Martin v. Löwis [Sun, 26 Jan 2003 09:04:35 +0000 (09:04 +0000)]
Merge with PyXML 1.3:
Add support for the DOM Level 3 (draft) DOMImplementationSource interface
to the xml.dom and xml.dom.minidom modules. Note API issue: the draft spec
says to return null when there is no suitable implementation, while the
Python getDOMImplementation() function raises ImportError (minor).
Martin v. Löwis [Sat, 25 Jan 2003 21:39:09 +0000 (21:39 +0000)]
Merge PyXML 1.11-1.26:
Re-arrange the imports into "Python normal form."
Add test of the getUserData() / setUserData() methods, including the
NODE_CLONED callback.
Added support for renameNode() and getInterface().
Changed Node.unlink() so an unlinked node is not rendered completely
unusable by setting childNodes to None.
Element.removeAttributeNode() is slightly less destructive.
Added test for the wholeText attribute.
Added a test for Text.replaceWholeText().
Fixed to properly create Element in test of user data
Rename a local variable so it makes sense when viewed as a sequence.
Unlink a few documents when we're done with them.
Added tests to define the behavior of the cloneNode() and importNode()
mehods, especially in the "difficult" cases of document and
document-type nodes.
Filled in a few more of the other cloneNode() tests.
NodeList.item() does not exist before Python 2.2, since it requires being
able to create subtypes of list. Use the subscript syntax instead.
Added a test that minidom documents can be pickled and unpickled.
Closes SF bug #609641.
Fill in an empty test, making sure we get the whitespace right for the
data attribute of a processing instruction.
Added checks for a few more invariants for processing instructions.
testProcessingInstruction(): The length attribute of the NodeList
interface is not implemented for Python 2.0, 2.1, so only use
len() to test the length.
testSchemaType(): New test, testing just the minimum of schemaType
support; this is different from the test_xmlbuilder version of the
test since it doesn't rely on using a specific builder, and the
builders support different levels of DTD support.
Add tests for the removeNamedItem() and removeNamedItemNS() methods of
the NamedNodeMap instances found on Element nodes.
These do not pass; the fix will be committed shortly.
Added support for the DOM Level 3 (draft) Element.setIdAttribute*() methods.
Do more to avoid creating new Attr nodes, so that attributes do not lose
their ID-ness when set using setIdAttribute*().
Kurt B. Kaiser [Sat, 25 Jan 2003 21:33:40 +0000 (21:33 +0000)]
Fix the incorrect shell exception tracebacks generated when running
under debugger control:
1. Use rpc.SocketIO.asynccall() instead of remotecall() to handle the command.
2. Add a 'shell' attribute to RemoteDebugger.IdbProxy to allow setting
of ModifiedInterpreter's active_seq attribute from RemoteDebugger code.
3. Cleanup PyShell.ModifiedInterpreter.runcode() and remove ambiguity
regarding use of begin/endexecuting().
4. In runcode() and cleanup_traceback() use 'console' instead of 'file' to
denote the entity to which the exception traceback is printed.
5. Enhance cleanup_traceback() so if the traceback is pruned entirely away
(the error is in IDLE internals) it will be displayed in its entirety
6. ModifiedInterpreter.runcode() now prints ERROR RPC returns to both
console and __stderr__.
7. Make a small tweak to the debug messages.
Martin v. Löwis [Sat, 25 Jan 2003 16:51:50 +0000 (16:51 +0000)]
Merge with PyXML 1.28:
Wrap a lot of long lines.
Clean up a handler for expat.error.
If a lexical handler is set, make sure we call the startDTD() and
endDTD(). If the lexical handler is unset (by setting it to None),
remove the handlers from the underlying pyexpat parser object.
Closes SF bug #485584.
In namespaces mode, make sure we set up the qnames dictionary
correctly for the AttributesNSImpl instance passed to the
Closes SF bug #563399.
Martin v. Löwis [Sat, 25 Jan 2003 15:28:29 +0000 (15:28 +0000)]
Merge with PyXML 1.80:
Basic minidom changes to support the new higher-performance builder, as
Use True/False where appropriate.
isSupported(): Implemented from DOM Level 2.
Support a variety of things from the DOM Level 3 draft, integrate with
the xml.dom.xmlbuilder module for the new Document and
DOMImplementation methods.
Support the NODE_CLONED callback for the UserDataHandler set using
Add Entity and Notation nodes to minidom.
Add __getitem__() to ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap to match NamedNodeMap.
TupleType was used without being defined; rename to _TupleType and define.
Add magic so that instances of the NamedNodeMap (and its read-only cousin)
take a bit less memory in the new-style world of Python 2.2/2.3. Now, the
assignments to __slots__ actually work. ;-)
Add support for the Text.wholeText attribute.
