When the Wizard uses STRAT_MONSTR to get next to any monster
which is carrying the Amulet, he was actually displacing the other
monster to take its map location. It was possible--and still is,
actually, although it takes a lot longer now--for the excessive
summoning by spell casting monsters to entirely fill up the temple
on the Sanctum level, so the Wizard would sometimes knock Moloch's
high priest right out of his temple. And since that priest doesn't
turn hostile until you enter the temple, you might have needed to
kill a peaceful human in order to get the Amulet.
Now when there's no elbow room in the temple, the Wizard will
stay outside instead of bumping the high priest out.
Alter the starting position of the monk and priest quest
nemeses to neutralize the possibility of attacking them by
zapping directly to the left as soon as you arrive on the final
level. And give the samurai a little variety too by varying
the arrival location, although that is just cosmetic.
unix: install recover command by default
- Update Makefile.top to do the deed
- Update Install.unx and README.linux to reflect the changed install procedure
allow vengeance against nymphs except for specific case
From: "Ken Arromdee" :
> My point is that you should be allowed to take vengeance on thieving
> nymphs too. The reasoning "a real knight wouldn't kill a nymph for stealing"
> doesn't make sense because the things a real knight would do instead (like
> arresting) aren't part of the game.
This is a compromise. This doesn't allow vengeance when you were
told "you gladly hand over ...", but does for most other cases, and for
Can't push boulders through iron bars; traps can't roll such through either;
likewise for objects thrown by monsters.
Thrown objects susceptible to breaking might do so when they hit iron bars.
Assorted monsters can pass through iron bars; ditto for polymorphed character.
Attempting to dig iron bars will wake nearby monsters instead of yielding
"you swing your pick-axe through thin air".
Autodig won't accept iron bars as candidate location.
Priests recognize B/U/C status on items in container menus
<email deleted>
> Since Priests' knowledge of the buc-status of an object only
> kicks in when the name is being looked at for the first time,
> they get an "X" option when taking items out of a newly-looted
> container, but B, U, and C thereafter; could their ability be
> pre-applied to the container's contents when constructing the
> menu, to avoid this anomaly?
R759 - delayed were change could cause crash
moveloop() sets a flag when a were/poly change should occur, but it
delays this change if the hero is Unchanging or cannot be interrupted (e.g.
praying). However, by the time the change can be applied, the reason
may no longer be valid. Reset the change indicator when this is the case.
Avoids possible strange polymorphs and were crashes.
mouse fix for nt tty
No wonder we've had complaints about the mouse lately.
The port was responding to mouse movements that didn't
even involve a button click.
Implement a fix for the problem From a bug report:
if the destination position on the Plane of Fire has a randomly
placed trap on it, you'd get an impossibility warning of "couldn't
place lregion type 5" (and then arrive successfully at the target
spot anyway). As his investigation indicated, the code to remove
such traps wasn't being reached because the `bad_location' check
yields true for trapped spots.
monster spells (insects, nasties)
This throttles insect creation through monster spell casting. Especially
insects. It was creating m_lev worth of insects--for a 25th level priest,
that means every batch of insects was size 25!
I also lowered the range for nasties creation for similar reasons.
Two new options
Add "travel" boolean option to enable/disable travel command.
Add "mouse_support" wincap option to enable/disable mouse.
- When running the win32 tty version full-screen, some people
complained about the square mouse cursor.
Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack
Subject: Re: Getting rid of the cursor?
<email deleted> <email deleted>
On Thu, 04 Apr 2002 00:20:06 <email deleted> wrote:
> Ok, let me be more specific: when playing the windows non-GUI version, is
> there a way to get rid of the large rectangular white cursor?
> <email deleted> wrote in message
> <email deleted>
>> Can you get rid of the cursor in the windows version? I really hate that
>> thing.
<email deleted>
>Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.nethack
>Subject: Disabling Mouse Input
>I purchased an older P120 laptop to be able to play Nethack at the hotel.
>I find that I rest my thumbs on the mouse touch pad all too often and my
>@ moves unexpectedly at times. I took a peruse through defaults.nh, but
>came up empty.
