granicus.if.org Git - icu/log
Andy Heninger [Tue, 31 Jan 2012 01:14:41 +0000 (01:14 +0000)]
ICU-8123 Remove utext comparison functions.
X-SVN-Rev: 31277
Yoshito Umaoka [Mon, 30 Jan 2012 17:16:37 +0000 (17:16 +0000)]
ICU-9006 ICU4J API promotion for 49. A bug fix in the api report tool.
X-SVN-Rev: 31275
Markus Scherer [Fri, 27 Jan 2012 00:13:45 +0000 (00:13 +0000)]
ICU-9059 check U16_APPEND() isError flag to avoid compiler warnings, even if we do not need it
X-SVN-Rev: 31272
Markus Scherer [Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:53:45 +0000 (23:53 +0000)]
ICU-9031 fix buffer reallocation bug in u_strToWCS()
X-SVN-Rev: 31271
Markus Scherer [Thu, 26 Jan 2012 23:05:12 +0000 (23:05 +0000)]
ICU-9048 work around xlC compiler bug
X-SVN-Rev: 31270
Andy Heninger [Thu, 26 Jan 2012 20:27:31 +0000 (20:27 +0000)]
ICU-9080 add test for Finnish line break tailoring.
X-SVN-Rev: 31269
Andy Heninger [Thu, 26 Jan 2012 02:12:05 +0000 (02:12 +0000)]
ICU-6975 Move more break iterator test data out of code into rbbitst.txt file.
X-SVN-Rev: 31268
Steven R. Loomis [Wed, 25 Jan 2012 23:59:43 +0000 (23:59 +0000)]
ICU-9076 ICU 49 report
X-SVN-Rev: 31267
Michael Ow [Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:17:06 +0000 (21:17 +0000)]
ICU-8940 Add new ICU4J API to set decimal format symbols in RBNF
X-SVN-Rev: 31266
Michael Ow [Wed, 25 Jan 2012 21:16:48 +0000 (21:16 +0000)]
ICU-8940 Add new ICU4C API to set decimal format symbols in RBNF
X-SVN-Rev: 31265
Doug Felt [Tue, 24 Jan 2012 22:54:11 +0000 (22:54 +0000)]
ICU-9073 synchronize PluralRulesLoader methods that modify internal maps.
X-SVN-Rev: 31261
Doug Felt [Tue, 24 Jan 2012 22:11:32 +0000 (22:11 +0000)]
ICU-9072 modify CurrencyDisplayNames API
X-SVN-Rev: 31260
Doug Felt [Tue, 24 Jan 2012 22:10:27 +0000 (22:10 +0000)]
ICU-9072 modify CurrencyDisplayNames API
X-SVN-Rev: 31259
Doug Felt [Tue, 24 Jan 2012 22:09:54 +0000 (22:09 +0000)]
ICU-9072 modify CurrencyDisplayNames API
X-SVN-Rev: 31258
Peter Edberg [Mon, 23 Jan 2012 23:14:56 +0000 (23:14 +0000)]
ICU-9044 Improve parse method documentation, note that parsing Chinese cal dates may be ambiguous (C)
X-SVN-Rev: 31254
Markus Scherer [Mon, 23 Jan 2012 19:52:28 +0000 (19:52 +0000)]
ICU-8995 add new ISO script code Hluw=Anatolian Hieroglyphs
X-SVN-Rev: 31250
Markus Scherer [Mon, 23 Jan 2012 19:51:38 +0000 (19:51 +0000)]
ICU-8995 add new ISO script code Hluw=Anatolian Hieroglyphs
X-SVN-Rev: 31249
Markus Scherer [Mon, 23 Jan 2012 19:51:22 +0000 (19:51 +0000)]
ICU-8995 add new ISO script code Hluw=Anatolian Hieroglyphs
X-SVN-Rev: 31248
Peter Edberg [Mon, 23 Jan 2012 19:43:13 +0000 (19:43 +0000)]
ICU-9069 Parse 'U' when there there is no cyclic year name data (C)
X-SVN-Rev: 31247
Yoshito Umaoka [Sat, 21 Jan 2012 08:51:07 +0000 (08:51 +0000)]
ICU-8991 Added readme.txt to explain the instructions.
