From 0ee81cb63876e6ec1b2a6e0125295b43f1c63c7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 2018 22:07:32 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] patch 8.1.0265: the getcmdline() function is way too big

Problem:    The getcmdline() function is way too big.
Solution:   Factor out the incremental search highlighting.
 src/ex_getln.c | 625 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 src/version.c  |   2 +
 2 files changed, 345 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ex_getln.c b/src/ex_getln.c
index 54b37961f..75984806a 100644
--- a/src/ex_getln.c
+++ b/src/ex_getln.c
@@ -140,9 +140,6 @@ static int
 sort_func_compare(const void *s1, const void *s2);
-static void set_search_match(pos_T *t);
@@ -185,9 +182,8 @@ empty_pattern(char_u *p)
 	n -= 2;
     return n == 0 || (n >= 2 && p[n - 2] == '\\' && p[n - 1] == '|');
+// Struct to store the viewstate during 'incsearch' highlighting.
 typedef struct {
     colnr_T	vs_curswant;
     colnr_T	vs_leftcol;
@@ -224,6 +220,334 @@ restore_viewstate(viewstate_T *vs)
     curwin->w_botline = vs->vs_botline;
     curwin->w_empty_rows = vs->vs_empty_rows;
+// Struct to store the state of 'incsearch' highlighting.
+typedef struct {
+    pos_T	search_start;	// where 'incsearch' starts searching
+    pos_T       save_cursor;
+    viewstate_T	init_viewstate;
+    viewstate_T	old_viewstate;
+    pos_T       match_start;
+    pos_T       match_end;
+    int		did_incsearch;
+    int		incsearch_postponed;
+} incsearch_state_T;
+    static void
+init_incsearch_state(incsearch_state_T *is_state)
+    is_state->match_start = curwin->w_cursor;
+    is_state->did_incsearch = FALSE;
+    is_state->incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
+    CLEAR_POS(&is_state->match_end);
+    is_state->save_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;  // may be restored later
+    is_state->search_start = curwin->w_cursor;
+    save_viewstate(&is_state->init_viewstate);
+    save_viewstate(&is_state->old_viewstate);
+ * First move cursor to end of match, then to the start.  This
+ * moves the whole match onto the screen when 'nowrap' is set.
+ */
+    static void
+set_search_match(pos_T *t)
+    t->lnum += search_match_lines;
+    t->col = search_match_endcol;
+    if (t->lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
+    {
+	t->lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
+	coladvance((colnr_T)MAXCOL);
+    }
+ * Return TRUE when 'incsearch' highlighting is to be done.
+ */
+    static int
+do_incsearch_highlighting(int firstc)
+    return p_is && !cmd_silent && (firstc == '/' || firstc == '?');
+ * Do 'incsearch' highlighting if desired.
+ */
+    static void
+	int		    firstc,
+	long		    count,
+	incsearch_state_T   *is_state)
+    int		i;
+    pos_T	end_pos;
+    struct cmdline_info	save_ccline;
+    proftime_T	tm;
+    if (!do_incsearch_highlighting(firstc))
+	return;
+    // If there is a character waiting, search and redraw later.
+    if (char_avail())
+    {
+	is_state->incsearch_postponed = TRUE;
+	return;
+    }
+    is_state->incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
+    // start at old position
+    curwin->w_cursor = is_state->search_start;
+    save_last_search_pattern();
+    // If there is no command line, don't do anything.
+    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
+    {
+	i = 0;
+	set_no_hlsearch(TRUE); // turn off previous highlight
+	redraw_all_later(SOME_VALID);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+	int search_flags = SEARCH_OPT + SEARCH_NOOF + SEARCH_PEEK;
+	cursor_off();	// so the user knows we're busy
+	out_flush();
+	++emsg_off;	// so it doesn't beep if bad expr
+	// Set the time limit to half a second.
+	profile_setlimit(500L, &tm);
+	if (!p_hls)
+	    search_flags += SEARCH_KEEP;
+	i = do_search(NULL, firstc, ccline.cmdbuff, count, search_flags,
+		&tm, NULL
+		);
+	--emsg_off;
+	// if interrupted while searching, behave like it failed
+	if (got_int)
+	{
+	    (void)vpeekc();	// remove <C-C> from input stream
+	    got_int = FALSE;	// don't abandon the command line
+	    i = 0;
+	}
+	else if (char_avail())
+	    // cancelled searching because a char was typed
+	    is_state->incsearch_postponed = TRUE;
+    }
+    if (i != 0)
+	highlight_match = TRUE;		// highlight position
+    else
+	highlight_match = FALSE;	// remove highlight
+    // First restore the old curwin values, so the screen is positioned in the
+    // same way as the actual search command.
