]> granicus.if.org Git - liblinear/shortlog
2013-08-31 Yu-ChinModify python README so that users can run the examples...
2013-08-16 Yu-Chinfix a bug: use "delete[] C" instead of "delete C" in...
2013-07-24 Yu-ChinFix the mixing tab and space problem in tron.cpp.
2013-07-01 Tzu-Ming KuoModify function group_classes in linear.cpp to ensure...
2013-06-13 yongFix the bug of type error when calling set_to_default_v...
2013-05-16 Chih-Jen Lin(no commit message)
2013-03-11 Chun-Heng HuangUpdated a switch statement.
2013-03-11 Chun-Heng HuangMatlab interface parameter checking
2013-02-11 leepeiLet nr_fold = l when nr_fold > l in CV
2013-01-27 cjlinchange the year to 2013 v193
2013-01-25 guestwalkCompile windows binary.
2013-01-21 guestwalkModify Python interface, major changes are:
2012-11-23 guestwalkAdd return 0 into print_null in predict.c,
2012-10-28 leepeiFix some indention
2012-10-19 cjlinfix a typo in make.m
2012-10-13 guestwalkfix some typo in README and matlab/make.m
2012-10-10 guestwalkupdate windows binary to correct version. (previous... v192
2012-10-10 guestwalkremove duplicated blas.h in blas/Makefile
2012-09-12 guestwalkFix a typo(CXXC) in Makefile.win.
2012-07-25 leepeiFixed a bug of -q option of predict in matlab interface
2012-07-20 leepeiAdded -q option for predict and modified the solver...
2012-06-30 popoRemove matlab/run.m in trunk.
2012-05-01 cohaModify the make.m of matlab,
2012-04-26 popofix typos in python/README. v191
2012-04-25 popoFix bug. get_label() returns integer list. model.get_ty...
2012-04-20 popoFix bugs.
2012-04-17 cjlin copyright year 2012 v190
2012-04-17 popoAdd windows binary files.
2012-04-17 cjlinindicating -b 1 is only for testing
2012-04-17 popoAdd -s 11, 12, 13 to python and matlab interfaces.
2012-04-15 popo- Add regression solvers (-s 11, 12, 13).
2012-04-11 rofuFix the type "-W1" to the correct option "-Wl"
2012-04-10 popoBecause model_ is a global variable, do_predict(input...
2012-04-09 popoIn python interface, file names should be encoded in...
2012-03-22 popoIn the README file of python interface, p_val should...
2012-01-02 rofuMakefile is modified such that creating the shared...
2011-12-26 popoInitial w_size according to w in solve_l1r_lr.
2011-12-09 popoAdd variable primal_solver_tol for primal solvers,...
2011-11-29 popoAdd setlocale(LC_ALL, "C") when saving and loading...
2011-10-11 cjlinindicate in predict option that -b 1 is for logistic...
2011-09-01 cohaUsing try and catch method to show recommend message...
2011-08-27 cohaModify make.m so that it is workable
2011-06-29 popoModify linear.cpp so that users can easily give initial...
2011-06-25 popoAdd soname in the shared library.
2011-05-27 popouse "WARNING" and "ERROR" for warning messages and...
2011-05-09 popoAdd dependency for tron.o, linear.o, and blas.a in...
2011-04-10 popoRemove mxIsSparse(prhs[1]) in do_predict(...) in matlab...
2011-03-26 cjlincopyright: 2010 -> 2011 v180
2011-03-26 eaudexChange libsvmread/write.mexw64 to symbolic links to
2011-03-25 cohaBuild windows binaries, delete interface of 32 bits...
2011-03-25 cohaBuild windows binaries and add new matlab interface...
2011-03-16 popomatlab/README is modified because 32bit Windows binary...
2011-03-14 eaudex@@ -1562,8 +1562,6 @@
2011-03-12 eaudexIn solve_l1_lr(.),
2011-03-11 popohelp message in matlab/train.c is modified according...
2011-03-09 popoThe default print function for matlab interface should...
2011-03-07 eaudexIn solve_l1r_lr(.),
2011-03-05 cttsai- Rename linear.py and linearutil.py to liblinear.py...
2011-02-26 popomatlab/README is slightly modified. (Section 'Other...
2011-02-24 cjlinadd libsvmwrite.mexw32 and libsvmread.mexw32
2011-02-24 cjlinmodify symlinkx for libsvmwrite and libsvmread
2011-02-23 popoIn matlab interface, tron.o and linear.o are in the...
2011-02-16 popoChange the path of loading *.dll and *.so to the relati...
2011-02-14 popoIn solve_l2r_lr_dual, the if-condition "newton_iter...
2011-02-05 xflash96print error when 1. no label 2. emtpy line
2010-10-11 cjlinadd a comment in l1r_lr indicating that
2010-09-13 popowindows binaries are uploaded.
2010-09-13 popoRemove a duplicated ''options:'' in README.
2010-09-10 popocheck model_ptr != NULL before calling free_model_conte...
2010-09-05 cjlinadd LR dual for matlab interface
2010-09-05 cjlin- for (s=0;s<active_size;s++)
2010-09-05 cjlinAdd L2-regularized logistic regression (dual)
2010-09-04 cjlinFor each solver, show the corresponding reference
2010-06-19 cjlinfix a grammatical error in README v160
2010-06-19 rofuBuild windows binary files.
2010-06-19 rofuAdd a python interface description in README.
2010-06-16 rofuRemove some spaces in python/README
2010-06-15 rofuChange "svm.h" to "linear.h" in python README.
2010-06-15 rafanFix clean build on 64-bit platform by removing dependen...
2010-06-15 rafanNo need to set executable property
2010-06-15 rafanLoad the lib we just found (liblinear instead of linear)
2010-06-14 rofu- Fix typos in README
2010-06-14 cjlin2009 -> 2010 in copyright
2010-06-14 rofu- Add two interface functions
2010-06-14 rofu- Add comment for bias term in read_problem.
2010-04-10 rafanError out when we can not save the model. This happens...
2010-03-17 rainfarmerProbability output for L1R_LR
2010-01-27 rofuAdd a comment "default printing to stdout" for initiali...
2010-01-27 cjlinreplace tab with space in README
2010-01-26 rofuRemove redundant spaces.
2010-01-26 rofuChange global variable liblinear_print_string to static...
2010-01-06 rafancorrect link
2009-12-24 rofuChange the position of the definition of C
2009-12-24 rofuChange
2009-12-20 rofuUpdated the binary files. v151
2009-12-20 rofuChange the C access mechanism for all solver
2009-12-20 rofuFix the bug of calculation of upper bound in the be_shr...
2009-11-07 rafanMake feature_node.index started from 1 for x' for consi...
2009-10-04 eaudexBuild binaries for Windows v150
2009-10-04 eaudexSet -B -1 as default (no bias term included)