X-SVN-Rev: 31245
Peter Edberg [Sat, 21 Jan 2012 07:57:02 +0000 (07:57 +0000)]
ICU-9067 Add internal getCanonicalSkeletonAllowingDuplicates method for use by CLDR
X-SVN-Rev: 31244
Yoshito Umaoka [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 23:33:27 +0000 (23:33 +0000)]
ICU-8991 Added currencyNumericCodes(res) in ICU4J.
X-SVN-Rev: 31243
Yoshito Umaoka [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 23:32:19 +0000 (23:32 +0000)]
ICU-8991 Added currencyNumericCodes.txt in ICU4C.
X-SVN-Rev: 31242
Markus Scherer [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 22:12:56 +0000 (22:12 +0000)]
ICU-9048 add virtual ~PluralSelector()
X-SVN-Rev: 31241
Andy Heninger [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 22:03:22 +0000 (22:03 +0000)]
ICU-9054 add U_NAMESPACE_USE to swapimpl.cpp
X-SVN-Rev: 31240
Markus Scherer [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 21:32:44 +0000 (21:32 +0000)]
ICU-8995 BidiTest-6.1.0d2.txt; same as in Unicode 6.0 except for minor header updates
X-SVN-Rev: 31239
Andy Heninger [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 20:46:08 +0000 (20:46 +0000)]
ICU-9054 put buildWSConfusableData in icu namespace.
X-SVN-Rev: 31238
Markus Scherer [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 19:35:13 +0000 (19:35 +0000)]
ICU-9065 internal API for reverse-full-case-folding data
X-SVN-Rev: 31237
Yoshito Umaoka [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 06:34:34 +0000 (06:34 +0000)]
ICU-8991 Ant build.xml for building and running the tool.
X-SVN-Rev: 31236
Yoshito Umaoka [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 05:23:37 +0000 (05:23 +0000)]
ICU-8991 A new tool for building ISO 4217 currency numeric code mapping data.
X-SVN-Rev: 31235
Andy Heninger [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 02:35:00 +0000 (02:35 +0000)]
ICU-8711 Move Thai and Khmer test data from dedicated file to standard test data file, and remove dedicated code.
X-SVN-Rev: 31234
Andy Heninger [Fri, 20 Jan 2012 00:50:02 +0000 (00:50 +0000)]
ICU-8826 Regex case insensitive match fixes; also fixes #6074, hitEnd() sometimes fails.
X-SVN-Rev: 31233
Claire Ho [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 22:12:21 +0000 (22:12 +0000)]
ICU-9047 Fix the link error from ARM gcc.
X-SVN-Rev: 31232
Andy Heninger [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 19:37:39 +0000 (19:37 +0000)]
ICU-9054 remove U_NAMESPACE_USE from uspoof.h
X-SVN-Rev: 31231
Markus Scherer [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 18:51:47 +0000 (18:51 +0000)]
ICU-8995 update to 2011-12-15 version of IdnaMappingTable.txt
X-SVN-Rev: 31230
Markus Scherer [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 18:51:33 +0000 (18:51 +0000)]
ICU-8995 merge idna2nrm.py into preparseucd.py
X-SVN-Rev: 31229
Michael Ow [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 18:47:07 +0000 (18:47 +0000)]
ICU-8716 Update dateformattest to pass without data
X-SVN-Rev: 31228
Michael Ow [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 17:27:52 +0000 (17:27 +0000)]
ICU-9060 Fix some errors produced by pkgdata tool when building in certain modes
X-SVN-Rev: 31227
Peter Edberg [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 05:21:17 +0000 (05:21 +0000)]
ICU-8959 If pattern char is 'U' but year has no cyclic name data, format as number (J)
X-SVN-Rev: 31225
Peter Edberg [Thu, 19 Jan 2012 04:56:22 +0000 (04:56 +0000)]
ICU-8959 If pattern char is 'U' but year has no cyclic name data, format as number (C)
X-SVN-Rev: 31224
Markus Scherer [Wed, 18 Jan 2012 23:51:56 +0000 (23:51 +0000)]
ICU-8995 update to 2012-jan-18 UCD & UCA data
X-SVN-Rev: 31223
Markus Scherer [Wed, 18 Jan 2012 23:51:42 +0000 (23:51 +0000)]
ICU-8995 update to 2012-jan-18 UCD & UCA data; except still-broken BidiTest.txt
X-SVN-Rev: 31222
Peter Edberg [Wed, 18 Jan 2012 04:29:09 +0000 (04:29 +0000)]
ICU-9055 Integrate Chinese cal pattern updates from cldrbug 4237, update tests (J)
X-SVN-Rev: 31221
Peter Edberg [Wed, 18 Jan 2012 03:28:45 +0000 (03:28 +0000)]
ICU-9055 Integrate Chinese cal pattern updates from cldrbug 4237, update tests (C)
X-SVN-Rev: 31220
Yoshito Umaoka [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 16:30:12 +0000 (16:30 +0000)]
ICU-9028 Implemented Freezable in TimeZoneJDK class in the locale SPI module.
