From 63e0b1ec2df4eb00eaaba5d1ec1ac13e13a2fdf3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "nethack.allison" <nethack.allison>
Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 12:17:26 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] (from <Someone>)

Two things:
1. This patch causes the window placement of the main window to be
written to the registry, and to be restored upon the next start
of the program. I had to move the creation of the main window to init_nhwindows,
as the registry is not read until then.

2.  Implement support for wc_popup_dialog (or rather, support for not having
popup windows.) It asks getlin questions and get_ext_cmd on the
message window, much like the TTY port does it.

The get_ext_cmd procedure is almost but not quite the same as the
one for TTY, and I think it is better: It autocompletes the extended
command you type, but if you keep on typing it doesn't add those letters
after the completed command, but just keeps track of how many (correct)
characters you typed. If you type a different character than the
autocompleted command has, it shows you what you typed again. If you
press backspace, it deletes the characters you typed, and if autocompletion
is no longer possible, it removes the autocompleted part. The effect
of this is that you can type as many letters as you want when typing
an extended command, as long as it is enough to identify one command;
and you only have to delete the characters you actually typed if you made
a mistake. I think autocompletion is a lot less obtrusive this way.

Some notes about the patch:
- Both mswin_getlin and mswin_get_ext_cmd now have two versions, with
  and without a popup.
- yn_question was changed so that it displays a caret, which is a lot
  nicer IMHO.
- I had to implement a new NetHack Windows Message parameter,
  "MSNH_MSG_CARET", to make it possible to show and hide the caret in
  the message window. Normally the caret is created and destroyed by the
  window that owns it, but in NetHack the input focus is always on the
  main window, while the caret is in the message window, which happens
  to be the only one that knows how large the caret should be.
- mswin_putstr_ex's last parameter changed from boolean to int; the
  semantics are enhanced so that a negative last parameter means "delete
  that many characters from the input line". The string to be deleted is
  passed in as well, although it is currently not used.
- A rather large chunk of code finds out where the last string that was
  displayed on the message window ended. This is necessary to place the
  caret at the right spot. The caret is always positioned there, even if
  it is hidden or non-existing.
- mswin_get_nh_event was changed to actually process and empty the
  message queue, and called from mswin_putstr_ex to make sure the
  message window is updated before the next step is done. Without this,
  the caret is positioned before the last message is painted, which
  makes its x-position after the last character of the previous line.
 win/win32/mhmain.c   |  44 +++++++-
 win/win32/mhmsg.h    |   1 +
 win/win32/mhmsgwnd.c |  56 +++++++++-
 win/win32/mswproc.c  | 248 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 win/win32/winhack.c  |  35 ------
 5 files changed, 318 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/win/win32/mhmain.c b/win/win32/mhmain.c
index 6b4a39b45..fb2563827 100644
--- a/win/win32/mhmain.c
+++ b/win/win32/mhmain.c
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ static int		mapmode2menuid(int map_mode);
 HWND mswin_init_main_window () {
 	static int run_once = 0;
 	HWND ret;
 	/* register window class */
 	if( !run_once ) {
@@ -55,6 +56,28 @@ HWND mswin_init_main_window () {
 	if( !ret ) panic("Cannot create main window");
+    if (GetNHApp()->regMainMinX != CW_USEDEFAULT)
+    {
+        wp.length = sizeof(wp);
+        wp.showCmd = GetNHApp()->regMainShowState;
+        wp.ptMinPosition.x = GetNHApp()->regMainMinX;
+        wp.ptMinPosition.y = GetNHApp()->regMainMinY;
+        wp.ptMaxPosition.x = GetNHApp()->regMainMaxX;
+        wp.ptMaxPosition.y = GetNHApp()->regMainMaxY;
+        wp.rcNormalPosition.left = GetNHApp()->regMainLeft;
+ = GetNHApp()->regMainTop;
+        wp.rcNormalPosition.right = GetNHApp()->regMainRight;
+        wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom = GetNHApp()->regMainBottom;
+        SetWindowPlacement(ret, &wp);
+    }
+    else
+        ShowWindow(ret, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
+    UpdateWindow(ret);
 	return ret;
@@ -406,9 +429,28 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPar
 		case WM_MOVE:
 		case WM_SIZE:
+        {
