Fix some shallow bugs in Demo/parser/, and add tests:
- insert commas between entries in del statement
- left and right shifts were represented as >> and << (respectively); reverse
- unindent properly after for: else: or while: else:
- add parens around the result of an unary operation
- add parens around negative numbers, to avoid turning (-1)**2 into -1**2.
r82340 | mark.dickinson | 2010-06-28 20:34:15 +0100 (Mon, 28 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Fix typo in
r82341 | mark.dickinson | 2010-06-28 20:38:19 +0100 (Mon, 28 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Brett Cannon [Mon, 28 Jun 2010 04:57:24 +0000 (04:57 +0000)]
Move to _bootstrap.
Required updating code relying on other modules to switch to _bootstrap's
unique module requirements. This led to the realization that
get_code was being too liberal in its exception catching when calling set_data
by blindly grabbing IOError. Shifted the responsibility of safely ignoring
writes to a read-only path to set_data.
Importlib is still not relying on SourceLoader yet; requires creating a
SourcelessLoader and updating the source finder.
This was originally suggested by Guido, discussed on the stdlib-sig mailing
list, and given the OK by Guido directly to me. What this change essentially
means is that Python has taken a policy of silencing warnings that are only
of interest to developers by default. This should prevent users from seeing
warnings which are triggered by an application being run against a new
interpreter before the app developer has a chance to update their code.
Closes issue #7319. Thanks to Antoine Pitrou, Ezio Melotti, and Brian Curtin
for helping with the issue.
r77505 | brett.cannon | 2010-01-14 14:00:28 -0600 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010) | 7 lines
The silencing of DeprecationWarning was not taking -3 into consideration. Since
Py3K warnings are DeprecationWarning by default this was causing -3 to
essentially be a no-op. Now DeprecationWarning is only silenced if -3 is not
Closes issue #7700. Thanks Ezio Melotti and Florent Xicluna for patch help.
r77510 | brett.cannon | 2010-01-14 19:31:45 -0600 (Thu, 14 Jan 2010) | 1 line
Brett Cannon [Sun, 27 Jun 2010 23:57:46 +0000 (23:57 +0000)]
Implement and deprecate PyLoader and PyPycLoader.
SourceLoader is a simplification of both PyLoader and PyPycLoader. If one only
wants to use source, then they need to only implement get_data and
get_filename. To also use bytecode -- sourceless loading is not supported --
then two abstract methods -- path_mtime and set_data -- need to be implemented.
Compared to PyLoader and PyPycLoader, there are less abstract methods
introduced and bytecode files become an optimization controlled by the ABC and
hidden from the user (this need came about as PEP 3147 showed that not treating
bytecode as an optimization can cause problems for compatibility).
PyLoader is deprecated in favor of SourceLoader. To be compatible from Python
3.1 onwards, a subclass need only use simple methods for source_path and
is_package. Otherwise conditional subclassing based on whether Python 3.1 or
Python 3.2 is being is the only change. The documentation and docstring for
PyLoader explain what is exactly needed.
PyPycLoader is deprecated also in favor of SourceLoader. Because PEP 3147
shifted bytecode path details so much, there is no foolproof way to provide
backwards-compatibility with SourceLoader. Because of this the class is simply
deprecated and users should move to SourceLoader (and optionally PyLoader for
Python 3.1). This does lead to a loss of support for sourceless loading
At some point before Python 3.2 is released, SourceLoader will be moved over to
importlib._bootstrap so that the core code of importlib relies on the new code
instead of the old PyPycLoader code. This commit is being done now so that
there is no issue in having the API in Python 3.1a1.
Issue 7994: Make object.__format__ with a non-empty format string a PendingDecprecationWarning. Still need to remove uses of this from various tests.
Merged revisions 81499,81506 via svnmerge from
r81499 | georg.brandl | 2010-05-24 16:29:07 -0500 (Mon, 24 May 2010) | 1 line
#8016: add the CP858 codec (approved by Benjamin). (Also add CP720 to the tests, it was missing there.)
r81506 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-05-24 17:04:53 -0500 (Mon, 24 May 2010) | 1 line
Turned out that if you used explicit relative import syntax
(e.g. from .os import sep) and it failed, import would still try the implicit
relative import semantics of an absolute import (from os import sep). That's
not right, so when level is negative, only do explicit relative import
Fixes issue #7902. Thanks to Meador Inge for the patch.