+    restore_viewstate(&is_state->old_viewstate);
+    changed_cline_bef_curs();
+    update_topline();
+    if (i != 0)
+    {
+	pos_T	    save_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+	is_state->match_start = curwin->w_cursor;
+	set_search_match(&curwin->w_cursor);
+	validate_cursor();
+	end_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
+	is_state->match_end = end_pos;
+	curwin->w_cursor = save_pos;
+    }
+    else
+	end_pos = curwin->w_cursor; // shutup gcc 4
+    // Disable 'hlsearch' highlighting if the pattern matches everything.
+    // Avoids a flash when typing "foo\|".
+    if (empty_pattern(ccline.cmdbuff))
+	set_no_hlsearch(TRUE);
+    validate_cursor();
+    // May redraw the status line to show the cursor position.
+    if (p_ru && curwin->w_status_height > 0)
+	curwin->w_redr_status = TRUE;
+    save_cmdline(&save_ccline);
+    update_screen(SOME_VALID);
+    restore_cmdline(&save_ccline);
+    restore_last_search_pattern();
+    // Leave it at the end to make CTRL-R CTRL-W work.
+    if (i != 0)
+	curwin->w_cursor = end_pos;
+    msg_starthere();
+    redrawcmdline();
+    is_state->did_incsearch = TRUE;
+ * May adjust 'incsearch' highlighting for typing CTRL-G and CTRL-T, go to next
+ * or previous match.
+ * Returns FAIL when jumping to cmdline_not_changed;
+ */
+    static int
+	int		firstc,
+	long		count,
+	incsearch_state_T	*is_state,
+	int		c)
+    pos_T   t;
+    char_u  *pat;
+    int	    search_flags = SEARCH_NOOF;
+    int	    i;
+    if (!do_incsearch_highlighting(firstc))
+	return OK;
+    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
+	return FAIL;
+    if (firstc == ccline.cmdbuff[0])
+	pat = last_search_pattern();
+    else
+	pat = ccline.cmdbuff;
+    save_last_search_pattern();
+    cursor_off();
+    out_flush();
+    if (c == Ctrl_G)
+    {
+	t = is_state->match_end;
+	if (LT_POS(is_state->match_start, is_state->match_end))
+	    // Start searching at the end of the match not at the beginning of
+	    // the next column.
+	    (void)decl(&t);
+	search_flags += SEARCH_COL;
+    }
+    else
+	t = is_state->match_start;
+    if (!p_hls)
+	search_flags += SEARCH_KEEP;
+    ++emsg_off;
+    i = searchit(curwin, curbuf, &t,
+		 c == Ctrl_G ? FORWARD : BACKWARD,
+		 pat, count, search_flags,
+    --emsg_off;
+    if (i)
+    {
+	is_state->search_start = is_state->match_start;
+	is_state->match_end = t;
+	is_state->match_start = t;
+	if (c == Ctrl_T && firstc == '/')
+	{
+	    // Move just before the current match, so that when nv_search
+	    // finishes the cursor will be put back on the match.
+	    is_state->search_start = t;
+	    (void)decl(&is_state->search_start);
+	}
+	else if (c == Ctrl_G && firstc == '?')
+	{
+	    // Move just after the current match, so that when nv_search
+	    // finishes the cursor will be put back on the match.
+	    is_state->search_start = t;
+	    (void)incl(&is_state->search_start);
+	}
+	if (LT_POS(t, is_state->search_start) && c == Ctrl_G)
+	{
+	    // wrap around
+	    is_state->search_start = t;
+	    if (firstc == '?')
+		(void)incl(&is_state->search_start);
+	    else
+		(void)decl(&is_state->search_start);
+	}
+	set_search_match(&is_state->match_end);
+	curwin->w_cursor = is_state->match_start;
+	changed_cline_bef_curs();
+	update_topline();
+	validate_cursor();
+	highlight_match = TRUE;
+	save_viewstate(&is_state->old_viewstate);
+	update_screen(NOT_VALID);
+	redrawcmdline();
+    }
+    else
+	vim_beep(BO_ERROR);
+    restore_last_search_pattern();
+    return FAIL;
+ * When CTRL-L typed: add character from the match to the pattern.
+ * May set "*c" to the added character.
+ * Return OK when jumping to cmdline_not_changed.
