cohrs [Sun, 30 Jun 2002 07:11:26 +0000 (07:11 +0000)]
final attributes say riding when you die while dismounting
Reported to the mailing list on 5/23. To fix this, u.usteed cannot simply
be unset earlier, so I put a check for this special case into enlightenment().
nethack.allison [Sun, 30 Jun 2002 01:10:54 +0000 (01:10 +0000)]
Guidebook synch with monexplain[]
<email deleted>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: Beta 1 comments
> The description of Y monsters will be updated in the Guidebook
> 'monsters' option list to match mon_explain[], I assume? (Yes, yes,
> documentation :-)
nethack.allison [Sun, 30 Jun 2002 00:52:49 +0000 (00:52 +0000)]
lookat() trapped detail
<email deleted>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: Beta 1 comments
>A minor thing, but it'd be nice if the "trapped" now in lookat()
>had a defsyms[trap_to_defsym(tt)].explanation to tell you _how_
>the monster's trapped.
nethack.allison [Sun, 30 Jun 2002 00:40:30 +0000 (00:40 +0000)]
headstone engraving with wand of digging
<email deleted>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: Beta 1 comments
> Headstone writing still uses the adjective "weird" when engraving with
> a wand of digging.
nethack.allison [Sun, 30 Jun 2002 00:22:04 +0000 (00:22 +0000)]
axes and boulders
<email deleted>
Subject: Beta 1 comments
> Is "You swing your axe through thin air" the right message to give
> when you try to use it to chop through a statue or boulder? Relatedly,
> this line in dig() looks as if it needs updating to the new dig_typ
> indices:
nethack.allison [Sat, 29 Jun 2002 17:43:01 +0000 (17:43 +0000)]
WIN32: File Save still enabled during #quit disclosure processing
> Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by
> <email deleted> on Tuesday, June 4, 2002 at 21:04:54
> After alt-Q or F)ile, Q)uitting, it is still possible to F)ile, S)ave your
> game. By doing this after you are shown your inventory [fully identified] and
> attributes (It must be done before the last "Do you want to view your %1"
> dialog is answered--usually conduct), which means you can know what you are
> holding-- although it won't be officially identified. But you can use it to
> avoid putting on, say, an amulet of strangulation by mistake.
cohrs [Sat, 29 Jun 2002 17:05:18 +0000 (17:05 +0000)]
spellcasting level 0 monsters
Based on a report from <Someone>, avoid calling rn2(ml) when ml == 0.
Since level 0 monster always fail in their spells, just skip the whole
loop looking for a good spell.
nethack.allison [Sat, 29 Jun 2002 12:44:54 +0000 (12:44 +0000)]
The NOCWD_ASSUMPTIONS conditional code allows readonly
parts of NetHack to be separated from areas that require write-access.
This allows the recent panic log needed a prefix.
cohrs [Wed, 26 Jun 2002 15:19:05 +0000 (15:19 +0000)]
R920: Weird message when stoning quest nemesis
Make all the quest nemesis monsters resist stoning so their death messages
make sense. Some already did resist. Stoning seems like such a trivial
way to overcome a quest nemesis anyway. If it were to be allowed, multiple
death messages would be needed in the quests.
nethack.rankin [Wed, 26 Jun 2002 05:54:50 +0000 (05:54 +0000)]
naming wielded weapons
I'm surprised that no one has noticed this one yet. When
wielding two weapons, naming either of them caused two-weapon
combat mode to stop (unless the weapon already had another name
which was long enough to be overwritten by the new name without
allocating a replacement object).
nethack.rankin [Tue, 25 Jun 2002 08:27:31 +0000 (08:27 +0000)]
Sting's anti-orc warning
From the newsgroup: creating Sting via naming didn't produce
intrinsic warning (orc detection) if it was already wielded at the
time. (Un- and re-wielding it sufficed as a workaround.)
cohrs [Mon, 24 Jun 2002 05:10:44 +0000 (05:10 +0000)]
fix crash when using ';' to look at I monsters
Reported to the mailing list. If you set your monster symbol options, and
use ';' and select a known invisible monster by screen, a crash would occur
accessing a null pointer.