Merged revisions 80605-80609,80642-80646,80651-80652,80674,80684-80686,80748,80852,80854,80870,80872-80873,80907,80915-80916,80951-80952,80976-80977,80985,81038-81040,81042,81053,81070,81104-81105,81114,81125,81245,81285,81402,81463,81516,81562-81563,81567,81593,81635,81680-81681,81684,81801,81888,81931-81933,81939-81942,81963,81984,81991,82120,82188,82264-82267 via svnmerge from
Fix doubled 'the'.
Markup fixes to use :exc:, :option: in a few places.
(Glitch: unittest.main's -c ends up a link to the Python
interpreter's -c option. Should we skip using :option: for that
switch, or disable the auto-linking somehow?)
r80607 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-04-28 20:45:41 -0500 (Wed, 28 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Add various unittest items
r80608 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-04-28 22:18:05 -0500 (Wed, 28 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Antoine Pitrou: is my version of the paragraph still correct?
R. David Murray: is this more understandable than the previous version?
r80644 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-04-29 20:02:15 -0500 (Thu, 29 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Fix attribution. Travis didn't do much and he did a bad work.
(yes, this is a sensitive subject, sorry)
r80748 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-03 20:24:22 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 1 line
Add some more items; the urlparse change is added twice
r80852 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-05 20:09:47 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 1 line
Reword paragraph; fix filename, which should be pyconfig.h
r80854 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-05 20:10:56 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 1 line
Add various items
r80870 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-06 09:14:09 -0500 (Thu, 06 May 2010) | 1 line
Describe ElementTree 1.3; rearrange new-module sections; describe dict views as sets; small edits and items
r80872 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-06 12:21:59 -0500 (Thu, 06 May 2010) | 1 line
Add 2 items; record ideas for two initial sections; clarify wording
r80873 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-06 12:27:57 -0500 (Thu, 06 May 2010) | 1 line
Change section title; point to unittest2
r80907 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-06 20:45:14 -0500 (Thu, 06 May 2010) | 1 line
Add a new section on the development plan; add an item
r80915 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-05-07 05:15:51 -0500 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 3 lines
Fix some markup and a class name. Also, wrap a long line.
r80916 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-07 06:30:47 -0500 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line
Re-word text
r80951 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-07 20:15:26 -0500 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line
Add two items
r80952 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-07 20:35:55 -0500 (Fri, 07 May 2010) | 1 line
Get accents correct
r80976 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-08 08:28:03 -0500 (Sat, 08 May 2010) | 1 line
Add logging.dictConfig example; give up on writing a Ttk example
r80977 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-08 08:29:46 -0500 (Sat, 08 May 2010) | 1 line
Write summary of the 2.7 release; rewrite the future section some more;
mention PYTHONWARNINGS env. var; tweak some examples for readability.
And with this commit, the "What's New" is done... except for a
complete read-through to polish the text, and fixing any reported errors,
but those tasks can easily wait until after beta2.
r81038 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-05-09 16:09:40 -0500 (Sun, 09 May 2010) | 1 line
finish clause
r81039 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-10 09:18:27 -0500 (Mon, 10 May 2010) | 1 line
Markup fix; re-word a sentence
r81040 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-10 09:20:12 -0500 (Mon, 10 May 2010) | 1 line
Use title case
r81042 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-10 10:03:35 -0500 (Mon, 10 May 2010) | 1 line
Link to unittest2 article
r81053 | florent.xicluna | 2010-05-10 14:59:22 -0500 (Mon, 10 May 2010) | 2 lines
Add a link on maketrans().
r81070 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-10 18:13:41 -0500 (Mon, 10 May 2010) | 1 line
Fix typo
r81104 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-11 19:38:44 -0500 (Tue, 11 May 2010) | 1 line
Revision pass: lots of edits, typo fixes, rearrangements
r81105 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-11 19:40:47 -0500 (Tue, 11 May 2010) | 1 line
Let's call this done
r81114 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-12 08:56:07 -0500 (Wed, 12 May 2010) | 1 line
Grammar fix
r81125 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-12 13:56:48 -0500 (Wed, 12 May 2010) | 1 line
#8696: add documentation for logging.config.dictConfig (PEP 391)
r81245 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-16 18:31:16 -0500 (Sun, 16 May 2010) | 1 line
Add cross-reference to later section
r81285 | vinay.sajip | 2010-05-18 03:16:27 -0500 (Tue, 18 May 2010) | 1 line
Fixed minor typo in ReST markup.
