nethack.rankin [Fri, 11 Oct 2002 00:46:37 +0000 (00:46 +0000)]
#dipping from steed
Fix the reported bug of an unskilled rider who is unable to pick
items off the floor while mounted still being able to dip into water.
There might be other actions which need similar checking; this one only
handles the dip into pool/moat case.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 10 Oct 2002 23:16:02 +0000 (23:16 +0000)]
different extended command bit (tty)
I've found myself adding a trailing space to various extend
commands from time to time, and the program fails to recognize then
when that happens. It might be less likely once none of them has
any embedded spaces, but this wouldn't hurt anything if that becomes
the case.
nethack.rankin [Wed, 9 Oct 2002 07:06:08 +0000 (07:06 +0000)]
luck artifact dependencies
Instead of adding a new artifact.h to pray.c, remove the existing
ones from attrib.c, invent.c, and mkobj.c. This also updates the Unix
and VMS editions of Makefile.src; having stale dependencies in those
for other ports could cause unnecessary recompilation but can't break
anything in this case.
nethack.allison [Tue, 8 Oct 2002 11:28:21 +0000 (11:28 +0000)]
B13005 grammar: "A scrolls burns."
This was caused by taking a copy of the name
prior to a later delobj for use in the message.
The name would always be plural if there was
more than one, so that pluralized name would
be used even if only one of the stack was
destroyed. Sometimes the name saved
was "scrolls labeled XXXX."
This patch simply saves a pluralized name
and a single version and uses the
appropriate one in the message, rather
than introducing splitobj() complications.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 8 Oct 2002 10:54:36 +0000 (10:54 +0000)]
steed fixes
A relatively recent change to prevent #ride letting you move in
a way you could walk (squeeze through a tight a gap or enter doorway
diagonally) resulted in crashing due to access violation or segfault
if you tried to mount toward a spot that didn't contain any monster.
Noticed while testing saddle cursing; tried to mount while stunned....
Also, if the character had a saddle "worn" in weapon, alternate
weapon, or quiver slot, it didn't get unworn when applying the saddle
to a mount. The next time the player tried to equip something in the
same slot there'd be a warning message; I don't know whether any more
serious symptoms could occur.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 8 Oct 2002 10:27:08 +0000 (10:27 +0000)]
prayer tuning; cursed saddles
The change to fix a typo of `max(action,2)' to `min(action,2)'
for the trouble fixing effect of prayer made it impossible to get
rid of a loadstone or welded weapon by praying at non-altar locations.
That's an awfully drastic change in game balance for a typo fix....
This boosts the 2 to a 3, allowing the worst minor trouble to be
eligible for fixing.
That's a one line change; the rest of this is stuff that I've
been waffling over about whether to hold for the next big release or
to include in the patch release. It cleans up the trouble handling
code a bit--particularly the two competing choices for selecting a
piece of cursed equipment--and adds fumbling and cursed saddle as new
categories of minor trouble.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 8 Oct 2002 07:19:45 +0000 (07:19 +0000)]
fix B13008 - Mjollnir messages
Condense the two artifact hit messages a bit so that fighting
with Mjollnir isn't quite so verbose. And make the same change for
the non-existant magic missile launching artifact(s).
nethack.rankin [Sat, 5 Oct 2002 08:24:12 +0000 (08:24 +0000)]
fix B13006 - Unchanging-poly self-genocide
<Someone> reported that killing yourself by picking your current
monster class as the target of a blessed scroll of genocide while
polymorphed and wearing an amulet of unchanging would result in
"killed by genocide" rather than "killed by a scroll of genocide".
That wasn't the only problem here; it also ended the game right away,
before genociding the rest of the class of monsters; that could affect
the contents of a resulting bones level.
