]> granicus.if.org Git - nethack/shortlog
2003-03-11 nethack.allisonburied punishment ball
2003-03-11 nethack.allisonclass genocide by species name
2003-03-10 nethack.rankinnew prayer trouble
2003-03-10 nethack.rankingameover
2003-03-10 nethack.rankintune notes hint
2003-03-10 cohrsnon-humanoid lawful minions wearing armor
2003-03-10 nethack.allisonmove fixes entries
2003-03-10 warwickFix random character selection, as From a bug report.
2003-03-10 arromdeeinvisible pets
2003-03-09 nethack.allisonmore golem stone-to-flesh
2003-03-09 nethack.allisonstatue of stone golem animates as flesh golem
2003-03-09 nethack.allisonwin32tty: dynamic keystroke handler with 3.4.0 behaviour
2003-03-09 cohrsyet another grammar bit
2003-03-09 nethack.allisonfixes34.2 put back blank line I accidentally removed
2003-03-09 nethack.allisonfixes34.2 win32tty update
2003-03-09 nethack.allisonwin32tty prototype followup
2003-03-09 nethack.allisonwin32tty keystroke handling
2003-03-08 nethack.allisonwin32tty distinguish between black/gray/white
2003-03-08 nethack.allisonMSDOS Makefile fix
2003-03-05 cohrspost-3.4.1 betabug: mimick
2003-03-05 cohrsU319 - lotu juice
2003-03-05 nethack.allisonSeveral things that break savefile compatibility
2003-03-05 nethack.allisontypo in <email deleted>
2003-03-04 cohrsU313 - crash applying figurine, cursed bell or candles
2003-03-03 nethack.allisonwin32 stuff held until after bugfix release (from ...
2003-03-03 cohrsU58 - Targetting problem with infravision/ESP
2003-03-02 cohrsB20008 - seeing pet move
2003-03-02 cohrsremove duplicated fixes
2003-03-02 nethack.allisonW341-2 Finnish and international keyboard arrangements
2003-03-02 nethack.allisonW341-2 Finnish and international keyboard arrangements
2003-03-02 cohrsopthelp for use_inverse
2003-03-02 cohrsYname2 vs yname
2003-03-02 cohrsdata.base typo
2003-03-02 cohrsU287 - how old is nethack
2003-03-02 cohrsBuilding src objects via Makefile.utl
2003-03-02 cohrsU277 - Gnome compilation on Redhat 7.2 & 8.0
2003-03-02 cohrsU295 - bones file creation cursing secondary weapon...
2003-03-02 cohrsC341-1 - don't make monsters angry if they enter non...
2003-03-02 cohrsnew 3.5.0 fixes file, for trunk changes until further...
2003-03-02 kmhugoREADME file for 3.5.0
2003-02-26 warwickWork on more UNIX systems.
2003-02-24 nethack.allisonfixes34.2
2003-02-23 cohrseven more missing newlines
2003-02-23 nethack.allisonmore newlines at end of files
2003-02-23 nethack.allisonnewlines at end of files
2003-02-22 nethack.allisonUpdate contact info
2003-02-21 nethack.allisonREADME updates for review
2003-02-21 nethack.allisonh/pc (from <Someone>)
2003-02-21 cohrsminor Unix Makefile mod
2003-02-21 cohrsupdating official Linux binary
2003-02-21 nethack.allisonmore win32 more (from <Someone>)
2003-02-21 nethack.allisonWindows CE bits (from <Someone>)
2003-02-20 keni(keni, for jhsa)
2003-02-20 nethack.allisonRoll back the last-minute patch after <Someone> found...
2003-02-20 nethack.allisonwin32 "more" handling (from <Someone>)
2003-02-20 nethack.allisonget ready for tarball
2003-02-20 nethack.rankinfix B20003 - hallucination and warning
2003-02-19 jwalzDig up an actual Kop quote.
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonmore win32 Makefiles
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonanother win32 Makefile.gcc (from <Someone>)
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonMakefile bcc (from Yitzhak)
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonbuilding under MinGW (from <Someone>)
2003-02-19 nethack.rankinconfuse monster bit
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonruntime port identification
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonensure that shade_aware is only set for shades.
2003-02-19 nethack.rankinteleporting monster strategy
2003-02-19 nethack.rankinwizkit revisited
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonwizkit fgets() buffer size
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonlint follow up
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonundead turning of ghost on bones level
2003-02-19 jwalzLint cleanup, nothing significant.
2003-02-19 nethack.allisonwindows PORT_SUB_ID
2003-02-19 jwalzUpdate against what's in the directories.
2003-02-18 jwalzAllow use of old compiler.
2003-02-18 cohrsB20001 - shopkeeper angry at unnamed customer
2003-02-18 nethack.allisonfix warning without STEED defined
2003-02-18 nethack.allisonwin32 and msdos recover
2003-02-17 nethack.allisonwin32 and msdos recover
2003-02-17 nethack.allisonCEmore prompt (from <Someone>)
2003-02-17 nethack.allisonmore MSDOS build
2003-02-17 nethack.allisonOS/2 patch (from <Someone>)
2003-02-15 nethack.allisonmacro arrangement bit
2003-02-15 nethack.allisonwin32 bits
2003-02-15 nethack.allisonwin32 error message glitch noticed
2003-02-15 nethack.allisonfixes update SELF_RECOVER on winCE
2003-02-15 nethack.allisonfix djgpp Makefile
2003-02-15 nethack.allisonbeta 20
2003-02-14 nethack.allisontypo fix on recent Makefile.gcc patch
2003-02-14 nethack.allisonmore CE (from <Someone>)
2003-02-14 nethack.allisonwin32 and DOS dependency update for 3.4.1
2003-02-14 nethack.rankinfix B18012 - Werebane
2003-02-13 nethack.rankinfix U206 - cursed leash/pacifist conduct
2003-02-13 nethack.rankinvms Makefile
2003-02-13 cohrsnote buffer overflow fix
2003-02-13 nethack.allisonREADME update
2003-02-13 nethack.allisonno message
2003-02-13 nethack.allisontombstone engraving with fingers
2003-02-13 cohrsU162 - killing shopkeeper with unpaid thrown objects
2003-02-13 cohrssteeds don't remember traps
2003-02-13 nethack.allisonCE patch (from <Someone>)