nethack.rankin [Thu, 23 Nov 2006 03:32:53 +0000 (03:32 +0000)]
Rider strengthening
High resistance made the Riders unlikely to be polymorphed, but
they were susceptible to being turned into green slime (and then never
reviving if killed in that state). Now they'll be immune to both types
of transformation.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 23 Nov 2006 03:06:19 +0000 (03:06 +0000)]
levitation timeout vs traps (trunk only)
<email deleted>:
> If you enter a magic trap on the same turn that you lose your levitation
> and "float gently to the floor", you are hit by the trap twice.
I don't think this is actually a bug, but it does look fairly strange
if there aren't any monsters attacking (after you move on to the trap,
monsters get a chance to move too before timeouts are run, but if there
aren't any messages triggered by monster activity then it feels like the
timeout and second activation happens immediately). To prevent this, if
levitation is due to time out on the same turn that a trap is being
entered, either extend the duration by an extra move or make it end
immediately instead of waiting until end of current turn. Deferring
timeout is a lot easier but doing that unconditionally would allow player
to move back and forth between adjacent traps without ever descending.
The early timeout might lead to anomalous behavior in obscure cases; it
seems to be working ok so far though.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 10 Nov 2006 05:23:13 +0000 (05:23 +0000)]
another petrification bit (trunk only)
Noticed while tracking down the "you die..." situation. Duplicating
instapetrify()'s resistance checks is useful here, but there's no need to
also duplicate its death handling.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 10 Nov 2006 05:13:57 +0000 (05:13 +0000)]
petrification fixes
Eliminate the somewhat redundant "You die..." following "You turned
to stone..." when becoming petrified by touching a cockatrice (reported
by <email deleted> for kicking, but occurs for weaponless hitting too).
Also, if a cockatrice killed you with normal damage, your tombstone would
erroneously report petrification and presumeably there'd be a statue
instead of a ghost in the resulting bones file. This fixes both things.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 9 Nov 2006 06:36:36 +0000 (06:36 +0000)]
#tipping shop containers (trunk only)
Using #tip (post-3.4.3 code) on a container that's on a shop floor
didn't handle ownership correctly. Bag of tricks could be emptied for
free, and contents of other containers were being sold to the shop even
when the shop already owned them. This fixes bag of tricks and makes a
first cut at doing so for regular containers.
Message handling when #tipping any bag of tricks was also suboptimal
since the decision about message delivery was made again as each charge
released something instead of waiting until the whole bag was emptied.
So you could get inappropriate "nothing seems to happen" before or after
a monster visibily popped up if something unseen was also produced.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 9 Nov 2006 05:20:00 +0000 (05:20 +0000)]
"(contents, N zorkmids)" fix (trunk only)
Some code I recently added was misusing count_unpaid() and would
traverse some or all of inventory instead of just container's contents
when looking for unpaid items. Add mew routine `is_unpaid(obj)' to do
what I was intending to do with count_unpaid().
nethack.rankin [Tue, 7 Nov 2006 05:19:48 +0000 (05:19 +0000)]
more shopkeeper feedback (trunk only)
The earlier change involving "you sneaky cad!" got me wondering, so
I looked up cad in the dictionary: "an ungentlemanly man". I can see
that being extended to a male gnome, even to an orc, but not to a women.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 7 Nov 2006 02:49:09 +0000 (02:49 +0000)]
shopkeeper feedback (trunk only)
Use verbalize instead of pline for shop "thank you, scum" message
(From a bug report. Suppress shop "you sneaky cad" message
when removing a hero-owned pick-axe from a container inside a shop if the
shk is unable to speak; also give it at most one time per move (taking
multiple pick-axes out of a bag at once was way too verbose). Honor
addtobill's silent flag for the bill overflow message when/if that occurs.
Also adds a safe_qbuf usage for the #tip command that I had pending
for pickup.c.
nethack.rankin [Sun, 5 Nov 2006 07:20:20 +0000 (07:20 +0000)]
using unpaid horn of plenty (trunk only)
Make objects created by applying or #tipping a horn of plenty which
is owned by a shop also start out being owned by the shop. That's in
addition to the usage charge for using an unpaid item.
I think wishes conferred by unpaid objects, or by entities released
from unpaid objects, should probably work that way too, but have left
that alone.
nethack.rankin [Sun, 5 Nov 2006 04:16:10 +0000 (04:16 +0000)]
clearing no_charge bit for containers
[I can't get access to my mail at present, but `cvs update' shows
that there aren't any patch notification messages pending for me.]
Extend a pre-3.4.3 fix--for objects picked up in an untended shop--
to container contents. Without it, dropping a bag or box in a tended shop
and declining to sell it, then picking it back up after the shop has become
untended (shk killed or evicted) would leave the contents with no_charge
set. After that it could be sold in another tended shop, picked back up
for free, then kept or sold a second time. (Picking it back up in the
tended shop would clear the bit; afterwards it behaved normally. And it's
not something prone to abuse; if you can make a tended shop become untended
you really don't need to sell stuff twice. But it'd be noticeably wrong if
anyone ever stumbled across it.)
nethack.rankin [Sat, 4 Nov 2006 07:49:49 +0000 (07:49 +0000)]
unpaid shop goods in inventory (trunk only)
Inventory display adds "(unpaid, N zorkmids)" to carried unpaid
items, but it didn't show anything comparable for indirect unpaid ones
(hero-owned containers holding shop-owned objects). Now it will include
"(contents, N zorkmids)" in such cases.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 3 Nov 2006 07:38:34 +0000 (07:38 +0000)]
#adjust tweaks (trunk only)
Allow '#' as a destination slot if you've given '#' as the source
and there aren't any available inventory letters, making it possible to
use doorganize()'s feature of merging compatible items into one slot even
when that slot is #. ('#' won't work as a destination when the source is
from a regular letter. If the player wants to swap something in letter
slot x with whatever is in the # slot, he'll have to use # -> x rather
than x -> #.)
