]> granicus.if.org Git - python/log
22 years agoWhen building the IDE check that waste is available, to forestall
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 21:04:46 +0000 (21:04 +0000)]
When building the IDE check that waste is available, to forestall
surprises later (the IDE won't work without waste).

22 years agoAdd a PEP-263-style encoding turd^H^H^H^Hdeclaration, because there's
Guido van Rossum [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 20:23:56 +0000 (20:23 +0000)]
Add a PEP-263-style encoding turd^H^H^H^Hdeclaration, because there's
a c-cedilla in one of the docstrings.

22 years agoFix ref(), proxy() docstrings, based on comments from David Abrahams.
Fred Drake [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 20:23:40 +0000 (20:23 +0000)]
Fix ref(), proxy() docstrings, based on comments from David Abrahams.

22 years agoheappop(): Added comments; simplified and sped the code.
Tim Peters [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 20:09:14 +0000 (20:09 +0000)]
heappop():  Added comments; simplified and sped the code.

22 years agoMinor markup changes.
Fred Drake [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 19:46:42 +0000 (19:46 +0000)]
Minor markup changes.

22 years agoheappop(): Use "while True" instead of "while 1".
Tim Peters [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 19:45:37 +0000 (19:45 +0000)]
heappop():  Use "while True" instead of "while 1".

22 years agocheck_invariant(): Use the same child->parent "formula" used by heapq.py.
Tim Peters [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 19:41:54 +0000 (19:41 +0000)]
check_invariant():  Use the same child->parent "formula" used by heapq.py.

22 years agoDon't use true division where int division was intended. For that matter,
Tim Peters [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 19:16:44 +0000 (19:16 +0000)]
Don't use true division where int division was intended.  For that matter,
don't use division at all.

22 years agoAdd a comment showing how one of the macros should be used.
Fred Drake [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 18:30:22 +0000 (18:30 +0000)]
Add a comment showing how one of the macros should be used.

22 years agoAdding the heap queue algorithm, per discussion in python-dev last
Guido van Rossum [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 18:29:53 +0000 (18:29 +0000)]
Adding the heap queue algorithm, per discussion in python-dev last

22 years agoAdd heapq module docs to the dependency information.
Fred Drake [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 18:20:34 +0000 (18:20 +0000)]
Add heapq module docs to the dependency information.

22 years agoAdding the heap queue algorithm, per discussion in python-dev last
Guido van Rossum [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 18:05:20 +0000 (18:05 +0000)]
Adding the heap queue algorithm, per discussion in python-dev last

22 years agoAdd docs for heapq.py.
Guido van Rossum [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 18:03:24 +0000 (18:03 +0000)]
Add docs for heapq.py.

22 years agoindicate that 'b' is added to the mode flag if not given
Skip Montanaro [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 17:20:46 +0000 (17:20 +0000)]
indicate that 'b' is added to the mode flag if not given

22 years agoadd #include branch for compilation with Berkeley DB
Skip Montanaro [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 17:13:01 +0000 (17:13 +0000)]
add #include branch for compilation with Berkeley DB

22 years agocatch the situation where Berkeley DB is used to emulate dbm(3) library
Skip Montanaro [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 17:12:15 +0000 (17:12 +0000)]
catch the situation where Berkeley DB is used to emulate dbm(3) library
functions.  In this case, calling dbm.open("foo", "c") actually creates a
file named "foo.db".

22 years agoregression test for the whichdb module
Skip Montanaro [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 17:10:10 +0000 (17:10 +0000)]
regression test for the whichdb module

22 years agoAdd Kevin O'Connor, author of the heapq code.
Guido van Rossum [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 16:50:58 +0000 (16:50 +0000)]
Add Kevin O'Connor, author of the heapq code.

22 years agoAdding the heap queue algorithm, per discussion in python-dev last
Guido van Rossum [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 16:44:32 +0000 (16:44 +0000)]
Adding the heap queue algorithm, per discussion in python-dev last

22 years agotestGetServByName shouldn't check for getservbyname - the socket module
Skip Montanaro [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 15:52:30 +0000 (15:52 +0000)]
testGetServByName shouldn't check for getservbyname - the socket module
should always have it.

