Eric Smith [Sun, 10 Feb 2008 01:36:53 +0000 (01:36 +0000)]
Added PyNumber_ToBase and supporting routines _PyInt_Format and
_PyLong_Format. In longobject.c, changed long_format to
_PyLong_Format. In intobject.c, changed uses of PyOS_snprintf to
_PyInt_Format instead.
_PyLong_Format is similar to py3k's routine of the same name, except
it has 2 additional parameters: addL and newstyle. addL was existing
in long_format, and controls adding the trailing "L". This is
unneeded in py3k. newstyle is used to control whether octal prepends
"0" (the pre-2.6 style), or "0o" (the 3.0 sytle).
PyNumber_ToBase is needed for PEP 3127 (Integer Literal Support and
Syntax) and PEP 3101 (Advanced String Formatting).
Issue #1706: Require Windows 2000+
Added Py_BUILD_CORE_MODULES macro to set WINVER and NTDDI_VERSION to Windows 2000 for core modules, too
Added -d option to build.bat (same as -c Debug) and fixed warning about /build option
Updated Windows related readme.txt files
Nick Coghlan [Sat, 9 Feb 2008 15:28:09 +0000 (15:28 +0000)]
Issue 2021: Allow NamedTemporaryFile and SpooledTemporaryFile to be used as context managers. (The NamedTemporaryFile fix should be considered for backporting to 2.5)
Walter Dörwald [Thu, 7 Feb 2008 19:30:22 +0000 (19:30 +0000)]
Clarify that the output of TextCalendar.formatmonth() and
TextCalendar.formatyear() for custom instances won't be influenced by calls
to the module global setfirstweekday() function. Fixes #2018.
Facundo Batista [Thu, 7 Feb 2008 19:06:52 +0000 (19:06 +0000)]
Fixes Issue 1401. When redirected, a possible POST get converted
to GET, so it loses its payload. So, it also must lose the
headers related to the payload (if it has no content any more,
it shouldn't indicate content length and type).
Added some statistics code to dict and list object code. I wanted to test how a larger freelist affects the reusage of freed objects. Contrary to my gut feelings 80 objects is more than fine for small apps. I haven't profiled a large app yet.
Walter Dörwald [Wed, 6 Feb 2008 14:31:55 +0000 (14:31 +0000)]
Remove month parameter from Calendar.yeardatescalendar(),
Calendar.yeardays2calendar() and Calendar.yeardayscalendar() as the methods
don't have such a parameter. Fixes issue #2017.
Unified naming convention for free lists and their limits. All free lists
in Object/ are named ``free_list``, the counter ``numfree`` and the upper
limit is a macro ``PyName_MAXFREELIST`` inside an #ifndef block.
The chances should make it easier to adjust Python for platforms with
less memory, e.g. mobile phones.
Georg Brandl [Tue, 5 Feb 2008 19:58:17 +0000 (19:58 +0000)]
* Use the same code to profile for test_profile and test_cprofile.
* Convert both to unittest.
* Use the same unit testing code.
* Include the expected output in both test files.
* Make it possible to regenerate the expected output by running
the file as a script with an '-r' argument.
#1750076: Debugger did not step on every iteration of a while statement.
The mapping between bytecode offsets and source lines (lnotab) did not contain
an entry for the beginning of the loop.
Now it does, and the lnotab can be a bit larger:
in particular, several statements on the same line generate several entries.
However, this does not bother the settrace function, which will trigger only
one 'line' event.
The lnotab seems to be exactly the same as with python2.4.
Patch #1953
I implemented the function sys._compact_freelists() and C API functions PyInt_/PyFloat_CompactFreeList() to compact the pre-allocated blocks of ints and floats. They allow the user to reduce the memory usage of a Python process that deals with lots of numbers.
The patch also renames sys._cleartypecache to sys._clear_type_cache
Skip Montanaro [Sat, 2 Feb 2008 19:11:57 +0000 (19:11 +0000)]
Split the refleak mail body into two parts, the first being those failing
tests which are deemed more important issues, the second those which are
known to have difficult to solve problems and are generally expected to
leak. Hopefully this doesn't break the script...