Also, the 3.3.0 race/class split resulted in getting the message
"you feel dead inside" twice if you were a human or elf character who
genocides '@' while polymorphed into some non-@ form.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 4 Oct 2002 02:46:02 +0000 (02:46 +0000)]
fix U88 - invisible hero didn't sense self via ESP
If the character was invisible without being able to see invisible,
his location on the map showed any object there or underlying topology
instead of the hero even when monsters could be seen with infravision,
ESP, or sustained monster detection. The ESP case required an amulet
or helm or quest artifact to be noticeable because being blind overrides
being unable to see invisible, so the more common form of telepathy
didn't exhibit this behavior.
nethack.rankin [Wed, 2 Oct 2002 21:33:08 +0000 (21:33 +0000)]
unicorn horn dipping
Implement <Someone>'s suggestion for addressing <Someone>'s
complaint about the inadequate feedback given when dipping a unicorn
horn into a potion to convert it into water. (Mainly, if the potion
has already been given a name, you won't be prompted to give it one
when dipping transforms it; if that was the last one you had, getting
"The potion clears." isn't sufficient to let you keep track of what
type of potion was cleared. You still have to keep track of such
stuff yourself, but now you'll get "The swirly potion clears." so you
at least don't have to start remembering or recording the type prior
to dipping.)
The hallucination handling isn't very useful; the description is
given will full accuracy by the immediately following inventory update.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 1 Oct 2002 07:23:10 +0000 (07:23 +0000)]
touchstone use
Make touchstones more convenient to use after they're identified
by only listing unknown gems as likely candidates. This doesn't prevent
other stuff from being rubbed on them, just alters the prompt string and
the subset of inventory shown for '?'.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 1 Oct 2002 06:20:36 +0000 (06:20 +0000)]
removing forgotten rings
Removing a ring of protection/strength/constitution/charisma
which has been made unknown by amnesia might reveal what it is due
to status line changes, so relearn it when that happens. This also
consolidates the three characteristic enhancing types into one case.
Implement's <Someone>'s suggestion that the currently wielded
weapon be included among the list of inventory candidates for the
wield command. It affects the list of letters shown in the prompt
and the subset inventory displayed if you respond with '?'; it doesn't
change how wielding works or what item you can pick to wield.
Do the same thing for quivering: include any currently quivered
item among the choices. Also include the secondary weapon as a choice
if you're not actively two-weaponing.
Add <Someone>'s patch that enables using the apply command
on eucalyptus leaves to produce a whistle effect. Blessed leaves
behave like magic whistles; I added a chance for the blessing to be
used up in the process.
Add <Someone>'s "eye of newt" patch, which confers energy
when eating a newt corpse. Consumed energy is restored by up to 3
points, and if that takes the character past max energy there's a
chance to boost the latter by 1 point. I introduced randomization
so that level 1 characters can't just kill and eat all the newts on
the first couple of levels to unconditionally boost their initial
mana (22% chance per newt to increase max energy now instead of his
original 100% chance).
Fix the reported problem of applying a figurine while swallowed
and getting a message about setting the figuring on the ground. Rather
than coming with special messages, just prevent it would activating if
you're swallowed at the time.
Also prevent figurines from creating the 4th erinys or 10th Nazgul.
I'm not sure whether to bother doing similar handling for stone-to-flesh
cast on statues.
Curse and bless status has no meaning for gold. Likewise
for erosion and other object flags controlling whether an item is
considered to be fully identified.
Noticed by code inspection: the inventory scan to find leashes
in use didn't reset the monster traversal loop for each leash, so
with more than one active it wouldn't necessarily find and check the
monster attached to the second one.
B12004 polymorphing into minotaur
Polymorphing into creature with horns such as a minotaur,
will cause your helmet to fall off if it is made of a hard material.
Only minotaurs pass the has_horns() test in include/mondata.h
because the complaint specifically referred to them, but that
should perhaps be reviewed at some point by someone who is
certain which creatures have horns growing from their
head (some demons?)
The ^X attributes were always showing "neuter" when polymorphed
into a non-humanoid creature. This fix also suppresses the extra
"gender (base)" entry when that has the same value as the preceding
"gender" entry, it eliminates the redundant label "deity" from the
three entries in the deities section, and it capitalizes the alignment
names that nethack uses as proper nouns.