22 years agoAlso create BuildApplet. It's useful enough as a standalone application.
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 15:32:12 +0000 (15:32 +0000)]
Also create BuildApplet. It's useful enough as a standalone application.

22 years agoHmm, in some cases we don't seem to get our scriptname in argv[0].
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 15:31:25 +0000 (15:31 +0000)]
Hmm, in some cases we don't seem to get our scriptname in argv[0].
Cater for that by working from sys.executable.

22 years agoFinal step in making applets first-class citizens: if the applet wants
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:57:43 +0000 (14:57 +0000)]
Final step in making applets first-class citizens: if the applet wants
argv emulation (i.e. if the end user drops files and folders on the
applets these will show up in sys.argv) BuildApplet will add the required
code to the applet bundle, in __rawmain__.pyc.

This code is compiled from appletrawmain.py, it creates sys.argv, cleans
up most of the mess and executes either __main__.py or __main__.pyc.

22 years agoOops, the -psn stuff is in argv[1], of course.
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:54:46 +0000 (14:54 +0000)]
Oops, the -psn stuff is in argv[1], of course.

22 years agoAdded one call to Py_Main(), for OSX framework builds only, that will get the
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:11:24 +0000 (14:11 +0000)]
Added one call to Py_Main(), for OSX framework builds only, that will get the
actual script to run in case we are running from an applet. If we are indeed
running an applet we skip the normal option processing leaving it all to the
applet code.

This allows us to get use the normal python binary in the Python.app bundle,
giving us all the normal command line options through PythonLauncher while
still allowing Python.app to be used as the template for building applets.

Consequently, pythonforbundle is gone, and Mac/Python/macmain.c isn't used
on OSX anymore.

22 years agoGot rid of a couple of OS9-isms.
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:04:42 +0000 (14:04 +0000)]
Got rid of a couple of OS9-isms.

22 years ago- Slightly better error message in case of syntax errors in the script.
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 14:04:15 +0000 (14:04 +0000)]
- Slightly better error message in case of syntax errors in the script.
- The applet .rsrc file should be called python.rsrc, it is not based on the
  applet name.

22 years agoFix for
Michael W. Hudson [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 13:55:50 +0000 (13:55 +0000)]
Fix for

[ 589427 ] standard include paths on command line

22 years ago- Remove -psn-xxxx argument added by the Finder.
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:56:21 +0000 (12:56 +0000)]
- Remove -psn-xxxx argument added by the Finder.
- "Open Document" appleevent is "odoc", not "open".

22 years agoReplaced python.app target with osxapps (it builds more than
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:24:11 +0000 (11:24 +0000)]
Replaced python.app target with osxapps (it builds more than
one .app nowadays) and fixed it to work.

22 years agoConstruct a sys.argv from the initial AppleEvent sent by the finder
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:12:15 +0000 (11:12 +0000)]
Construct a sys.argv from the initial AppleEvent sent by the finder
during startup of a program. This module will replace the C code in
macgetargv.c so we can get rid of the special macmain.c for OSX

22 years agoSlightly better error message in case of missing resources.
Jack Jansen [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:03:19 +0000 (11:03 +0000)]
Slightly better error message in case of missing resources.

22 years agoNew test %sort. This takes a sorted list, picks 1% of the list positions
Tim Peters [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 05:46:09 +0000 (05:46 +0000)]
New test %sort.  This takes a sorted list, picks 1% of the list positions
at random, and replaces the elements at those positions with new random
values.  I was pleasantly surprised by how fast this goes!  It's hard to
conceive of an algorithm that could special-case for this effectively.
Plus it's exactly what happens if a burst of gamma rays corrupts your
sorted database on disk <wink>.

 i    2**i  *sort  ...  %sort
15   32768   0.18  ...   0.03
16   65536   0.24  ...   0.04
17  131072   0.53  ...   0.08
18  262144   1.17  ...   0.16
19  524288   2.56  ...   0.35
20 1048576   5.54  ...   0.77

22 years agoExcise DL_EXPORT/DL_IMPORT from Modules/*. Required adding a prototype
Mark Hammond [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 02:27:13 +0000 (02:27 +0000)]
Excise DL_EXPORT/DL_IMPORT from Modules/*.  Required adding a prototype
for Py_Main().

