03-27 Yasuo Ohgakiremove pg_execute() E_WARNING error when query plan...
2006-03-27 Andrei ZmievskiSome functions may want to accept only Unicode or binar...
2006-03-26 Andrei Zmievski*** empty log message ***
2006-03-26 Andrei ZmievskiAdd unicode_get_error_mode() and unicode_get_subst_char().
2006-03-26 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB51: Fixed bug #36857 (Added support for partial...
2006-03-26 Derick Rethans- Implemented basic collation support. For some reason...
2006-03-26 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2006-03-26 Andrei ZmievskiImplement to-Unicode conversion error behavior. Note...
2006-03-26 Sara GolemonExpand stream_context_create() to allow specifying...
2006-03-26 Andrei ZmievskiAdd protos.
2006-03-26 Seiji Masugatafixed compiler warning.
2006-03-26 Derick Rethans- Commit intermediate work so that I can hack on it...
2006-03-26 Andrei Zmievski* Remove unicode.from_error_mode and unicode.from_subst...
2006-03-26 Andrei Zmievski*** empty log message ***
2006-03-26 Antony DovgalMF51: fix #36859 (DOMElement crashes when calling __con...
2006-03-26 Marcus Boerger- Make IteratorIterator base class of most SPL iterators
2006-03-26 Marcus Boerger- Fix docu
2006-03-25 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2006-03-25 Sara GolemonHandle converter instantiation errors properly
2006-03-24 Sara GolemonAllow bidirectional encoding option via single context...
2006-03-24 Sara GolemonFix stream_get_line():
2006-03-24 Sara GolemonUpdate fgetss() for unicode
2006-03-24 Andrei ZmievskiThis is probably not a test..
2006-03-24 Andrei ZmievskiUse intern->type for break iterator.
2006-03-24 Sara GolemonHook into new unicode conversion error handling API
2006-03-24 Sara GolemonAdd php_stream_get_record_unicde() API call.
2006-03-24 Andrei ZmievskiHey! Don't remove vim modeline completely! :)
2006-03-24 Antony Dovgaladd new tests
2006-03-24 Antony Dovgalwhitespaces -> tabs
2006-03-24 Antony Dovgalfirst check for NULL, then use the pointer
2006-03-24 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #36840 (Memory leak if cast operator throws...
2006-03-24 Dmitry StogovFixed SoapFault::getMessage()
2006-03-24 Andrei ZmievskiSupport warning/exceptions flag for conversion errors.
2006-03-24 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2006-03-24 Andrei ZmievskiUTODO note
2006-03-24 Sara GolemonAdd some error checking when stream converters are...
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- Fix arginfo for (Recursive)RegExIterator
2006-03-23 Andrei ZmievskiUpdate conversion error behavior and add some new modes.
2006-03-23 Andrei ZmievskiAdd (binary) cast operator.
2006-03-23 Andrei ZmievskiAllow conversion between binary/Unicode strings (based on
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- My eyes hurt
2006-03-23 Seiji Masugataadded mb_list_encodings_alias_names( ).
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- Make spl_autoload_register() return bool
2006-03-23 Antony Dovgalreturn FALSE if driver doesn't support quoting and...
2006-03-23 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB51:
2006-03-23 Antony Dovgaladd missing skipif sections
2006-03-23 Antony Dovgalfix typos
2006-03-23 John CoggeshallUnder threat of being slept with by Marcus, adding...
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- Initialize callable_name if requested
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- Make spl_autoload_unregister() accept any callable...
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- Add new test
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- Add new test
2006-03-23 Marcus Boerger- MF51 Add missing bug title and synch with other tests
2006-03-23 Dmitry StogovFixed possible memory corruption
2006-03-23 Dmitry StogovMTH: Allowed '-b' with UNIX sockets
2006-03-23 Antony Dovgalimplement correct fix for segfault on 64bit platform
2006-03-23 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2006-03-23 Pierre Joye. MFB: Fixed fetching of string value bigger than 128by...
2006-03-22 Antony Dovgalfix leak, add test
2006-03-22 Antony DovgalMF51: prevent segfault when exception is thrown from...
2006-03-22 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #36825 (Exceptions thrown in ArrayObject:...
2006-03-22 Antony Dovgalno magic_quotes anymore
2006-03-22 Antony Dovgaldon't segfault on 64bit platforms
2006-03-22 Antony Dovgaluse set_time_limit(), this test takes forever on AIX
2006-03-22 Ilia AlshanetskySimplify and optimize code.
2006-03-22 Derick Rethans- Moved strtotitle to ext/standard and implemented...
2006-03-22 Antony DovgalMF51: fix #36820 (Privileged connection with an Oracle...
2006-03-22 Stefan EsserFix the bullshit register_globals emulation
2006-03-22 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- add tests files
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- update, wrong file added
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- first serie of tests
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- typo
2006-03-21 Sara GolemonAllow grow_mode && !bufstart (original assertion logic)
2006-03-21 Marcus Boerger- Drop --no-prefix as disables --prefix which we do...
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- add enchant_broker_list_dicts
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- fix proto
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- cs
2006-03-21 Antony Dovgalchange oci_field_type() to return VARCHAR2 instead...
2006-03-21 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB51: Fixed bug #36802 (mysqli_set_charset() crash...
2006-03-21 Antony Dovgalreimplement php_oci_lob_read() and fix PECL bug #5995
2006-03-21 Derick Rethans- Update windows file too (not tested, but should work).
2006-03-21 Derick Rethans- Make ext/unicode an extension that is always there...
2006-03-21 Antony Dovgalfix spelling
2006-03-21 Dmitry StogovFixed compatibility with auto_globals_jit
2006-03-21 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #36721 (The SoapServer is not able to send...
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- replace the pkg version in phpinfo
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- cs
2006-03-21 Pierre Joye- convert package to 2.0, prepare changelog for 1.0.1
2006-03-21 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #36809 (__FILE__ behavior changed)
2006-03-21 Rui Hirokawaadded mb_check_encoding() to detect possible invalid...
2006-03-21 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2006-03-21 Rui Hirokawachanged a option name based on PHP naming convension.
2006-03-21 Rui HirokawaMF PHP_5_1
2006-03-21 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB51: Fixed bug #36689 (Removed arbitrary limit on...
2006-03-20 Pierre Joye- add some UTF-8 hindi files, first of a serie of data...
2006-03-20 Antony Dovgalshutdown syslog module before freeing basic_globals
2006-03-20 Antony DovgalMF51: fix #36808 (syslog ident becomes garbage between...
2006-03-20 Marcus Boerger- Drop PDO::setDefaultFetchMode()