qiyueixa [Thu, 24 Jan 2019 07:15:09 +0000 (15:15 +0800)]
mesh: udpate libs
1. during parent selection, when scanning a MAP without ext-assoc IE, it will be handled as it has the same router BSSID as itself.
2. for MAP, when its client leaves, always post SYSTEM_EVENT_AP_STADISCONNECTED to mesh layer regardless of whether the client has passed the encrypted authentication or not.
Tian Hao [Wed, 23 Jan 2019 06:11:56 +0000 (14:11 +0800)]
component/bt: add a option to make report adv data and scan response individually
Originally, when doing BLE active scan, Bluedroid will not report adv to
application layer until receive scan response. This option is used to
disable the behavior. When enable this option, Bluedroid will report
adv data or scan response to application layer immediately.
Pieter du Preez [Mon, 24 Dec 2018 11:37:09 +0000 (11:37 +0000)]
Initialized some uninitialized variables in rtc_clk.c and ringbuf.c.
The following 2 compiler warnings are only reproducible when setting:
In function 'rtc_clk_cpu_freq_get':
error: 'freq' may be used uninitialized in this function
return freq;
In function 'xRingbufferReceiveSplitFromISR':
error: 'pvTempTailItem' may be used uninitialized in this function
*ppvTailItem = pvTempTailItem;
morris [Fri, 23 Nov 2018 03:53:20 +0000 (11:53 +0800)]
modem: support modem facility and PPPoS
1. add support for ESP32 DTE
2. add support for SIM800/BG96 DCE
3. add PPPoS setup procedure
4. add support for SMS
5. add mqtt example after PPP connection established
Angus Gratton [Fri, 21 Dec 2018 04:37:57 +0000 (15:37 +1100)]
hwcrypto sha: Allow SHA contexts to be shared between tasks
Previously, hardware SHA engine "locks" were mutex semaphores. This meant that the task which
started a particular SHA session (in hardware) needed to finalise that session, or an invalid
FreeRTOS state was created.
Replace with binary semaphore which can be shared between tasks.
Includes a unit test, but unit test doesn't crash even without this fix
(some other unknown condition is required).
Sagar Bijwe [Fri, 11 Jan 2019 06:29:59 +0000 (11:59 +0530)]
CMake: Make IDF_PATH available to Kconfiglib when not explicitly set.
When IDF_PATH is not set by the user, cmake infers the same through
other means and sets it as an environment variable. However, some
sub-invocation of cmake may not see this variable as it is not set
in the parent. This change adds a custom command for exporting IDF_PATH
just before invoking ldgen so that IDF_PATH can be used in Kconfig
without any errors.
Ivan Grokhotkov [Mon, 3 Sep 2018 10:15:20 +0000 (18:15 +0800)]
bootloader: account for load address when mapping cache pages
Bootloader used to calculate the number of cache pages assuming that
load address was aligned, while in reality load address for DROM and
IROM was offset by 0x20 bytes from the start of 64kB page. This
caused the bootloader to map one less page if the size of the image
was 0x4..0x1c less than a multiple of 64kB.
Reported in https://esp32.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=6952.
qiyuexia [Tue, 8 Jan 2019 14:14:36 +0000 (22:14 +0800)]
mesh: update libs
1. detect and fix root conflicts when router BSSID is not set.
2. when root can not connect to the router due to NO_MORE_STAS(reason code:5), root will stop re-connection and perform MESH_NWK_LOOK_FOR_NETWORK.
3. wifi: fix the disconnection caused by receiving a deauth frame from non-parent node during scanning.
4. fix routing table redundant issue.
5. modify the max routes limitation from 300 to 1000.
6. wifi: fix ap does not deauth sta which has not completed the 4-way handshake.
Anurag Kar [Wed, 9 Jan 2019 21:29:23 +0000 (02:59 +0530)]
HTTP Server : Unit test added for httpd_uri_match_wildcard() function as given in https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/pull/2581#issuecomment-430788473
Anurag Kar [Sun, 6 Jan 2019 14:20:20 +0000 (19:50 +0530)]
HTTP Server : Add uri_match_fn field in config structure which accepts custom URI matching functions of type httpd_uri_match_func_t and defaults to basic string compare when set to NULL.
Move static uri_matches() function to httpd_uri_match_wildcard() under esp_http_server.h and make it optional.
Anurag Kar [Sat, 5 Jan 2019 21:14:45 +0000 (02:44 +0530)]
HTTP Server : Add helper APIs for sending string content
Note : In future consider deprecating usage of -1 for setting
buffer length equal to string length in APIs httpd_resp_send()
and httpd_resp_send_chunk()
aleks [Mon, 7 Jan 2019 10:33:20 +0000 (11:33 +0100)]
examples: change max register area size to maximum value
esp-idf/components/freemodbus/modbus_controller/modbus_controller.c: The MB_INST_MAX_SIZE is changed to max value=(65535*2);
Update support for coils read into freemodbus.c;
He Yin Ling [Thu, 20 Dec 2018 09:00:12 +0000 (17:00 +0800)]
unit-test: fix 2 issues in unit test script:
1. Gitlab will only regard failure (not error) as failed case. Use log
failure instead of log error, to display all error msg in test result
2. fix failed case not recognized by test script when failed during
reset DUT
chenjianqiang [Tue, 25 Dec 2018 13:15:15 +0000 (21:15 +0800)]
feature(psram): add psram support for esp32-pico chip
1. esp32-pico use standard spi driver to access psram
2. for esp32-pico, flash and psram share the clock
3. for esp32-pico, psram cs io can be overwrite via menuconfig
Ivan Grokhotkov [Wed, 19 Dec 2018 07:53:50 +0000 (15:53 +0800)]
esp_timer: do not allow deleting timers while callbacks are dispatched
timer_process_alarm function of esp_timer holds a spinlock for the
entire duration of its operation, except for the time when timer
callback function is called. It is possible that when
timer_process_alarm releases the spinlock, a higher priority task may
run and delete the timer. Then the execution will return to
timer_process_alarm, and this will either cause a crash, or undesired
execution of callback after the timer has been stopped or deleted.
To solve this problem, add a mutex which will prevent deletion of timers
while callbacks are being dispatched.