>Anyone know if mouse input can be disabled?
another pass at preserving the Burdened message
- this is brute force, always update the status line each time you
insert something into a container. If you look closely, you may still
see the Burdened message disappears momentarily doe to the many possible
messages between the freeinv() call and the point where the object is
actually put into the container.
ensure touch_artifact is always called via hold_another_object
- remove the touch_artifact calls just added
- put a check into hold_another_object itself, based on the complete check
removed from makewish
Another fatal bug in win32 graphical interface
"Too many "dead" NHW_TEXT windows around. Repeating #? 15 times will produce
the same result."
>Wizard, wearing gray dragon scale mail and wielding Magicbane. The
>Dark One teleports next to me and I get the message "The Dark One
>casts a spell at you! A field of force surrounds you!". Then I get
>3 windows popping up: "Oops." "The dungeon collapses." "ERROR: No
>windows available..." and the game exits.
> I wish I could reproduce this reliably. Here's the method I've been using
> to do it:
> - Equip character (+4 gdsm, Magicbane, unicorn horn, see invisible,
> telepathy, key, "gain ability" potions to max out, enhance dagger skill
> to max, level change to 14)
> - Teleport down to the portal entrance. Go through the portal, get
> permission to go down to see the Dark One.
> - Go down to the Dark One's level, teleport over, open up his door, and
> basically just try to head back to the entrance and kill him.
> Two different things have happened while doing this so far. (I've been
> able to get errors something like 5 times out of many tries, and I haven't
> been about to do it at all in the TTY version - only the windows
> one.) Either I get the above message I mentioned to you, which seems to
> happen at a random time, or I get a slightly different result - "Oops,
> program initialization failed, ERROR: No windows available". This second
> result happened once _after_ I had killed the Dark One and was trying to
> #quit.
disappearing burdened message
- the "Burdened" message could disappear from the status line if it was
updated partway thru in_container, clearing the bot flags. Re-order
message so it comes after add_to_container, as in 3.3.1.
R739 - dead migrating monster
- It was possible for hmon_hitmon to call mhurtle to move a monster into a
hole or other trap, causing it to migrate. Then, hmon_hitmon would
subtract hp, and could mark the monster as dead. Later, dmonsfree would
notice the monster wasn't on the level anymore, causing the impossible.
Avoid the problem by just not hurtling the monster if it's going to die.
It's possible it will get lifesaved after not hurtling. Technically, if it
does die, the corpse should be hurtled, but won't be.
- treat jousting similarly
R363 - can't drown breathless monsters
- if you're polymorphed into an eel, you were able to drown things like xorns
- also, fix the tombstone message when an eel drowns you, it was basing the
message on your location, not the eel's location
iron balls/teleds
Fixing some iron ball/teleds stuff:
-- If the player can pass through walls, ignore all checks for walls, or else
things will behave weirdly.
-- Instead of using the kludge "if the distance is >2 it must be a teleport",
pass a parameter indicating whether they crawled or teleported onto the new
space. This fixes a special case, where the player moved one space and the
ball didn't move, but the chain moved through solid rock. This is acceptable
if teleporting and unacceptable if dragging.
This also required some rearrangement of teleds() so that u.ux,u.uy
are set after placing the ball, not before. I'm still not sure the pit
filling line is in the right place; anyone know?
-- add some comments so I can look at the code in a month and still know what
I did.
Most of this patch is just adding the new parameter.
jwalz [Sun, 31 Mar 2002 22:42:07 +0000 (22:42 +0000)]
I recognize that this was an attempt to force the macro to act as a normal
statement that could be followed by ';' anywhere. However, with the goto
there, my compiler complains every time it's used:
"ball.c", line 402: warning: statement not reached
"ball.c", line 434: warning: statement not reached
"ball.c", line 442: warning: statement not reached
"ball.c", line 449: warning: statement not reached
"ball.c", line 452: warning: statement not reached
"ball.c", line 457: warning: statement not reached
"ball.c", line 479: warning: statement not reached
"ball.c", line 498: warning: statement not reached
None of the current uses care about an excess statement, but is there a
way to satisfy both desires?
cohrs [Sun, 31 Mar 2002 17:11:23 +0000 (17:11 +0000)]
X11 pop-up dialog width
- the response field of the pop-up dialog was getting smaller by a few
pixels each time it was used. This was because the width calculation
was effectively stripping off the margins (4 pixels total) each time.