Thanks to Kalle Svensson and Skip Montanaro for the patches.

22 years agomodify testGetServByName so it tries a few different protocols. In this day
Skip Montanaro [Fri, 2 Aug 2002 02:19:46 +0000 (02:19 +0000)]
modify testGetServByName so it tries a few different protocols.  In this day
and age of rampant computer breakins I imagine there are plenty of systems
with telnet disabled.  Successful check of at least one getservbyname() call
is required for success

22 years ago- Get _environ through the NSEnviron call in a MacOSX framework. This allows
Jack Jansen [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 21:57:49 +0000 (21:57 +0000)]
- Get _environ through the NSEnviron call in a MacOSX framework. This allows
  us to completely decouple the framework from the executable, so we
  can use a two-level namespace.
- Do framework builds with a twolevel namespace.
- Reorganized the code that creates the minimal framework in the build
  directory, to make it more robust against incomplete frameworks (from
  earlier aborted builds, or builds of previous Python versions).

22 years agoPython.app is now a hidden application, deep in the framework. It will
Jack Jansen [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 21:14:06 +0000 (21:14 +0000)]
Python.app is now a hidden application, deep in the framework. It will
be invoked by PythonLauncher when needed.

Also changed the names of various variables in the Makefile to match
what the main Makefile has.

22 years agoPython.app no longer advertises that it can handle .py and .pyc files,
Jack Jansen [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 21:12:36 +0000 (21:12 +0000)]
Python.app no longer advertises that it can handle .py and .pyc files,
PythonLauncher.app has taken that responsibility over.

22 years agoFix for SF bug 570678 (can't flush read-only file on Mac OS X).
Guido van Rossum [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 21:12:35 +0000 (21:12 +0000)]
Fix for SF bug 570678 (can't flush read-only file on Mac OS X).

22 years agoTim found that once test_longexp has run, test_sort takes very much
Guido van Rossum [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 18:50:33 +0000 (18:50 +0000)]
Tim found that once test_longexp has run, test_sort takes very much
longer to run than normal.  A profiler run showed that this was due to
PyFrame_New() taking up an unreasonable amount of time.  A little
thinking showed that this was due to the while loop clearing the space
available for the stack.  The solution is to only clear the local
variables (and cells and free variables), not the space available for
the stack, since anything beyond the stack top is considered to be
garbage anyway.  Also, use memset() instead of a while loop counting
backwards.  This should be a time savings for normal code too!  (By a
probably unmeasurable amount. :-)

22 years agoOnly show the UI for selecting options if the ALT key was depressed while
Jack Jansen [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 15:07:00 +0000 (15:07 +0000)]
Only show the UI for selecting options if the ALT key was depressed while
dragging or double-clicking the script.

22 years agoSF patch 588728 (Nathan Srebro).
Guido van Rossum [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 14:39:25 +0000 (14:39 +0000)]
SF patch 588728 (Nathan Srebro).

The __delete__ method wrapper for descriptors was not supported

(I added a test, too.)

2.2 bugfix candidate.

22 years agoAdded new footnote about list.sort() stability. Repaired footnote about
Tim Peters [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 03:10:45 +0000 (03:10 +0000)]
Added new footnote about list.sort() stability.  Repaired footnote about
using sort() with comparison functions (it made reference to the non-
existent "builtin-in function sort()").

BTW, I changed list.sort's docstring to contain the word "stable" -- the
easiest way to tell whether a particular Python version's sort *is* stable
is to look for "stable" in the docstring.  I'm not sure whether to
advertise this <wink>.