cohrs [Fri, 7 Jun 2002 21:24:52 +0000 (21:24 +0000)]
entering discover mode while restoring a game
Reported directly to the list. If you are not the wizard and start nethack
on the command line with the -D flag (or -X), the game reports that you're
entering discover mode but does not actually do it. The flags.explore in
the save file overwrote the new value. Save the flag while reading flags
if discover mode was requested.
cohrs [Sun, 2 Jun 2002 18:49:18 +0000 (18:49 +0000)]
the panic log
Add an optional paniclog file, controlled by a new PANICLOG macro that can
be used to log all panic and impossible messages. Helpful when people
forget to send, or didn't see, the message.
nethack.allison [Sat, 1 Jun 2002 23:55:07 +0000 (23:55 +0000)]
from <Someone>
In item-selection menus, as you know one can press "=" to select all
rings, say. This doesn't work if the letters run out before you get to
the rings, however (because there are so many items).
Menu code did not check group accelerators on items without assigned letters
(if the letters run out). Fixed.
nethack.allison [Sat, 1 Jun 2002 23:53:14 +0000 (23:53 +0000)]
platform-specific options moved in Guidebook
Moves the remaining platform-specific options
to their own section of the Guidebook and documents
the "video:autodetect" option required for tiles on MSDOS.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 1 Jun 2002 10:40:59 +0000 (10:40 +0000)]
wizard mode riding
"Force the mount to succeed?" doesn't necessarily do so;
it's worse than useless to suppress the message which indicates
why a mount attempt is failing when a failure occurs.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 1 Jun 2002 10:32:55 +0000 (10:32 +0000)]
Fix the "remove_object: obj not on floor" panic I encountered
when investigating the report of death due to falling off steed leaving
"you were riding" in the final attributes. (This doesn't fix that bug.)
Dismounting calls teleds() to put the character on the map and teleds()
does various iron ball manipulations, but during level change the ball
is removed from the map and those manipulations won't work as intended.
cohrs [Thu, 16 May 2002 04:02:52 +0000 (04:02 +0000)]
change appearance if polymorphing while mimicing
As per <Someone>:
> I had a game today where I was polymorphed (by a sink) into a mimic, and
> #monster-ed (hid). The symbol on the map for me was ]. Then, I polymorphed
> again, this time into a kobold lord -- but the symbol remained ]. This
> seems wrong.
Handle this similar to the polyman code.
cohrs [Thu, 16 May 2002 03:13:34 +0000 (03:13 +0000)]
R868 - don't kill paper/straw golems twice
longtime bug in damageum, if hero is poly'd to something with fire damage,
and hits a paper or straw golem, mondead will get called twice for the
monster. Fix this, by working like AD_CURS does no clay golem. Also, make
sure no scrolls, et al, get dropped by disallowing a corpse.
nethack.rankin [Wed, 15 May 2002 23:15:39 +0000 (23:15 +0000)]
#loot in shop
Fix the reported bug of being double-billed for a bag of
holding destroyed if #loot is used to put a wand of cancellation
into it while it's on a shop floor. (The bug report neglected
to mention a second aspect of the situation: you wouldn't get
billed for the wand if you used an unpaid one to trigger this.)
cohrs [Wed, 15 May 2002 05:10:06 +0000 (05:10 +0000)]
looting containers and monsters
There's a check in doloot that's supposed to disallow looting nearby
monsters if you loot a container at the current location. But, it only
worked if you looted the last container. Make the behavior consistent.
cohrs [Tue, 14 May 2002 07:02:50 +0000 (07:02 +0000)]
R870 - shopkeeper grabbing backpack panic fix
The worn bits, et al, were not all cleared when the shopkeeper grabbed your
pack. This currently affects only alternate (non-twoweap) and quivered
objects. This could lead to a panic or a crash.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 10 May 2002 02:07:45 +0000 (02:07 +0000)]
redundant petrification message
[I've lost the #Rxxx number for this bug report....]