Don't do that.
cohrs [Sun, 31 Mar 2002 07:23:36 +0000 (07:23 +0000)]
tweak dowhatis description of the "Y" monster symbol
- "or other large beast" could be interpretted as meaning that all "Y"
monsters are large, but monkeys are not large
cohrs [Sun, 31 Mar 2002 07:19:43 +0000 (07:19 +0000)]
clarify travel commnd documentation
- Guidebook said traval command would stop similar to the G command, but did
not say it differed from the G command in that it disables autopickup
cohrs [Sun, 31 Mar 2002 04:18:02 +0000 (04:18 +0000)]
fix more "drops to the floor" cases when there is no floor
- make the code in apply.c and zap.c consistent
- use the "drops away from you" case whenever the location type does not
lend itself to using the word "floor"
nethack.allison [Sat, 30 Mar 2002 19:09:56 +0000 (19:09 +0000)]
Allow MICRO and WIN32 code paths to diverge
There's still a lot of overlap for 3.4.1, but not
100% any longer and it facilitates some improvements
- Allow error save files on WIN32
nethack.allison [Sat, 30 Mar 2002 14:46:31 +0000 (14:46 +0000)]
boulder/statue/landmine reversal and new fix
This includes a reversal of my earlier
boulder/statue/landmine fix,
and places a check for obj->where==OBJ_FLOOR into
fracture_rock(). I think this is a better approach
- if eliminates the pointless extract/place in
fracture_rock, followed by extract/place in
the caller in the two places causing the crash
- it covers any similar situations that we
might have missed or that someone might add
accidentally (you might not expect the location
of an object to change inside fracture_rock())
- it allows fracturing to take place on the
other object chains if we ever need it (statues
falling down stairs, perhaps?)
- it doesn't move objects from other chains onto
the floor briefly as the current code does
nethack.rankin [Sat, 30 Mar 2002 09:50:59 +0000 (09:50 +0000)]
more wielded/quivered iron ball
There was at least one more special case aside from throwing
(jetisoning items to reduce weight after falling in water) which
have needed the same extra code. This is a more general fix.
cohrs [Fri, 29 Mar 2002 17:56:13 +0000 (17:56 +0000)]
Rolling boulder traps and pacifism
If you stepped on an unknown rolling boulder trap, and that rolling boulder
hit a monster and killed it, you would be called a killer. This makes
playing a pacifism conduct game rather difficult.
- track boulders from unknown rolling boulder traps, and don't charge/credit
hero if they kill monsters. This is done by temporarily setting otrapped on
such boulders.
- boulders from known traps are still charged/credited to the hero
- fix a couple places in ohitmon where is_poisonable wasn't checked along
with opoisoned.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 29 Mar 2002 13:37:16 +0000 (13:37 +0000)]
polyself: centaurs vs boots
Monster centaurs can't wear boots, and characters who polymorph
into centaurs have their boots pushed off, but there was nothing to
prevent such characters from putting those boots right back on.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 28 Mar 2002 03:03:04 +0000 (03:03 +0000)]
"harassment mode"
Make a change suggested by <Someone> to have the Wizard
enter harassment mode when you perform the invocation, in case
you manage to obtain the Book of the Dead without killing him.
Instead of just initiating that periodic effect, behave as if
you have actually killed him (which also affects random monster
generation frequency, prayer timeout, and shopkeeper salutations).
nethack.rankin [Thu, 28 Mar 2002 01:37:39 +0000 (01:37 +0000)]
lev_comp,dgn_comp vs CRLF style input
Allow the special level and dungeon compilers to handle input
files which have CR+LF delimited lines. Apparently Cygwin doesn't
convert MSDOS style line ends into newlines the way stdio should
do for text I/O. The resulting unexpected CR characters result in
syntax errors.
And explicitly using '\n' on both the lex and yacc sides of
MAP processing allows removal of the old NEWLINE hack for Mac MPW.
It won't matter what numeric value that character escape sequence
has internally.
nethack.allison [Wed, 27 Mar 2002 12:17:26 +0000 (12:17 +0000)]
(from <Someone>)
Two things:
1. This patch causes the window placement of the main window to be
written to the registry, and to be restored upon the next start
of the program. I had to move the creation of the main window to init_nhwindows,
as the registry is not read until then.
2. Implement support for wc_popup_dialog (or rather, support for not having
popup windows.) It asks getlin questions and get_ext_cmd on the
message window, much like the TTY port does it.