This patch also introduces the capability of skipping the second
screen of enlightenment attributes (given for explore and wizard modes)
by terminating the first screen with ESC (or however else menus can be
explicitly cancelled for any given interface). That has no noticeable
effect during normal play.
Some newsgroup discussion has reminded me something I've meant
to do for a long time. Stop running when you get the special message
about the floor vibrating under your feet. Also vary it when you're
not actually stepping on the ground.
I was about to add a message referring to your steed and discovered
that the name handling for that is somewhat messy. Simplify it by using
the pet name handling routine.
The current version of VMS is V7.3-1, but V7.1 is the most
recent that I presently have access to (and that's only for Alpha
but I'm bumping the number for VAX anyway). The "DEC" part has
been obsolete for a while but I'm not sure what to do about that.
Move a block of kicking code so that freeing items stuck inside
solid work takes precedence over breaking open containers. Now the
box has a chance to fall out like other types of objects (and if it
fails that chance, there's just the normal message about not coming
loose--no attempt to actually kick open the box will occur).
From a bug report:
3.4.0 broke the ability to pick the only listed inventory letter when
user typed '?' during object selection and one candidate was listed on
the top line followed by --More--.
What do you want to throw? [b or ?*] ?
b - 7 +0 daggers (alternate weapon; not wielded).--More--b
<behaved as if user hit ESC instead of 'b' but didn't say "Never mind.">
(Dismissing --More-- the normal way and getting a new selection prompt
worked as usual.) The problem was caused by changes in getobj's count
handling; the message_menu() routine isn't able to handle counts but
display_pickinv left the count as 0 while caller expects -1 for "count
not specified".
This was a core bug but I put the fixes entry under "tty" since
no other interfaces are affected.
Expert and skilled detect treasure was changed to behave like
blessed object detection in 3.3.1, but it didn't work as intended.
> Subject: [patch] skilled detect treasure doesn't detect object types
> <email deleted>
> Date: 13 Sep 2002 09:58:41 -0400
> <email deleted>
> It looks like the detect treasure spell when cast with skilled or expert
> ability in divination is supposed to detect the type of an object ("a
> scroll of identify" rather than "a scroll"), but this doesn't actually
> work in 3.4.0. Here is a fix.
The fact that a pet was starving to death got recorded with its
corpse; if that corpse was revived via undead turning, the resulting
monster would immediately starve again if it stayed tame. Similarly,
if one got petrified while nearly starved, reanimating the statue would
produce a starving pet. Make revival and reanimation use the same code
as life-saving, where hunger status gets reset.
Allow starving pets to consume items they wouldn't ordinarily
eat. Carnivores will eat fruits and vegetables--such as they are--
and herbivores will eat assorted rations. Even though eating such
rations doesn't violate vegetarian conduct for the character, horses
would never eat them.
This change should allow players to keep mundane steeds alive
much longer. The new behavior doesn't kick in until the pet has
been classified as starving though; it doesn't affect ones who are
merely hungry.
This also gives the reason why a starving pet has died instead
of just saying "<pet> dies" whenever it starved with hit points left.
DOS 16 bit Microsoft Makefile
<Someone> reports that someone on the
newsgroup tried to use the MSVC 1.52c (16 bit compiler) Makefile
with MSVC 6 (32 bit compiler). Try to make it more obvious
that the Makefile isn't for that.
Noticed while testing something recently: if you're wearing
a non-cursed ring of levitation but can't remove it because of
some other cursed item, you'll never get the high priority result
of TROUBLE_LEVITATION when praying. This remedies that.
Provide more control over message handling for monsters' use
of equipment. This fixes the statue revival problem (inappropriate
feedback when monster puts on speed boots) mentioned in the earlier
"intrinsics of dead monsters" patch.
Monster traits that are used to revive some corpses or statues
with their old attributes were retaining intrinsics conferred by worn
items. To prevent that, strip such attributes at time of a monster's
death before the traits are recorded. Statue handling needs to some
more work; now that extra speed is lost, there's an out of place
message if/when a revived statue gets to put on its old speed boots.