r81402 | vinay.sajip | 2010-05-21 12:41:34 -0500 (Fri, 21 May 2010) | 1 line
Updated logging documentation with more dictConfig information.
r81463 | georg.brandl | 2010-05-22 03:17:23 -0500 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line
#8785: less confusing description of regex.find*.
r81516 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-25 08:34:08 -0500 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 1 line
Add three items
r81562 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-27 08:22:53 -0500 (Thu, 27 May 2010) | 1 line
Rewrite wxWidgets section
r81563 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-27 08:30:09 -0500 (Thu, 27 May 2010) | 1 line
Remove top-level 'General Questions' section, pushing up the questions it contains
r81567 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-05-27 16:29:59 -0500 (Thu, 27 May 2010) | 1 line
Add item
r81593 | georg.brandl | 2010-05-29 03:46:18 -0500 (Sat, 29 May 2010) | 1 line
#8616: add new turtle demo "nim".
r81635 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-01 02:25:23 -0500 (Tue, 01 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Put docs for before RegexObject.match() to mirror and re.match() order.
r81680 | vinay.sajip | 2010-06-03 17:34:42 -0500 (Thu, 03 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Issue #8890: Documentation changed to avoid reference to temporary files.
r81681 | sean.reifschneider | 2010-06-03 20:51:26 -0500 (Thu, 03 Jun 2010) | 2 lines
Issue8810: Clearing up docstring for tzinfo.utcoffset.
r81684 | vinay.sajip | 2010-06-04 08:41:02 -0500 (Fri, 04 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Issue #8890: Documentation changed to avoid reference to temporary files - other cases covered.
r81801 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-06-07 08:38:40 -0500 (Mon, 07 Jun 2010) | 1 line
#8875: Remove duplicated paragraph
r81888 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-06-10 20:54:58 -0500 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Add a few more items
r81931 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-12 01:26:54 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Fix punctuation.
r81932 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-12 01:28:58 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Document that an existing directory raises in mkdir().
r81933 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-12 01:45:33 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Update version in README.
r81939 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-12 04:45:01 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Use newer toctree syntax.
r81940 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-12 04:45:28 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Add document on how to build.
r81941 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-12 04:45:58 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Fix gratuitous indentation.
r81942 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-12 04:46:03 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Update README.
r81963 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-06-12 15:00:55 -0500 (Sat, 12 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Grammar fix
r81984 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-14 10:58:39 -0500 (Mon, 14 Jun 2010) | 1 line
#8993: fix reference.
r81991 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-06-14 19:38:58 -0500 (Mon, 14 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Add another bunch of items
r82120 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-06-20 16:45:45 -0500 (Sun, 20 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Note that Python 3.x isn't covered; add forward ref. for UTF-8; note error in 2.5 and up
r82188 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-06-23 19:02:46 -0500 (Wed, 23 Jun 2010) | 1 line
remove reverted changed
r82264 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-27 05:47:47 -0500 (Sun, 27 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Confusing punctuation.
r82265 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-27 05:49:23 -0500 (Sun, 27 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Use designated syntax for optional grammar element.
r82266 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-27 05:51:44 -0500 (Sun, 27 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Fix URL.
r82267 | georg.brandl | 2010-06-27 05:55:38 -0500 (Sun, 27 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Merged revisions 81881-81882 via svnmerge from
r81881 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-06-10 19:16:08 -0500 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010) | 1 line
#5753: update demo.c to use PySys_SetArgvEx(), and add a comment
r81882 | andrew.kuchling | 2010-06-10 19:23:01 -0500 (Thu, 10 Jun 2010) | 1 line
#5753: Suggest PySys_SetArgvEx() instead of PySys_SetArgv()
Issue #3924: Ignore cookies with invalid "version" field in cookielib.
r81466 | georg.brandl | 2010-05-22 06:31:16 -0500 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line
Underscore the name of an internal utility function.