The get_ext_cmd procedure is almost but not quite the same as the
one for TTY, and I think it is better: It autocompletes the extended
command you type, but if you keep on typing it doesn't add those letters
after the completed command, but just keeps track of how many (correct)
characters you typed. If you type a different character than the
autocompleted command has, it shows you what you typed again. If you
press backspace, it deletes the characters you typed, and if autocompletion
is no longer possible, it removes the autocompleted part. The effect
of this is that you can type as many letters as you want when typing
an extended command, as long as it is enough to identify one command;
and you only have to delete the characters you actually typed if you made
a mistake. I think autocompletion is a lot less obtrusive this way.
Some notes about the patch:
- Both mswin_getlin and mswin_get_ext_cmd now have two versions, with
and without a popup.
- yn_question was changed so that it displays a caret, which is a lot
nicer IMHO.
- I had to implement a new NetHack Windows Message parameter,
"MSNH_MSG_CARET", to make it possible to show and hide the caret in
the message window. Normally the caret is created and destroyed by the
window that owns it, but in NetHack the input focus is always on the
main window, while the caret is in the message window, which happens
to be the only one that knows how large the caret should be.
- mswin_putstr_ex's last parameter changed from boolean to int; the
semantics are enhanced so that a negative last parameter means "delete
that many characters from the input line". The string to be deleted is
passed in as well, although it is currently not used.
- A rather large chunk of code finds out where the last string that was
displayed on the message window ended. This is necessary to place the
caret at the right spot. The caret is always positioned there, even if
it is hidden or non-existing.
- mswin_get_nh_event was changed to actually process and empty the
message queue, and called from mswin_putstr_ex to make sure the
message window is updated before the next step is done. Without this,
the caret is positioned before the last message is painted, which
makes its x-position after the last character of the previous line.
cohrs [Wed, 27 Mar 2002 04:58:42 +0000 (04:58 +0000)]
Sunsword kept glowing after monster wielding it died
- <Someone> reported this bug to the mailing list
- add a check in relobj(), which should catch all the cases
cohrs [Wed, 27 Mar 2002 02:31:21 +0000 (02:31 +0000)]
half-physical-damage from gas spore explosion should only affect you
- <Someone> noticed the fix for applying half physical damage to gas spore
explosions affected damage to all monsters, not just you
cohrs [Wed, 27 Mar 2002 00:58:44 +0000 (00:58 +0000)]
seemimic produces transparent doors
- if a mimic mimics a boulder (top sokoban) or a door atop
a closed door the closed door didn't block your vision after
the mimic is sensed.
- also, make mondied consistent with xkilled WRT corpses on inaccessible
locations: no corpse
cohrs [Tue, 26 Mar 2002 21:56:03 +0000 (21:56 +0000)]
R691 - bad cursor positioning debug message
- remove the "#define DEBUG" from wintty.c that caused this message to
be displayed when not in a debugging mode
arromdee [Tue, 26 Mar 2002 06:05:24 +0000 (06:05 +0000)]
iron balls (R676)
Well, this proved rather annoying. Problems included:
-- the solid rock problem that was noticed
-- teleporting to a spot two spaces away but on the other side of solid rock
could also leave the chain in solid rock
-- in one place I said chainx instead of ballx, which could cause problems with
-- the teleport code moved the player before moving the ball, violating the
assumption that the player hasn't been moved yet (which only caused problems
after I added the solid rock fix).
Ball movement still isn't quite right, though the cases are really rare. I
may fix them later.
nethack.allison [Tue, 26 Mar 2002 05:33:04 +0000 (05:33 +0000)]
generic feature_toggle
This adds a generic feature_toggle mechanism to
the game. Code that wants to offer two different
ways of doing something can add an entry to
feature_toggles[] (in decl.c), and create a
preprocessor macro for its array index in decl.h.
Then the code can test it using
if (feature_toggle(FEATURE_NAME))
The player can toggle the alternate code path
on using OPTIONS=feature_toggle:feature_name_1 feature_name_2 ...
This seems better than creating brand new options
for controlling features (ala prayconfirm, which
could switch to this single option feature_toggle
mechanism as well)
My first use of it is to allow toggling of the selectors
on the loot menu, which I'm hesitant to just change back
because now people are actively using the new selectors and
the complaints would be really loud if the interface were
to just switch back after they adjusted.
The default behaviour is the new behaviour "iob", but with an
in your config file, it will revert to using "abc" as it did
in 3.3.1. I'll add a Guidebook page of "features/behaviour
that can be toggled" later.