X-SVN-Rev: 31218
Peter Edberg [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:29:05 +0000 (10:29 +0000)]
ICU-8959 Add DateFormat.YEAR_NAME_FIELD for pattern char 'U', implement format/parse for it (J)
X-SVN-Rev: 31217
Yoshito Umaoka [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 08:15:51 +0000 (08:15 +0000)]
ICU-8895 Added API status comments in ICUConfig.properties, although the tag is not processed by any tools at this moment. Added API doc for com.ibm.icu.text.MessagePattern.ApostropheMode with possible values.
X-SVN-Rev: 31216
Peter Edberg [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 08:06:29 +0000 (08:06 +0000)]
ICU-8959 Add UDAT_YEAR_NAME_FIELD for pattern char 'U', implement format/parse for it (C)
X-SVN-Rev: 31215
Yoshito Umaoka [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 07:52:05 +0000 (07:52 +0000)]
ICU-8998 Added some explanation about useDaylightTime comparing to JDK.
X-SVN-Rev: 31214
Yoshito Umaoka [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 04:32:31 +0000 (04:32 +0000)]
ICU-8998 Merging TimeZone#observesDaylightTime changes from my work branch to trunk.
X-SVN-Rev: 31213
Peter Edberg [Tue, 17 Jan 2012 03:24:56 +0000 (03:24 +0000)]
ICU-9035 More Chinese calendar format/parse fixes, mostly backported from ICU4J
X-SVN-Rev: 31212
Yoshito Umaoka [Mon, 16 Jan 2012 23:30:55 +0000 (23:30 +0000)]
ICU-8976 Commented out unnecessary main() in com.ibm.icu.text.BreakDictionary and com.ibm.icu.impl.duration.impl.Utils.
X-SVN-Rev: 31211
Peter Edberg [Mon, 16 Jan 2012 07:12:30 +0000 (07:12 +0000)]
ICU-9034 Delete obsolete <icu:isLeapMonth> in data/xml/main/root.xml
X-SVN-Rev: 31210
Markus Scherer [Fri, 13 Jan 2012 01:18:28 +0000 (01:18 +0000)]
ICU-9039 simplify/optimize ucase.icu encoding: fixed trie bit for Case_Ignorable; ucase.icu formatVersion 3.0
X-SVN-Rev: 31205
Markus Scherer [Fri, 13 Jan 2012 01:15:48 +0000 (01:15 +0000)]
ICU-9039 simplify/optimize ucase.icu encoding: fixed trie bit for Case_Ignorable; ucase.icu formatVersion 3.0
X-SVN-Rev: 31204
Markus Scherer [Fri, 13 Jan 2012 01:14:21 +0000 (01:14 +0000)]
ICU-9039 simplify/optimize ucase.icu encoding: fixed trie bit for Case_Ignorable; ucase.icu formatVersion 3.0
X-SVN-Rev: 31203
Markus Scherer [Thu, 12 Jan 2012 19:29:36 +0000 (19:29 +0000)]
ICU-9046 fix gb18030.ucm state table to accommodate 81 35 F4 37 with minimal .cnv file size
X-SVN-Rev: 31202
Markus Scherer [Thu, 12 Jan 2012 01:03:31 +0000 (01:03 +0000)]
ICU-9023 reduce norm2/nfkc.txt to a delta over nfc.txt
X-SVN-Rev: 31201
Markus Scherer [Thu, 12 Jan 2012 01:02:38 +0000 (01:02 +0000)]
ICU-9023 reduce norm2/nfkc.txt to a delta over nfc.txt
X-SVN-Rev: 31200
Markus Scherer [Wed, 11 Jan 2012 23:36:59 +0000 (23:36 +0000)]
ICU-8972 more notes in changes.txt about tool & process changes
X-SVN-Rev: 31199
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 23:00:05 +0000 (23:00 +0000)]
ICU-8972 generate norm2/nfkc_cf.txt from preparseucd.py
X-SVN-Rev: 31198
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 22:59:14 +0000 (22:59 +0000)]
ICU-8972 generate norm2/nfkc_cf.txt from preparseucd.py
X-SVN-Rev: 31197
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 22:20:57 +0000 (22:20 +0000)]
ICU-8972 stop copying UCD .txt files into the ICU source tree that are not parsed any more except by preparseucd.py
X-SVN-Rev: 31196