+ */
+    static int
+may_add_char_to_search(int firstc, int *c, incsearch_state_T *is_state)
+    if (!do_incsearch_highlighting(firstc))
+	return FAIL;
+    // Add a character from under the cursor for 'incsearch'.
+    if (is_state->did_incsearch)
+    {
+	curwin->w_cursor = is_state->match_end;
+	if (!EQUAL_POS(curwin->w_cursor, is_state->search_start))
+	{
+	    *c = gchar_cursor();
+	    // If 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' are set and the
+	    // command line has no uppercase characters, convert
+	    // the character to lowercase.
+	    if (p_ic && p_scs && !pat_has_uppercase(ccline.cmdbuff))
+		*c = MB_TOLOWER(*c);
+	    if (*c != NUL)
+	    {
+		if (*c == firstc || vim_strchr((char_u *)(
+				   p_magic ? "\\~^$.*[" : "\\^$"), *c) != NULL)
+		{
+		    // put a backslash before special characters
+		    stuffcharReadbuff(*c);
+		    *c = '\\';
+		}
+		return FAIL;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return OK;
+    static void
+finish_incsearch_highlighting(int gotesc, incsearch_state_T *is_state)
+    if (is_state->did_incsearch)
+    {
+	if (gotesc)
+	    curwin->w_cursor = is_state->save_cursor;
+	else
+	{
+	    if (!EQUAL_POS(is_state->save_cursor, is_state->search_start))
+	    {
+		// put the '" mark at the original position
+		curwin->w_cursor = is_state->save_cursor;
+		setpcmark();
+	    }
+	    curwin->w_cursor = is_state->search_start;
+	}
+	restore_viewstate(&is_state->old_viewstate);
+	highlight_match = FALSE;
+	validate_cursor();	/* needed for TAB */
+	redraw_all_later(SOME_VALID);
+    }
@@ -262,14 +586,7 @@ getcmdline(
     int		histype;		/* history type to be used */
-    pos_T	search_start;		/* where 'incsearch' starts searching */
-    pos_T       save_cursor;
-    viewstate_T	init_viewstate;
-    viewstate_T	old_viewstate;
-    pos_T       match_start = curwin->w_cursor;
-    pos_T       match_end;
-    int		did_incsearch = FALSE;
-    int		incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
+    incsearch_state_T	is_state;
     int		did_wild_list = FALSE;	/* did wild_list() recently */
     int		wim_index = 0;		/* index in wim_flags[] */
@@ -287,7 +604,7 @@ getcmdline(
     expand_T	xpc;
     long	*b_im_ptr = NULL;
-#if defined(FEAT_WILDMENU) || defined(FEAT_EVAL) || defined(FEAT_SEARCH_EXTRA)
+#if defined(FEAT_WILDMENU) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
     /* Everything that may work recursively should save and restore the
      * current command line in save_ccline.  That includes update_screen(), a
      * custom status line may invoke ":normal". */
@@ -309,12 +626,9 @@ getcmdline(
     ccline.overstrike = FALSE;		    /* always start in insert mode */
-    CLEAR_POS(&match_end);
-    save_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;	    /* may be restored later */
-    search_start = curwin->w_cursor;
-    save_viewstate(&init_viewstate);
-    save_viewstate(&old_viewstate);
+    init_incsearch_state(&is_state);
@@ -1089,10 +1403,10 @@ getcmdline(
 		    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
-			search_start = save_cursor;
+			is_state.search_start = is_state.save_cursor;
 			/* save view settings, so that the screen
 			 * won't be restored at the wrong position */
-			old_viewstate = init_viewstate;
+			is_state.old_viewstate = is_state.init_viewstate;
@@ -1121,7 +1435,7 @@ getcmdline(
 		    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
-			search_start = save_cursor;
+			is_state.search_start = is_state.save_cursor;
 		    redraw_cmdline = TRUE;
 		    goto returncmd;		/* back to cmd mode */
@@ -1208,7 +1522,7 @@ getcmdline(
 		ccline.cmdbuff[ccline.cmdlen] = NUL;
 		if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
-		    search_start = save_cursor;
+		    is_state.search_start = is_state.save_cursor;
 		goto cmdline_changed;
@@ -1545,38 +1859,8 @@ getcmdline(
 	case Ctrl_L:
-		if (p_is && !cmd_silent && (firstc == '/' || firstc == '?'))