Also, a post-3.4.3 change made it possible to produce an inventory
that used duplicate letters. Giving a count while specifying the source
slot splits the source object. But the extra '?' choice added to show
inventory letters in use didn't undo the split if player hit ESC to quit
early instead of specifying a destination slot.
Lastly, don't prompt forever if the user doesn't give a valid
destination letter; give up after 5 attempts.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 3 Nov 2006 07:13:27 +0000 (07:13 +0000)]
more inventory overflow control
Prevent getobj() from overflowing its inventory letter collection
buffer if someone figures out some new way to fill up their inventory with
a huge number of # entries. Inventory manipulation might become crippled
at that stage but at least it shouldn't be able to trigger a crash.
Also, the !fixinv configuration was never taught about # and did
strange things if you had more than 52 items, both for inventory display
and object selection with getobj.
The reassign()/getobj() situation is definitely confused regarding
gold, using GOLD_SYM in some places and def_oc_syms[COIN_CLASS] in
others, and it's schizophrenic about whether the GOLDOBJ configuration
keeps gold in a letter slot or specially named $ slot. I'm sure there
are some problems there but I'm not planning to try to figure them out.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 3 Nov 2006 04:41:30 +0000 (04:41 +0000)]
inventory overflow control
Prevent heroes in giant form from picking up boulders once they run
out of available inventory slots to avoid an uncontrolled number of '#'
entries. There is an exception: if not already carrying any boulders,
they can put one into the '#' slot. Loadstones are treated the same way,
although since they stack and are rare to begin with, someone would have
to have gone far out of their way to have gotten many # entries with them.
Assuming that you can get something other than a boulder or loadstone
into the # slot (which is definitely possible, I just can't remember how),
you could relatively easily get three total # entries by picking up a
loadstone and polying into a giant and picking up a boulder. But I don't
think there's anything wrong with that.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 2 Nov 2006 06:26:37 +0000 (06:26 +0000)]
inventory overflow prompting
If someone manages to get three or more items with inventory "letter"
'#', compact inventory selection prompts to list "#-#" instead of showing
every #. It isn't possible to selectively pick a particular one anyway,
so this doesn't affect player choices.
1 #: Which item? [$#a-zA-Z]
2 #: Which item? [$##a-zA-Z]
3 #: Which item? [$#-#a-zA-Z]
4 or more #: same as 3.
This doesn't address the fact that picking up enough boulders as a
giant might overflow the BUFSZ buffer getobj() uses to collect inventory
letters prior to calling compactify() on them.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:12:56 +0000 (07:12 +0000)]
shop fixes
[I accidentally left this out of the previous commit.]
Throwing didn't handle a container owned by the hero which contained
items owned by the shopkeeper. I'm still not quite sure what's going on
there, but throwing the container out of the shop didn't give any feedback
but did add to shop charges which don't show up in ``I x'' (but do get
revealed by ``$'' or ``I $''). Now there's some shop feedback for the
throw and the contents show up for ``I x''.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:03:37 +0000 (07:03 +0000)]
shop fixes
Try to fix multiple container-in-shop bugs; it seemed as if every time
I tried to investigate one I stumbled into another. billable() (post-3.4.3
code, but already present in branch as well as trunk) didn't handle
containers properly. It sometimes gave the wrong answer and it didn't
clear the no_charge flag of contained items as the old code in addtobill()
it replaced did. stolen_value() didn't use the actual bill price for an
item already on the shop bill; it generated a new price which might be
different if the object was unID'd (3.4.3 had this one). Throwing didn't
handle a container owned by the hero which contained items owned by the
shopkeeper. I'm still not quite sure what's going on there, but throwing
the container out of the shop didn't give any feedback but did add to shop
charges which don't show up in ``I x'' (but do get revealed by ``$'' or
``I $''). (This was intertwined with some of the other stuff and I don't
know how 3.4.3 behaved in this regard. Now there's some shop feedback for
the throw and the contents show up for ``I x''.) An unpaid container which
contained another nonempty unpaid container showed a different price when
picked up and in inventory display [k - a bag (unpaid, NNN zorkmids)]
compared to what was on the bill and showed by ``I u'' because the first
two included double billing of the nested container (just it, not its own
contents). [There where a few recursive calls of the form
x += func(x)
which should have been either
x = func(x)
or x += func(0).] Purchasing used the right amount, I think. I'm not
sure whether 3.4.3 had this particular bug or whether fixes for some of its
other container bugs inadvertently caused this one.
This patch also changes stolen_container() to work like the other
recursive shop routines: it just handles the contents, leaving the outer
container itself to be handled by its caller. It seemed inconsistent, and
changing it simplified the fix for using bill price on stolen unpaid items.
nethack.rankin [Sun, 29 Oct 2006 04:10:55 +0000 (04:10 +0000)]
shop queries (trunk only)
This eliminates a whole bunch of the "Query truncated" entries in
the paniclog file by using safe_qbuf() where applicable.
