]> granicus.if.org Git - pgbadger/shortlog
2016-09-01 Gilles DaroldTry to detect user/database/host from connection strings if
2016-08-31 Gilles DaroldAdd backward compatibility with older version of pgbadg...
2016-08-31 Gilles DaroldNormalize detailed information in all reports.
2016-08-31 Gilles DaroldFix duplicate copy icon in locks report.
2016-08-31 Gilles DaroldForgot to update the README with embedded truetype...
2016-08-31 Gilles DaroldReplace embedded fontawesome-webfont.ttf with FontAweso...
2016-08-31 Gilles DaroldMerge branch 'master' of github.com:dalibo/pgbadger
2016-08-31 Gilles DaroldFix missing chart on histogram of session time. Thanks...
2016-08-31 DaroldMerge pull request #300 from credativ/resource-licenses
2016-08-31 Christoph BergAdd LICENSE file noting the licenses used by the resour...
2016-08-31 DaroldMerge pull request #299 from credativ/updt_embedded_rsc
2016-08-31 Christoph BergMinor fixes to the updt_embedded_rsc mechanism
2016-08-30 Gilles DaroldAdd patch to jqplot library to fix an infinite loop...
2016-08-30 Gilles DaroldRemove single last comma at end of piechart dataset...
2016-08-30 Gilles DaroldChange display of normalized error
2016-08-30 Gilles DaroldRemove unused or autogenerated files
2016-08-30 Gilles DaroldUpdate all resources files (js+css) and create a direct...
2016-08-27 Gilles DaroldUpdate ChangeLog and version to 8.3. v8.3
2016-08-18 Gilles DaroldAdd replication command message statistics to the Event...
2016-08-18 Gilles DaroldFix autodetection of stderr format with timestamp as...
2016-08-18 Gilles DaroldFix histogram over multiples days to be cumulative...
2016-08-18 Gilles DaroldFix parsing of remote file that was failing when the...
2016-08-18 DaroldMerge pull request #294 from jacksonfoz/master
2016-08-18 jacksonfozDetect timezones like GMT+3 on CSV logs
2016-08-11 Gilles DaroldUpdate Changelog and version to 8.2 v8.2
2016-08-11 Gilles DaroldFix report of database system messages.
2016-08-10 Gilles DaroldFix report of deadlock and error with detail+statement...
2016-08-10 Gilles DaroldFix multiline statement concatenation after an error.
2016-08-08 Gilles DaroldRewrite code to better handle temporary file queries...
2016-08-05 Gilles DaroldPut all work on syslog and stderr orphan lines in a...
2016-08-05 Gilles DaroldFix garbage in event examples queries in error only...
2016-08-05 DaroldMerge pull request #293 from tom--bo/auto_explain
2016-08-05 tom--boFix getting dataset related to query duration when...
2016-08-04 Gilles DaroldDownload of graph are now done through a modal dialog...
2016-08-01 Darold GillesFix compiled prefix when a log line prefix is specified...
2016-07-29 Gilles DaroldHuge rewrite of the incremental mechanism applied to...
2016-07-28 Gilles DaroldRevert "Fix description of -l | --last-parsed option."
2016-07-28 Gilles DaroldFix description of -l | --last-parsed option.
2016-07-05 Gilles DaroldAdd code to remove remaining $$PGBGYA$$ tags.
2016-07-01 Darold GillesRemove a debug line.
2016-06-30 Darold GillesFix an other possible case of truncated date in LAST_PA...
2016-06-22 Darold GillesSet default scale to 1 in pretty_print_number() javascr...
2016-06-22 Darold GillesFix autodetection of PgBouncer files containing only...
2016-06-15 Darold GillesAdd date to samples of queries generating most temporar...
2016-06-10 Gilles DaroldFix other case of warning message of empty file.
2016-06-10 Gilles DaroldMerge branch 'master' of github.com:dalibo/pgbadger
2016-06-10 Gilles DaroldDOn not display warning message of empty log when quiet...
2016-06-09 DaroldMerge pull request #282 from robertvargason/read_from_s...
2016-06-09 Robert VargasonFix reading from stdin by disabling pgbouncer file...