Partially deal with the reported silly message combination
> Also, when unwielding a weapon using 'A', you get the messages
> "You are empty handed. You finish disrobing."
by saying "disarming" rather than "disrobing" when manipulating
just the three weapon slots. Handling weapons in combination
with armor or accessories or both still says "disrobing" though.
The case when dealing with just accessories should pick something
else, but the closest I've thought up so far is "divesting" and
I don't think that works very well. Is there a better term for
taking off jewelry? If so, would it end up being out of place
when applied to nethack's selection of eyewear?
The low probabilities look unintentional (multiple rn2 checks). This
changes the ouch:fruit:bees probabilities from 93:7:0.4 to 75:23.5:1.5.
The 75% "ouch" case sometimes also gives you a buzz.
Explain why sometime fruit that "fell from the tree" end up stuck back
in the tree, requiring more kicking (even though this is less likely
now that scatter() is improved).
Fix scattering - the splitting code doesn't look right - it will
leave avg 1/2 the object's quantity on the scatter point.
Return count of how many objects actually left the scatter point.
Noticed with recent looting patch: QBUFSZ is not big enough
to reliably hold formatted object names. (I haven't looked through
any other source files for similar problems.)
The recent change to include increased damage and increased
chance to hit in all enlightenment feedback instead of just at end
of game feels too specific compared to most of the other feedback.
Instead of giving exact plus/minus values, give a generalized
categorization of the amount. The exact value is given at game end
as in existing 3.4.0 behavior, and also given when in wizard mode.
<email deleted>
> I'm working on a Nethack port, and one of the header files a
> library uses has a structure with a member named "red". Since
> includes/decl.h #defines red to something, this totally loses.
> Attached is a patch which fixes the color defines.
Subject: Re: YANI - empty containers interface
<email deleted>
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002 12:13:49 +0300, <email deleted> wrote:
> I find the behaviour when trying to put something in an empty container
> quite irritating. Let's remind it:
> #loot
> "The <container> is empty. Do you want to put something in it? (y/n)"
> This means I have to read the message and to press 'y' or to cancel via
> Esc.
> For comparison, non-empty containers behave like this - please forgive
> me that I've forgotten the exact words:
> #loot
> "Do what?
> o - take out
> i - put in
> b - both of the above"
> So my suggestion is to change the behaviour of empty containers to be
> the same as non-empty ones. That is:
> #loot
> "Do what?
> i - put in"
> This way, I don't have to look at the container. If I want to put
> something in, pressing 'i' will lead to the same results in both cases.
This part of the suggestion was not implemented, however:
> If I want to take something out, then pressing 'o' or 'b' - although
> they are not in the list of choices - will display a message "This
><container> is empty" and end the #loot-ing session.
purple worms affected by corpses
Forwarded from the newsgroup as noting that dropping a chameleon corpse
into a purple worm did not cause polymorph nor will the digestion attack.
Added code to dropy and mdamagem to include special corpse effects like
those in dog_eat and meatobj.
> In my final attributes;
> "You had +1 bonus to hit."
> Surely "You had a ..." ?
Also moves the hit and damage bonus feedback from the "troubles"
section to the "physical attributes" section and delivers it for
every enlightenment rather than just after the game is over.
nethack.allison [Sat, 31 Aug 2002 20:14:17 +0000 (20:14 +0000)]
doomed quest
Your quest leader would tell you to return later, even after you
were converted, which would be futile, and could mislead new
This patch:
1. Causes the quest leader to banish you the first time you
encounter him/her following a conversion, since you cannot ever
complete the quest anyway in the current game.
2. Adds a new general QT_BANISHED message to be delivered, in
which you are told that you won't be able to get the Amulet without
the Bell now.
This helps resolve the complaint about not knowing that your game
cannot be won.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 31 Aug 2002 09:24:08 +0000 (09:24 +0000)]
speed of petrified monsters
Someone posted in the newsgroup about using stone-to-flesh
to reanimate a petrified pet and having it come back to life with
boosted speed intact. When the character gets petrified, stripping
speed is one of the first things which happens, so now do that for
monsters too. I decided not to make monsters who have normal speed
become slow; there isn't any analogous case for the player.
