From d5f75dbb7b6067b603bf39f17d64aa75a1c2bc3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "William A. Rowe Jr" .zip
which contains only the source code, see the summary above.
There is a choice between an *-openssl-*.msi flavor and + a *-no_ssl.msi flavor. The *-openssl-*.msi flavor is distributed + by the Apache Software Foundation under ECCN 5D002 pursuant to + US Export Law license exception TSU. This law may or may not + apply to your circumstance, please review the httpd README as + well as the ASF + Export Classifications and Source Links page. The project + provides no further guidance to third parties in resolving the + legal circumstances which apply in each circumstance.
One feature of the installer, "Build Headers and Libraries", can be
+ ignored by most users, but should be installed if compiling third party
+ modules. The "APR Iconv Code Pages" can similarly be omitted by most
+ users, unless using
There are requests to ship a .zip file from time to time. There is
+ no point in the ASF consuming additional storage, mirroring and bandwidth
+ for this purpose, because the .msi installer allows the installation
+ artifacts to all be unpacked using the msiexec /a
+ installation option. Using this command against any .msi will result
+ in an exploded tree of all of the individual files and components.
The installation options above can be customized by users familiar + with msiexec.exe options and silent installation. The actual installer + sources are available in the httpd/httpd/win32-msi/ tree of the httpd + project subversion respository. For reference, some of the more common + variables which may be modified are;
+ +AgreeToLicense
(toggle to "Yes")ALLUSERS
(choose between Null and "1")ApplicationUsers
(toggle to "OnlyCurrentUser")EXISTING_APACHE_SERVICE_PATH
(default "ProgramFilesFolder\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\")INSTALLLEVEL
(default "100", refer to list below)RESOLVED_WINSOCK2
(toggle to "1")SERVERADMIN
(default "80")SERVERSSLPORT
(default "443")
(default "Apache2.2", no spaces!)SERVICENAME
(default "Apache2.2", include spaces)SetupType
(default "Typical")The installation level of various features, which may be individually + toggled, include;
+ +