22 years agoA blurb about the sort implementation.
Tim Peters [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 02:34:51 +0000 (02:34 +0000)]
A blurb about the sort implementation.

22 years agoNew test for sorting sanity. Note that this will fail in earlier Pythons,
Tim Peters [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 02:23:06 +0000 (02:23 +0000)]
New test for sorting sanity.  Note that this will fail in earlier Pythons,
in the stability tests.

Bizarre:  this takes 11x longer to run if and only if test_longexp is
run before it, on my box.  The bigger REPS is in test_longexp, the
slower this gets.  What happens on your box?  It's not gc on my box
(which is good, because gc isn't a plausible candidate here).

The slowdown is massive in the parts of test_sort that implicitly
invoke a new-style class's __lt__ or __cmp__ methods.  If I boost
REPS large enough in test_longexp, even the test_sort tests on an array
of size 64 visibly c-r-a-w-l.  The relative slowdown is even worse in
a debug build.  And if I reduce REPS in test_longexp, the slowdown in
test_sort goes away.

test_longexp does do horrid things to Win98's management of user
address space, but I thought I had made that a whole lot better a month
or so ago (by overallocating aggressively in the parser).

22 years agoReplaced samplesort with a stable, adaptive mergesort.
Tim Peters [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 02:13:36 +0000 (02:13 +0000)]
Replaced samplesort with a stable, adaptive mergesort.

22 years agoChecking in the doc file for "timsort". There's way too much here to
Tim Peters [Thu, 1 Aug 2002 00:59:42 +0000 (00:59 +0000)]
Checking in the doc file for "timsort".  There's way too much here to
stuff into code comments, and lots of it is going to be useful again (but
hard to predict exactly which parts of it ...).

22 years agoRestore a full arglist to the socket wrapper, so it supports keyword
Tim Peters [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 17:48:02 +0000 (17:48 +0000)]
Restore a full arglist to the socket wrapper, so it supports keyword
arguments correctly too.

22 years agoFor platforms (like Windows) that wrap _socket.socket:
Tim Peters [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 17:32:11 +0000 (17:32 +0000)]
For platforms (like Windows) that wrap _socket.socket:
+ Don't change the arglist requirements.
+ Give the wrapper the same docstring as _socket.socket (it didn't
  have any docstring).

22 years agoReverting this to rev 1.3. It's apparently broken everywhere at rev
Tim Peters [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 16:42:33 +0000 (16:42 +0000)]
Reverting this to rev 1.3.  It's apparently broken everywhere at rev
1.6, and pierslauder didn't respond to email about it on Monday.

22 years agoEnable test_socket again, if only to prevent mistakes like Jeremy
Guido van Rossum [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 16:08:40 +0000 (16:08 +0000)]
Enable test_socket again, if only to prevent mistakes like Jeremy
thinking that he was running his new test by running "make test".
Also, I can't get this to fail any more.  Your turn. :-)

22 years agoRepair testNtoH for large long arguments.
Jeremy Hylton [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 15:57:39 +0000 (15:57 +0000)]
Repair testNtoH for large long arguments.

If the long is large enough, the return value will be a negative int.
In this case, calling the function a second time won't return the
original value passed in.

22 years ago- Install into /Applications/Python in stead of into /Applications.
Jack Jansen [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 14:46:04 +0000 (14:46 +0000)]
- Install into /Applications/Python in stead of into /Applications.
- Build PythonLauncher.app and PythonIDE.app as well as Python.app.

22 years agoInstall into /Applications/Python in stead of into /Applications.
Jack Jansen [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 14:45:08 +0000 (14:45 +0000)]
Install into /Applications/Python in stead of into /Applications.

22 years agoImplemented starting Python in a terminal window. The implementation isn't
Jack Jansen [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 13:15:59 +0000 (13:15 +0000)]
Implemented starting Python in a terminal window. The implementation isn't
optimal, especially if Terminal wasn't running yet, but it works.

