PatR [Wed, 5 Dec 2018 22:56:03 +0000 (14:56 -0800)]
more green slime
When a hero dies due to turning into green slime, actually polymorph
him into a green slime monster before killing him off. That way he'll
show as a green 'P' on the map instead of white '@' during final
disclosure. Also, armor that gets destroyed by polymorphing into that
form will be absent from resulting bones file.
PatR [Wed, 5 Dec 2018 09:45:16 +0000 (01:45 -0800)]
fix #H6292 - green slime & genocide
Report suggested that if hero is turning into green slime, genociding
green slime should cure it. I went another direction: if life-saved
while dying due to turning into green slime, you survive polymorphed
into green slime form. If green slimes have been genocided (probably
after becoming infected with slime or hero wouldn't have faced any
slimes to cause infection, but that could be from eating a glob of
green slime created prior to genocide, or from #wizintrinsic), you'll
immediately die again, this time from genocide.
PatR [Wed, 5 Dec 2018 01:10:15 +0000 (17:10 -0800)]
fix #H7667 - maybe_reset_pick(), other bad context
When deciding whether to discard interrupted lock/unlock context while
changing levels, maybe_reset_pick() checks whether is being
carried. But it was doing so after the old level had been saved and
memory for non-carried container there had been freed.
That led to a couple of other issues. context.travelcc was using -1
for 'no cached value', but the fields of travelcc have type 'xchar' and
shouldn't be given negative values. 0 should be fine for 'no cache'.
Failed partial restore which occurred after old game's context had been
loaded would begin a new game with old game's stale context. Restoring
goes out of its way to avoid that for 'flags' but didn't for 'context'.
PatR [Tue, 4 Dec 2018 02:57:01 +0000 (18:57 -0800)]
fix #H7659 - accessing freed memory by cutworm()
hmon() can destroy the weapon being used, and known_hitum() would
still pass the pointer to the freed object to cutworm(). Remember the
relevant weapon attribute before using and maybe freeing the object,
then pass that attribute instead of the whole weapon. Also pass
'more-likely-to-cut' for axes in addition to blades.
thimonst() behaved similarly, although due to much different code
paths none of the objects that might get to hmon() were then passed to
cutworm(), so it wasn't vulnerable. But pass 'more-likely-to-cut'
for axes instead of for blades when thrown.
PatR [Mon, 3 Dec 2018 09:46:01 +0000 (01:46 -0800)]
Update tty command completion to ignore #shell and #suspend when
they're disabled. (Since they aren't flagged for command completion,
this should be unnoticeable.)
Update X11 extended command selection to not show shell and suspend
in the menu when they're disabled. (Trickier than I expected.)
X11 currently rejects #suspend (at run time, not compile time) but
allows #shell. If it was launched syncronously from a terminal
window, shell escape behaves sanely. Otherwise, that seems like
asking for trouble.
PatR [Mon, 3 Dec 2018 00:43:53 +0000 (16:43 -0800)]
command handling for !SHELL and !SUSPEND
Change the command list to always include #shell and #suspend so that
a user's preferred key bindings can span platforms without worrying
about whether those exist or not. They're still effectively no-ops
when compiled out.
'#?' suppresses them from the list of displayed commands. Interface-
specific extended command handling may want to check new extcmd.flag
value CMD_NOT_AVAILABLE to do the same, but failing to do so shouldn't
pose a problem. They behave sanely if executed when not supported.
nhmall [Sun, 2 Dec 2018 23:47:23 +0000 (18:47 -0500)]
'curses_display_nhmenu' should return a value
Caught by automated build test
../win/curses/cursdial.c:598:9: error: non-void function 'curses_display_nhmenu' should return a value [-Wreturn-type]
../win/curses/cursdial.c:605:9: error: non-void function 'curses_display_nhmenu' should return a value [-Wreturn-type]
PatR [Sun, 2 Dec 2018 10:09:22 +0000 (02:09 -0800)]
Sting revisited
Replace recent "(light blue aura)" with
"(flickering light blue)" if there are 1..4 orcs,
"(glimmering light blue)" if 5..12, or
"(gleaming light blue)" if there are 13 or more, and move its place
in the formatted name.
_3.6.1_: Sting (weapon in hand) (glowing light blue)
_recent: Sting (weapon in hand) (light blue aura)
_now___: Sting (weapon in hand, flickering light blue)
The thresholds for intensity may need to be tweaked. The start
message has been changed from "glows" to "flickers/glimmers/gleams"
and is given when the intensity changes (up or down) as well as when
first glowing. Stop message will usually be "stops flickering" but
some form of mass kill (genocide for sure, maybe explosion, probably
not wand zap) might result in stopping directly from higher intensity.
It still "quivers" if hero is blind when there are orcs on the level,
but no name augmentation shows in inventory for that situation;
describing it as "(weapon in hand, quivering)" would be too silly.