It also makes selling queries and some other shop messages be less verbose
when shopkeepers are invisible (not uncommon after characters achieve see
invisible capability) by using shkname() to get "Manlobbi" instead of
Monnam()'s "Manlobbi the invisible shopkeeper" (something I had planned
to do even before seeing the truncations in that paniclog; repetition of
"the invisible shopkeeper" was very annoying when stepping through
multiple unpaid objects with itemized billing).
This also simplifies several GOLDOBJ conditional sections which
happened to be near the other code I was modifying.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 24 Oct 2006 05:18:00 +0000 (05:18 +0000)]
safe_qbuf, short_oname (trunk only)
Change safe_qbuf() so that instead of picking one of three strings
for sprintf() to plug into a prompt string, it actually constructs the
full prompt string itself. Also pass in the unformatted object and a pair
of formatting functions instead of performing dual formatting in advance.
The actual formatting is done via new routine short_oname() which also
takes an object and a pair of formatting routines plus a target length.
It uses the first routine, typically xname() or doname(), and formats the
object, then if the result is too long it makes some transformations, and
tries again. If truncating "called foo" and "named bar" down to 12 chars
and omitting "uncursed, rustproof, thoroughly corroded" attributes still
result in a string that's too long, it uses the other formatting routine.
The latter calls one of several jacket routines around simple_typename()
to produce a short result.
This has been through about four incarnations now and has gotten a
bit less testing each time, but I need to get it in place before I end up
running out of gas and abandoning it. I've got some changes to shk.c
(where safe_qbuf is needed but not currently used) that now need to be
redone and will come eventually.
nethack.rankin [Sun, 22 Oct 2006 05:59:26 +0000 (05:59 +0000)]
yn_function (trunk only)
Explicitly truncate the query prompt string to QBUFSZ-1 characters.
For tty and Amiga, no longer include the choices and default within that
length limit; use a bigger buffer to hold them along with the prompt.
[See cvs log for doc/window.doc for more details.]
nethack.rankin [Sun, 22 Oct 2006 05:58:17 +0000 (05:58 +0000)]
yn_function (trunk only)
Explicitly truncate the query prompt string to QBUFSZ-1 characters.
For tty and Amiga, no longer include the choices and default within that
length limit; use a bigger buffer to hold them along with the prompt.
While trying to eliminate the "Query truncated" entries present in's paniclog, I seem to keep going backwards. Allowing
<win>_yn_function() to accept a full QBUFSZ worth of characters will
simplify the existing yn_function() in the core and greatly simplify the
revised safe_qbuf() I've been working on.
Some interfaces don't seem to care how long the prompt string is; I've
left those along. Several of the others already copied the prompt string
into a BUFSZ sized buffer instead of a QBUFSZ sized one, making them
unlikely to suffer from buffer overflows. This changes the rest (just tty
and Amiga, I think) to do the same. Also for all that have any size
constraint, it now truncates the prompt query to QBUFSZ-1 chars as it is
used rather than continue to rely on the caller doing so. This assumes
that appending the set of acceptable choices and the default response won't
overflow, which is a safe assumption unless/until QBUFSZ gets enlarged til
it's too close to BUFSZ.
Only tty's topl.c has been tested. The others should work ok, but
might possibly be bitten by a typo or two. Qt's implementation of the X11
"slow" method (reusing a persistant one-line window for prompts) has been
handled, but its C++ class-based variant is untouched; NetHackQtYnDialog::
Exec() is completely baffling to me but doesn't appear to have any length
nethack.rankin [Sun, 22 Oct 2006 03:53:50 +0000 (03:53 +0000)]
unhiding during summoning
According to a newsgroup followup, a hidden pet summoned via magic
whistle could produce the same effect as the level change case (where
sometimes the glyph for unseen monster would appear unexpectedly). I was
unable to reproduce this one, but I don't see anything in the code to deal
with the situation, so I suspect that the monster is moving immediately
and being revealed before I have a chance to notice anything odd.
I assume that other situations where hidden monsters get teleported
are being handled as attacks which expose them. At least I hope so.
nethack.rankin [Sun, 22 Oct 2006 02:53:31 +0000 (02:53 +0000)]
unhiding during level change
From the newsgroup: if a pet was hiding under an object next to you
when you changed levels, it could arrive hidden at the destination if there
was something available to hide under there too, and sometimes you'd start
the new level with a hidden monster glyph at its location. I was able to
reproduce that once with current trunk code, but while trying to figure
out what is actually happening I've been unable to make it happen again.
However, it doesn't make sense for a monster to be able to remain in hiding
during the level change in the first place, so this patch prevents that.
(I'd still like to know how/why map_invisible() is sometimes getting called.
[The test character was a level 1 tourist without auto-search capability.]
I'm reasonably sure that it won't happen any more once this fix in place.)
This also brings adjacent pets out of hiding when they accompany you
during ascension or dungeon escape, but it seems that that wasn't actually
necessary. The end of game disclosure already lists such by name rather
than as "it", contrary to my expectations. (I had forgotten that end-of-
game forces true names so that blindness and hallucination don't interfere
with disclosure; obviously that ends up handling hidden monsters too.)
nethack.allison [Wed, 18 Oct 2006 00:09:18 +0000 (00:09 +0000)]
add some unicode support (trunk only)
This patch attempts to add some levels of unicode support
to NetHack.