Possible bug: while testing this, I zapped a wand of probing
at a hill orc which had just eaten a lizard corpse to save itself
from stoning. The feedback said "eating" but the orc immediately
hit and killed me as if it wasn't affected by any movement delay.
cohrs [Fri, 30 Aug 2002 06:17:41 +0000 (06:17 +0000)]
U29 - mounting steed gets thru tight spots
Mounting a steed would work even when done diagonally at a doorway,
such as a shop door. Use test_move to check for all such moves and disallow
the mount in this case.
nethack.allison [Fri, 30 Aug 2002 02:55:21 +0000 (02:55 +0000)]
bees from trees
<email deleted> wrote in the newsgroup:
> "You've attracted the tree's former occupants!"
> (nothing happens)
> Yes, it's _zero_ to four bees, depending on your luck. I think it's meant
> to be one to five, though.
nethack.allison [Thu, 29 Aug 2002 02:23:47 +0000 (02:23 +0000)]
take_gold() crash with GOLDOBJ
Possible fix for B10001.
When the code went into case 3 in cursed_book(),
the game hung in an endless loop in take_gold().
The call stack was:
take_gold() line 22 + 10 bytes
cursed_book(int 2) line 124
study_book(obj * 0x00968860) line 421 + 19 bytes
doread() line 130 + 9 bytes
rhack(char * 0x005b8eac in_line) line 1813 + 3 bytes
moveloop() line 405 + 7 bytes
main(int 3, char * * 0x00962ac0) line 93
nethack.allison [Wed, 28 Aug 2002 04:53:50 +0000 (04:53 +0000)]
win32 (from <Someone>)
This patch is an improvement for menu/text dialogs.
This is a code carried over from Windows CE port. It changes
text and menu windows from "system popup" to plain "child"
windows of the main nethack window. Nethack main window can
now be resized/moved/minimized when menu/text window is up.
Menu/text windows will always stay inside the main window and
move along with it.
cohrs [Tue, 27 Aug 2002 03:56:28 +0000 (03:56 +0000)]
improperly terminated quest message
Add a missing check to makedefs so it prints a warning about misplaced %Es.
Fix a couple places in quest.txt pointed out by the new warning.
There's no visible effect on play, since the code that actually reads the
message keeps reading until the next %C.
cohrs [Mon, 26 Aug 2002 15:31:51 +0000 (15:31 +0000)]
B09002 - killing monsters seen by infravision
ohitmon was incorrectly using location visibility in a couple places where
monster visibility was more appropriate. I'm still not sure about the
canspotmon check for destroy vs killed. Similar checks do no appear
elsewhere in the code. But at least now the 'destroyed' won't be shown
for a seen, living monster.
nethack.allison [Sun, 25 Aug 2002 12:29:35 +0000 (12:29 +0000)]
(from <Someone>)
> Questions are being appended in the message window, some showing
> up on the same line. This is really noticeable with the
> end-of-game disclosure questions. Questions should always be
> presented on a new line.
At end of game is probably the only place, since then more than one
question is asked in the same turn. Anyhow, here's the patch, in
mswproc.c [...]
- No checkboxes in menu if menu is PICK_NONE. mhmenu.c
- About box changed to splash screen. This last thing is open
for discussion, as the splash screen currently does not give
exactly the ame information as the about box (or the v command).
Maybe the splash should be enhanced? Anyway, it looks better than
the About-box. I didn't remove the About-box code and resource yet
until this discussion is had. mhmain.c
nethack.allison [Sat, 24 Aug 2002 23:25:40 +0000 (23:25 +0000)]
bones file diagnostics
Pat added some error information to create_levelfile.