22 years agoPatch:
Michael W. Hudson [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:55:25 +0000 (09:55 +0000)]

[ 561724 ] README additions for Cray T3E

Lightly edited by me.

22 years agoCray fixup as seen in bug #558153.
Michael W. Hudson [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 09:54:24 +0000 (09:54 +0000)]
Cray fixup as seen in bug #558153.

22 years agoReplace DL_EXPORT with PyMODINIT_FUNC
Mark Hammond [Wed, 31 Jul 2002 06:17:46 +0000 (06:17 +0000)]

22 years agoComplete the absolute import patch for the test suite. All relative
Barry Warsaw [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 23:27:12 +0000 (23:27 +0000)]
Complete the absolute import patch for the test suite.  All relative
imports of test modules now import from the test package.  Other
related oddities are also fixed (like DeprecationWarning filters that
weren't specifying the full import part, etc.).  Also did a general
code cleanup to remove all "from test.test_support import *"'s.  Other
from...import *'s weren't changed.

22 years agoShared libraries also work on GNU/Hurd. Suggested by Matthias Klose.
Martin v. Löwis [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 20:19:58 +0000 (20:19 +0000)]
Shared libraries also work on GNU/Hurd. Suggested by Matthias Klose.

22 years agoGet rid of the DEFS variable. The only thing this was used for was to
Guido van Rossum [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 19:06:51 +0000 (19:06 +0000)]
Get rid of the DEFS variable.  The only thing this was used for was to
pass -DHAVE_CONFIG_H to CC, and that symbol isn't used any more.

22 years agoSF patch #581414: info reader bug
Fred Drake [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 17:51:20 +0000 (17:51 +0000)]
SF patch #581414: info reader bug

The "Matching vs. Searching" Info node is unreachable from the Info
program (but is fine in Emacs's Info mode). This patch seems to fix
it.  This is the only occurrence where the info reader fails, so
probably it could be addressed in the python docs as a workaround.
Forwarded the report to the info maintainer.

22 years agoRepair fill-paragraph damage.
Michael W. Hudson [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 15:25:57 +0000 (15:25 +0000)]
Repair fill-paragraph damage.

Clarify LLTRACE description.  It was introduced in 1992, revision 2.20 of
ceval.c, well before Python 1.0!

22 years agoRevert changes to use PyArg_Parse(), so any sequence will continue to work -- Spotted...
Neal Norwitz [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 12:27:43 +0000 (12:27 +0000)]
Revert changes to use PyArg_Parse(), so any sequence will continue to work -- Spotted by Just van Rossum

22 years agoWhitespace normalization.
Thomas Heller [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 11:44:44 +0000 (11:44 +0000)]
Whitespace normalization.

22 years agoFix SF 588452: debug build crashes on marshal.dumps([128] * 1000).
Thomas Heller [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 11:40:57 +0000 (11:40 +0000)]
Fix SF 588452: debug build crashes on marshal.dumps([128] * 1000).
See there for a description.

Added test case.

Bugfix candidate for 2.2.x, not sure about previous versions:
probably low priority, because virtually no one runs debug builds.

22 years agoadd description of LLTRACE.
Michael W. Hudson [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 09:49:29 +0000 (09:49 +0000)]
add description of LLTRACE.

22 years agoUse PyArg_ParseTuple() instead of PyArg_Parse() which is deprecated
Neal Norwitz [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 01:23:07 +0000 (01:23 +0000)]
Use PyArg_ParseTuple() instead of PyArg_Parse() which is deprecated

22 years agoFix docstring to be consistent with parameter name (prefix)
Neal Norwitz [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 01:17:43 +0000 (01:17 +0000)]
Fix docstring to be consistent with parameter name (prefix)

22 years agoSF patch #584245, get python to link on OSF1 (Dec Unix)
Neal Norwitz [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 01:08:28 +0000 (01:08 +0000)]
SF patch #584245, get python to link on OSF1 (Dec Unix)

22 years agoSF patch #587889, fix memory leak of tp_doc
Neal Norwitz [Tue, 30 Jul 2002 00:42:06 +0000 (00:42 +0000)]
SF patch #587889, fix memory leak of tp_doc

22 years agoFirst stab at the launcher application. This will be run when the user
Jack Jansen [Mon, 29 Jul 2002 21:36:35 +0000 (21:36 +0000)]
First stab at the launcher application. This will be run when the user
doubleclicks a .py, .pyw or .pyc file. It runs the file by invoking the
relevant interpreter (either the command line Python in a terminal window
or a Python.app for GUI-based scripts). Interpreter to use and the options
to pass are settable through preferences.