r81468 | georg.brandl | 2010-05-22 06:43:25 -0500 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line
#8635: document enumerate() start parameter in docstring.
r81679 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-06-03 16:21:03 -0500 (Thu, 03 Jun 2010) | 1 line
use a set for membership testing
r81735 | michael.foord | 2010-06-05 06:46:59 -0500 (Sat, 05 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Extract error message truncating into a method (unittest.TestCase._truncateMessage).
r81760 | michael.foord | 2010-06-05 14:38:42 -0500 (Sat, 05 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Issue 8302. SkipTest exception is setUpClass or setUpModule is now reported as a skip rather than an error.
r81868 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-06-09 14:45:04 -0500 (Wed, 09 Jun 2010) | 1 line
fix code formatting
r82183 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-06-23 15:29:26 -0500 (Wed, 23 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Force exit using os._exit instead of sys.exit,
this makes sure that the child does not continue
r80793 | barry.warsaw | 2010-05-05 11:15:09 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 5 lines
Bug 7755: is arguably copyrighted material, but definitely makes
Debian unhappy. The actual contents of the audio clip are unimportant, so
replace it with something that we know is okay. Guido likes woodpeckers.
Try to turn some buildbots green by allowing test_multiprocessing to pass even if it hits the sys.exc_clear code in the threading module, and improve the test coverage by making the ctypes dependencies a bit more granular (two of the cited ctypes objects don't exist on my system)
r79926 | nick.coghlan | 2010-04-10 10:01:54 -0500 (Sat, 10 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80732 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 18:41:51 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove an unused variable.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80733 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 18:42:40 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 3 lines
Clean up whitespace and remove unneeded variable initialization as found by
r80734 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 18:43:49 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove unneeded variable mutation and initializations.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80735 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 18:44:54 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove unneeded variable assignment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80736 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 18:51:28 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove unused variables and a variable initialization.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80739 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 19:36:00 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Prevent a possible NULL de-reference and an unneeded variable assignment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80741 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 19:48:11 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Fix a Py_DECREF to a Py_XDECREF.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80742 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 19:52:41 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Strip out extraneous whitespace, cast a some `const char *` to `void *` when
passed to free() and make a `char *` to a `const char *` as found by Clang's
static analyzer.
r80743 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 19:57:44 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove an unneeded variable assignment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80744 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 20:01:00 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 2 lines
Fix some whitespace.
r80746 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 20:16:51 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove an unneeded variable and assignment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80747 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 20:23:36 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Pull a NULL pointer check up to cover more cases in the function.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80807 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:14:27 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove an unnecessary variable.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80808 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:15:14 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 2 lines
Remove an unneeded variable and fix a little whitespace.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80817 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:27:49 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove an unneeded variable increment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80818 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:30:30 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 8 lines
Remove two unneeded branches to an 'if' statement by applying De Morgan's Law
and creating a single 'if' statement along with a NULL default value for a
Also clean up a bunch of whitespace.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80819 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:35:24 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove an unnecessary variable assignment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80820 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:38:52 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 4 lines
Change to a Py_XDECREF and fix some whitespace.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80821 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:50:03 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 4 lines
Explicitly add stdio.h and string.h to make strtod.c work standalone.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80822 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:53:20 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 4 lines
Remove an unneeded variable assignment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80843 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 18:11:08 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 1 line
Revert a change where an expression is not needed now, but could be in the future.
r80874 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-06 12:56:36 -0500 (Thu, 06 May 2010) | 5 lines
Add back in a line that was unneeded which advanced a pointer, but commented
out as it is currently unneeded.
This effectively adds back in the line removed in r80809 as a comment.
Blocked revisions 79620,79624-79625,79633-79637,79639-79640,79650-79651,79654,79673,79693,79695,79697-79698,79704,79706-79707,79710,79712-79714,79718-79719,79722,79730,79744,79750,79755,79760,79769,79808,79811,79890,80062,80065,80082,80086,80171,80189,80242-80243,80374,80411-80412,80445,80579-80581,80700,80737,80745,80752,80794,80813-80814,80823,80963,80982,81012-81013,81030,81035,81088,81140-81141,81149-81151,81275,81484,81502,81517,81561,81705,81847,81919,81964,82056,82136-82137,82142,82149 via svnmerge
Implement #7347. Add CreateKeyEx, DeleteKeyEx, and update _winreg tests.