Also, the quiver or glow intermediate message if blindness is toggled
while Sting is active only worked for make_blinded(), not for putting
on and taking off a blindfold. Now fixed. I think becoming blind due
to polymorphing into an eyeless form is still not handled, but there
are no eyeless creatures capable of wielding weapons so that can wait.
Polymorphing from eyeless to sighted is handled but moot for Sting.
PatR [Sun, 2 Dec 2018 00:43:13 +0000 (16:43 -0800)]
debug_fuzzer vs '!' and ^Z
My sysconf allows shell escape, and the fuzzer seems fond of that.
Suppress '!' and also '^Z', although I didn't notice it execute the
latter. Without this hack, the sequence '!', sub-shell exit, '&'
causes nethack to be killed via SIGTTOU while fiddling with terminal
settings for introff().
PatR [Sat, 1 Dec 2018 00:02:55 +0000 (16:02 -0800)]
X11 text popup fix
Text popups on OSX could be dismissed with <space> or <return> or
<esc> if user's X resources had 'NetHack*autofocus' set to True, but
for the default of False they ignored all keystrokes even if you
clicked inside the popup window to set focus explicitly. Clicking
on the Close Window button of the popup's title bar was the only way
to get the popup to go away. Fix suggested by Pasi.
nhmall [Fri, 30 Nov 2018 21:00:24 +0000 (16:00 -0500)]
curses follow-up bits
Move the curses global variable defininitions to cursmain.c.
Make the references to those global variables extern in
Get rid of a warning:
../win/curses/cursmesg.c:379:9: warning: declaration shadows a
variable in the global scope [-Wshadow] int orig_cursor = curs_set(0);
Kludge for Visual Studio compiler: Add a stub- file for use
in Windows curses port builds to ensure that a needed #pragma
is invoked prior to compiling the file pdcscrn.c in the
PDCurses source distribution. All command line options and
compile of the file. It is unreasonable to expect a NetHack
builder to have to tinker with the PDCurses source files in
order to build NetHack. This kludge means the NetHack builder
doesn't have to.
The file stub-pdcscrn.c contains only two lines:
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
#include "pdcscrn.c"
Some day, if the PDCurses sources corrects the issue, this
can go away.
PatR [Fri, 30 Nov 2018 02:02:52 +0000 (18:02 -0800)]
more steed dismount
By creating a spot of lava, filling up the whole level, and creating
a lurker above, I managed to trigger the impossible "Dismount: can't
place former steed on map" that was added earlier today. I also was
told that my god was displeased even though the engulfer's attack was
responsible. This addresses both situations. I can't trigger that
impossible any more, and only voluntary dismount blames the hero if
it's killed because there's nowhere to place it. Hero is still blamed
for any dismount that kills the steed while flying or levitating over
dangerous terrain--hero took steed into jeopardy.
PatR [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 20:15:14 +0000 (12:15 -0800)]
steed vs "no monster to remove"
Noticed whlie testing the steed-in-pit fix. The EXTRA_SANITY_CHECKS
for remove_monster() are being tripped if riding hero has steed killed
out from under him because the steed is not on the map. This started
out simple but got a bit complicated. It seems to be sufficient but
I'm not very confident about it.
Being engulfed while mounted gave "placing monster over another?" due
to a change made along with EXTRA_SANITY_CHECKS but not conditional on
it. (The change was to issue a warning about an actual problem which
was previously undiagnosed.) I think bumping the engulfer off the map
in favor of the former steed only worked because some u.uswallow code
eventually used the hero's location to put the engulfer back. I didn't
pursue that to try to figure what really happened, just prevent it.
The DISMOUNT_BONES handling was being executed even if the steed was
dead. DISMOUNT_BONES only happens if the hero is dead. Since I don't
know whether it's possible for dead hero and dead steed to happen at
the same time, move it inside the steed-not-dead block just in case.
PatR [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 18:24:50 +0000 (10:24 -0800)]
fix github issue #164 - lack of steed-in-pit mesg
Fixes #164
No message was shown when riding a steed into a pit or spiked pit.
Setup for the message was done, but post-3.4.3 insertion of else-if
into the previous if/else/endif cut off its delivery.
PatR [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 11:49:16 +0000 (03:49 -0800)]
fix #H7631 - wielding cursed weptool via 'apply'
Applying a non-wielded cursed pick-axe first wielded it, then dug,
but it didn't report "pick-axe is welded to your hand". (Attempting
to drop it or wield something else did report that, after the fact.)
The same thing happened if you used a pole-arm rather than pick-axe.
nhmall [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 04:29:28 +0000 (23:29 -0500)]
fix nethackw start without arguments
The Windows graphical version in NetHackW.exe is meant to lock
itself to its own windowtype and ignore the OPTIONS=windowtype
setting in the config file, but the code to perform the lock
only did so if (argc > 1).