If PythonLauncher wasn't running it does its thing for one script and exits.
If it was manually started before a dialog is presented where the user
can set the options to use, etc.

To be done:
- option-drag/doubleclick should always open the interactive dialog
- Terminal-window isn't done yet
- Should be reimplemented in Python, but pyobjc isn't part of the core.
- Various menu entries should be disabled.

22 years agoPatch #553702: Cygwin make install patch
Jason Tishler [Mon, 29 Jul 2002 16:18:23 +0000 (16:18 +0000)]
Patch #553702: Cygwin make install patch

This patch fixes make install for Cygwin. Specifically,
it reverts to the previous behavior:

o install libpython$(VERSION)$(SO) in $(BINDIR)
o install $(LDLIBRARY) in $(LIBPL)

It also begins to remove Cygwin's dependency on
$(DLLLIBRARY) which I hope to take advantage of
when I attempt to make Cygwin as similar as possible
to the other Unix platforms (in other patches).

I tested this patch under Red Hat Linux 7.1 without
any ill effects.

BTW, I'm not the happiest using the following
test for Cygwin:

test "$(SO)" = .dll

I'm willing to update the patch to use:

case "$(MACHDEP)" in cygwin*

instead, but IMO that will look uglier.

22 years agoFix for
Michael W. Hudson [Mon, 29 Jul 2002 14:35:04 +0000 (14:35 +0000)]
Fix for

[ 587875 ] crash on deleting extended slice

The array code got simpler, always a good thing!

22 years agoNew functions for extension writers on Windows:
Thomas Heller [Mon, 29 Jul 2002 14:27:41 +0000 (14:27 +0000)]
New functions for extension writers on Windows:
 PyErr_SetExcFromWindowsErr(), PyErr_SetExcFromWindowsErrWithFilename().

Similar to PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFilename() and
PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr(), but they allow to specify
the exception type to raise. Available on Windows.

See SF patch #576458.

22 years agoRevert #571603 since it is ok to import codecs that are not subdirectories
Martin v. Löwis [Mon, 29 Jul 2002 14:05:24 +0000 (14:05 +0000)]
Revert #571603 since it is ok to import codecs that are not subdirectories
of encodings. Skip modules that don't have a getregentry function.

22 years agoExcise DL_IMPORT/EXPORT from object.h, and related files. This patch
Mark Hammond [Mon, 29 Jul 2002 13:42:14 +0000 (13:42 +0000)]
Excise DL_IMPORT/EXPORT from object.h, and related files.  This patch
also adds 'extern' to PyAPI_DATA rather than at each declaration, as
discussed with Tim and Guido.

22 years agoRecompiled the exe and updated bdist_wininst.py.
Thomas Heller [Mon, 29 Jul 2002 12:11:18 +0000 (12:11 +0000)]
Recompiled the exe and updated bdist_wininst.py.

22 years agoAdd posix.lchown()
Andrew M. Kuchling [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 20:29:03 +0000 (20:29 +0000)]
Add posix.lchown()

22 years agoAdd 'engine' back. IDLE used this, others might have copied it from
Guido van Rossum [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 19:04:07 +0000 (19:04 +0000)]
Add 'engine' back.  IDLE used this, others might have copied it from

22 years agoPatch #586999: Fix multiline string in sendmail example.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:52:01 +0000 (16:52 +0000)]
Patch #586999: Fix multiline string in sendmail example.