*ReflectionKey functions used to not be documented or tested, but they are
now sufficiently documented and tested on platforms where they apply.
Additionally, fixed a bug in QueryReflectionKey which was returning an
incorrect value.
All tests pass from XP through Windows 7, on 32 and 64-bit platforms.
r79624 | ezio.melotti | 2010-04-02 16:43:10 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Fix that was using unittest.__file__ to find Lib/ (unittest is now a package).
r79625 | brian.curtin | 2010-04-02 16:51:37 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 2 lines
Add a line about #7347 to Misc\News
r79633 | brian.curtin | 2010-04-02 18:26:06 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 14 lines
Implement #1220212. Add os.kill support for Windows.
os.kill takes one of two newly added signals, CTRL_C_EVENT and
CTRL_BREAK_EVENT, or any integer value. The events are a special case
which work with subprocess console applications which implement a
special console control handler. Any other value but those two will
cause os.kill to use TerminateProcess, outright killing the process.
This change adds, which is a script to implement
SetConsoleCtrlHandler and applicable handler function, using ctypes.
subprocess also gets another attribute which is a necessary flag to
creationflags in Popen in order to send the CTRL events.
r79634 | brian.curtin | 2010-04-02 18:31:28 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 2 lines
Add note about #1220212 (os.kill on Windows)
r79635 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-04-02 18:31:40 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 1 line
set svn:eol-style on new file
r79636 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-04-02 18:59:41 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 4 lines
always check _PyString_Resize for error
also normalize how this error is checked
r79637 | raymond.hettinger | 2010-04-02 19:39:26 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Clear cyclical references in list based OrderedDict.
r79639 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-04-02 19:57:33 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Fix assertRaises usage on reflection functions which should raise
NotImplementedError on Windows XP and below.
r79650 | raymond.hettinger | 2010-04-02 22:14:28 -0500 (Fri, 02 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Improve clear() method. Keeps key/value refcnts >= 1 until final dict.clear() so that decrefs to zero won't trigger arbitrary code . Also runs a bit faster.
r79651 | raymond.hettinger | 2010-04-03 02:57:09 -0500 (Sat, 03 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Ensure 'module removed' warning messages contain the word 'module' or 'package'.
This should fix the test_py3kwarn failure on OS X. test_support.import_module
also requires this.
r79710 | mark.dickinson | 2010-04-03 11:54:02 -0500 (Sat, 03 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Replace backquotes with repr(), to silence a SyntaxWarning.
r79712 | raymond.hettinger | 2010-04-03 12:10:05 -0500 (Sat, 03 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Silence a compiler warning.
r79713 | raymond.hettinger | 2010-04-03 13:10:37 -0500 (Sat, 03 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Add count() method to collections.deque().
r79714 | mark.dickinson | 2010-04-03 13:17:54 -0500 (Sat, 03 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Silence DeprecationWarnings from uses of has_key and <> in plat-mac.
r79718 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-04-03 16:42:18 -0500 (Sat, 03 Apr 2010) | 3 lines
Add tests for cmp_to_key.
Adopt PEP 8 compliant function name.
Factor-out existing uses cmp_to_key.
Update documentation to use internal pointers instead of external resource.
r79760 | raymond.hettinger | 2010-04-04 17:24:03 -0500 (Sun, 04 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Add tests for functools.total_ordering.
r79769 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-04-04 18:23:22 -0500 (Sun, 04 Apr 2010) | 1 line
fix dis on new style classes #8310
r79808 | raymond.hettinger | 2010-04-05 13:53:43 -0500 (Mon, 05 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Classes that override __eq__ also need to define __hash__.
r79811 | brian.curtin | 2010-04-05 14:04:23 -0500 (Mon, 05 Apr 2010) | 7 lines
Fix a failing test on an apparently slow Windows buildbot.