+            WINDOWPLACEMENT wp;
-			break;
+            wp.length = sizeof(wp);
+            if (GetWindowPlacement(hWnd, &wp)) {
+                GetNHApp()->regMainShowState = wp.showCmd;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainMinX = wp.ptMinPosition.x;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainMinY = wp.ptMinPosition.y;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainMaxX = wp.ptMaxPosition.x;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainMaxY = wp.ptMaxPosition.y;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainLeft = wp.rcNormalPosition.left;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainTop =;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainRight = wp.rcNormalPosition.right;
+                GetNHApp()->regMainBottom = wp.rcNormalPosition.bottom;
+            }
+			break;
+        }
 		case WM_SETFOCUS:
 			/* if there is a menu window out there -
 			   transfer input focus to it */
diff --git a/win/win32/mhmsg.h b/win/win32/mhmsg.h
index 1d08b89de..4f46974df 100644
--- a/win/win32/mhmsg.h
+++ b/win/win32/mhmsg.h
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 #define MSNH_MSG_CURSOR			107
 #define MSNH_MSG_ENDMENU		108
 #define MSNH_MSG_DIED			109
+#define MSNH_MSG_CARET			110
 typedef struct mswin_nhmsg_add_wnd {
   winid		  wid;
diff --git a/win/win32/mhmsgwnd.c b/win/win32/mhmsgwnd.c
index 6c397ada7..4d5f8c796 100644
--- a/win/win32/mhmsgwnd.c
+++ b/win/win32/mhmsgwnd.c
@@ -201,10 +201,15 @@ void onMSNHCommand(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 		char* p;
-		if( msg_data->append ) {
+		if( msg_data->append == 1) {
 			strncat(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text, msg_data->text, 
 				    MAXWINDOWTEXT - strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text));
-		} else {
+		} else if( msg_data->append < 0) {
+            /* remove that many chars */
+            int len = strlen(data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text);
+            int newend = max(len + msg_data->append, 0);
+            data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text[newend] = '\0';
+        } else {
 			/* check if the string is empty */
 			for(p = data->window_text[MSG_LINES-1].text; *p && isspace(*p); p++);
@@ -241,11 +246,21 @@ void onMSNHCommand(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 		/* append an empty line to the message window (send message to itself) */
 		data.attr = ATR_NONE;
 		data.text = " ";
+		data.append = 0;
 		onMSNHCommand(hWnd, (WPARAM)MSNH_MSG_PUTSTR, (LPARAM)&data);
 		InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);
+    case MSNH_MSG_CARET:
+        /* Create or destroy a caret */
+        if (*(int *)lParam)
+            CreateCaret(hWnd, NULL, 0, data->yChar);
+        else
+            DestroyCaret();
+        break;
@@ -446,12 +461,49 @@ void onPaint(HWND hWnd)
 				oldFont = SelectObject(hdc, mswin_get_font(NHW_MESSAGE, data->window_text[i].attr, hdc, FALSE));
 #ifdef MSG_WRAP_TEXT				
 				DrawText(hdc, wbuf, wlen, &draw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK | DT_CALCRECT); = y - (draw_rt.bottom -;
 				draw_rt.bottom = y;
 				DrawText(hdc, wbuf, wlen, &draw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_WORDBREAK);
+                /* Find out the cursor (caret) position */
+                if (i == LastLine) {
+                    int nnum, numfit;
+                    SIZE size;
+                    TCHAR *nbuf;
+                    int nlen;
+                    nbuf = wbuf;
+                    nlen = wlen;
+                    while (nlen) {
+                        /* Get the number of characters that fit on the line */
+                        GetTextExtentExPoint(hdc, nbuf, nlen, draw_rt.right - draw_rt.left, &numfit, NULL, &size);
+                        /* Search back to a space */
+                        nnum = numfit;
+                        if (numfit < nlen) {
+                            while (nnum > 0 && nbuf[nnum] != ' ')
+                                nnum--;
+                            /* If no space found, break wherever */
+                            if (nnum == 0)
+                                nnum = numfit;
+                        }
+                        nbuf += nnum;
+                        nlen -= nnum;
+                        if (*nbuf == ' ') {
+                            nbuf++;
+                            nlen--;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    /* The last size is the size of the last line. Set the caret there.
+                       This will fail automatically if we don't own the caret (i.e.,
+                       when not in a question.)