When attacking a non-stone golem with a cockatrice corpse,
suppress the redundant "<monster> turns to stone" message which
preceeded the "<monster> solidifies. It's now a stone golem."
nethack.rankin [Fri, 10 May 2002 01:59:25 +0000 (01:59 +0000)]
monster strategy fix
From the newsgroup: using #chat to talk to a "meditating"
monster like quest nemesis or Medusa could elicilit responses
without waking it up (at least if you moved fast enough enough
to probe it before it got its next turn).
nethack.rankin [Fri, 10 May 2002 01:50:22 +0000 (01:50 +0000)]
#ride workaround
From the newsgroup:
> Apparent bug or weird-seeming feature:
> If you try to mount a horse that is already in a pit,
> you get the message "You lead the poor <foo> into a pit!"
I checked into fixing this properly (you mount the steed and
then shared its trapped status without actively retriggering the
trap in the process), but the trap code is too convoluted to do
that cleanly. So this "fix" just makes mounting attempts fail if
the steed is trapped.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 3 May 2002 08:05:56 +0000 (08:05 +0000)]
special level fountain fix
Add FOUNTAIN directives to the maps that just had '{' symbols.
Without them, the special level loader sets up those maps in a way
that prevents nethack from keeping the fountain counter accurately,
resulting in lack of fountain noises when they haven't been touched
yet and persistent noises after at least one of them has been dried
up. (It would be better to fix lev_comp's map handling code to do
this automatically.)
arromdee [Fri, 3 May 2002 03:47:39 +0000 (03:47 +0000)]
worm display bug
This fixes a long worm display bug. The bug wasn't really in the worm code, it
was in goodpos(). goodpos() could place worm segments on top of one another.
If you split a worm when the tail was located on top of the head, the tail
would be removed from the screen, making the head seem to vanish.
boulder display bug
If you first pushed an undiscovered boulder while blind with ESP and
there's a monster behind it, you'd get a message referring to the boulder
but the boulder wasn't displayed. Move the feel_location test.
Also, improved the grammar of the message a bit.
R788 - bones corpses shouldn't all be human
u.umonnum was used to create the corpse in a bones file. However, unless
you're polymorphed and manage to actually die in that form, u.umonnum
refers to a role monster, which all have M2_HUMAN set, so they're all
human. Even if the role monsters were mutated dynamically when the game
starts, the problem would still exist, just in a different form.
Use urace to determine the corpse type instead.
R765 - minetn-6 could have cut-off downstairs
minetn-6 includes a MAP along with the flags that cause it to be cavernous.
However, the caverns get generated before the MAP is adde the level. Other
similar MAPs have open space on their edges, but there were walls on the
lower right edge of minetn-6. Added another column of mostly open space.
This level can still get cut-off areas, but the stairs won't be located there.
R809 - newcham message reorganization
Add a param to newcham() to let it print "The oldmon turns into a newmon!"
rather than always printing this externally. Should ensure a good ordering
of the messages. Also put some special name handling in one place and
catch a couple cases where "saddled" was printed, resulting in funny messages.
fix diggable luckstone location in minend-3
<Someone> reported that one of the 3 random luckstone rooms in
minend-3 was diggable, while the other 2 were non-diggable. Fixed bounds.
R792 - crocodile kicking
Based on the limited research I've done, it does not appear that crocodiles
of any size have legs that can effectively kick doors, chests, et al. They
could kick objects, but kicking a monster would be more of a claw attack.
It's simpler to just print a message in all cases.
more portable Gnome uid workaround
- incorporate a more portable way of calling the real getres*id() functions
on Linux platforms that uses the glibc interface rather than calling
the system call directly. The previous version didn't work on ia64 linux.
R806 - monsters using teleportation on noteleport levels
Bug reported was that Vlad the Impaler never figured out that a wand of
teleportation was useless.
1) Rather than change the monst struct, overload the use of the mtrapseen
TELEP_TRAP bit to be set when a monster uses teleportation on a noteleport
level. This has the side effect of causing the monster to know about
teleport traps if they manage to leave the level.
2) reduce chance for monsters to get teleport wands on noteleport levels,
since they will otherwise simply be left mostly charged for the player.
R812 - tty color/inverse video interaction
With some TERMs, disabling inverse video also disables color.
Work around: explicitly turn off color when turning off inverse video.
Gnome updates (from <Someone> <Someone> Simon)
- fix destruction of primary game windows
- One, it makes the color of the cursor box dynamic (these are the gnmap.c
changes), based on hp/hpmax (continuous colors white -> yellow -> red ->
magenta rather than discrete like in Qt).