The master on/off switch for any Unicode support is
defining UNICODE_SUPPORT in config.h. Currently
there is code support for two subsets of unicode support:
If UNICODE_DRAWING is defined, then the data
structures used to house drawing symbols are expanded
to the size of wchar_t, big enough to hold unicode characters.
A typdef called `nhsym' is involved and if UNICODE_DRAWING
is defined, it is wchar_t, otherwise it is uchar.
If UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT is defined, then the data
structures inside the window port are expanded to the size of
wchar_t, big enough to hold unicode characters. Both map
symbols and text within the window port are expanded, in order
for potential support for displaying multinational characters some
day, but this patch only provides viewing of map symbols.
A typdef called `nhwchar' is involved and if UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT
is defined, it is wchar_t, otherwise it is char.
The only window port with code support for UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT
currently is the TTY port. Don't enable UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT
- it is a TTY port
- the underlying platform specific routines can
handle the larger data structures.
Don't enable UNICODE_SUPPORT unless:
- your compiler can handle wchar_t.
- your compiler can accept L'a' characters.
- your compiler can accept L"wide" strings.
Note that if your compiler can handle the above, you could
enable the larger data structures (currently if TTY) even if your
platform can't actually display unicode or UTF-8, by messing
with u_putch() in win/tty/wintty.c to only deal regular chars.
That should be the only function that actually pushes wide characters
out to the display.
If you enable UNICODE_SUPPORT, and your platform is capable
you will need to turn on the unicode run-time option to be able to
load unicode character sets from the symbol file, to be able to
push unicode characters to the display. You'll also want to load
a unicode symbol set once the unicode option is toggled on. In
a config file you would do that via these two lines:
The repository was stamped with NETHACK_PRE_UNICODE
prior to applying this patch, and stamped with
NETHACK_POST_UNICODE afterwards. The code differences
between those two tagged versions are this patch.
nethack.allison [Tue, 17 Oct 2006 23:55:42 +0000 (23:55 +0000)]
add some unicode support (trunk only)
This patch attempts to add some levels of unicode support
to NetHack.
The master on/off switch for any Unicode support is
defining UNICODE_SUPPORT in config.h. Currently
there is code support for two subsets of unicode support:
If UNICODE_DRAWING is defined, then the data
structures used to house drawing symbols are expanded
to the size of wchar_t, big enough to hold unicode characters.
A typdef called `nhsym' is involved and if UNICODE_DRAWING
is defined, it is wchar_t, otherwise it is uchar.
If UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT is defined, then the data
structures inside the window port are expanded to the size of
wchar_t, big enough to hold unicode characters. Both map
symbols and text within the window port are expanded, in order
for potential support for displaying multinational characters some
day, but this patch only provides viewing of map symbols.
A typdef called `nhwchar' is involved and if UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT
is defined, it is wchar_t, otherwise it is char.
The only window port with code support for UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT
currently is the TTY port. Don't enable UNICODE_WIDEWINPORT
- it is a TTY port
- the underlying platform specific routines can
handle the larger data structures.
Don't enable UNICODE_SUPPORT unless:
- your compiler can handle wchar_t.
- your compiler can accept L'a' characters.
- your compiler can accept L"wide" strings.
Note that if your compiler can handle the above, you could
enable the larger data structures (currently if TTY) even if your
platform can't actually display unicode or UTF-8, by messing
with u_putch() in win/tty/wintty.c to only deal regular chars.
That should be the only function that actually pushes wide characters
out to the display.
If you enable UNICODE_SUPPORT, and your platform is capable
you will need to turn on the unicode run-time option to be able to
load unicode character sets from the symbol file, to be able to
push unicode characters to the display. You'll also want to load
a unicode symbol set once the unicode option is toggled on. In
a config file you would do that via these two lines:
The repository was stamped with NETHACK_PRE_UNICODE
prior to applying this patch, and stamped with
NETHACK_POST_UNICODE afterwards. The code differences
between those two tagged versions are this patch.
nethack.allison [Tue, 17 Oct 2006 23:06:31 +0000 (23:06 +0000)]
window port change - putmixed() (trunk only)
Add putmixed() to the window port. It allows map symbols to
be included in the string by encoding them in a unique fashion.
This was done because Unicode symbols, for instance, could be
longer than the size of a char.
The encoding of the map symbols in this patch is done by
prefixing a glyph value with \GXXXX, where XXXX is a
random value for the current game. The reason for the random
prefix is to minimize the possibility that a player can trigger
the escape sequence processing within text under their control
(dog names, etc.) the way they could if the sequence was fixed
in the source code. The random prefix remains the same throughout
the lifetime of a game because message window strings are
saved in the save file.
(There was actually a bug present because of the embedded
character even before the recent symbol changes, because if
someone was using a different set of characters between games,
the saved messages would reflect the original characters, rather
than the current. That bug was introduced with the ability to
save messages to the savefile.)
A window port does not have to supply an XXX_putmixed() routine,
it can use genl_putmixed() which uses the old behavior of
embedding the sequence as a character within the string
and calling putstr(). genl_putmixed() takes care of the decoding
of the escape sequence.