Document.createCDATASection(): Do not pass unsupported arg to CDATASection
Implemented Text.replaceWholeText().
Updated minidom interfaces to work better with current 4Suite XPath and Xslt.
* Added childNodes to class Attr
* Added localName and prefix to all Nodes
* Added specified on class Attr
* Changed DOMImplementation.createDocument to all creating a document with no document element and
Null doctype
* Changed CharacterData__setattr__ to keep nodeValue and data in synch
* fixed typo of ownerDoc in createDocumentFragment
* Changed Comment to inherit from CharacterData
* Allowed mutation of name on PIs
* Added importNode and rewrote cloneNode so both use same code base
* Changed EmptyNodeList to be a list not a tuple
Use a table-driven DOMImplementation.hasFeature().
Shorten lines longer than 80 characters.
Rename CloneNode to _clone_node (better naming consistency within the
When defining localName as a property, the defproperty() call is
needed for each class that defined _get_localName(), otherwise only
the first version is used for Python 2.2 and newer.
Node.insertBefore(): When the reference node is not found, raise the
exception defined by the DOM specification.
Attr._set_value(): Added setter that does the right thing.
Childless.removeChild(): Raise the exception defined by the
specification, even though it seem less than intuitive.
_clone_node(): Access nodeType constants so we actually find them.
Add support for document fragments.
Node.removeChild(), .replaceChild():
Fix exception raised when a reference node is not found.
CharacterData._set_data(): Update the nodeValue attribute as well as
the data attribute.
Entity.attributes, .childNodes: Added these attributes.
Document.removeChild(): Raise the right exception when the node being
removed is not a child of this node.
Element.removeAttributeNode(): Raise the right exception when the
node isn't present on this element. Don't unlink the node unless
it is present.
Added support for the following methods and accessors:
Node._get_childNodes(), Attr._get_specified(), Attr._set_prefix(),
NamedNodeMap.has_key(), .getNamedItem(), .getNamedItemNS(),
.removeNamedItem(), .removeNamedItemNS(),
ProcessingInstruction._get_data(), ._get_target(), ._set_data(),
._set_target(), CharacterData.__len__(),
Add many more of the _get_*() accessors.
Convert internal helpers to use a more consistent naming convention.
Remove unused definition of _nssplit(); there can be only one!
Move the Identified mixin up so it can be used by one more class.
Remove comment about NamedNodeMap.__getitem__(); the API won't be
changing now! Way too late for that.
Preliminary support for getElementById() for DOMs built with
Not necessarily very efficient, but it works, and is still fast for Document
instances that do not have the ID information.
DOMImplementation.createDocument(): Don't forget to add the
DocumentType node to the tree. This appearantly was lost in the
previous release.
DocumentType.writexml(): New function.
Implement the final determination on the behaviors of importNode() and
cloneNode() with regard to Document and DocumentType nodes.
When cloning and importing, call the UserDataHandler with the right
operation, not just blindly use NODE_CLONED.
parse(), parseString(): When called with parser=None, use
xml.dom.expatbuilder instead of xml.dom.pulldom, to get a performance
boost (the main point of expatbuilder).
Fix for calling parse / parseString with a given parser instance;
the else-paths were ignored when refactoring the function signatures;
pychecker found that error instantly, BTW (hint, hint)
Added pickle support for NamedNodeMap, ReadOnlySequentialNamedNodeMap,
and ElementInfo. Closes SF bug #609641.
In _clone_node for elements, fixed arguments for getAttributeNodeNS
At least make sure the DOM API won't allow you to modify the child
node list of an entity node (since entity ndoes are supposed to be
Add support for the DOM Level 3 (draft) DOMImplementationSource interface
to the xml.dom and xml.dom.minidom modules. Note API issue: the draft spec
says to return null when there is no suitable implementation, while the
Python getDOMImplementation() function raises ImportError (minor).
Implement the DOM Level 3 Attr.isId property.
Refactor the lookup of the ElementInfo objects.
Implement the schemaType attribute for Element and Attr nodes.
Defined by the (draft) DOM Level 3 specification.
getElementById(): Support caching of IDs found. This implementation is
sufficient for DOM Level 2 compliance, but additional changes will be
needed to support the setIdAttribute() and setIdAttributeNS() methods
in DOM Level 3.
Add support for Text.isWhitespaceInElementContent (draft Level 3).
NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem(), .removeNamedItemNS():
Pass the new tests: Return the removed node, or raise NotFoundErr
if there was no matching node.
When changing attributes via a NamedNodeMap, update the ID-cache
Added support for the DOM Level 3 (draft) Element.setIdAttribute*() methods.
setAttributeNode(): Be more careful about not calling
removeAttributeNode() twice for a single node.