- Two, it adds a new window, NHW_WORN (all the other changes and new files
gnworn.[ch]), placed at the end of the first row, to the right of the status,
with tiles of all the items currently equiped. I had to change the spacing of
the first row (no longer homogeneous) to accomodate this, but I think it still
looks okay. It's mostly like the Qt version but the equiped items are in
slightly different places, and a bit more compactly (added quiver, ball/chain,
monster skin armor; see the definition in gnworn.c for the layout).
(the following text accompanies the patch at <Someone>'s web page)
add more configurability to the new msg_window option of [..]3.4.0.
It allows the configuration option to take an optional parameter to
specify the style of message history display to use.
allows the following configuration options:
msg_window:s - single message (as was the default in 3.3.0)
msg_window:c - combination; two messages in 'single', then as 'full'
msg_window:f - full window; oldest message first
msg_window:r - full window reversed; newest message first
In the event of no parameter being provided,
the patch is compatible with the current 3.4.0 behaviour:
msg_window = 'full'
!msg_window = 'single'
msg_window can be configured for these options in the
Options menu (Shift-O)
msg_window stores the current window type in the non-persistent
iflags structure, which means that savefile/bones files should be
100% compatible with Vanilla, but at the disadvantage that your
customisations to msg_window will be replaced with your
defaults.nh (or ~/.nethackrc) value every time you restart a saved game.
The patch draws inspiration (and code snippets) extensively
from <Someone>'s original msg_window patch, [...] as well as <Someone>'s code for reverse ordering implemented until recently in
From the newsgroup: vault guards would ask your name--and you'd
be able to respond--even when you were unconscious (for any reason
besides fainting from lack of food) or paralyzed. (The code already
made the guard be forgiving when you failed to promptly follow him
out due to that situation, but it would repeatedly say "move along!"
even though you were unable to move.)
From the newsgroup: if the Candelabrum of Invocation already
has six candles attached and you apply another one to add the seventh,
the message said it "now has seven candle attached."
R804 - fix crash caused by looking at a unique boulder symbol
The code only handled the case where the boulder symbol was non-unique.
Add code to handle the case where the boulder sym is the first match.
W340-6 fix
fixed: mswin_menu_size incremented width of the actual menu window
each time being called. This only happens if "show window content
while dragging" option is set in Windows desktop settings.
(from <Someone>)
The pet image was garbled because it was reduced to the size of the pet mark
in the function that draws pet mark transparently over the pet tile (32x32
image was reduced to 16x16 and then stretched again)
Also added: use Windows-provided TransparentBlt where available.
Eliminate or at least reduce one of the idiosyncratic differences
between enchant weapon and enchant armor: make reading enchant weapon
discover that scroll if the effect is adequately discernible, instead
of always asking the player to supply a name for it. If your weapon
is identified and its +/- enchantment value goes up, or you're wielding
a worm tooth and it transforms into a crysknife, you learn the scroll.
However for the negative effect of a cursed one, that's only applicable
when the scroll is already known to be cursed.
pre-known Fake Amulet of Yendor
the change to xname to lazily reset known on objects after DRIN attacks,
need not change the FAoY. the_unique_obj already handles this
Refinement of the digging code:
* Picks should not chop down trees, but axes should.
* Picks should break walls, rock, statues, and boulders; axes shouldn't.
* Either picks or axes should chop down doors.
polymorph engulfing monster display bit
- <Someone> reported that the swallowed display did not update immediately if
you managed to polymorph the monster that was engulfing you into another
engulfing monster
more prayer tuning
- Don't guarantee high results when you have high Luck, add Luck into
random param of rn1(), and just add 1 to the basis, keeping the guaranteed
fix of a single major trouble mentioned in the block comment
[ Fix a bug reported in the newsgroup; I thought I sent this last
week, but it isn't in the current code so I must have forgotten. ]
When I split u_left_shop() into two routines I neglected to
propagate the early return condition from the second half to the
first. The result is that if you leave a shop with unpaid goods
but have enough credit there to cover the cost, the shopkeeper
will take that credit and be satisified, but the kops were still
getting summoned as if he had been robbed.
waking waiting monsters after non-damaging attacks
- From a bug report, there are ways to, for example, steal items
from Medusa without waking her, by clever use of Conflict.