-		{
-		    /* Add a character from under the cursor for 'incsearch' */
-		    if (did_incsearch)
-		    {
-			curwin->w_cursor = match_end;
-			if (!EQUAL_POS(curwin->w_cursor, search_start))
-			{
-			    c = gchar_cursor();
-			    /* If 'ignorecase' and 'smartcase' are set and the
-			    * command line has no uppercase characters, convert
-			    * the character to lowercase */
-			    if (p_ic && p_scs
-					 && !pat_has_uppercase(ccline.cmdbuff))
-				c = MB_TOLOWER(c);
-			    if (c != NUL)
-			    {
-				if (c == firstc || vim_strchr((char_u *)(
-					      p_magic ? "\\~^$.*[" : "\\^$"), c)
-								       != NULL)
-				{
-				    /* put a backslash before special
-				     * characters */
-				    stuffcharReadbuff(c);
-				    c = '\\';
-				}
-				break;
-			    }
-			}
-		    }
+		if (may_add_char_to_search(firstc, &c, &is_state) == OK)
 		    goto cmdline_not_changed;
-		}
 		/* completion: longest common part */
@@ -1742,88 +2026,9 @@ getcmdline(
 	case Ctrl_G:	    /* next match */
 	case Ctrl_T:	    /* previous match */
-		if (p_is && !cmd_silent && (firstc == '/' || firstc == '?'))
-		{
-		    pos_T  t;
-		    char_u *pat;
-		    int    search_flags = SEARCH_NOOF;
-		    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
-			goto cmdline_not_changed;
-		    if (firstc == ccline.cmdbuff[0])
-			pat = last_search_pattern();
-		    else
-			pat = ccline.cmdbuff;
-		    save_last_search_pattern();
-		    cursor_off();
-		    out_flush();
-		    if (c == Ctrl_G)
-		    {
-			t = match_end;
-			if (LT_POS(match_start, match_end))
-			    /* start searching at the end of the match
-			     * not at the beginning of the next column */
-			    (void)decl(&t);
-			search_flags += SEARCH_COL;
-		    }
-		    else
-			t = match_start;
-		    if (!p_hls)
-			search_flags += SEARCH_KEEP;
-		    ++emsg_off;
-		    i = searchit(curwin, curbuf, &t,
-				 c == Ctrl_G ? FORWARD : BACKWARD,
-				 pat, count, search_flags,
-				 RE_SEARCH, 0, NULL, NULL);
-		    --emsg_off;
-		    if (i)
-		    {
-			search_start = match_start;
-			match_end = t;
-			match_start = t;
-			if (c == Ctrl_T && firstc == '/')
-			{
-			    /* move just before the current match, so that
-			     * when nv_search finishes the cursor will be
-			     * put back on the match */
-			    search_start = t;
-			    (void)decl(&search_start);
-			}
-			else if (c == Ctrl_G && firstc == '?')
-			{
-			    /* move just after the current match, so that
-			     * when nv_search finishes the cursor will be
-			     * put back on the match */
-			    search_start = t;
-			    (void)incl(&search_start);
-			}
-			if (LT_POS(t, search_start) && c == Ctrl_G)
-			{
-			    /* wrap around */
-			    search_start = t;
-			    if (firstc == '?')
-				(void)incl(&search_start);
-			    else
-				(void)decl(&search_start);
-			}
-			set_search_match(&match_end);
-			curwin->w_cursor = match_start;
-			changed_cline_bef_curs();
-			update_topline();
-			validate_cursor();
-			highlight_match = TRUE;
-			save_viewstate(&old_viewstate);
-			update_screen(NOT_VALID);
-			redrawcmdline();
-		    }
-		    else
-			vim_beep(BO_ERROR);
-		    restore_last_search_pattern();
+		if (may_adjust_incsearch_highlighting(
+					  firstc, count, &is_state, c) == FAIL)
 		    goto cmdline_not_changed;
-		}
@@ -1951,7 +2156,7 @@ getcmdline(
-	if (!incsearch_postponed)
+	if (!is_state.incsearch_postponed)
@@ -1960,115 +2165,7 @@ cmdline_changed:
 	trigger_cmd_autocmd(cmdline_type, EVENT_CMDLINECHANGED);
-	/*
-	 * 'incsearch' highlighting.
-	 */
-	if (p_is && !cmd_silent && (firstc == '/' || firstc == '?'))