+                     */
+                    SetCaretPos(draw_rt.left +, draw_rt.bottom - data->yChar);
+                }
 				DrawText(hdc, wbuf, wlen, &draw_rt, DT_NOPREFIX );
+                SetCaretPos(draw_rt.left +, draw_rt.bottom - data->yChar);
 				SelectObject(hdc, oldFont);
diff --git a/win/win32/mswproc.c b/win/win32/mswproc.c
index 5e82201f0..81e6c53b6 100644
--- a/win/win32/mswproc.c
+++ b/win/win32/mswproc.c
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include "hack.h"
 #include "dlb.h"
+#include "func_tab.h"   /* for extended commands */
 #include "winMS.h"
 #include "mhmap.h"
 #include "mhstatus.h"
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ struct window_procs mswin_procs = {
@@ -153,7 +154,16 @@ void mswin_init_nhwindows(int* argc, char** argv)
     /* Read Windows settings from the reqistry */
+    /* First set safe defaults */
+    GetNHApp()->regMainMinX = CW_USEDEFAULT;
+    /* Create the main window */
+    GetNHApp()->hMainWnd = mswin_init_main_window();
+    if (!GetNHApp()->hMainWnd)
+    {
+        panic("Cannot create main window");
+    }
     /* Set menu check mark for interface mode */
@@ -653,7 +663,15 @@ void mswin_askname(void)
 void mswin_get_nh_event(void)
+	MSG msg;
+	while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)!=0 ) {
+		if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, GetNHApp()->hAccelTable, &msg)) {
+			TranslateMessage(&msg);
+			DispatchMessage(&msg);
+		}
+	} 
@@ -931,7 +949,7 @@ void mswin_putstr(winid wid, int attr, const char *text)
 	mswin_putstr_ex(wid, attr, text, 0);
-void mswin_putstr_ex(winid wid, int attr, const char *text, boolean app)
+void mswin_putstr_ex(winid wid, int attr, const char *text, int app)
 	if( (wid >= 0) && 
         (wid < MAXWINDOWS) )
@@ -953,6 +971,8 @@ void mswin_putstr_ex(winid wid, int attr, const char *text, boolean app)
+        /* yield a bit so it gets done immediately */
+        mswin_get_nh_event();
@@ -1161,6 +1181,8 @@ int mswin_select_menu(winid wid, int how, MENU_ITEM_P **selected)
 void mswin_update_inventory()
+    if (program_state.something_worth_saving) 
+        display_inventory(NULL, FALSE);
@@ -1368,6 +1390,7 @@ char mswin_yn_function(const char *question, const char *choices,
     char yn_esc_map='\033';
     char message[BUFSZ];
 	char res_ch[2];
+    int createcaret;
 	logDebug("mswin_yn_function(%s, %s, %d)\n", question, choices, def);
@@ -1404,11 +1427,17 @@ char mswin_yn_function(const char *question, const char *choices,
 	Strcat(message, " ");
+    createcaret = 1;
+    SendMessage(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE), 
     mswin_putstr(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_BOLD, message);
     /* Only here if main window is not present */
     while (result<0) {
+        ShowCaret(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE));
+        HideCaret(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE));
 	if (ch=='\033') {
 	} else if (choices && !index(choices,ch)) {
@@ -1424,6 +1453,9 @@ char mswin_yn_function(const char *question, const char *choices,
+    createcaret = 0;
+    SendMessage(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE), 
 	/* display selection in the message window */
 	if( isprint(ch) ) {
 		res_ch[0] = ch;
@@ -1446,10 +1478,66 @@ getlin(const char *ques, char *input)
 void mswin_getlin(const char *question, char *input)
 	logDebug("mswin_getlin(%s, %p)\n", question, input);
-	if( mswin_getlin_window(question, input, BUFSZ)==IDCANCEL ) {
-		strcpy(input, "\033");
-	}
+    if (!iflags.wc_popup_dialog)
+    {
+        char c;
+        int len;
+        int done;
+        int createcaret;
+        createcaret = 1;
+        SendMessage(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE), 
+            WM_MSNH_COMMAND, (WPARAM)MSNH_MSG_CARET, (LPARAM)&createcaret );
+        mswin_putstr_ex(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_BOLD, question, 0);
+        mswin_putstr_ex(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_BOLD, " ", 1);
+        input[0] = '\0';
+        len = 0;
+        ShowCaret(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE));
+        done = FALSE;
+        while (!done)
+        {
+            c = mswin_nhgetch();
+            switch (c)
+            {
+                case VK_ESCAPE:
+                    strcpy(input, "\033");
+                    done = TRUE;
+                    break;
+                case '\n':
+                case '\r':
+                case -115:
+                    done = TRUE;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    if (input[0])
+                        mswin_putstr_ex(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_NONE, input, -len);
+                    if (c == VK_BACK) {
+                        if (len > 0) len--;
+                        input[len] = '\0';
+                    } else {
+                        input[len++] = c;
+                        input[len] = '\0';
+                    }
+                    mswin_putstr_ex(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_NONE, input, 1);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        HideCaret(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE));
+        createcaret = 0;
+        SendMessage(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE), 
+            WM_MSNH_COMMAND, (WPARAM)MSNH_MSG_CARET, (LPARAM)&createcaret );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	    if( mswin_getlin_window(question, input, BUFSZ)==IDCANCEL ) {
+		    strcpy(input, "\033");
+	    }
+    }
@@ -1463,10 +1551,86 @@ int mswin_get_ext_cmd()
 	int ret;
-	if(mswin_ext_cmd_window (&ret) == IDCANCEL)
-		return -1;
-	else 
-		return ret;
+    if (!iflags.wc_popup_dialog)
+    {
+        char c;
+        char cmd[BUFSZ];
+        int i, len;
+        int createcaret;
+        createcaret = 1;
+        SendMessage(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE), 
+            WM_MSNH_COMMAND, (WPARAM)MSNH_MSG_CARET, (LPARAM)&createcaret );
+        cmd[0] = '\0';
+        i = -2;
+        mswin_putstr_ex(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_BOLD, "#", 0);
+        len = 0;
+        ShowCaret(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE));
+        while (i == -2)
+        {
+            int oindex, com_index;
+            c = mswin_nhgetch();
+            switch (c)
+            {
+                case VK_ESCAPE:
+                    i = -1;
+                    break;
+                case '\n':
+                case '\r':
+                case -115:
+                    for (i = 0; extcmdlist[i].ef_txt != (char *)0; i++)
+                        if (!strcmpi(cmd, extcmdlist[i].ef_txt)) break;
+                    if (extcmdlist[i].ef_txt == (char *)0) {
+                        pline("%s: unknown extended command.", cmd);
+                        i = -1;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    if (cmd[0])
+                        mswin_putstr_ex(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_BOLD, cmd, -(int)strlen(cmd));
+                    if (c == VK_BACK)
+                    {
+                        if (len > 0) len--;
+                        cmd[len] = '\0';
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        cmd[len++] = c;
+                        cmd[len] = '\0';
+                        /* Find a command with this prefix in extcmdlist */
+	                    com_index = -1;
+	                    for (oindex = 0; extcmdlist[oindex].ef_txt != (char *)0; oindex++) {
+		                    if (!strncmpi(cmd, extcmdlist[oindex].ef_txt, len)) {
+			                    if (com_index == -1)	/* no matches yet */
+			                        com_index = oindex;
+                                else
+                                    com_index = -2;     /* two matches, don't complete */
+		                    }
+	                    }
+	                    if (com_index >= 0) {
+		                    Strcpy(cmd, extcmdlist[com_index].ef_txt);
+	                    }
+                    }
+                    mswin_putstr_ex(WIN_MESSAGE, ATR_BOLD, cmd, 1);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        HideCaret(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE));
+        createcaret = 0;
+        SendMessage(mswin_hwnd_from_winid(WIN_MESSAGE), 
+            WM_MSNH_COMMAND, (WPARAM)MSNH_MSG_CARET, (LPARAM)&createcaret );
+	    return i;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+    	if(mswin_ext_cmd_window (&ret) == IDCANCEL)
+	    	return -1;
+	    else 
+		    return ret;
+    }
@@ -1702,9 +1866,9 @@ void mswin_main_loop()
 	while( !mswin_have_input() &&
 		   GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)!=0 ) {
-		if (GetNHApp()->regNetHackMode ||
-			!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, GetNHApp()->hAccelTable, &msg))
-		{
+ 		if (GetNHApp()->regNetHackMode ||
+ 			!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, GetNHApp()->hAccelTable, &msg))
+ 		{
@@ -1806,10 +1970,19 @@ logDebug(const char *fmt, ...)