The toggles can only be done in defaults.nh, and are
not saved with the game.
nethack.rankin [Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:01:35 +0000 (09:01 +0000)]
impaired movement fix
Fix the reported problem of incorrect conditional logic
making it impossible to bump into closed doors when moving while
impaired for the #if STEED configuration.
cohrs [Mon, 25 Mar 2002 07:48:03 +0000 (07:48 +0000)]
R677 - two swords slipping due to fried food prints same message
- report: twoweapon mode, eat fried food, get messages like:
Your sword slips from your hands.
Your sword also slips from your hands.
- the fix tracks the kind of the 1st weapon, and adds "other" to the 2nd
message if necessary
nethack.allison [Sun, 24 Mar 2002 23:53:28 +0000 (23:53 +0000)]
#R675: bug in win32 GUI (division by zero)
(from <Someone>)
>The tile size is actually set just once in mhmap.c so validation can be done
>in one place. The patch is attached.
><email deleted>
on Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 16:15:50
mailversion: 1.10
nhversion: 3.4.0
nhfrom: 3.4.0 Official binary release for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP
hardware: 1 Ghz AMD Athlon, 512 MB RAM etc. etc.
I don't think that the hardware is related to the problem because I found it.
software: I used Win 98 (1st edition) and MS VC++ 6.0 to find/fix the bug in
Nethack 3.4.0.
comments: steps to crash: start nethackw.exe - start a game - select "fit to
sreen" in the map menue - rezize the map until it is very very small -> crash
nethack.allison [Sun, 24 Mar 2002 03:57:22 +0000 (03:57 +0000)]
#649, #656 hilite_pet bug (from Yitzhak)
<email deleted> on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 13:27:03
software: os: w2k workstation
nh: stock tty nethack.exe
comments: When you move onto a space and your pet moves onto the space
next to you on your left, your @ is displayed w/ normal attributes
instead of bright.
hilite_pet option is enabled
IBMGraphics option is disabled
<email deleted> on Friday, March 22, 2002 at 16:59:37
nhfrom: 3.4.0 Official binary release for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP
software: Windows 98 SE playing the ASCII version
comments: Sometimes when I'm standing next to my pet the @ turns grey, it goes
back to white after I move.
nethack.allison [Sun, 24 Mar 2002 01:37:16 +0000 (01:37 +0000)]
#R668: Windows 2000 Lock File Creation Error
This was a tricky one. While the error was ultimately because
he was specifying a non-existant directory in defaults.nh, the
error message lead me to the wrong area until I traced through
with a debugger.
It turns out that an fqn buffer was being re-used before it
was finished being used with the original information in
sys/share/pcunix.c, so the error message listed the
wrong file!
This adds one more buffer and fixes the problem.
Note that it could only affect plaforms with
It also alters the WIN32 error message to give them a
hint as to what the problem might be.
<email deleted>
<email deleted>
Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 9:27 AM
Subject: #R668: Windows 2000 Lock File Creation Error
> nhfrom: 3.4.0 Official binary release for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP
> I get an error after unzipping nethack to c:\nethack, and changing the
> configuration (defaults.nh) to reflect this in the hackdir, levels and save
> configuration items.
> The error I get is "cannot creat lock file (C:\nethack\NHPERM_lock.)" after
> entering nethack at the command line and answering the Who are you? question.
cohrs [Sun, 24 Mar 2002 00:04:41 +0000 (00:04 +0000)]
restore support for non-square XPM-based tiles (X11 & Gnome)
- change the way the tile sizes are calculated, based on the image size,
so non-square tiles can once again be supported.
- fix Gnome port so it can actually display non-square tiles, several
height/width uses were backwards
- update Install.X11 to note the number of tiles per row in the XPM image
cohrs [Sat, 23 Mar 2002 22:27:54 +0000 (22:27 +0000)]
wall symbol not replaced when digging while blind and levitating
- this was reported to the mailing list just before 3.4.0 shipped
- treat in a manner similar to chopping a boulder while blind and levitating
cohrs [Sat, 23 Mar 2002 22:11:07 +0000 (22:11 +0000)]
only get gems from kicking thrones
- this was a betabug I think, but not recorded as such
- if you kicked a throne, any GEM_CLASS item could be generated, including rocks
- changes behavior to be consistent with gems from fountains