-	{
-	    pos_T	end_pos;
-	    proftime_T	tm;
-	    /* if there is a character waiting, search and redraw later */
-	    if (char_avail())
-	    {
-		incsearch_postponed = TRUE;
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    incsearch_postponed = FALSE;
-	    curwin->w_cursor = search_start;  /* start at old position */
-	    save_last_search_pattern();
-	    /* If there is no command line, don't do anything */
-	    if (ccline.cmdlen == 0)
-	    {
-		i = 0;
-		set_no_hlsearch(TRUE); /* turn off previous highlight */
-		redraw_all_later(SOME_VALID);
-	    }
-	    else
-	    {
-		int search_flags = SEARCH_OPT + SEARCH_NOOF + SEARCH_PEEK;
-		cursor_off();		/* so the user knows we're busy */
-		out_flush();
-		++emsg_off;    /* So it doesn't beep if bad expr */
-		/* Set the time limit to half a second. */
-		profile_setlimit(500L, &tm);
-		if (!p_hls)
-		    search_flags += SEARCH_KEEP;
-		i = do_search(NULL, firstc, ccline.cmdbuff, count,
-			search_flags,
-			&tm, NULL
-			);
-		--emsg_off;
-		/* if interrupted while searching, behave like it failed */
-		if (got_int)
-		{
-		    (void)vpeekc();	/* remove <C-C> from input stream */
-		    got_int = FALSE;	/* don't abandon the command line */
-		    i = 0;
-		}
-		else if (char_avail())
-		    /* cancelled searching because a char was typed */
-		    incsearch_postponed = TRUE;
-	    }
-	    if (i != 0)
-		highlight_match = TRUE;		/* highlight position */
-	    else
-		highlight_match = FALSE;	/* remove highlight */
-	    /* first restore the old curwin values, so the screen is
-	     * positioned in the same way as the actual search command */
-	    restore_viewstate(&old_viewstate);
-	    changed_cline_bef_curs();
-	    update_topline();
-	    if (i != 0)
-	    {
-		pos_T	    save_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
-		match_start = curwin->w_cursor;
-		set_search_match(&curwin->w_cursor);
-		validate_cursor();
-		end_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
-		match_end = end_pos;
-		curwin->w_cursor = save_pos;
-	    }
-	    else
-		end_pos = curwin->w_cursor; /* shutup gcc 4 */
-	    /* Disable 'hlsearch' highlighting if the pattern matches
-	     * everything. Avoids a flash when typing "foo\|". */
-	    if (empty_pattern(ccline.cmdbuff))
-		set_no_hlsearch(TRUE);
-	    validate_cursor();
-	    /* May redraw the status line to show the cursor position. */
-	    if (p_ru && curwin->w_status_height > 0)
-		curwin->w_redr_status = TRUE;
-	    save_cmdline(&save_ccline);
-	    update_screen(SOME_VALID);
-	    restore_cmdline(&save_ccline);
-	    restore_last_search_pattern();
-	    /* Leave it at the end to make CTRL-R CTRL-W work. */
-	    if (i != 0)
-		curwin->w_cursor = end_pos;
-	    msg_starthere();
-	    redrawcmdline();
-	    did_incsearch = TRUE;
-	}
-#else /* FEAT_SEARCH_EXTRA */
-	;
+	may_do_incsearch_highlighting(firstc, count, &is_state);
@@ -2100,25 +2197,7 @@ returncmd:
     ccline.xpc = NULL;
-    if (did_incsearch)
-    {
-	if (gotesc)
-	    curwin->w_cursor = save_cursor;
-	else
-	{
-	    if (!EQUAL_POS(save_cursor, search_start))
-	    {
-		/* put the '" mark at the original position */
-		curwin->w_cursor = save_cursor;
-		setpcmark();
-	    }
-	    curwin->w_cursor = search_start;
-	}
-	restore_viewstate(&old_viewstate);
-	highlight_match = FALSE;
-	validate_cursor();	/* needed for TAB */
-	redraw_all_later(SOME_VALID);
-    }
+    finish_incsearch_highlighting(gotesc, &is_state);
     if (ccline.cmdbuff != NULL)
@@ -7239,21 +7318,3 @@ script_get(exarg_T *eap, char_u *cmd)
     return (char_u *)ga.ga_data;
-    static void
-set_search_match(pos_T *t)
-    /*
-    * First move cursor to end of match, then to the start.  This
-    * moves the whole match onto the screen when 'nowrap' is set.
-    */
-    t->lnum += search_match_lines;
-    t->col = search_match_endcol;
-    if (t->lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
-    {
-	t->lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
-	coladvance((colnr_T)MAXCOL);
-    }
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index 2d047319d..9b39950b1 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -794,6 +794,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
 static int included_patches[] =
 {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+    265,