This does the same for create_bonesfile, but the
only place it is logged is in the paniclog, unless
you're in wizard mode. If bones file creation is
silently failing for someone and they aren't getting
bones files, this provides a way to diagnose why.
nethack.allison [Sat, 24 Aug 2002 15:33:00 +0000 (15:33 +0000)]
misc bits: options, also win32 follow-up from <Someone>
(from <Someone>):
I guess that this:
mcam += iflags.wc_scroll_amount;
should be his:
mcam += iflags.wc_scroll_amount - 1;
In words: If scroll amount is 1, the behaviour should be as it was
before the option existed, which means: no addition to mcam.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 24 Aug 2002 05:52:22 +0000 (05:52 +0000)]
more trickery - build fix
Update the other trickery situation. I don't know how I managed
to miss this. The disadvantage of suppressing extern.h from normal
dependencies I guess.
nethack.allison [Fri, 23 Aug 2002 18:40:08 +0000 (18:40 +0000)]
B08014 win32tty: hanging when ctrl+alt pressed
CTRL+ALT was being treated as a valid ALT-sequence,
so the meta bit was being set on it, letting it slip past this
check in wintty.c "if (!i) i = '\033';"
This overhauls the ALT processing in nttty.c, some of
which was using scancode mappings from the DOS port
nethack.rankin [Fri, 23 Aug 2002 14:52:25 +0000 (14:52 +0000)]
level file handling and trickery feedback
1) consolidate all core usage of `errno' in files.c;
2) give more feedback for any failure by create_levelfile or open_levelfile,
similar to what was being done for problems during level change;
3) include trickery info in paniclog (many instances of "trickery" seem to
be due to disk or quota problems rather than user misbehavior...).
The create_levelfile call in pcmain probably ought to be changed to use
error feedback, but in the meantime this should continue working.
Perhaps error() should be modified to update paniclog too, but I didn't
want to go through all its port-specific incarnations making changes.
cohrs [Fri, 23 Aug 2002 05:47:54 +0000 (05:47 +0000)]
hitting and mhurtle
Fix part of the buglist entry regarding hitting and mhurtle. Flag if
mhurtle already killed the monster, and don't call killed again in this case.
One of the new checks for this already_killed flag is just futureproofing.
nethack.allison [Fri, 23 Aug 2002 01:03:59 +0000 (01:03 +0000)]
B08021 scroll_amount wincap option
> - I'd like to see another option added: scroll_amount. In
> combination with scroll_margin, this would control the amount
> of squares the screen is scrolled when the scroll_margin is
> reached (currently, this amount is 1, but if I recall
> correctly, it used to be more). For example, if both were 5,
> when you came within 5 spaces of the left screen border, the
> screen would shift 5 spaces to the right).
nethack.rankin [Thu, 22 Aug 2002 03:05:18 +0000 (03:05 +0000)]
trickery bulletproofing
Prevent the pardoning of trickery in wizard mode from attempting
to continue when there's no longer any current level. Also prevent
the ZEROCOMP configuration from trying to read from file descriptor -1
in case there're any other places which still let that slip through.
And fix an oddity in the VMS port's error() routine which has gone
unnoticed for years.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 22 Aug 2002 01:44:24 +0000 (01:44 +0000)]
B09001 - mhp > mhpmax after life drain
A monster hit by Stormbringer could take less damage to current
HP than it took to max HP if attacker had sufficient penalties, so
end up being healthier than its new maximum. This only applies to
attacks by the player; attacks by monsters don't include the sorts of
modifiers that can trigger it.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 22 Aug 2002 01:23:31 +0000 (01:23 +0000)]
bad "cad" message
From the newsgroup: taking a shop-owned pick-axe out of a
container inside a shop gave a misleading message telling the
player to take the pick-axe out of the shop. It was caused by
using the object's `unpaid' field before addtobill() had set it.
cohrs [Thu, 22 Aug 2002 00:13:03 +0000 (00:13 +0000)]
B04006 - Grayswandir and unicorn horns
Implement a check in make_hallucinated similar to the check in make_blinded
to handle the case where your hallucination is cured but Grayswandir is
suppressing its effects anyway.