nhmall [Wed, 19 Dec 2018 11:43:00 +0000 (06:43 -0500)]
eliminate sys/share/pcsys.c from Windows build
Windows build was actually only using a single function
in there, so just add a similar function to sys/winnt/winnt.c
and eliminate the need for including sys/share/pcsys.c in
the build.
Another 6.5 year old report. This one from Steven Melenchuk told
how to reproduce C343-23 which is still open on our 'known bugs'
page. (I've no idea whether the original bug report came through
the contact page, and if so, what its assigned number was.)
I didn't try to solve this one, I just confirmed that it could be
reproduced and took the fix from grunthack at github. He didn't
menion a fix at the time but implemented one before abandoing his
variant. (Others kept it going afterwards; fix was during his time.)
The overflow occurred when the guard couldn't figure out where to
move to next and just repeatedly 'moved' to his current location
until the maximum number of fake corridor spots was used up. The
fix detects not knowing where to go next and explicitly choosing a
new destination.
Original problem could be reproduced by teleporting into the vault,
digging out a wall and two spaces of stone in a straight line, then
going back into the vault to wait for a guard. When he shows up:
answer, drop gold, follow. If the guard's path walks through both
dug spaces, he will stop waiting for the hero. But hero is in
between the guard and the gap in the vault wall and can't advance;
guard has reached a persistent corridor so doesn't know where to go
next. Have hero wait for 125-ish more turns and then game panicks.
The code was 3.4.3 vintage so needed thorough reformatting, but not
any actual changes (unless I've overlooked something).
PatR [Wed, 19 Dec 2018 03:11:36 +0000 (19:11 -0800)]
disable gcc's __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
Casting to (void) to discard a function return value doesn't satisfy
gcc's -Wunused-result (which we aren't enabling but is apparently
being activated for particular functions by glibc header files). Turn
it into a no-op to suppress three dozen warnings from Travis builds.
PatR [Tue, 18 Dec 2018 11:01:50 +0000 (03:01 -0800)]
life support for comatose code in explmu()
Static analysis notices that
if (physical_damage)
tmp = Maybe_Half_Phys(tmp);
will never pass the test because all code paths leading to it set
'physical_damage' to False. Instead of getting rid of it, add a fake
case that leaves that True.
PatR [Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:44:21 +0000 (02:44 -0800)]
plug potential open file leak in checkfile()
Another item from static analysis. If an internal error ever caused
the "bad do_look buffer" warning from checkfile(), open file 'data'
would not be closed. (The bug in checkfile()'s caller which prompted
that check was fixed long go.)
An alternate fix would be to move the input buffer check to before
the file is opened, but verifying the file first seems worthwhile.
PatR [Tue, 18 Dec 2018 10:24:19 +0000 (02:24 -0800)]
remove dead code from parse()
From Jessie's old static analysis report. 'prezero' was used in 3.4.3
when processing a count for 'multi', but count handling is now done in
a separate routine and 'prezero' in parse() never changes value, so
get rid of it.
PatR [Mon, 17 Dec 2018 23:45:55 +0000 (15:45 -0800)]
fixes36.2 fixes
Fix a few typos, reword a couple of entries describing the bug rather
than its fix to use past tense, move a couple of entries to be adjacent
to closely related entries (there's a lot of scope for more of that...)
and remove a bunch of trailing spaces.
[fixes36.2 starts with a header line but the tags on it aren't being
PatR [Mon, 17 Dec 2018 11:05:10 +0000 (03:05 -0800)]
throwing recoil inside shop
Another bug from seven years ago, sent directly to devteam so no #H
number. Report stated that throwing recoil could move a levitating
hero diagonally through a shop's doorway to exit it. If the thrown
item was unpaid, it remained unpaid after landing on shop's floor
and was an unlisted item on shop's bill. Moving diagonally out the
door seems to have been fixed, but the same effect still occurred
if you were far enough from the door to have the shopkeeper vacate
his door-blocking spot and throwing recoil took hero to that spot.
The thrown unpaid item remained unpaid, and walking out the door was
treated as shop robbery.
PatR [Mon, 17 Dec 2018 10:49:38 +0000 (02:49 -0800)]
yet more dropping while inside engulfer
I don't know why we have two different functions which do exactly
the same thing (checking whether an item is unpaid or is a container
that holds at least one unpaid item), but switch the #H2504 fix to
use 'the other one' and reverse one of the changes made when using
the inventory one.