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 22:07:51 +0000 (22:07 +0000)]
ICU-8972 stop copying UCD .txt files into the ICU source tree that are not parsed any more except by preparseucd.py
X-SVN-Rev: 31195
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 21:25:28 +0000 (21:25 +0000)]
ICU-8972 delete obsolete .sh scripts
X-SVN-Rev: 31194
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 21:04:58 +0000 (21:04 +0000)]
ICU-8972 gennorm2 parse * Unicode version lines from .txt input files
X-SVN-Rev: 31193
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 20:56:22 +0000 (20:56 +0000)]
ICU-8972 write * Unicode version line to norm2/.txt files
X-SVN-Rev: 31192
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 19:36:20 +0000 (19:36 +0000)]
ICU-8972 genuca: replace source-dir and dest-dir and optional FractionalUCA.txt argument with path/to/ICU/src/root
X-SVN-Rev: 31191
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 07:24:47 +0000 (07:24 +0000)]
ICU-8972 ucase.icu generated by newly merged genprops/casepropsbuilder.cpp; slightly different (different parsing order) but equivalent
X-SVN-Rev: 31190
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 07:23:44 +0000 (07:23 +0000)]
ICU-8972 merge gencase into genprops
X-SVN-Rev: 31189
Markus Scherer [Tue, 10 Jan 2012 07:15:25 +0000 (07:15 +0000)]
ICU-9008 some more U_SIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_IS_ARITHMETIC fixes; include putilimp.h where that macro is tested
X-SVN-Rev: 31188
Peter Edberg [Mon, 9 Jan 2012 17:52:41 +0000 (17:52 +0000)]
ICU-8977 Replace usage of String.isEmpty() which is new in Java 1.6
X-SVN-Rev: 31187
Peter Edberg [Sun, 8 Jan 2012 22:09:38 +0000 (22:09 +0000)]
ICU-8977 Add ICU4J monthPatterns format/parse support, move Chinese cal era handling
into SimpleDateFormat, ignore 'l' pattern char, stop using obsolete isLeapMonth resource,
add/fix tests.
X-SVN-Rev: 31186
Markus Scherer [Fri, 6 Jan 2012 23:32:50 +0000 (23:32 +0000)]
ICU-8972 make usrc_create() take & write generator name, remove temporary usrc_createFromGenerator()
X-SVN-Rev: 31184
Markus Scherer [Fri, 6 Jan 2012 01:02:02 +0000 (01:02 +0000)]
ICU-8972 parse ppucd.txt case mappings
X-SVN-Rev: 31182
Markus Scherer [Tue, 3 Jan 2012 23:22:29 +0000 (23:22 +0000)]
ICU-8972 unames.icu generated by newly merged genprops/namespropsbuilder.cpp; slightly different (different parsing order) but equivalent
X-SVN-Rev: 31179
Markus Scherer [Tue, 3 Jan 2012 23:20:55 +0000 (23:20 +0000)]
ICU-8972 merge gennames into genprops
X-SVN-Rev: 31178
Abhinav Gupta [Thu, 29 Dec 2011 18:13:00 +0000 (18:13 +0000)]
ICU-8924 Add findbugs targets
X-SVN-Rev: 31176
Markus Scherer [Wed, 28 Dec 2011 19:24:15 +0000 (19:24 +0000)]
ICU-8972 norm2/nf[k]c.txt files generated by preparseucd.py
X-SVN-Rev: 31175
Markus Scherer [Wed, 28 Dec 2011 19:23:13 +0000 (19:23 +0000)]
ICU-8972 replace gennorm with code in preparseucd.py
X-SVN-Rev: 31174
Markus Scherer [Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:27:13 +0000 (01:27 +0000)]
ICU-8972 BiDi properties data generated by newly merged genprops/bidipropsbuilder.cpp; slightly different (different parsing order) but equivalent
X-SVN-Rev: 31173
Markus Scherer [Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:25:50 +0000 (01:25 +0000)]
ICU-8972 merge genbidi into genprops
X-SVN-Rev: 31172
Markus Scherer [Fri, 23 Dec 2011 04:29:33 +0000 (04:29 +0000)]