Avoid this by removing STRAT_WAITFORU when such an attack succeeds
- it was theoretically possible to use a similar approach to steal from a
STRAT_WAITFORU monster without it noticing while polymorphed and very fast,
so bulletproof this case as well. Simpler because failed attacks wake too.
crash fix: shopkeeper re-entering shop
- when a shopkeeper leaves the shop to chase the player, and the player
enters the shop, bill_p is set to an unusual value. bill_p needs to be set
back to a valid value if the shopkeeper re-enters the shop.
- Also, the u.ushops state needs to be updated when a shop becomes tended
again if the player is in the shop.
- introduce a new after_shk_move function to handle this
tty message loss
- typing ESC would lose messages if msg_window was not displayed
- incorporate <Someone>'s fix, which causes them to be tracked, just not
displayed, and thus still available for ^P viewing later on
trapped monsters
A suggestion from <Someone>
- since newsym marks physical traps that have a monster trapped as seen,
and the ^ command will tell you what it is, lookat() can tell you about the
trap too
R772.2 - potions of acid in pools
- mixing potions of acid and water result in an explosion, so water_damage
should cause a potion of acid to explode as well
remove prescient travel command behavior
Addresses reports R718, R772.1, <Someone> P's extra move bug
- when there is a previously seen path or a straight path, always take it
- incorporate fix to ensure no extra "." turn at the end of traveling, but
still avoid stepping into traps/pools, et al
- include a general "G"-command (and travel) fix to avoid stepping in
known pools/lava while blind
- when there is no such path, "guess" at a path by finding an intermediate
location that the hero couldsee that is closest to the actual goal, the
intermediate goal is re-determined at each step
- when Blind, don't use couldsee for determining straight paths, just direction
- do not consider doors or most boulders obstacles for picking travel
paths, test_move has a new mode to differentiate this case from the regular
test case
- don't include known trap locations in the travel path, avoids unnecessary
stops along the way, and usually doesn't affect the path length
- reformatted the code a bit so I could follow it
When the Wizard uses STRAT_MONSTR to get next to any monster
which is carrying the Amulet, he was actually displacing the other
monster to take its map location. It was possible--and still is,
actually, although it takes a lot longer now--for the excessive
summoning by spell casting monsters to entirely fill up the temple
on the Sanctum level, so the Wizard would sometimes knock Moloch's
high priest right out of his temple. And since that priest doesn't
turn hostile until you enter the temple, you might have needed to
kill a peaceful human in order to get the Amulet.
Now when there's no elbow room in the temple, the Wizard will
stay outside instead of bumping the high priest out.
Alter the starting position of the monk and priest quest
nemeses to neutralize the possibility of attacking them by
zapping directly to the left as soon as you arrive on the final
level. And give the samurai a little variety too by varying
the arrival location, although that is just cosmetic.
unix: install recover command by default
- Update to do the deed
- Update Install.unx and README.linux to reflect the changed install procedure
allow vengeance against nymphs except for specific case
From: "Ken Arromdee" :
> My point is that you should be allowed to take vengeance on thieving
> nymphs too. The reasoning "a real knight wouldn't kill a nymph for stealing"
> doesn't make sense because the things a real knight would do instead (like
> arresting) aren't part of the game.
This is a compromise. This doesn't allow vengeance when you were
told "you gladly hand over ...", but does for most other cases, and for
Can't push boulders through iron bars; traps can't roll such through either;
likewise for objects thrown by monsters.
Thrown objects susceptible to breaking might do so when they hit iron bars.
Assorted monsters can pass through iron bars; ditto for polymorphed character.
Attempting to dig iron bars will wake nearby monsters instead of yielding
"you swing your pick-axe through thin air".
Autodig won't accept iron bars as candidate location.
Priests recognize B/U/C status on items in container menus
<email deleted>
> Since Priests' knowledge of the buc-status of an object only
> kicks in when the name is being looked at for the first time,
> they get an "X" option when taking items out of a newly-looted
> container, but B, U, and C thereafter; could their ability be
> pre-applied to the container's contents when constructing the
> menu, to avoid this anomaly?