This also #ifdef's out code in pager.c for converting a glyph
to a character, and uses mapglyph() to do that instead. Does
anyone see a problem with doing that through mapglyph instead
of repeating similar code within pager.c?
nethack.rankin [Fri, 13 Oct 2006 05:39:16 +0000 (05:39 +0000)]
surviving petrification (trunk only)
From the newsgroup: if you were wielding a cockatrice corpse without
gloves while polymorphed into something capable of doing that, then were
turned to stone when rehumanizing, you'd be left wielding the untouchable
corpse if life-saving kept the game going. This causes it to stop being
wielded if you get that far. Likewise for monsters.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 13 Oct 2006 04:03:36 +0000 (04:03 +0000)]
sleeping steeds (trunk only)
From the newsgroup: it was possible to saddle, mount, and ride on a
sleeping jabberwork without it ever waking up. Movement was checking for
timed sleep (!mon->mcanmove, set when mon->mfrozen contains a timer count
for either sleep or paralysis) but not indefinite sleep (mon->msleeping).
This moves the checking into its own routine which handles both types.
And it gives monsters a chance to wake up when they get saddled or mounted.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 10 Oct 2006 05:47:04 +0000 (05:47 +0000)]
paniclog prefix (trunk only)
Extend the identifying information used to prefix paniclog entries
from version + date to version + date + time + userid + mode (where mode
is 'D' for wizard mode, 'X' for discover mode, and '-' for normal play).
hacklib.c ended up getting more of a revision than I intended, but
the date/time handling routines now have less clutter. I hope I didn't
break anything in the process.
nethack.allison [Sun, 8 Oct 2006 21:37:58 +0000 (21:37 +0000)]
squeaky boards (trunk only)
There is a quote in data.base for squeaky board traps:
A floorboard creaked. Galder had spent many hours tuning them,
always a wise precaution with an ambitious assistant who walked
like a cat.
D flat. That meant he was just to the right of the door.
"Ah, Trymon," he said, without turning, and noted with some
satisfaction the faint indrawing of breath behind him. "Good
of you to come. Shut the door, will you?"
[ The Light Fantastic, by Terry Pratchett ]
This patch makes each squeaky board trap on a level produce
a unique sound. If you had visited the trap yourself prior
to hearing a monster on it, you could actually know where
a monster was by the unique pitch of the squeak.
If someone wants further refinement of the roles, this could
be adjusted to only work for musically adept roles/species,
with the others only hearing a generic squeak. As it stands
right now, everyone benefits. Does anyone thing the
separation by role or species would be good? If so, which
roles/species are musically proficient, and which are not?
Since this patch increments editlevel anyway, it also sneaks in a
context structure change for an upcoming patch.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 7 Oct 2006 05:41:30 +0000 (05:41 +0000)]
non-rotting food (trunk only)
From a bug report: if you
attempted to eat a Rider corpse and got the 1/7 chance that non-yet-rotten
food will be treated as rotten, then also got "the world spins and goes
dark" result for rotten food, you would both survive the eating attempt
and also end up with a partly eaten Rider corpse. This patch treats Rider
corpses like lizard and lichen corpses; they'll never yield rotten food
effects. That way, they'll always be fatal to eat. They'll still end up
being partly eaten if you are life-saved, but since they'll immediately
revive, the only way you'll know that is to use probing or stethoscope to
discover that they've revived at less than full health.
Nearly two years ago, <email deleted>
suggested that lembas wafers and cram rations be treated like fortune
cookies and never yield the rotten food result. I'm guessing that cookies
are handled that way so that rotten food feedback doesn't override false
rumor delivery when they're cursed, rather than because they're considered
to be rot-proof. This implements <Someone>'s suggestion, except that cursed
lembas and cram will still behave like rotten food.
cohrs [Thu, 5 Oct 2006 06:47:39 +0000 (06:47 +0000)]
U856 - cockatrice and nurses
One from the way-back machine. A nurse would hit you-as-cockatrice repeatedly
and never turned to stone. With this change, nurses will turn to stone (and
also don't heal cockatrices, which seems fair). I considered giving them
gloves, but that seemed like too much effort. There are other cases where a
monster "hits" but will not petrify. However, it doesn't seem like passiveum
detects all the specific ways the monster "hit" you so I left them alone.
nethack.allison [Thu, 5 Oct 2006 03:11:52 +0000 (03:11 +0000)]
win32 palette option tweak
The palette option is supposed to be allowed in the config file
without a value for win32 to trigger a load of a predefined
NetHack palette, but that wasn't working.
This fixes that. To prevent the use of any palette modification
code at all, just leave the palette option out of the config
file entirely.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 3 Oct 2006 05:07:18 +0000 (05:07 +0000)]
Guidebook bit
The shortest extended commands were being formatted differently in
Guidebook.txt than longer ones, looking a little odd. Force them to seem
longer so that they all end up with similar formatting.
Untested; based on how short option names are handled. And I have no
idea whether the TeX version ought to have something similar done; I lack
the means to view it. (In theory I could format it into Postscript,
transfer the result to a PC [a different one than what I'm using as a
terminal], convert it into PDF there, then use Acrobat to look at it. In
practice, that's more effort than I care to expend for something so minor.)
cohrs [Tue, 3 Oct 2006 03:32:26 +0000 (03:32 +0000)]
H143 - bugles affecting all monsters
<Someone> pointed out that bugles, although noisy, only affect soldiers.
