]> granicus.if.org Git - graphviz/shortlog
2022-12-08 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/b354fca9-3b7d-44bb-b58f-90a35847a3...
2022-12-08 Matthew Fernandezosage layout: remove unnecessary casts
2022-12-08 Matthew Fernandezosage layout: use cgraph wrappers for allocation
2022-12-08 Matthew Fernandezosage: replace clist implementation with generic list
2022-12-08 Matthew Fernandezosage: inline 'initCList' into a C99 initialization
2022-12-08 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/2fd01708-69d8-41fe-a59b-d701cf5b5c...
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen: remove some unnecessary parens
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen computeScale: swap 'MIN' for stdlib equivalent
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen computeScaleXY: swap 'MAX' for stdlib equivalent
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen computeScale: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen computeScaleXY: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen cAdjust: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen mkOverlapSet: replace manual array with list...
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen mkOverlapSet: return actual point count in...
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen computeScaleXY: fix memory leak
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezneatogen constraint: use 'size_t' to count points
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezfdpgen: replace clist implementation with generic list
2022-12-06 Matthew Fernandezfdpgen: inline 'initCList' into a C99 initialization
2022-12-06 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/53ae5c5d-ba33-4ab5-b844-dc0d40fc5e...
2022-12-05 Matthew Fernandezcgraph: inline 'bitarray_new' into 'bitarray_new_or_exi...
2022-12-05 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/bbedf005-c240-4739-a365-79e0b6b009...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandeztwopigen: use an exact comparison when testing against...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandeztwopigen: use a 'uint64_t' for infinity sentinel
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandeztwopigen twopi_init_node_edge: use cgraph wrappers...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandeztwopigen getRankseps: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandeztwopigen push: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-04 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/9a665a71-ab78-4631-aefe-acabc49247...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezcgraph: squash -Wunused-function warnings for list...
2022-12-04 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'gshklover_simplex' into 'main'
2022-12-04 gregModified dfs_range() in ns.c to prune unmodified sub...
2022-12-04 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/50455448-28d0-4b1d-87fe-34700fbdc6...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezprune: use generalized list implementation for nodes...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezprune: use generalized list implementation for attribut...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork: use a 'size_t' for treenode children count
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork layoutTree: use cgraph wrappers for allocation
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork mkTree: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork mkTreeNode: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork patchwork_init_node_edge: use cgraph wrappers...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork mkClusters: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork: replace clist implementation with generic...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork: inline 'initCList' into a C99 initialization
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork tree_map: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezoutline 'boxes_t' implementation into a generic list
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork squarify: replace 'MAX', 'MIN' with stdlib...
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork: replace 'rectangle_new' with C99 initialization
2022-12-04 Matthew Fernandezpatchwork: remove unused 'rectangle_struct' name
2022-12-04 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/c8daf543-cbfe-4778-b845-a93a91f921...
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen assign_digcola_levels: use cgraph wrappers...
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen generateNonoverlapConstraints: use cgraph...
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen initCMajVPSC: use cgraph wrappers for allocation
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen: remove commented out logging statements
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen _neato_set_aspect: abbreviate coordinate swapping
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen _spline_edges: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen makeObstacle: use a C99 bool for 'isPoly'
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen _neato_set_aspect: replace 'MIN' with its...
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen _spline_edges: remove unused 'P' local
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen makeObstacle: use cgraph wrappers for allocation
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen makeSelfArcs: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen newitem: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen make_barriers: use cgraph wrapper for allocation
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen compute_new_weights: use cgraph wrappers for...
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen fcmpf: use early return style and add braces
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen compute_apsp_simple: use cgraph wrappers for...
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezneatogen compute_apsp_dijkstra: use cgraph wrappers...
2022-12-03 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/3c4308aa-6a8e-4737-8f3f-fe80668503...
2022-12-03 Matthew FernandezStart 7.0.5 development
2022-12-03 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/76b52b3e-e98d-43e3-9717-6d816a840f... 7.0.4
2022-12-03 Matthew FernandezStable release 7.0.4
2022-12-03 Matthew Fernandezadd a test for date typos in the CHANGELOG
2022-12-01 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/2c47a1a1-8699-4dc9-8c0c-20090089c3...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezfix changelog entry that was entered under an older...
2022-11-30 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/gitlab-56' into 'main'
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho add_segment: use C99 bools for some boolean locals
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: push trapezoids allocation into 'construct_trape...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: allocate trapezoid structures on-demand
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: use a dynamic collection for final intersected...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: stop passing decomposition boxes size around
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: manage decomposition boxes as dynamic arrays
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezoutline dynamic box array logic into a header
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: use a bit array for trapezoid 'visited' array
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho monotonate_trapezoids: allocate structures based...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: allocate qnodes on-demand
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho init_query_structure: separate assignment statements
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: use qnodes length, removing the need for 'QSIZE...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: track number of qnodes with its array
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: remove 'TRSIZE' and rely on trapezoid collection...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezortho: track number of trapezoids along with its array
2022-11-30 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/6b2dad73-a529-45a8-8b2f-fe276aab3c...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen uniform_stress: remove 'flag' that is always...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen post_process_smoothing: remove 'flag' that...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsparse QuadTree_get_supernodes: remove 'flag' that...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsparse QuadTree_get_supernodes_internal: remove unused...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsparse QuadTree_get_repulsive_force: remove 'flag'...
2022-11-30 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/9b5de12a-8002-429a-9971-a7b8b86494...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen spring_electrical_embedding: remove unused...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen spring_electrical_embedding_slow: remove unused...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen spring_electrical_embedding_fast: remove unused...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen spring_electrical_embedding_slow: remove alloca...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen spring_electrical_embedding_slow: remove 'qtree...
2022-11-30 Matthew Fernandezsfdpgen spring_electrical_embedding_slow: remove 'qt...