Do more to avoid creating new Attr nodes, so that attributes do not lose
their ID-ness when set using setIdAttribute*().
Work harder to avoid calls to Attr.__setattr__() and
Implement everything directly instead of calling to the base
class, which does several things that aren't needed for Attr
Change some remaining assignments that caused __setattr__() to be
called when it can be avoided. expatbuilder can now perform DOM
construction without __setattr__() interferance in common cases.
Kurt B. Kaiser [Sat, 25 Jan 2003 03:26:35 +0000 (03:26 +0000)]
1. Eliminate putrequest(): only used in asynccall(), merge it there.
2. Add additional debugging statements and enhance others.
3. Clarify comments.
4. Move SocketIO.nextseq class attribute to beginning of class.
Tim Peters [Fri, 24 Jan 2003 22:36:34 +0000 (22:36 +0000)]
date and datetime comparison: when we don't know how to
compare against "the other" argument, we raise TypeError,
in order to prevent comparison from falling back to the
default (and worse than useless, in this case) comparison
by object address.
That's fine so far as it goes, but leaves no way for
another date/datetime object to make itself comparable
to our objects. For example, it leaves Marc-Andre no way
to teach mxDateTime dates how to compare against Python
Discussion on Python-Dev raised a number of impractical
ideas, and the simple one implemented here: when we don't
know how to compare against "the other" argument, we raise
TypeError *unless* the other object has a timetuple attr.
In that case, we return NotImplemented instead, and Python
will give the other object a shot at handling the
comparison then.
Note that comparisons of time and timedelta objects still
suffer the original problem, though.
Neil Schemenauer [Fri, 24 Jan 2003 22:15:21 +0000 (22:15 +0000)]
Raise a TypeError if a float is passed when an integer is specified.
Calling PyInt_AsLong() on a float truncates it which is almost never
the desired behavior. This closes SF bug #660144.
Jeremy Hylton [Fri, 24 Jan 2003 19:29:52 +0000 (19:29 +0000)]
Raise PicklingError when __reduce__() fails, and
add memoize() helper function to update the memo.
The first element of the tuple returned by __reduce__() must be a
callable. If it isn't the Unpickler will raise an error. Catch this
error in the pickler and raise the error there.
The memoize() helper also has a comment explaining how the memo
works. So methods can't use memoize() because the write funny codes.
Barry Warsaw [Fri, 24 Jan 2003 17:36:15 +0000 (17:36 +0000)]
rmtree(): Make implementation agree with documentation (both latex and
docstring). Even if ignore_errors was true, an exception would occur
if path didn't exist.
Jack Jansen [Fri, 24 Jan 2003 16:15:45 +0000 (16:15 +0000)]
MacPython-OS9 specific fix: If there are non-string items on sys.path don't try to intern them. This has the theoretical problem that resource filenames on sys.path cannot be unicode objects, but in practice that shouldn't matter.
Tim Peters [Thu, 23 Jan 2003 20:53:10 +0000 (20:53 +0000)]
SF bug 660872: datetimetz constructors behave counterintuitively (2.3a1).
This gives much the same treatment to datetime.fromtimestamp(stamp, tz) as
the last batch of checkins gave to do "the obvious"
thing with the tz argument instead of a senseless thing.
Tim Peters [Thu, 23 Jan 2003 16:36:11 +0000 (16:36 +0000)]
Bringing the code and test suite into line with doc and NEWS changes
checked in two days agao:
Refactoring of, and new rules for, dt.astimezone(tz).
dt must be aware now, and tz.utcoffset() and tz.dst() must not return None.
The old dt.astimezone(None) no longer works to change an aware datetime
into a naive datetime; use dt.replace(tzinfo=None) instead.
The tzinfo base class now supplies a new fromutc(self, dt) method, and
datetime.astimezone(tz) invokes tz.fromutc(). The default implementation
of fromutc() reproduces the same results as the old astimezone()
implementation, but tzinfo subclasses can override fromutc() if the
default implementation isn't strong enough to get the correct results
in all cases (for example, this may be necessary if a tzinfo subclass
models a time zone whose "standard offset" (wrt UTC) changed in some
year(s), or in some variations of double-daylight time -- the creativity
of time zone politics can't be captured in a single default implementation).
Tim Peters [Wed, 22 Jan 2003 04:45:50 +0000 (04:45 +0000)]
"Premature" doc changes, for new astimezone() rules, and the new
tzinfo.fromutc() method. The C code doesn't implement any of this
yet (well, not the C code on the machine I'm using now), nor does
the test suite reflect it. The Python implementation and
test suite in the sandbox do match these doc changes. The C
implementation probably won't catch up before Thursday (Wednesday is
a scheduled "black hole" day this week <0.4 wink>).