This didn't make sense to me either. Added code so they will also affect
monsters near the bugler.
nethack.allison [Tue, 3 Oct 2006 02:38:40 +0000 (02:38 +0000)]
symset restrictions attribute (trunk only)
Pat Rankin wrote:
> I was about to also suggest that there
> be a rogue/non-rogue (with perhaps a third choice meaning "both")
> attribute. That way we could keep the rogue choices from being
> listed in the "symset" menu and the non-rogue choices from the
> "roguesymset" menu. Players who deliberately wanted to switch
> over would need to modify the attribute, possibly on a cloned set.
> Or perhaps they could just explicitly set their desired choices
> via NETHACKOPTIONS or .nethackrc and not use the 'O' menues--the
> new attribute doesn't necessary have to block which sets get used
> where, just filter menu entries to display the most applicable
> candidates.
nethack.allison [Sun, 1 Oct 2006 21:34:54 +0000 (21:34 +0000)]
statue patch (trunk only)
Pat wrote:
> <Someone> has a patch (we've added a couple of
> his earlier ones) which changes the statue display from a single
> one size fits all "`" to a gray monster symbol instead.
> But I think the idea is a good one, and along with the
> bouldersym option could make the fairly hard to
> distinguish back-tick character go away.
Sources tagged before applying NETHACK_PRE_STATUE,
and afterwards with NETHACK_POST_STATUE for easy
nethack.allison [Sun, 1 Oct 2006 21:17:38 +0000 (21:17 +0000)]
statue patch (trunk only)
Pat wrote:
> <Someone> has a patch (we've added a couple of
> his earlier ones) which changes the statue display from a single
> one size fits all "`" to a gray monster symbol instead.
> But I think the idea is a good one, and along with the
> bouldersym option could make the fairly hard to
> distinguish back-tick character go away.
Sources tagged before applying NETHACK_PRE_STATUE,
and afterwards with NETHACK_POST_STATUE for easy
nethack.allison [Sun, 1 Oct 2006 19:30:08 +0000 (19:30 +0000)]
more symbol stuff (trunk only)
- reduce the number of symbol tables for each graphics
set {PRIMARY, ROGUESET} from three {map, oc, mon}
tables for each of the display symbols, the loadable symbols,
and the rogue symbols, to one continguous table for
showsyms: the current display symbols
l_syms: the loaded, alterable symbols
r_syms: the rogue symbols
- Modify mapglyph so that the index into the symbolt table is
available as a return value (it was a void function), rather than
just the char converted from the glyph.
- That makes it possible for a window port to use the same
index value to extract from another table (perhaps a unicode
table) for a different set of display symbols. The index
is much more useful than trying to convert the character
into another type of symbol, as some contributed patches
have done.
- It is much easier to load a single alternative flat table to
make substitutions, since the corresponding value just
has to get placed into the same index offset in the
alternative table.
This also fixes a bug I found in botl.c, where you could
go to the rogue level, and the bottom line gold symbol
was not being updated with the new character as it should.
The reason was because the gold value had not changed,
only the field symbol used had changed.
This updates multiple ports to place a (void) cast on
the mapglyph call, now that it returns a value, so this
is going to generate a lot of diff e-mails.
nethack.rankin [Sun, 1 Oct 2006 05:24:28 +0000 (05:24 +0000)]
locking/unlocking vs traps (trunk only)
About six weeks back, <email deleted> suggested that
bear traps should deal out damage and be escapable via opening magic.
This doesn't do anything about the first part, but it does allow opening
magic (wand of opening, spell of knock, blessed Bell of Opening) to get
the hero out of bear traps and webs if zapped either at self or downwards.
Zaps across the floor which hit monsters will free them from such traps,
with a chance that releasing a hostile monster will pacify it (using
existing #untrap code). Conversely, if you are at a web or bear trap
location but not currently trapped, closing magic (wand of locking, spell
of wizard lock) will cause the trap to activate; you may or may not become
trapped. Likewise for zaps at monsters who are at such locations, which
is treated as an attack.
Opening magic which hits the hero or a monster located at a trap door
or falling rock trap spot will cause the trap to activate; as above, it's
an attack for the monster case. At the moment, zapping opening magic
downwards at the hero's location (but not zapping at self or at monsters)
will also cause holes, pits, and spiked pits to activate. (Zapping down
triggers falling rock traps and zapping up doesn't; that'll need to be
changed.) Zapping opening down while mounted will untrap, if stuck in a
web or bear trap, and will trap, for the falling cases, in precedence over
releasing the saddle and forcibly dismounting. The latter still occurs
when there is no applicable trap present though.
Zapping locking magic downwards at a hole location will convert the
hole into a trap door. Zapping breaking magic (wand of striking, spell of
force bolt) down at a trap door location will convert the trap door into a
hole. (Neither conversion currently alters the made-by-you flag for the
trap. However, the rationalization that distinctive style is what makes
made-by-you recognizable suggests that conversion should clear the flag.)
Lastly, the old behavior (which pre-dated bare holes) of destroying trap
doors when zapping down at them with locking magic has been removed--it
didn't seem to fit very well with the new cases. I'm starting to have
second thoughts about that but am going to commit this before discovery of
some more niggling details drags it out for another six weeks.
From a bug report: you could end up with
gravestone/logfile result of "burned by burning" or "drowned in a drowning".