On slower Windows machines, waiting 0.1 seconds can sometimes not be
enough for a subprocess to start and be ready to accept signals, causing
the test to fail. One buildbot is also choking on input()/EOFError so
that was changed to not depend on input.
r79890 | mark.dickinson | 2010-04-07 05:18:27 -0500 (Wed, 07 Apr 2010) | 4 lines
Use some more interesting test values for (unsigned) long long ctypes tests,
in the hope of getting more information about the test_ctypes failures
on Sparc (see issue #8314).
r80062 | r.david.murray | 2010-04-13 15:57:40 -0500 (Tue, 13 Apr 2010) | 2 lines
Add a small sleep to let a subprocess start before terminating it.
David Bolen's buildbot isn't know for it's speed, and it seems that we
may have been trying to kill the subprocess before it was fully
initialized. I ran with this change on the bot itself and it seemed to work.
r80082 | georg.brandl | 2010-04-14 16:36:49 -0500 (Wed, 14 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Fix os.kill tests to be more robust and work with slower machines.
Rather than depending on some sleep value, start up an interpreter
as a subprocess and communicate with it. Because subprocess pipes
can't be read from until EOF and I want to read from them before that,
use ctypes to peek by using PeekNamedPipe. Once the subprocess has
written the message, then it is ready to roll and accept signals.
After that, kill it.
r80171 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-04-18 06:16:24 -0500 (Sun, 18 Apr 2010) | 3 lines
Fix bootstrap after r80166
r80189 | victor.stinner | 2010-04-18 13:22:25 -0500 (Sun, 18 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Revert r80166 (and r80171), restore Lib/ subprocess cannot be used in
r80242 | ronald.oussoren | 2010-04-20 03:53:12 -0500 (Tue, 20 Apr 2010) | 8 lines
The PythonLauncher change is needed due
to changes in how the BASECFLAGS and CFLAGS
variables get filled by configure.
The Mac/ change ensures that
pythonw gets build with the rigth deployment
r80243 | ronald.oussoren | 2010-04-20 03:54:48 -0500 (Tue, 20 Apr 2010) | 3 lines
This patch fixes the handling of a weak-linked
variable and should fix issue #8095.
r80374 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-04-22 12:44:41 -0500 (Thu, 22 Apr 2010) | 3 lines
Temporarily display OpenSSL version in verbose run -- trying to diagnose failure on Neal's buildbot.
r80411 | florent.xicluna | 2010-04-23 12:59:10 -0500 (Fri, 23 Apr 2010) | 2 lines
Remove ImportWarnings filters. They become obsolete after r79310, issue #8205.
r80412 | florent.xicluna | 2010-04-23 13:10:12 -0500 (Fri, 23 Apr 2010) | 2 lines
Fix #5774. Some _winreg functions are documented as taking kwargs but don't.
r80579 | nick.coghlan | 2010-04-28 09:34:30 -0500 (Wed, 28 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Also mention patch submitter's name in NEWS, not just in the commit message
r80580 | nick.coghlan | 2010-04-28 09:51:08 -0500 (Wed, 28 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Issue 8202: when using the -m command line switch, sys.argv[0] is now '-m' instead of '-c' while searching for the module to be executed
r80581 | nick.coghlan | 2010-04-28 09:53:59 -0500 (Wed, 28 Apr 2010) | 1 line
Add version changed note for -m tinkering with sys.argv[0] during the search process
r80700 | ronald.oussoren | 2010-05-02 04:55:57 -0500 (Sun, 02 May 2010) | 3 lines
Small update to r80698 to ensure that
uses the default browser.
r80737 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 18:57:15 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 4 lines
Fix two potential uninitialization errors and an unneeded assignment.
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80745 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-03 20:04:53 -0500 (Mon, 03 May 2010) | 5 lines
Mention the code clean-up thanks to Clang's static analyzer in Modules.