Sebastien Keim pointed out that iterkeys and __contains__ require
their own definitions so their behavior will update when the
underlying method is subclassed.
Kurt B. Kaiser [Wed, 22 Jan 2003 00:23:23 +0000 (00:23 +0000)]
M config-keys.def
1. Clear any un-entered characters from input line before printing the
restart boundary.
2. Restore the Debug menu: There are now both Shell and Debug menus.
3. Add Control-F6 keybinding to Restart Shell.
4. Clarify PyShell.cancel_check() comment.
5. Update doc string for and re-format the file slightly.
Martin v. Löwis [Tue, 21 Jan 2003 10:58:18 +0000 (10:58 +0000)]
Merge with PyXML 1.71:
60: Added support for the SkippedEntityHandler, new in Expat 1.95.4.
61: Added support for namespace prefixes, which can be enabled by setting the
"namespace_prefixes" attribute on the parser object.
65: Disable profiling changes for Python 2.0 and 2.1.
66: Update pyexpat to export the Expat 1.95.5 XML_GetFeatureList()
information, and tighten up a type declaration now that Expat is using
an incomplete type rather than a void * for the XML_Parser type.
67: Clarified a comment.
Added support for XML_UseForeignDTD(), new in Expat 1.95.5.
68: Refactor to avoid partial duplication of the code to construct an
ExpatError instance, and actually conform to the API for the exception
instance as well.
69: Remove some spurious trailing whitespace.
Add a special external-entity-ref handler that gets installed once a
handler has raised a Python exception; this can cancel actual parsing
earlier if there's an external entity reference in the input data
after the the Python excpetion has been raised.
70: Untabify APPEND.
71: Backport PyMODINIT_FUNC for 2.2 and earlier.
Kurt B. Kaiser [Tue, 21 Jan 2003 04:42:50 +0000 (04:42 +0000)]
1. Restore the rest of Python IDLE Rev 1.4 (Python SF 634078)
(Loewis) which uses 'SRCDIR' (if available) in package dir path.
2. Merge Python IDLE Rev 1.5 (Loewis) to allow installation
from the build directory. IDLEfork SF Patch 668998 (Loewis)
Skip Montanaro [Tue, 21 Jan 2003 01:38:47 +0000 (01:38 +0000)]
* document open() function
* promote the example and the documented restrictions to \subsection status
* document the flag parameter of the DbfilenameShelf class
Tim Peters [Mon, 20 Jan 2003 22:54:38 +0000 (22:54 +0000)]
New rule for tzinfo subclasses handling both standard and daylight time:
When daylight time ends, an hour repeats on the local clock (for example,
in US Eastern, the clock jumps from 1:59 back to 1:00 again). Times in
the repeated hour are ambiguous. A tzinfo subclass that wants to play
with astimezone() needs to treat times in the repeated hour as being
standard time. astimezone() previously required that such times be
treated as daylight time. There seems no killer argument either way,
but Guido wants the standard-time version, and it does seem easier the
new way to code both American (local-time based) and European (UTC-based)
switch rules, and the astimezone() implementation is simpler.
Tim Peters [Mon, 20 Jan 2003 16:54:59 +0000 (16:54 +0000)]
Recursive compare machinery: The code that intended to exempt tuples
was broken because new-in-2.3 code added a tp_as_mapping slot to tuples.
Repaired that.
Added basic docs to check_recursion().
The code that intended to exempt tuples and strings was also broken here,
and in 2.2: these should use PyXYZ_CheckExact(), not PyXYZ_Check() -- we
can't know whether subclass instances are immutable. This part (and this
part alone) is a bugfix candidate.
Kurt B. Kaiser [Mon, 20 Jan 2003 04:49:37 +0000 (04:49 +0000)]
...and the old faked Function instances with Class instances
which had empty method and super attributes. ClassBrowser.IsExpandable()
could not handle the missing attributes. SF Bug 667787.
Walter Dörwald [Sun, 19 Jan 2003 16:59:20 +0000 (16:59 +0000)]
Port to PyUnit and add tests for error
cases and a few methods. This increases code coverage
in Objects/unicodeobject.c from 81% to 85%.
(From SF patch #662807)
Walter Dörwald [Sun, 19 Jan 2003 16:23:59 +0000 (16:23 +0000)]
Combine and into,
port the tests to PyUnit and add many tests for error
cases. This increases code coverage in Python/bltinmodule.c
from 75% to 92%. (From SF patch #662807, with
assert_(not fcmp(x, y)) replaced with assertAlmostEqual(x, y)
where possible)