1999-08-20 Andrey HristovFix bug #2025
1999-08-19 Egon SchmidHere was also something missing
1999-08-19 Mark Musone*smack*...must..initialize...return...value..
1999-08-19 Uwe SteinmannOn the way to make configure more robust
1999-08-19 Andi Gutmans- Fixed memory leaks. tsrm resource id deallocation...
1999-08-19 Andi Gutmans- Make sure expr_list and echo_list are either empty...
1999-08-19 Uwe Steinmann- fixed several memory leaks
1999-08-19 Andrey Hristov*** empty log message ***
1999-08-19 Uwe Steinmannmissing return type
1999-08-19 Rasmus LerdorfTTF support tested and working now
1999-08-19 Rasmus LerdorfThis should fix TTF support - untested
1999-08-19 Andi Gutmans- Fixed typo in oci8 error message
1999-08-18 Andrey HristovFixed bug #2105
1999-08-18 Chuck Hagenbuchcjh: fixing the imap_add_body crash in php4.
1999-08-18 Thies C. ArntzenZTS
1999-08-18 Andrey HristovPorted fixed for bug #2103 from PHP3.
1999-08-18 Thies C. ArntzenZTS fix
1999-08-18 Thies C. Arntzensome ZTS stuff
1999-08-18 Thies C. Arntzenon unix ZTS gets defined in zend_config.h
1999-08-18 Thies C. Arntzenocifetchinto fix
1999-08-17 Zeev SuraskiFix #2012
1999-08-17 Zeev SuraskiFix #2090
1999-08-17 Zeev Suraski*** empty log message ***
1999-08-17 Zeev SuraskiFix #2096
1999-08-17 Zeev SuraskiFix #2070
1999-08-17 Andi Gutmans- Add some ZENDAPI's
1999-08-17 Sascha Schumannmerge in change:
1999-08-17 Sascha Schumannupdate
1999-08-17 Sascha SchumannHAVE_FREETYPE_H isn't defined anywhere. HAVE_LIBTTF...
1999-08-17 Sascha Schumannfix persistency of mhash_* constants
1999-08-17 Mark Musonedont have these library functiosn yet
1999-08-17 Mark Musoneargh..heh..par for the course..
1999-08-17 Mark Musoneargh..bad day..
1999-08-17 Mark Musoneplease work...
1999-08-17 Mark Musonehrmmm
1999-08-17 Mark Musonelast few compile fixes
1999-08-17 Mark Musonemaybe it'll compile now..more php3->php4 conversions
1999-08-17 Mark Musonemore changes
1999-08-17 Thies C. ArntzenZTS stuff
1999-08-17 Mark Musonethanks Andrey!
1999-08-17 Sascha Schumannfix flushing cached information to disk
1999-08-17 Thies C. Arntzencleanups & ZTS stuff (ZTS untested!)
1999-08-17 Thies C. Arntzenimported diskfreespace from 3.0
1999-08-17 Uwe Steinmannfixed potential segm faults
1999-08-16 Andrey HristovRemoved internal pointer reset from array_walk.
1999-08-15 Philippe Verdymake pcre test program compile again with Zeev's
1999-08-15 Andi Gutmans- Oopsie
1999-08-15 Andi Gutmans- Optimize the execute stack a bit.
1999-08-15 Thies C. Arntzenadded a few PLS_FETCH()
1999-08-14 Zeev SuraskiClose bug #1742
1999-08-14 Andrey Hristov*** empty log message ***
1999-08-14 Andrey HristovForgot to have internal pointer reset.
1999-08-14 Danny Heijlmore of the new ini stuff
1999-08-14 Zeev SuraskiFix several class issues
1999-08-14 Zeev SuraskiGenerate better warnings for class/function redefinitions
1999-08-14 Zeev SuraskiRename TestClass to OverloadedTestClass
1999-08-14 Zeev SuraskiFix thread unsafe version
1999-08-14 Andi Gutmans- Make the non-threadsafe version compile again
1999-08-14 Zeev SuraskiAdd new-thread handlers
1999-08-13 Zeev Suraski- Add PHP Modules workspace
1999-08-13 Andrey HristovFixed bug #2023.
1999-08-13 Sascha Schumannrerun checks if buildconf is newer than the time stamp...
1999-08-13 Zeev SuraskiSeparate Sybase-CT from Sybase, and fix build process...
1999-08-12 Uwe Steinmannfixed unresolved symbol pdf_open_memory_image when...
1999-08-12 Philippe Verdyno return warning removed. fixed TSRM constructor prototype
1999-08-12 Philippe Verdysigned/unsigned warning removed
1999-08-12 Philippe VerdyBison generated files
1999-08-12 Uwe Steinmannconfig for pdf module should now be similar to php3
1999-08-11 Mark Musonewhoops, forgot to actually return the alarms :^)
1999-08-10 Uwe Steinmannslight changes to config of pdf module
1999-08-10 Andi Gutmans- Got rid of the C++ comments.
1999-08-10 Stig should not be added to CVS
1999-08-10 Thies C. Arntzenstarting to clean up
1999-08-10 Thies C. Arntzenyou can now override the CFLAGS while doing make - eg:
1999-08-09 Mark Musonemore ports
1999-08-09 Mark Musoneports to php4
1999-08-09 Mark Musonemore moudle stuff
1999-08-09 Mark Musoneadded icap files from php3 sources
1999-08-09 Egon SchmidMore typos.
1999-08-09 Egon SchmidI missed that also.
1999-08-09 Egon SchmidAnother typo.
1999-08-09 Zeev Suraskithat too
1999-08-09 Andi GutmansGo beta 2 (final)
1999-08-09 Andi GutmansFix HTTP/ header handling
1999-08-09 Andi Gutmans- Thies's crash fix.
1999-08-09 Andreas KarajannisFixed odbc_fetch_into, added prototype return values.
1999-08-09 Thies C. Arntzenfixed sysv_shm*
1999-08-09 Uwe Steinmannadd changelog entries which I forget a couple of days ago
1999-08-08 Philippe Verdysolve infinite recursion error when including <signal.h>
1999-08-08 Andreas KarajannisFirst shot at odbc for PHP4
1999-08-08 Thies C. Arntzenfix for #1995 (this module needs some more work.)
1999-08-07 Zeev SuraskiFix a few leaks
1999-08-07 Danny HeijlMore zend-izing.
1999-08-07 Zeev SuraskiBuilt-in phpinfo() links are now turned off by default...
1999-08-07 Zeev Suraski- Changed phpinfo() to list modules that have no info...
1999-08-07 Andrey Hristov*** empty log message ***
1999-08-07 Andrey HristovModified array_walk() function so that the userland...
1999-08-07 Zeev SuraskiFix for bug #1980
1999-08-07 Zeev SuraskiFix for bug #1754
1999-08-07 Philippe Verdyunreferenced variable warning