Was not applied to modules that will not compile under OS X, dbmmodule.c,
getaddrinfo.c, and getnameinfo.c.
r80752 | victor.stinner | 2010-05-04 06:35:36 -0500 (Tue, 04 May 2010) | 4 lines
_pyio: Fix TextIOWrapper constructor: os has no device_encoding() function
_io module doesn't call this function which was introduced in Python3.
r80794 | barry.warsaw | 2010-05-05 11:17:22 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 1 line
Found using Clang's static analyzer.
r80814 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:24:30 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 1 line
Partially revert the over-reaching r80813.
r80823 | brett.cannon | 2010-05-05 15:54:53 -0500 (Wed, 05 May 2010) | 1 line
Mention how Clang's static anaylzer was run over Objects/ and Python/.
r80963 | ronald.oussoren | 2010-05-08 03:44:37 -0500 (Sat, 08 May 2010) | 4 lines
Fix for issue #7724: make it possible to build using
the OSX 10.4u SDK on MacOSX 10.6 by honoring the specified
SDK when looking for files.
r80982 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-05-08 10:23:57 -0500 (Sat, 08 May 2010) | 3 lines
Fixes [issue7245] Better Ctrl-C support in pdb.
r81013 | gregory.p.smith | 2010-05-08 20:20:20 -0500 (Sat, 08 May 2010) | 5 lines
Revert r81012. buildbot problems and its questionable of me to even
add this to trunk while we're on the way to 2.7rc1.
When fixed this can go into py3k first. Sorry.
r81030 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-05-09 10:15:11 -0500 (Sun, 09 May 2010) | 3 lines
Fixup indentation of PC/_msi.c
r81035 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-05-09 13:32:48 -0500 (Sun, 09 May 2010) | 3 lines
Remove spurious newlines, and add version number.
r81088 | brian.curtin | 2010-05-11 14:13:13 -0500 (Tue, 11 May 2010) | 13 lines
#8575 - Update and reorganize some _winreg contents.
I've removed the hopeful note about a future higher-level module since
it's been in there for quite a long time and nothing of the sort has
come up. There are a few places where markup was added to cross-reference
other sections, and many of the external links have been removed and now
point to newly created sections containing previously undocumented
The Value Types section was created and it's contents were taken from
a function-specific area, since it applies to more than just that
function. It fits in better with the other newly documented constants.
r81140 | florent.xicluna | 2010-05-13 12:05:29 -0500 (Thu, 13 May 2010) | 3 lines
Add sensible information about the OS X platform to diagnose issue #8423:
test_pep277 fails on "x86 Tiger" buildbot but not on "PPC Tiger".
r81141 | florent.xicluna | 2010-05-13 13:16:06 -0500 (Thu, 13 May 2010) | 2 lines
Revert the additional OS X information (r81140). Keep the endianness information.
r81149 | florent.xicluna | 2010-05-13 16:40:01 -0500 (Thu, 13 May 2010) | 2 lines
Better test skipping, with message in the log.
r81150 | florent.xicluna | 2010-05-13 16:41:05 -0500 (Thu, 13 May 2010) | 2 lines
Improve test feedback to troubleshoot issue #8423 on OS X.
r81151 | florent.xicluna | 2010-05-13 18:46:48 -0500 (Thu, 13 May 2010) | 2 lines
Revert changeset r81150 which helped diagnose issue #8423 on some OS X buildbot.
r81275 | antoine.pitrou | 2010-05-17 14:56:59 -0500 (Mon, 17 May 2010) | 4 lines
Issue #7079: Fix a possible crash when closing a file object while using
it from another thread. Patch by Daniel Stutzbach.
r81484 | georg.brandl | 2010-05-22 16:26:21 -0500 (Sat, 22 May 2010) | 1 line
NEWS rewrap and punctuation consistency.
r81502 | georg.brandl | 2010-05-24 16:37:54 -0500 (Mon, 24 May 2010) | 1 line
#8616: update module name
r81517 | brian.curtin | 2010-05-25 10:06:15 -0500 (Tue, 25 May 2010) | 5 lines
Fix #2810 - handle the case where some registry calls return
ERROR_MORE_DATA, requiring another call to get the remaining data.
Patch by Daniel Stutzbach
r81561 | alexander.belopolsky | 2010-05-26 15:57:04 -0500 (Wed, 26 May 2010) | 1 line
Added Andrej Krpic. (Thanks for issue #7879 patch.)
r81705 | r.david.murray | 2010-06-04 14:51:06 -0500 (Fri, 04 Jun 2010) | 9 lines
#4487: have Charset check with codecs for possible aliases.
