]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2005-09-22 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #32081 (mysqli_real_connect(): mysqli.default_...
2005-09-22 Antony Dovgalbump API number
2005-09-22 Antony DovgalBFN
2005-09-22 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #33771 (error_reporting falls to 0 when @...
2005-09-22 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed test
2005-09-22 Edin KadribasicFix building of extensions that inlcude extname/header.h
2005-09-22 foobar- Fixed bug #34583 ("make install" prematurely fails...
2005-09-21 Marcus Boerger- BFN
2005-09-21 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fixed Bug #34590 User defined PDOStatement class...
2005-09-21 Marcus Boerger- Add ability to execute .php generated from .phpt...
2005-09-21 Dmitry StogovFixed memory corruption
2005-09-21 Dmitry StogovAllow fopen() make HTTPS requests throug HTTP proxies
2005-09-21 Ilia Alshanetskyfixed compiler warnings
2005-09-21 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #34565 (mb_send_mail does not fetch...
2005-09-21 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fix Bug #34243 ReflectionClass::getDocComment...
2005-09-21 Derick Rethans- MFH: Fixed definition in correct file. (Patch by...
2005-09-21 Derick Rethans- MFH: Moved the FREE_OP to after the execution of...
2005-09-20 Johannes Schlüter- MFH: Remove HTML fragments from phpcredits() in CLI...
2005-09-20 foobarBFN
2005-09-20 foobarMFH: - Fixed bug #21306 (catch bailouts of write handle...
2005-09-20 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Allow overloading of PDO constructor.
2005-09-20 Stanislav Malyshevfix crash on restarting static PHP having session modul...
2005-09-20 foobarno irrelevant news here (pdo was never in PHP before...
2005-09-20 Wez FurlongMFH: use PDO:: class constants
2005-09-20 Ilia AlshanetskyRemove pointless PDO_ prefix
2005-09-20 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Make PDO use class constants
2005-09-19 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fix filename
2005-09-19 Antony DovgalMF5.0: add new test
2005-09-19 Dmitry StogovFixed access to uninitialized value
2005-09-19 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add deprecated/compatibility class for BC
2005-09-19 Dmitry StogovMFH (removed unnecesary call to zval_ptr_dtor)
2005-09-19 Dmitry StogovFixed access to memory that is already freed (in case...
2005-09-19 Dmitry StogovFixed parameter passing incompatibilities.
2005-09-18 foobarcleanup, typos, etc
2005-09-18 Antony Dovgalfix build (declare extern HashTable pdo_driver_hash)
2005-09-18 Marcus Boerger- MFH: Synch dosu
2005-09-18 Marcus Boerger- MFH: Add missing docu/Synch
2005-09-18 Marcus Boerger- Commite manually if not conatined in bunch commit
2005-09-18 Marcus Boerger- Synch naming/move changes with HEAD
2005-09-18 Wez Furlongmove pdo_drivers -> PDO::getAvailableDrivers as part...
2005-09-17 Edin KadribasicAdded --add-modules-dir option to buidconf.js:
2005-09-16 Antony DovgalBFN
2005-09-16 Antony DovgalMFH: check class_entry of this_ptr in Reflection API
2005-09-16 Antony DovgalBFN
2005-09-16 Antony Dovgalfix #34505 (possible memory corruption when unmangling...
2005-09-16 Antony Dovgalfix #34505 (possible memory corruption when unmangling...
2005-09-16 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #34478 (Incorrect parsing of url's fragment...
2005-09-16 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #34518 (Unset doesn't separate container...
2005-09-16 Dmitry StogovMFH (overriding of protected static property)
2005-09-16 foobarcorrect flag
2005-09-16 foobarFixed bug #34525
2005-09-16 foobarfix test
2005-09-15 foobar- Fix tests due to changes in the error messages.
2005-09-15 Derick Rethans- MFH: Fixed bug #34052 (date('U') returns %ld not...
2005-09-15 Marcus Boerger- Rename file class again by popular demmand: calling...
2005-09-15 foobar- Fixed error message grammar
2005-09-15 Marcus Boerger- Update docu
2005-09-15 Marcus Boerger- Update with latest SPLchanges
2005-09-15 Marcus Boerger- No longer needed (moved into c)
2005-09-15 Marcus Boerger- MFH: Add new files
2005-09-15 Marcus BoergerMFH:
2005-09-14 Derick Rethans- Fixed shutdown order before RC2.
2005-09-14 Marcus Boerger- MFH: Improve error message
2005-09-14 foobarMFH
2005-09-14 foobarMFH
2005-09-14 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fix error detection for queries such as OPTIMIZE
2005-09-13 foobarMFH
2005-09-13 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: MFH: Make key() and current() take argument by...
2005-09-13 Antony Dovgalbfn
2005-09-13 Antony Dovgalfix #34450 (Segfault when calling mysqli_close() in...
2005-09-12 Sara GolemonMFH(r-1.719) Plug leak of 1/2 bytes when converting...
2005-09-12 foobarMFH: Fixed build with phpize
2005-09-12 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #34456 (Possible crash inside pspell...
2005-09-12 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #34199 (if($obj)/if(!$obj) inconsistency)
2005-09-12 Dmitry StogovAdditinal fix for bug #34277 (array_filter() crashes...
2005-09-12 Dmitry StogovFixed huge memory leak in ZTS mode (backport from HEAD)
2005-09-12 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #34449 (ext/soap: XSD_ANYXML functionality...
2005-09-12 Dmitry StogovBetter fix for exceptions in __sleep()
2005-09-11 Wez FurlongWhen populating bound columns, override the returned...
2005-09-11 Wez FurlongFix PECL Bug #5010
2005-09-11 Greg Beaverprepare for using go-pear.phar
2005-09-11 Ilia AlshanetskyMake use of 5.0+ features
2005-09-11 Wez Furlongremove traversable interface; apparently it's not enoug...
2005-09-11 Wez Furlongupdate manifest
2005-09-11 Wez Furlongupdate package.xml files and version numbers, in antici...
2005-09-11 Wez Furlongset version numbers to 1.0
2005-09-11 Wez FurlongMFH: reset the statement when closeCursor() is called.
2005-09-11 Wez Furlongmerge George's fixes back from HEAD
2005-09-10 Wez Furlongcloses #33707: error information was not passed up...
2005-09-10 Wez Furlongif a php bolean makes it as far as the parameter callba...
2005-09-10 Wez Furlongand touch the generated file
2005-09-10 Wez Furlongactually register PDO_PARAM_BOOL as a constant (doh!).
2005-09-10 Wez Furlongcloses PECL #5027; PDO_FETCH_NAMED not handled via...
2005-09-10 Wez FurlongAdd test for this bug report; can't repeat the problem.
2005-09-10 Wez Furlongadd __sleep and __wakeup functions to prevent serialize...
2005-09-10 Wez Furlongallow exceptions thrown in __sleep to interrupt the...
2005-09-10 Derick Rethans- Fix version numbers as discussed to help version_comp...
2005-09-10 Wez FurlongAdd PDOStatement::bindValue(), which is similar to...
2005-09-09 Dmitry StogovChanged "instanceof" and "catch" operators, is_a()...
2005-09-08 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Allow retrieval of query parse errors from SQLite.