PatR [Mon, 17 Dec 2018 08:45:00 +0000 (00:45 -0800)]
more dropping unpaid shop items inside engulfer
I thought that the earlier fix for #H2504 was too easy for anything
shop related. It didn't deal sensibly with containers owned by hero
but holding unpaid shop goods.
PatR [Sun, 16 Dec 2018 23:43:17 +0000 (15:43 -0800)]
fix #H2504 - dropping shop goods inside engulfer
This one is only seven years old. Dropping an unpaid item inside an
engulfer leaves it unpaid and still on bill. If engulfer is killed,
it ends up unpaid when back on the shop's floor.
Treat dropping an unpaid item into engulfer's inventory as stealing
that item. You have to pay for it to leave the shop, and like any
other dying monster's inventory, the shopkeeper will take ownership
if it lands on the shop floor when the engulfer is killed.
The 'theft' doesn't anger the shopkeeper and the cost shows up on 'Ix'
as part of "usage fees/other charges" rather than as an itemized used
up item.
PatR [Sun, 16 Dec 2018 22:21:30 +0000 (14:21 -0800)]
fix #H2204 - mkclass() mon selection distribution
That #H number isn't a typo. This finally fixes--at least improves--
something reported eight years ago. The monster types chosen by
mkclass() could be way off in some circumstances. Cited example was
repeated same-race sacrifice by chaotic hero on dungeon level 20; it
produced about twice as many incubi as succubi even though they're
the same as far as difficulty goes. (No changes in the intervening
years had any discernable effect; that was still reproducible.)
The report also mentioned that ndemon() threw away the result from
mkclass() and retried quite often and suggested that mkclass() be
taught to filter by alignment when caller cared about that.
This seems to even things out, although it also made harder monsters
chosen more often. A test program generated these numbers when
picking a chaotic demon 10000 times (level 1 hero on dungeon level 20,
so not realistic; actually probably level 0 hero since the program
didn't initialize struct u.) Third column is the number of times the
monster type was chosen with the old mkclass(), fourth is same for
the new one.
mkclass() calls 27315 10000
286 succubus 2800 3309
288 incubus 5552 3262
291 marilith 973 780
292 vrock 477 1617
293 hezrou 150 626
294 bone devil 46 247
295 ice devil 2 107
296 nalfeshnee 0 23
297 pit fiend 0 15
298 sandestin 0 4
299 balrog 0 10
Note that vrock has generation frequency 2 and marilith only 1, so
getting twice as many vrocks as mariliths should be expected.
I temporarily changed ndemon() to ask for lawful demons instead of
chaotic ones and got this.
mkclass() calls 15762 10000
287 horned devil 3197 3375
289 erinys 4991 3339
290 barbed devil 1812 3286
I also ran it for dragons with any alignment (so the outcome was
never thrown away; 10000 calls were needed for 10000 picks) instead
of demons of specific alignment and am suspicious of the outcome.
mkclass() calls 10000 10000
140 baby yellow dragon 1124 0
141 gray dragon 1096 1096
142 silver dragon 1073 1099
143 red dragon 1061 1126
144 white dragon 1077 1128
145 orange dragon 1141 1118
146 black dragon 1154 1049
147 blue dragon 1137 1123
148 green dragon 1137 1154
149 yellow dragon 0 1107
There may be a flaw in the test program. Or else old mkclass() was
not very good at picking dragons.
PatR [Sun, 16 Dec 2018 03:27:08 +0000 (19:27 -0800)]
building lev_comp with USE_OLDARGS
The relatively recent change to lev_comp do deal with apparent junk
in some places in its generated data has triggered a bunch of
"cast to 'vA' (aka 'const char *') from smaller integer type 'int'
from clang when building with USE_OLDARGS. Probably should have
added a zillion explicit casts to long and 'L' suffix for 0 rather
than trying to handle both int and long. Or maybe just turned off
that particular warning, which must be coming from -Wall or -Wextra.
This modification has no effect for USE_STDARG or USE_VARARGS configs.
PatR [Sun, 16 Dec 2018 00:24:59 +0000 (16:24 -0800)]
We still don't know whether this will be of any help against
disconnected processes that hog the CPU instead of exiting, but I
don't think it imposes significant overhead on ones which aren't
disconnected. Install it before it suffers from more bit rot.