Previously, unexpected results occurred when email was passed, for example,
'utf8' as a charset name, since email would accept it but would *not* use
the 'utf-8' codec for it, even though Python itself recognises that as
an alias for utf-8. Now Charset checks with codecs for aliases as well
as its own internal table. Issue 8898 has been opened to change this
further in py3k so that all aliasing is routed through the codecs module.
r81847 | brian.curtin | 2010-06-08 16:15:06 -0500 (Tue, 08 Jun 2010) | 3 lines
Move a variable declration outside of a loop to match what was
done in r81843 for py3k.
r81919 | vinay.sajip | 2010-06-11 17:56:50 -0500 (Fri, 11 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Issue #8924: logging: Improved error handling for Unicode in exception text.
r81964 | nick.coghlan | 2010-06-13 01:50:39 -0500 (Sun, 13 Jun 2010) | 1 line
Revert r80580 due to some unintended side effects. See issue #8202 for details.
r82056 | florent.xicluna | 2010-06-17 15:30:56 -0500 (Thu, 17 Jun 2010) | 2 lines
Add few words about test.test_genericpath.CommonTest
r82136 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-06-21 10:56:45 -0500 (Mon, 21 Jun 2010) | 1 line
update pydoc-topics
r82137 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-06-21 10:57:57 -0500 (Mon, 21 Jun 2010) | 1 line
bump verson to 2.7rc2
r82142 | benjamin.peterson | 2010-06-21 12:28:30 -0500 (Mon, 21 Jun 2010) | 1 line
towards final release
r82149 | ronald.oussoren | 2010-06-22 04:18:28 -0500 (Tue, 22 Jun 2010) | 11 lines
Fix for issue8446:
* Don't import 'ic' in webbrowser, that module is no longer used
* Remove 'MacOS' from the list of modules that should emit a Py3kWarning on import.
This is needed because one of the earlier tests triggers and import of this
extension, and that causes a failure in test_py3kwarn (running test_py3kwarn
separately worked fine)
With these changes 'make tests' no longer says that test_py3kwarn fails.
Fix for Issue8883: without this patch test_urllib will fail
when there is a bare IP address in the "Bypass proxy settings
for these Hosts & Domains" list on MacOSX.
The code in _scproxy (a mac specific helper module to
detect proxy settings) had the wrong logic for detecting
if the checkbox 'Exclude simple hostnames' is checked. This
checkin fixes that.
As a result the test failure 'Issue8455' goes away on systems
where the checkbox is not checked.
I'm carefully avoiding saying that is fixes that issue,
test_urllib2_localnet assumes that system proxy settings are
empty (not just on OSX, see Issue8455 for details).
Brett Cannon [Sat, 26 Jun 2010 22:29:06 +0000 (22:29 +0000)]
Having CFLAGS come before OPT prevents silencing certain classes of warnings
from the fact that OPT contains -Wall be default. This is annoying when
compilers like clang have thorough debugging information about things that
Python does extensively (e.g. -Wunused-value for unused return values caused by
a macro use).
#9085: email versions have gotten out of sync, 2.7 is actually 4.0.3.
In 2.5 the email version was bumped to 4.0.2 just before release but
after the maintenance branch was set up. The bump was not backported
to trunk, and 2.6 went out the door with a version number of 4.0.1.
I bumped this to 4.0.2 because of a behavior change, but that makes
it look the same as 2.5. So bump it again to 4.0.3.
Issue #9024: Fixed mark-up for PyDateTime_IMPORT macro and added that
it is typically used in module initialization function. Thanks Tim
Golden for the patch.
Antoine Pitrou [Thu, 24 Jun 2010 22:34:04 +0000 (22:34 +0000)]
Issue #8682: The ssl module now temporary increments the reference count of
a socket object got through `PyWeakref_GetObject`, so as to avoid possible
deallocation while the object is still being used.
Issue #9020: The Py_IS* macros from pyctype.h should generally only be
used with signed/unsigned char arguments. For integer arguments, EOF
has to be handled separately.
Victor Stinner [Fri, 18 Jun 2010 23:59:45 +0000 (23:59 +0000)]
Issue #8939: Improve arg.rst
* Add :ctype: to Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and int
* "s" and "s#" formats of Py_BuildValue(): specify that the Python object type
is str in the description
Issue #6641: Original commit for this issue, r82053, introduced a
regression making datetime subclass' strptime return datetime rather
than subclass instances. Fixed this bug and a few typos.