From 3d81af807dd93a975d88e2e8b64a2ff5e620af62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Markus Fischer <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 10:16:16 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] - Give some useful updates to Win32/Apache/PHP4 installation.
 Also mention   strace for advanced users. # Probably a lot of
 spelling/grammar errors, feel free to correct, thx.

 win32/install.txt | 131 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 123 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/win32/install.txt b/win32/install.txt
index a003ed3d73..d319eea975 100644
--- a/win32/install.txt
+++ b/win32/install.txt
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ Windows Manual installation from zip binary distribution
   %SYSTEMROOT% directory is typically:
    c:\windows for Windows 95/98
    c:\winnt or c:\winnt40 for NT/2000/XP servers
+  We will refer to %SYSTEMROOT% for both %WINDOWS% or
+  %SYSTEMROOT% throughout the text.
   Edit your php.ini file:
@@ -204,25 +206,76 @@ Web server configuration
   on Windows. One is to use the CGI binary (php-cgi.exe),
   the other is to use the Apache module dll. In either case
   you need to stop the Apache server, and edit your
-  srm.conf or httpd.conf to configure Apache to work with PHP.
+  httpd.conf or srm.conf to configure Apache to work with PHP.
+  We'll refer to either of these files with httpd.conf in the
+  text.
   Although there can be a few variations of configuring PHP
   under Apache, these are simple enough to be used by the
   newcomer. Please consult the Apache Docs for further
   configuration directives.
+  Installing PHP for Apache as module
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   Now that version 4.1 introduces a safer sapi module, we recommend
   that you configure PHP as a module in Apache.
-  To do this, you should move php4ts.dll to the windows/system (for Windows 9x/Me)
-  or winnt/system32 (for Windows NT/2000/XP) directory, overwriting any
-  older file. Then you should add the following three lines to your Apache
-  conf file: (swap c:/php/ for your PHP install path)
+  To accomplish this, you have to load the php4apache.dll in your
+  Apache httpd.conf.
+  !! NOTE !!
+  Whereever you load php4apache.dll from, php4apache.dll also
+  needs the php4ts.dll also included in the PHP4 distribution.
+  php4apache.dll depends on php4ts.dll which is loaded as soon as
+  Apache loads php4apache.dll. If php4ts.dll can't be found, you
+  usually get an error like (also see the "Problems?" section at
+  the end of the file):
+    Cannot load c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll into server
+  So where does php4ts.dll has to be to be properly loaded ?
+  php4ts.dll is searched in the following order:
+  1) in the directory where apache.exe is start from
+  2) in the directory where php4apache.dll is loaded from
+  3) in your %SYSTEMROOT%\System32, %SYSTEMROOT%\system and
+     %SYSTEMROOT% directory.
+     Note: %SYSTEMROOT%\System32 only applies to Windows NT/2000/XP)
+  4) in your whole %PATH%
+  Note: What is %SYSTEMROOT% ? Depending on your Windows
+        installation this may be for example c:\winnt or C:\windows
+  Usually you would just copy it over to %SYSTEMROOT%\System32.
+  But if you want to have multiple PHP installations (for
+  whatever reason) this is a bad idea. For this circumstance the
+  safest thing is to let php4ts.dll reside in the same directory
+  where php4apache.dll is loaded from (see point 2 above).
+  After you've set up the file layout properly, you're ready to
+  finally configure Apache to load the PHP4 module. Just add the
+  following lines to your httpd.conf:
    LoadModule php4_module c:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
    AddModule mod_php4.c
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
+  Note: Especially newer versions of Apache do not need the
+        AddModule directive anymore, your milage may vary.
+  Where do I have to put the php.ini ?
+   The php.ini files is only searched in two places:
+   1) in your Apache installation directory (e.g. c:\apache\apache)
+   2) in your %SYSTEMROOT% directory.
+  Installing PHP for Apache as CGI binary
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   If you wish to install PHP as a CGI binary, read this first:
@@ -253,9 +306,21 @@ Web server configuration
   If you wish to use this feature with the cgi binary, create a new
   file, and use the show_source("path/to/original_file.php"); function.
-  On Win-Apache all backslashes in a path statement such
-  as: "c:\directory\file.ext", must be converted to
-  forward slashes.
+  Forward or backslash in pathnames ?
+  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+  On Win-Apache, path names can contain either forward- or backslashes.
+  Example:
+    LoadModule php4_module C:\php\sapi\php4apache.dll
+  works as good as 
+    LoadModule php4_module C:/php/sapi/php4apache.dll
+  You even can mix the slash-style:
+    LoadModule php4_module C:\php/php4apache.dll
@@ -586,6 +651,56 @@ Problems?
    There is also the additional benefit that IIS will do any authentication required for you
    based on the NTLanMan permissions on your script file.
+ You have inherent problems loading the right DLL?
+  Sometimes, loading the right DLL can be a pain on Windows.
+  Advanced Windows users may use a tool called strace (named
+  after the famous Unix application) to trace file access on the
+  system (however, it only works on NT-alike Windows, read:
+  NT/2000/XP). It can be found at
+ . Read
+  the instruction there carefully!
+  Example scenery:
+   Apache/PHP4 as module. Though I've properly configured
+   php4apache.dll in httpd.conf, I always get:
+   Syntax error on line 1025 of c:/apache/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
+   Cannot load c:/php/php-4.2.1-win32/sapi/php4apache.dll into server
+   But c:/php/php-4.2.1-win32/sapi/php4apache.dll definitely
+   exists:
+   dir c:\php\php-4.2.1-win32\sapi\php4apache.dll
+    Directory of c:\php\php-4.2.1-win32\sapi
+    13.05.2002  00:01               24.576 php4apache.dll
+   'strace'ing the apache.exe binary revealed the following:
+   c:
+   cd \apache\apache
+   strace apache >strace.txt
+   Then looking into strace.txt:
+   [...]
+729 3348 3248 NtOpenSection (0xe, {24, 24, 0x40, 0, 0, "php4ts.dll"}, ... ) == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
+731 3348 3248 NtQueryAttributesFile ({24, 0, 0x40, 0, 0, "\??\c:\php\php-4.2.1-win32\sapi\php4ts.dll"}, 1234824, ... ) == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
+733 3348 3248 NtQueryAttributesFile ({24, 108, 0x40, 0, 0, "php4ts.dll"}, 1234824, ... ) == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
+735 3348 3248 NtQueryAttributesFile ({24, 0, 0x40, 0, 0, "\??\C:\WINNT\System32\php4ts.dll"}, 1234824, ... ) == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND
+   [...]
+   This went on quiet some time for all directories in the %PATH%
+   environment variable. The solution finally was to copy
+   php4ts.dll in any of the directories searched by the System (I
+   prefered to use c:\php\php-4.2.1-win32\sapi).
+   Note: This does not only apply to php4ts.dll but in fact to every
+         DLL which gets loaded through PHP too. So, if you've
+         problems running your PHP CLI application because it
+         can't load a certain library but you're sure it's there,
+         try this tool.
  Other problems
   If you are still stuck, someone on the PHP installation mailing list may be
   able to help you. You should check out the archive first, in case