If you get life-saved when drowning in water or burning in lava, the game
tries to teleport you to safety. If the teleport fails for some reason--
such as lack of unoccupied non-water or non-lava locations--you drown or
burn again. But life-saving was resetting the killer reason and the repeat
drowning/burning wasn't setting it up again, so the default got used and
produced a silly result.
From a bug report: you could end up with
gravestone/logfile result of "burned by burning" or "drowned in a drowning".
If you get life-saved when drowning in water or burning in lava, the game
tries to teleport you to safety. If the teleport fails for some reason--
such as lack of unoccupied non-water or non-lava locations--you drown or
burn again. But life-saving was resetting the killer reason and the repeat
drowning/burning wasn't setting it up again, so the default got used and
produced a silly result.
<Someone> wrote:
> I can' t find this bug in the known bug list. If I missed I do apologize.
> It occurs on the standard windows nethack.exe. Just wield a cream pie
> and then apply it. Press x to switch weapons. Program in disorder.
> s - 1752440940 glorkum 32 26485 101's named ? (alternate weapon; not wielded).
> Greetings, <Someone>
Wizard mode's ^G lets you specify "tame <foo>", "peaceful <foo>", or
"hostile <foo>" to override the created monster's default disposition.
Since it also lets you override the restriction against creating unique
monsters and various other special ones like shopkeepers (a post-3.4.3
change), it became possible to produce tame versions of monsters that
ordinarily are impossible to tame. That's pretty iffy even when it only
applies to debugging, so switch from internal tameness conversion to use
of tamedog() to get the non-tameable cases handled. (Minor side-effect:
full moon might prevent a request for "tame dog" from starting out tame.)
Also, for <N>^G, give up before the specified count is reached if
creation fails when creating multiple copies of a specific type of monster,
on the assumption that the level has become filled up. (When the type is
random, keep trying in case you subsequently get something different which
could survive on water or inside solid rock.)
fix #h192 - missile which kills engulfer is in limbo when hero gets expelled (trunk only)
More explicit control over the behavior of spoteffects() is probably
the way to go in the long run, but this much simpler fix handles the case
at hand. I'm not sure what `thrownobj' was intended to be used for in the
first place, but it came in handy here. (It was being left as a dangling
pointer when thitmonst() reports that the missile has been used up; that's
fixed now.)
Fix the reported problem of lookhere/autopickup not seeing the missile
which just killed the engulfing monster whose death caused the hero to be
put back onto the map and so look/pickup upon arrival. Normally the missile
gets placed after damage has been dealt and the throw has finished. This
overrides that so that the missile is put into the engulfer's inventory as
it is being killed (which will then put that inventory onto the floor prior
to expelling the hero on top of same). If the monster happens to get
life-saved it just ends up collecting the thrown-from-inside object a little
sooner than usual.
This wouldn't correctly handle the same case for a kicked object, if
that were possible. But it isn't possible to kick objects while engulfed,
so that's moot. Other calls to thitmonst() and hmon() don't appear to have
any objects in transit so shouldn't need any comparable fix (I hope...).
fireproof containers catching fire in lava
Recently reported to the list, a fireproof container dropped in lava would
catch fire and burn. Add the missing check; this looks an oversight when
the idea of fireproof was added, since other fireproof objects get handled
later in the cascading if().
H216 - ball and chain movement
<Someone> reported the longstanding behavior that when dragging, the chain
does not always remain directly between the player and the ball. This occurs
when the player zigzags. Added a check to the simple drag code to try to
keep the chain directly between the player and the ball. But, don't do this
if the player is walking thru rock or if it would move the chain into rock.
Pat Rankin wrote:
> Symbol set definitions need a description attribute, above and
> beyond allowing comments in the file, for inclusion in the 'O'
> command's menu entries for selecting them.
> mapglyph.c isn't the proper place to decide whether to define
> ROGUE_COLOR. That may need to become a symbol attribute,
> which we'd then specify on the Epyx rogue set(s).
Elbereth on unoccupied locations
Pat recently forwarded a discussion that Elbereth was ignored unless there
was an object on its location. Mostly. It was also respected if the hero
was Displaced, no matter where the hero was. No one commented on his
message, which I took for assent to address this. Removed the qualifiers, so
now Elbereth is always respected, just like a scroll of scare monster.
Guidebook sync for symset
Fix a few things in especially syntax errors in the new prose
about nethack symbols, and sync it with Guidebook.txt.
Pat Rankin wrote:
> When 'symbols' is missing from the playground, or is an empty
> file, picking either the symset or roguesymset option via the
> 'O' command just goes right back to the game display (or next
> pending compound option) without giving any feedback.
constrain monster migration in wizard tower
<Someone> noticed that when a monster escaped upladder in the wizard
tower, it ended up outside the tower. This is due to the "wander" code in
monster migration. Rather than add code to try to keep the monster from
crossing the undiggable wall, just add REGIONs on the tower levels within the
area, which then utilizes the existing in-a-room constraint behavior of
monster migration. Of course, one can still fill a tower level with fodder,
and then when another monster climbs the ladder, it will still end up
outside the tower.
A first cut at adding some user-level documentation to dat/symbols.
It should probably include a brief example (not verbose description) of
how to specify values in the various supported formats (decimal, octal,
hexadecimal, simple string, string including escape sequeces?). Perhaps
a pointer to the Guidebook too. :-}
This takes the PC config file commented symbol value
recommendations from <Someone> for blind players
and puts them into a symset.