22 years agoFix the problem of not raising a TypeError exception when doing:
Neal Norwitz [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:44:23 +0000 (16:44 +0000)]
Fix the problem of not raising a TypeError exception when doing:
    '%g' % '1'
    '%d' % '1'

Add a test for these conditions
Fix the test so that if not exception is raise, this is a failure

22 years agoPatch #574867: Correct list.extend docstring.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:35:57 +0000 (16:35 +0000)]
Patch #574867: Correct list.extend docstring.

22 years agoPatch #573770: Implement lchown.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:33:45 +0000 (16:33 +0000)]
Patch #573770: Implement lchown.

22 years agoPass length of result structure into setipaddr. Fixes bug #565747.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 16:10:31 +0000 (16:10 +0000)]
Pass length of result structure into setipaddr. Fixes bug #565747.
Committed to 2.2 branch.

22 years agoSF patch #577031, remove PyArg_NoArgs() since it's deprecated
Neal Norwitz [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 15:23:23 +0000 (15:23 +0000)]
SF patch #577031, remove PyArg_NoArgs() since it's deprecated
Explicitly use METH_OLDARGS

22 years agoSF patch #577031, remove PyArg_Parse() since it's deprecated
Neal Norwitz [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 15:19:47 +0000 (15:19 +0000)]
SF patch #577031, remove PyArg_Parse() since it's deprecated

22 years agoSF patch #577031, remove PyArg_Parse() since it's deprecated
Neal Norwitz [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 15:12:10 +0000 (15:12 +0000)]
SF patch #577031, remove PyArg_Parse() since it's deprecated

22 years agoFix SF bug 587012, doc mentions inexistent builtin unistr
Neal Norwitz [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 13:55:20 +0000 (13:55 +0000)]
Fix SF bug 587012, doc mentions inexistent builtin unistr

22 years agoFix last checkin, can't use " inside a string
Neal Norwitz [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 13:53:05 +0000 (13:53 +0000)]
Fix last checkin, can't use " inside a string

22 years agoPatch #571603: Refer to encodings package explicitly.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 11:31:33 +0000 (11:31 +0000)]
Patch #571603: Refer to encodings package explicitly.

22 years agoPatch #543498: Use License: field instead of Copyright:.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 10:49:37 +0000 (10:49 +0000)]
Patch #543498: Use License: field instead of Copyright:.

22 years agoPatch #552812: Better description in "python -h" for -u.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 10:34:08 +0000 (10:34 +0000)]
Patch #552812: Better description in "python -h" for -u.

22 years agoPatch #554716: Use __va_copy where available.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 10:23:27 +0000 (10:23 +0000)]
Patch #554716: Use __va_copy where available.

22 years agoPatch #575827: allow threads inside SSL creation.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 09:57:45 +0000 (09:57 +0000)]
Patch #575827: allow threads inside SSL creation.

22 years agoPatch #581705: Catch OSError, termios.error in spawn. 2.2 bugfix candidate.
Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 09:42:57 +0000 (09:42 +0000)]
Patch #581705: Catch OSError, termios.error in spawn. 2.2 bugfix candidate.

22 years agoReset the Python execution server environment to its initial value prior
Kurt B. Kaiser [Sun, 28 Jul 2002 03:35:31 +0000 (03:35 +0000)]
Reset the Python execution server environment to its initial value prior
to executing Run/F5 from an EditorWindow.

M ScriptBinding.py : add call to clear_the_environment()
M run.py           : implemented Executive.clear_the_environment()

22 years agoremove redundant import
Piers Lauder [Sat, 27 Jul 2002 07:10:14 +0000 (07:10 +0000)]
remove redundant import

22 years agoremove redundant code
Piers Lauder [Sat, 27 Jul 2002 07:08:38 +0000 (07:08 +0000)]
remove redundant code

22 years agoremove o/s dependancy from test
Piers Lauder [Sat, 27 Jul 2002 00:38:30 +0000 (00:38 +0000)]
remove o/s dependancy from test