PatR [Thu, 29 Nov 2018 01:43:53 +0000 (17:43 -0800)]
fix #H7618 - gas cloud affects underwater monsters
Stinking cloud placed near water or poison gas breathed across it
would affect and potentially kill underwater monsters. Most swimmers
are on the surface and should be affected, but eels and other fish
shouldn't be.
This also changes minliquid() to not treat flying and levitating as
ways to survive water when on the Plane of Water.
I think goodpos() needs to be taught about that Plane (where many ways
of existing at a water location don't apply). This doesn't do that.
PatR [Wed, 28 Nov 2018 09:02:44 +0000 (01:02 -0800)]
mouse_support compile bits
There was a spurious seli-colon after an if's test, making a boundary
check be ineffective. When looking at that, I noticed that the 'O'
command's display of the current value for mouse_support ("0=off" and
so forth) was relying on implicit concatenation of adjacent string
literals, which would break K&R compilation. Do that concatenation
the old fashioned way....
While testing (after temporarily adding WC_MOUSE_SUPPORT to tty's
window_procs), I also noticed that wording used by config_error_add
looked strange when it was in response to giving a bad value via 'O'
command. Suppress its "config_error_add: " prefix is that situation.
nhmall [Wed, 28 Nov 2018 03:15:34 +0000 (22:15 -0500)]
expand mouse_support to three values rather than boolean
On Windows only:
0 = turn off mouse_support
1 = turn on mouse_support and turn off QuickEdit mode
2 = turn on mouse_support and leave QuickEdit mode untouched
More generally, but not implemented anywhere:
0 = turn off mouse_support
1 = turn on mouse_support and make supporting O/S adjustments
(O/S adjustments not implented beyond Windows as yet)
2 = turn on mouse_support and do not make OS adjustments
(unimplemented as yet so behaves as 1)
PatR [Wed, 28 Nov 2018 02:21:58 +0000 (18:21 -0800)]
lev_comp int vs long
Fix lev_comp's variable argument usage by changing it to make
add_opvars() expect an int rather than a long when given the "i"
indicator, and add "l" for really passing a long. The ints are
conveted to longs when setting up the interpreter. I think I changed
just about all the integer opvars to int, although there is one use
of "l" in lev_main.c just to make sure it works. There could be
arguments that really do need to be 'long'; if so, the add_opvars()
calls for them will have to have its indicator string updated and
possibly add or remove some casts.
There's a lot of reformatting included but it's not consistent about
tab replacement. Some of the changes are due to renaming long-named
'variable_definitions' to 'vardefs' to shorten a bunch of lines.
Updated sys/share/*_yacc.c will be checked in separately. The ones
currently in the repository won't work with patched lev_main.c due to
that renamed variable.
PatR [Sun, 25 Nov 2018 23:36:54 +0000 (15:36 -0800)]
github pull request #163 - bag of holding weight
Fixes #163
Fixes #153
Encumbrance calculations for taking things out of a bag of holding
where subject to rounding issues due to integer division. This may
improve things, although I think taking out a partial stack might not
be much better than before.
I simplified the contributed code, then decided that it wasn't an
improvement. In the process of switching back and forth I may have
introduced bugs which weren't present originally.
nhmall [Sun, 25 Nov 2018 17:47:53 +0000 (12:47 -0500)]
more orctown-related follow-up
Under some circumstances, when all the marauding orcs belonging to the
horde operating within the gnomish mines had been provided with their
spoils and placed appropriately, there could still be some pillaged stuff
left-over on the migrating obj chain. Orcs created by regular monster
generation elsewhere would then be susceptable to receiving that stuff
until it was used up. That part is fine, except that the orcs were then
being named as part of the same horde operating within the mines. Now
they will no longer be named as part of the Gnomish Mines horde.
Mythos: There's a good chance that these particular orcs received the
stolen goods from the Gnomish Mines horde.
nhmall [Sun, 25 Nov 2018 04:14:20 +0000 (23:14 -0500)]
adjust sample config file when STATUS_HILITES isn't defined
On Windows, if you build without STATUS_HILITES defined,
you'll be greeted by the following barrage of errors when
you start the game.
On Windows, use makedefs to detect that STATUS_HILITES
isn't defined, and comment out the offending lines in
the sample config file.
Errors received before this change:
* Line 197: 'statushilites' is not supported.
* Line 200: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 201: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 202: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 203: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 204: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 205: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 208: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 209: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 210: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 211: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 212: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 215: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
* Line 218: 'hilite_status' is not supported.
Hit <Enter> to continue.
PatR [Sat, 24 Nov 2018 23:22:33 +0000 (15:22 -0800)]
fix github pull request #161 - scatter()
Fixes #161
Report states that scattering objects might leave a 'pile' glyph when
no longer appropriate. I didn't try to reproduce that, just took it
on faith. The fix tried to be too efficient and might have missed
fixing the display if breaks() or ohitmon() destroyed the objects
being scattered and left 'total' at 0.