 /* Reading and writing settings from the registry. */
-#define CATEGORYKEY "Software"
-#define COMPANYKEY  "NetHack"
-#define PRODUCTKEY  "NetHack 3.4.0"
-#define SETTINGSKEY     "Settings"
+#define CATEGORYKEY         "Software"
+#define COMPANYKEY          "NetHack"
+#define PRODUCTKEY          "NetHack 3.4.0"
+#define SETTINGSKEY         "Settings"
+#define MAINSHOWSTATEKEY    "MainShowState"
+#define MAINMINXKEY         "MainMinX"
+#define MAINMINYKEY         "MainMinY"
+#define MAINMAXXKEY         "MainMaxX"
+#define MAINMAXYKEY         "MainMaxY"
+#define MAINLEFTKEY         "MainLeft"
+#define MAINRIGHTKEY        "MainRight"
+#define MAINTOPKEY          "MainTop"
+#define MAINBOTTOMKEY       "MainBottom"
 /* #define all the subkeys here */
 #define INTFKEY "Interface"
@@ -1833,10 +2006,19 @@ mswin_read_reg()
             != ERROR_SUCCESS)
-    /* Read the keys here. */
     size = sizeof(DWORD);
-    RegQueryValueEx(key, INTFKEY, 0, NULL, 
-        (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regNetHackMode)), &size);
+    /* Read the keys here. */
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, INTFKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regNetHackMode)), &size);
+    /* Main window placement */
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINSHOWSTATEKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainShowState)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINMINXKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMinX)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINMINYKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMinY)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINMAXXKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMaxX)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINMAXYKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMaxY)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINLEFTKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainLeft)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINRIGHTKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainRight)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINTOPKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainTop)), &size);
+    RegQueryValueEx(key, MAINBOTTOMKEY, 0, NULL, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainBottom)), &size);
@@ -1862,6 +2044,16 @@ mswin_write_reg()
         /* Write the keys here */
         RegSetValueEx(key, INTFKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regNetHackMode)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        /* Main window placement */
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINSHOWSTATEKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainShowState)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINMINXKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMinX)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINMINYKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMinY)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINMAXXKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMaxX)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINMAXYKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainMaxY)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINLEFTKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainLeft)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINRIGHTKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainRight)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINTOPKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainTop)), sizeof(DWORD));
+        RegSetValueEx(key, MAINBOTTOMKEY, 0, REG_DWORD, (unsigned char *)(&(GetNHApp()->regMainBottom)), sizeof(DWORD));
@@ -1952,24 +2144,24 @@ typedef struct ctbv
 static color_table_brush_value color_table_brush[] = {
 	{ "activeborder", 	COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER	},
 	{ "activecaption",	COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION	},
-	{ "appworkspace",	COLOR_APPWORKSPACE	},
-	{ "background",		COLOR_BACKGROUND	},
+	{ "appworkspace",		COLOR_APPWORKSPACE	},
+	{ "background",		COLOR_BACKGROUND		},
 	{ "btnface",		COLOR_BTNFACE		},
 	{ "btnshadow",		COLOR_BTNSHADOW		},
 	{ "btntext", 		COLOR_BTNTEXT		},
-	{ "captiontext",	COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT	},
+	{ "captiontext",		COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT		},
 	{ "graytext",		COLOR_GRAYTEXT		},
 	{ "greytext",		COLOR_GRAYTEXT 		},
-	{ "highlight",		COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 	},
+	{ "highlight",		COLOR_HIGHLIGHT 		},
 	{ "highlighttext",	COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT	},
 	{ "inactiveborder", 	COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER 	},
 	{ "inactivecaption",	COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION 	},
-	{ "menu",		COLOR_MENU 		},
+	{ "menu",			COLOR_MENU 			},
 	{ "menutext",		COLOR_MENUTEXT 		},
-	{ "scrollbar",		COLOR_SCROLLBAR 	},
-	{ "window",		COLOR_WINDOW 		},
-	{ "windowframe", 	COLOR_WINDOWFRAME 	},
-	{ "windowtext",		COLOR_WINDOWTEXT 	},
+	{ "scrollbar",		COLOR_SCROLLBAR 		},
+	{ "window",			COLOR_WINDOW 		},
+	{ "windowframe", 		COLOR_WINDOWFRAME 	},
+	{ "windowtext",		COLOR_WINDOWTEXT 		},
 	{ "", 			-1				},
diff --git a/win/win32/winhack.c b/win/win32/winhack.c
index 549896793..bf516413d 100644
--- a/win/win32/winhack.c
+++ b/win/win32/winhack.c
@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ NHWinApp _nethack_app;
 // Foward declarations of functions included in this code module:
-BOOL				InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int);
 extern void FDECL(pcmain, (int,char **));
 static void __cdecl mswin_moveloop(void *);
@@ -140,12 +138,6 @@ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
-	// Perform application initialization:
-	if (!InitInstance (hInstance, nCmdShow)) 
-	{
-		return FALSE;
-	}
 	/* get command line parameters */	
 	p = _get_cmd_arg(GetCommandLine());
 	p = _get_cmd_arg(NULL); /* skip first paramter - command name */
@@ -169,33 +161,6 @@ int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance,
-//   FUNCTION: InitInstance(HANDLE, int)
-//   PURPOSE: Creates main window
-//        In this function, we create and display the main program window.
-BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow)
-   HWND hWnd;
-   hWnd = mswin_init_main_window();
-   if (!hWnd)
-   {
-      return FALSE;
-   }
-   ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow);
-   UpdateWindow(hWnd);
-   _nethack_app.hMainWnd = hWnd;
-   return TRUE;
 PNHWinApp GetNHApp()
 	return &_nethack_app;