- fixed the garbage collection
Added some kind of LRU to delete all entries older than n seconds.
This fixes the bug that cache entries with lifetime 0 (endless) never
got removed although if they are no longer used. What's still missing
is some space limit for cache data.
* DB_common now inherits PEAR and its error handling stuff
* DB_common::raiseError is now just a wrapper for PEAR::raiseError
* fixed some cast warnings in prepare/execute
* updated tests
Marc Boeren [Wed, 18 Apr 2001 12:31:08 +0000 (12:31 +0000)]
Added DBX_CMP_TEXT and DBX_CMP_NUMBER constants and support for them in
the dbx_cmp_desc and dbx_cmp_asc functions. The old method of passing a
string "number" is now no longer valid. (Mc)
Dan Kalowsky [Tue, 17 Apr 2001 02:02:36 +0000 (02:02 +0000)]
This change seems to fix bugs 7158, 7807, 8531, and 8636. After asking why this patch was applied no one seemed to respond with anything useful. If you find this change in error, sorry, I tested it on as many systems as I could.
* implemented PEAR_Packager to make distribution packages. Currently only
runs on platforms with GNU tar installed
* the "pear" script now requires a command parameter (similar to cvs),
for example "pear package Cache.xml"
* broke PEAR_Installer :-)
Andrei Zmievski [Mon, 16 Apr 2001 04:56:31 +0000 (04:56 +0000)]
@- Fixed a bug with /e modifier in preg_replace(), that would not correctly
@ replace two-digit references if single digit references were present
@ before them. This fixed bug #10218. (Andrei)
We shoud not fseek in a pipe and this caused a problem with popen and
fgets on the platforms where the buffer fix was applied (Solaris, FreeBSD).
Now the fseek is done only when the handle is of type fopen.
Marc Boeren [Wed, 11 Apr 2001 08:14:57 +0000 (08:14 +0000)]
Added a database member to the dbx_link object. Since e.g. mysql reuses
connections, two or more dbx_link objects may share the connection
identifier. The database name is used in the dbx_query, where it calls
mysql_db_query instead of mysql_query.
This means the database name has to be passed around to all dbx_xxx_query
functions, hence the update on all the files. (Mc)
# Thanks to Christian Rabe for all the input on this issue!
Kevin [Tue, 10 Apr 2001 16:26:28 +0000 (16:26 +0000)]
Fixed compatibility issues in the ODBC extension for the Velocis Database server. Specifically, config.m4 was changed to use the client libraries instead of the serer libraries, and to look for the libs in the $RDSHOME/lin directory ass opposed to the $RDSHOME/bin directory. Makefile.in was changed to use the php_odbc.c file as the source for Velocis support. Other misc changes include a few #defines for some undefined data types and some #ifdefs for unsupported functions.
Jason Greene [Tue, 10 Apr 2001 03:16:05 +0000 (03:16 +0000)]
Fix for PR #9729, 9664, 9656, 8667.
All compilers on Solaris should build this extension correctly now.
It turns out the SUN CC, by default, enables a define that enables the use of
#pragma redefine extname in sun header files. This is why cc would work,
and gcc wouldn't.
This patch has at least the following deficiences:
- the CGI is built using objects from another SAPI module.
This usually results in unsatisfied symbol references.
- the CGI makefile is not created properly
- building CGI cannot be disabled
* CGI version is always installed!
* replaced --disable-pear with --with-pear=DIR (or --without-pear),
is backwards compatible
* use --datadir, --libdir and --sysconfdir configure options to determine
where PEAR files, shared extensions and php.ini goes
* simplified the extension version directory name