ICU-8972 document stable pnames_data.h output
X-SVN-Rev: 31171
Markus Scherer [Fri, 23 Dec 2011 04:20:35 +0000 (04:20 +0000)]
ICU-8972 document how preparseucd.py parses ICU header file constants (uchar.h & uscript.h) (reads/needs less information than preparse.pl needed)
X-SVN-Rev: 31170
Abhinav Gupta [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 15:42:45 +0000 (15:42 +0000)]
ICU-8984 apply patch attached to ticket
X-SVN-Rev: 31169
Markus Scherer [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 06:52:39 +0000 (06:52 +0000)]
ICU-8972 pnames_data.h: remove redundant _COUNT constants, add static
X-SVN-Rev: 31168
Markus Scherer [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 06:30:04 +0000 (06:30 +0000)]
ICU-8972 generated pnames data different but equivalent; should be more stable now, got a little smaller
X-SVN-Rev: 31167
Markus Scherer [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 06:28:59 +0000 (06:28 +0000)]
ICU-8972 bug fixes
X-SVN-Rev: 31166
Markus Scherer [Thu, 22 Dec 2011 03:23:52 +0000 (03:23 +0000)]
ICU-8972 adjust property names builder to simpler pnames_data.h
X-SVN-Rev: 31165
Markus Scherer [Wed, 21 Dec 2011 07:51:56 +0000 (07:51 +0000)]
ICU-8972 redo writing of pnames_data.h: write properties & their values in uchar.h order, write strings rather than double indirection through name groups & string table; stable output with minor, proportional diffs in version upgrades, and much simpler code
X-SVN-Rev: 31164
Andy Heninger [Tue, 20 Dec 2011 19:29:26 +0000 (19:29 +0000)]
ICU-9021 Thread safety in DigitList::getDouble(), incorporate review comment.
X-SVN-Rev: 31162
Markus Scherer [Tue, 20 Dec 2011 07:48:49 +0000 (07:48 +0000)]
ICU-8972 minor fixes & updates for & from preparseucd.py; add remaining ICU-specific properties to ppucd.txt; generated pnames data different but equivalent
X-SVN-Rev: 31161
Markus Scherer [Tue, 20 Dec 2011 07:43:38 +0000 (07:43 +0000)]
ICU-8972 preparseucd.py writes pnames_data.h with formatting nearly identical to genpname/preparse.pl; delete obsolete genpname/*
X-SVN-Rev: 31160
Andy Heninger [Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:48:45 +0000 (01:48 +0000)]
ICU-9021 Thread safety fixes to DigitList::getDouble().
X-SVN-Rev: 31159
Markus Scherer [Mon, 19 Dec 2011 19:53:57 +0000 (19:53 +0000)]
ICU-8972 finish preparseucd.py parsing uchar.h, prepare data in order of old genpname/preparse.pl
X-SVN-Rev: 31158
Markus Scherer [Mon, 19 Dec 2011 05:21:15 +0000 (05:21 +0000)]
ICU-8972 progress towards preparseucd.py also parsing uchar.h & uscript.h and writing pnames_data.h; add remaining ICU-specific properties that used to be in SyntheticPropertyAliases.txt
X-SVN-Rev: 31157
Markus Scherer [Mon, 19 Dec 2011 01:49:34 +0000 (01:49 +0000)]
ICU-8972 PropsBuilder makes more sense than PropsWriter
X-SVN-Rev: 31156
Markus Scherer [Mon, 19 Dec 2011 01:49:04 +0000 (01:49 +0000)]
ICU-8972 PropsBuilder makes more sense than PropsWriter
X-SVN-Rev: 31155
Markus Scherer [Sun, 18 Dec 2011 21:35:25 +0000 (21:35 +0000)]
ICU-8972 propname_data.h with generator name rather than date (stable output)
X-SVN-Rev: 31154
Markus Scherer [Sun, 18 Dec 2011 21:33:57 +0000 (21:33 +0000)]
ICU-8972 move genpname/genpname.cpp to genprops/pnameswriter.cpp; use on-the-fly property names data for ppucd parsing: avoids having to rebuild ICU & tools before generating properties data
X-SVN-Rev: 31153