PatR [Sat, 15 Dec 2018 02:51:07 +0000 (18:51 -0800)]
tty status condition: Cf, Hl, Rd
While the fuzzer was running, amidst the continual screen updating I
caught a glimpse of "Cn" and was puzzled about how the hero became
cancelled. I quickly realized it actually meant confused, but I
think "Cf" is a better abbreviation for that. I've also changed "Ha"
to "Hl" for hallucination and "Ri" to "Rd" for riding. The rest is
PatR [Sat, 15 Dec 2018 02:17:42 +0000 (18:17 -0800)]
displacing pet long worm
Salvage part of an old patch. Swapping places with any long worm,
even a baby one, always failed with "You stop. Foo is in the way!"
This lets you swap places with tame baby long worms, and adult ones
if they have no tail (which won't happen unless there are more than
32 long worms on the current level--even if a long worm appears to
be only a head, there is normally a hidden tail segment at the same
PatR [Fri, 14 Dec 2018 07:52:35 +0000 (23:52 -0800)]
last? pickup_types
Although choose_classes_menu() is only used for objects, it is written
to handle monsters too. My change to give <space> special handling
might have broken selecting ghosts if it's ever used for monsters so
fix that.
PatR [Fri, 14 Dec 2018 01:33:46 +0000 (17:33 -0800)]
more interactive !pickup_types
More on clearing pickup_types so that autopickup reverts to picking up
evertyhing: for menustyle:Full and Partial, add a menu entry for 'all
classes' as an alternative to unselecting every class already set.
Also, Full and Partial had no way to include venom. Now it's a choice
when in wizard mode. There's still no way--other than switching to
Traditional or Combination--during normal play (where venom objects can
exist if they were wished for in wizard mode and then left in bones).
PatR [Thu, 13 Dec 2018 10:12:31 +0000 (02:12 -0800)]
random_response() buffer overflow
'sz' is the size of the buffer; 'if (count < sz) buf[count++] = c;'
can fill the entire buffer, leaving count==sz, so buf[count] = '\0';
would be out of bounds.
Formatting was way off. Indentation these days should be multiples
of 4 spaces, never tabs.
PatR [Thu, 13 Dec 2018 02:49:12 +0000 (18:49 -0800)]
interactive !pickup_types
To use 'O' to clear a value from pickup_types with menustyle Traditional
or Combination, you needed to give a value starting with 'a' (for 'all').
Accept space(s) too, similar to removing an object or monster name.
PatR [Thu, 13 Dec 2018 01:55:43 +0000 (17:55 -0800)]
fuzzing hero boost
I watched the fuzzer run for a bit and noticed that Str and most other
characteristics were steadily dropping until they hit 3 and not being
recovered, so I gave the defenseless hero a chance to benefit from
blessed restore ability occasionally. It hasn't helped much. Str and
Con both still drop to 3. [If I had to guess, I'd go with side-effect
of polymorphing, but not an intended one.]
PatR [Wed, 12 Dec 2018 23:42:46 +0000 (15:42 -0800)]
mon_sanity_check tweak
A change I included with the vault guard fix was triggering fuzzer
panics about dead monsters on the fmons list. I'm not quite sure why;
I couldn't reproduce it interactively. [Perhaps caused by hero killing
a monster and then getting another move before monsters get their turn,
but trying to do that still didn't trip the dead monster sanity check.]
Suppress that check so that the fuzzer can run amok.
Also, a waiting-to-exit vault guard could move extra times, uselessly
since ''hero hasn't left temporary corridor yet'' is why he's waiting,
if there were any monsters fast enough to get extra moves before the
hero's next turn.
PatR [Wed, 12 Dec 2018 09:54:33 +0000 (01:54 -0800)]
fix #H7677 - guard placed twice at <0,0>
"Placing monster over another?" warning was triggered for vault guard
by an earlier change which made m_detach() stop removing monsters at
<0,*> from level.monsters[][]. So one guard would replace another at
<0,0> for however many guards were created, and memory for all but
the last one would be lost.
This involved a lot of flailing about and the patch includes various
things would could have been discarded. One or two extended monster
sanity checks are included, plus a couple of debugpline()'s for
tracking guard movement.