2016-06-09 Gilles DaroldFix case of duplicate normalyzed error message with...
2016-06-04 Darold GillesFix storage of current temporary file related request.
2016-05-23 DaroldMerge pull request #278 from komeda-shinji/master
2016-05-23 KOMEDA ShinjiWe should use the mnemonic rather than a signal number.
2016-04-21 Gilles DaroldUpdate ChangeLog and version to 8.1. v8.1
2016-04-18 Darold GillesFix case where pid file remain after dying.
2016-04-18 Darold GillesAdd requirement of log_error_verbosity = default to...
2016-03-31 Darold GillesReport message "LOG: using stale statistics instead...
2016-03-25 Darold GillesRemove obsolte days when we are in binary mode with...
2016-03-22 Darold GillesFix wrong report of statements responsible of temporary...
2016-03-17 Darold GillesFix limit on number of sample at report generation...
2016-03-17 Darold GillesAdd tool to export errors statistics rport in docuwiki...
2016-03-17 Darold GillesUpdate load_stat() function and global variables to...
2016-03-14 DaroldMerge pull request #267 from rjuju/expand_query_type
2016-03-14 Julien RouhaudHandle more kind or query types.
2016-03-14 Darold GillesFix pgbouncer log parser to handle message: FATAL:...
2016-03-12 Darold GillesMerge branch 'master' of github.com:dalibo/pgbadger
2016-03-12 Darold GillesFix whitespace placed in between the E and the quote...
2016-02-24 Darold GillesMerge branch 'master' of github.com:dalibo/pgbadger
2016-02-24 Darold GillesFix a major issue introduced with support to pgbouncer...
2016-02-22 Darold GillesUpdate ChangeLog and version to 8.0 v8.0
2016-02-22 Darold GillesUpdate documentation about new options and pgbouncer...
2016-02-22 Darold GillesFix typo in pgbouncer report.
2016-02-19 Darold GillesAdd report about Most used reserved pools
2016-02-19 Darold GillesFix progress bar with pgbouncer (only events are increa...
2016-02-19 Darold GillesAdd reports on pgBouncer log file.
2016-02-14 Darold Gillesfix an other operator order issue.
2016-02-14 DaroldMerge pull request #265 from nginfo/master
2016-02-13 NicolasSort %SYMBOLE hashtable for remove "!=" / "=" bug.
2016-02-06 Darold GillesFix incorrect numbers on positional parameters in queri...
2016-02-06 Darold GillesUpdate operators list in SQL code beautifier with last...
2016-01-19 Darold GillesCosmetic change to code and add some more debug informa...
2016-01-19 Darold GillesAdd --rebuild option to be able to rebuild all html...
2016-01-18 Darold GillesFix an other major bug introduced with journalctl code...
2016-01-18 Darold GillesUpdate changelog and version to 7.3 v7.3
2016-01-18 Darold GillesAutomatically remove obsolete pid file when there is...
2016-01-15 Darold GillesUpdate documentation about the --timezone command line...
2016-01-15 Darold GillesAdd --timezone=+/-HH to control the timezone used in...
2016-01-15 Darold GillesFix Histogram of session times when there is no data.
2016-01-15 Darold GillesFix unclosed test file.
2016-01-15 Darold GillesFix an other case where pgbadger.pid was not removed.
2016-01-15 Darold GillesAlways display slides part on connections report even...
2016-01-15 Darold GillesFix some label on sessions reports
2016-01-15 Darold GillesAdd remove of pid file at normal ending.
2016-01-15 Darold GillesFix wrong size/offset of log files that was breaking...
2016-01-15 Darold GillesRevert "Fix wrong size/offset of log files with unicode...
2016-01-15 Darold GillesFix wrong size/offset of log files with unicode charact...
2016-01-14 Darold GillesAdd command line option --pid-dir to be able to run...
2016-01-14 Darold GillesAdd pgbadger.pid file to prevent cron jobs overlaping...
2016-01-14 Darold GillesReport information about "LOG: skipping analyze of...
2016-01-14 Darold GillesReport information about "LOG: sending cancel to blocki...