David Croft [Mon, 15 Jan 2001 02:14:13 +0000 (02:14 +0000)]
restored vadddomain/vdeldomain to use library functions rather than invoking
vpopmail executables
implemented vaddaliasdomain natively
global variable to store whether vpopmail was used and only vclose() if
return the functions to returning true/false for success/failure rather than
some arbitrary vpopmail return value
return the functions to not doing everything at once as you then lose
fine-grain control over its operation
change C++ comments to C
Shane Caraveo [Mon, 15 Jan 2001 00:29:49 +0000 (00:29 +0000)]
Multithreaded stress test program for isapi module now supports phpt files
still stuff to do before it's realy done, but does run the tests, just need
to get it to compare results right now.
Boian Bonev [Sun, 14 Jan 2001 17:04:22 +0000 (17:04 +0000)]
merged my version with David Croft's
removed unneccessary php.ini calls and defines
removed module_init, shutdown, request_init declarations and references
added request_shutdown to close mysql/other db connection
(a must in apache module)
added defines for external binaries from vpopmail
changed functions to present more consistent api from user's point of view
so that in one call more stuff is done
added more comprehensive MINFO function helping users debug their case
added static int vpopmail_exec(char *cmd) [will change to php_Exec soon]
@ vpopmail extension updated to working alfa. give it a try but keep in
@ mind that it is not ready for production environments (Boian Bonev)
Boian Bonev [Sun, 14 Jan 2001 16:40:26 +0000 (16:40 +0000)]
rewritten the whole logic of the script
added VPOPMAIL_BIN_DIR to point to ~vpopmail/bin directory
added checks for ALL files needed by the extension
style fixes to the output
Thies C. Arntzen [Sun, 14 Jan 2001 14:11:38 +0000 (14:11 +0000)]
fixed readfile() fd-leak.
guys, always remember that every function that *generates output* could cause a
bailout if ignore_user_abort is set to false (and the user _aborts_ the
connection). in this case a longjump will be performed and our function (in
this case readfile) will have no chance to clean-up. having said that it's a
good idea to register all opened files using REGISTER_RESOURCE - that way the
engine will make sure they get closed on request end.
Stig Venaas [Fri, 12 Jan 2001 22:08:26 +0000 (22:08 +0000)]
Added parallel search when given array of link identifiers
@- Made ldap_list(), ldap_read() and ldap_search() do parallel search when
@ first parameter is an array of link identifiers (Stig Venaas)
Stig Venaas [Fri, 12 Jan 2001 20:49:25 +0000 (20:49 +0000)]
Follows redirects again, and $http_response_header now contains all headers
with an empty string as delimiter
@- Made fopen() of HTTP URL follow redirects, $http_response_header will
@ contain all headers with empty string as delimiter (Stig Venaas)
Chuck Hagenbuch [Fri, 12 Jan 2001 15:24:21 +0000 (15:24 +0000)]
Add HTTP_Compress::, which provides an easy wrapper around producing
gzip-compressed html. This should be ported to use the ob_gzhandler() output
handler, but I haven't had a chance to look into that yet.
@- Allow access to uploaded files in safe_mode. Beware that you can only
@ read the file. If you copy it to new location the copy will not have the
@ right UID and you script won't be able to access that copy. (Thies)
foobar [Tue, 9 Jan 2001 09:02:21 +0000 (09:02 +0000)]
If TZ environment variable is changed call tzset().
# Although man page for tzset() says it should be called automaticly
# by some of the time related functions, IRL this doesn't happen.
# PR: 3977, 4732, 5510, 6972, 7203, 8502, 8609
Sascha Schumann [Tue, 9 Jan 2001 05:49:37 +0000 (05:49 +0000)]
php_add_var_hash() uses sizeof(id) in the calls to zend_hash_*, implying
that all bytes in the character array have been set (they are used
to compute the hash value using hashpjw).
The function assumes that sprintf's %p modifier would always prefix
the output with "0x". On HPUX, this is not the case. Hence, not
all bytes may be properly initialized before being read.
This has been addressed by using only initialized bytes as the key.