PatR [Tue, 11 Dec 2018 01:34:18 +0000 (17:34 -0800)]
fix 'a X'
The fruit name fix a couple of days ago revealed that an() didn't
pick the right article for single letters. If you set named fruit to
"X" and wished for "fruit", you'd have 'k - a X' added to inventory.
This changes an() and also doname() which bypasses an().
PatR [Mon, 10 Dec 2018 11:52:00 +0000 (03:52 -0800)]
fix #H7707 - terrain change leaving stale flags
struct rm.flags in overloaded for a bunch of rm.typ -dependent things
(doormask, altarmask, throne/fountain/sink looted, a few others) and
wasn't being reset for various cases where rm.typ gets changed.
I've changed a lot, some no doubt unnecessarily, and probably missed
plenty. This compiles but has not been thoroughly tested.
PatR [Mon, 10 Dec 2018 10:21:31 +0000 (02:21 -0800)]
fix #H7704 - clairvoyance: objects vs pools
When clairvoyance revealed an underwater object and the player wasn't
being given a chance to browse for some other reason, the map didn't
get refreshed and the object stayed displayed with the water hidden
under it. Force a chance to browse when revealing underwater objects
despite that being intrusive when clairvoyance kicks in while walking
nhmall [Mon, 10 Dec 2018 05:44:18 +0000 (00:44 -0500)]
allow a deferred windowport init during options processing
When options processing encountered OPTIONS=windowtype:X,
the code would immediately attempt to switch over to that
windowtype right in the midst of options processing.
This stores the chosen option into
thus allowing the startup code to choose it after
options processing has been completed.
PatR [Mon, 10 Dec 2018 00:22:27 +0000 (16:22 -0800)]
fix #H7708 - change in terrain not noticed
Jumping or teleporting while levitating in xorn form wouldn't toggle
blocking of levitation when moving from open spots to wall/stone and
unblocking of same when moving the opposite way.
This handles those cases but there are no doubt others. The only
other one I checked was when failed #untrap moves hero onto trap.
That case works correctly--at least after this fix is in place.
Noticed while working on it: change of terrain didn't always update
the status line. When levitation became blocked, it still said Lev
and when unblocked, didn't say that. Next status update got status
condition back in sync.
PatR [Sun, 9 Dec 2018 23:03:13 +0000 (15:03 -0800)]
fix #H7702 - named fruit warning: singular of null
Some code added for 3.6.1 tries to find the longest matching prefix
when comparing a user-supplied with previously set up fruit names.
It does so by temporarily replacing space with NUL then passing that
to makesingular(). After already having named a fruit (resulting in
something to try to compare with), attempting to assign a name
beginning with two or more spaces would yield an impossible "singular
of null?" warning.
After the warning, the name minus its leading spaces got successfully
assigned. I'm not sure why a single leading space didn't trigger it
too, nor where the leading (and trailing, if any) spaces are going
away when the name is assigned.
Fix by removing all leading and trailing spaces from a new fruit name,
and combine consecutive internal spaces to one, before any other
manipulations. (This can result in names that used to work as-is now
being simplified a bit--when consecutive internal spaces have been
given--but that shouldn't be a problem.)
Also, don't complain about "missing parameter for 'fruit:'" if user
hits <return> when prompted for fruit name by 'O'. An empty fruit
name at that stage is just a no-op.
Bart House [Sun, 9 Dec 2018 19:57:50 +0000 (11:57 -0800)]
Three fixes to NetHackW font handling.
Check that player level is valid before checking if it is rogue.
Prevent attempting to pick a font that is too small.
Don't leak fonts when trying to find a font that fits.
copperwater [Sun, 9 Dec 2018 14:51:47 +0000 (09:51 -0500)]
Fix resurfacing of "foxen" pluralization bug
Inadvertently reintroduced in f9f1236. It was just the conditional
that was bad: due to resolving the possible buffer underflow when
comparing to "muskox", the pluralizer now only adds -es when the length
of the string is greater than 5. So for "box" and "fox" the pluralizer
will never add the -es ending, since they are greater than 5.
This commit checks for "does not end in muskox" correctly.
nhmall [Sun, 9 Dec 2018 04:04:53 +0000 (23:04 -0500)]
clean up some tear-down
Windows continued to use function pointers belonging
to particular window ports that were still assigned
even after that port (tty) had gone through its
shutdown procedures when requested by the core.
Fix that and return to the minimal function pointers
that are not part of any of the actual WindowPorts.