[note to devteam: They look odd. I thought perhaps that
something was code wrong, but I went back to 3.4.3
and uncommented the config file stuff. They look the
same there, still odd, especially corridors.
Does anyone have any of the e-mail from <Someone> that might give an indication of what is supposed
to be seen on the display? I wonder if those config
file options fell out of synch with the code long ago]
This may become moot if ASCIIGRAPH and/or ROGUE_COLOR setup changes.
But right now, the initialization was failing except when all three of
Noticed while synchronizing my code: Readme's list of directories
still had sys/amiga/ship, which is long gone, and lacked sys/wince/ceinc
and sys/wince/ceinc/sys, which have been around for quite a while now.
- Instead of checking for the Rogue level, check which
graphics are engaged (PRIMARY or ROGUESET) in the
- track which graphics are active through 'currentgraphics'.
- Instead of symset and roguesymset and symhandling and roguehandling
variables, have symset and symhandling be arrays of two, with the
following indexes:
That reduced the amount of repeated code.
(Not to be confused with the 'symset' and 'roguesymset' config file options
both of which still exist)
- the symbol routines were adjusted to pass
the index , rather than 'rogueflag' and coding to roguesymset etc.
Other than fixing bugs that are encountered, this is probably
the last of the symbol stuff, with the exception of
making the symset and roguesymset config file options
accept the keyword value "default".
Eyes plus stinking cloud
stinking clouds extend their timers, causing the "ttl == 0" check in
visible_region_at to be inappropriate; technically it was never quite
right, since the ttl is set to 0 one turn before removal is considered. But
with the Eyes on, this caused a visible change in the region although the
region still existed. Introduced a new -2L value to designate that the
region is being removed (-1L means it's permanent), which is what
visible_region_at was really trying to test.
more symhandling followup
- the cause of of the odd "~" with DECgraphics appears to have been caused
by the Is_rogue_level(& tests occurring before rogue_level was
initialized. Perhaps there's a better way to deal with this than what I did?
symhandling followup for Linux
- tile2x11 would not build because drawing.c now depended on strcmpi which
was (via STRNCMPI not being defined) defined to strncmpi which is
implemented in hacklib.c which needs panic which is defined in... I gave up
on tracking down all the loose ends and changed the strcmpi to strcmp,
which means the handling is case sensitive, but it avoids a bunch of
changes to the way the util/Makefile.
- the symhandling changes introduced a chicken and the egg problem for
ASCIIGRAPH on Unix platforms, which was getting the defn from tcap.h but
that does not get included earlier enough nor often enough. I added a defn
to unixconf.h to mimic ntconf.h, since ASCIIGRAPH is normally defined on Unix.
- options.c included an unused decl for a function named graphics_opts
- Unix Makefile was not installing "symbols". I'm assuming this isn't
supposed to get the DLB treatment.
This is an overhaul to the NetHack drawing mechanism.
- eliminates the need to have separate lists in drawing.c
for the things and their associated explanations by grouping
those thing together on the same inializer in a struct.
- replaces all of these options: IBMgraphics, DECgraphics, MACgraphics,
graphics, monsters, objects, boulder, traps, effects
- drawing.c contains only the set of NetHack standard symbols for
the main game and a set of NetHack standard symbols for the
- introduces a symbols file that contains named sets of
symbols that can be loaded at run time making it extensible
for situations like multinational code pages like those reported
by <Someone>, without hardcoding additional sets into the game code.
- symbols file uses names for the symbols, so offsets will not break
when new things are introduced into the game, the way the older
config file uchar load routines did.
- symbols file only contains exceptions to the standard NetHack
set, not entire sets so they are much less verbose than all of
the g_FILLER() entries that were previously in drawing.c
- 'symset' and 'roguesymset' config file options for
preselecting a symbol set from the file called 'symbols'
at startup time. The name of the symbols file is not under the
users control, only the symbol set name desired from within the
symbols file is.
- 'symset' config file option loads a desired symbol set for
everything but the rogue level.
- 'roguesymset' config file option loads a desired symbol set
for the rogue level.
- 'SYMBOLS' config file option allows the user to specify replacement
symbols on a per symbol basis. You can specify as many or as few symbols
as you wish. The symbols are identified by a name:value pair, and line
continuation is supported. Multiple symbol assignments can be made on
the same line if each name:value pair is separated by a comma.
For example:
SYMBOLS = S_bars:\xf0, S_tree: \xf1, S_room:\xfa \
S_fountain:\xf4 \
- 'symbols' file has the following structure:
start: DECgraphics
Handling: DEC
S_vwall: \xf8 # meta-x, vertical rule
S_hwall: \xf1 # meta-q, horizontal rule
start: IBMgraphics
Handling: IBM
S_vwall: \xb3 # meta-3, vertical rule
S_hwall: \xc4 # meta-D, horizontal rule
- 'symbols' file added to the source tree in the dat directory
- Port Makefiles/scripts will need to be adjusted to move them into
HACKDIR destination
I don't know if this was introduced post 3.4.3 or not, but the
DOS port was doing a chdir at the start, but not doing one
at the finish of the game, so you ended up in the same
directory as the NetHack.exe executable post-game.
It was doing the chdir even if NOCWD_ASSUMPTIONS was