Guido van Rossum [Thu, 24 Feb 2000 02:24:50 +0000 (02:24 +0000)]
Piers Lauder:
A change in my last patch could, under certain circumstances,
cause a loop if the connection to the server dropped while
waiting for a command completion. I've changed the code to
re-raise the error after possible debugging output.
Allow using long integers as arguments to PyObject_GetItem(), _SetItem(),
and _DelItem().
In sequence multiplication by a long, only call PyErr_Occurred() when the
value returned is -1.
Guido van Rossum [Wed, 23 Feb 2000 15:32:19 +0000 (15:32 +0000)]
Added, by Tim Peters, formerly from Tools/scripts, to the
standard library. Added some comments:
# XXX Note: this is now a standard library module.
# XXX The API needs to undergo changes however; the current code is too
# XXX script-like. This will be addressed later.
Guido van Rossum [Tue, 22 Feb 2000 00:19:58 +0000 (00:19 +0000)]
Added a new command: Check module (Alt-F5) It does a full syntax check
of the current module. It also runs the tabnanny to catch any
inconsistent tabs.
Also did a little bit of refactoring: added an errorbox() method to
simplify the display of error dialogs.
Guido van Rossum [Mon, 21 Feb 2000 16:50:31 +0000 (16:50 +0000)]
Mark pointed out a buglet in his patch: i < _sys_nerr isn't strong
enough, it could be negative. Add i > 0 test. (Not i >= 0; zero isn't
a valid error number.)
Jack Jansen [Mon, 21 Feb 2000 11:07:37 +0000 (11:07 +0000)]
Added FreeMem, MaxBlock and CompactMem calls. The values returned by these are lower bounds in the Python case (as malloc doesn't return memory to the heap) but they can be used to decide when to give low-memory warnings.
Patch from Vladimir Marangozov <>
The same problem (mixed mallocs) exists for the pcre stack.
The buffers md->... are allocated via PyMem_RESIZE in grow_stack(),
while in free_stack() they are released with free() instead of
Patch from Vladimir Marangozov <>:
The buffers self->regex and self->regex_extra are allocated in
pcre_compile() and pcre_study() via pcre_malloc, but are released
via free() instead of pcre_free.
Greg Stein [Fri, 18 Feb 2000 13:04:10 +0000 (13:04 +0000)]
reduce fsimp coupling: provide fs_imp param to ImportManager constructor,
add clsFilesystemImporter class attribute, alter handling of suffix list
convert suffix importers to funcs rather than instances
remove backwards compat code: Importer.install and 2-tuple get_code()
result values
Greg Stein [Fri, 18 Feb 2000 12:03:40 +0000 (12:03 +0000)]
shift demo importers to (destined for Demo/ ?)
switch to isinstance() rather than direct type comparisons
removing chaining concept
update ImportManager.install() to take an optional namespace to install
itself in. this will be useful for setting up rexec environments.
minor comment nits
Greg Ward [Fri, 18 Feb 2000 00:13:53 +0000 (00:13 +0000)]
Renamed all command classes so they're exactly the same as the name of the
command itself: no more of this "FooBar class for foo_bar command"
Greg Ward [Thu, 17 Feb 2000 23:56:15 +0000 (23:56 +0000)]
The 'sdist' command to create a source distribution. This is derived from the
old 'dist' command, but the code for dealing with manifests is completely
redone -- and renaming the command to 'sdist' is more symmetric with the
soon-to-exist 'bdist' command.
Jeremy Hylton [Thu, 17 Feb 2000 22:58:54 +0000 (22:58 +0000)]
changes to _lookupName
- removed now (happily) unused second arg
- need to verify results of [].index are correct; for building consts,
need to have same value and same type, e.g. 2 not the same as 2L
Jeremy Hylton [Thu, 17 Feb 2000 22:09:35 +0000 (22:09 +0000)]
the previous quick hack to fix def foo((x,y)) failed on some cases
(big surprise). new solution is a little less hackish.
Code gen adds a TupleArg instance in the argument slot. The tuple arg
includes a copy of the names that it is responsble for binding. The
PyAssembler uses this information to calculate the correct argcount.
all fix this wacky case: del (a, ((b,), c)), d
which is the same as: del a, b, c, d
(Can't wait for Guido to tell me why.)
solution uses findOp which walks a tree to find out whether it
contains OP_ASSIGN or OP_DELETE or ...
Guido van Rossum [Thu, 17 Feb 2000 17:12:39 +0000 (17:12 +0000)]
Patches by Piers Lauder.
Reasons for patches:
1st patch (15,21):
version change
2nd patch (66,72):
This is a patch I found in a Zope product release (quite by accident!).
It relaxes the conditions for matching a literal. I've looked over the
logic, and tested it, and it seems sensible.
3rd patch (117,123):
It appears the quoting matcher was too general, and that the IMAP4
protocol requires characters like ':' in commands to be unquoted.
(This is the patch already sent to Guido.)
4th patch (699,705):
Spelling correction in comment.
5th patch (753,761):
Another patch from the Zope product. It seems that some IMAP4 servers
produce unexpected responses in the middle of valid command/response
sequences. This patch ignores the unexpected responses in this
situation. (How I wish users would send me bug reports with examples!).
last 2 patches: (1015,1028) (1038,1044):
Minor improvements to test code.
Guido van Rossum [Thu, 17 Feb 2000 15:19:15 +0000 (15:19 +0000)]
Patch by Mark Hammond:
* Changes to a recent patch by Chris Tismer to errors.c. Chris' patch
always used FormatMessage() to get the error message passing the error code
from errno - but errno and FormatMessage use a different numbering scheme.
The main reason the patch looked OK was that ENOFILE==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND -
but that is about the only shared error code :-). The MS CRT docs tell you
to use _sys_errlist()/_sys_nerr. My patch does also this, and adds a very
similar function specifically for win32 error codes.
Guido van Rossum [Wed, 16 Feb 2000 21:11:52 +0000 (21:11 +0000)]
Patch by Jim Ahlstrom to add crc32, a useful checksum function
(e.g. used for ZIP files).
The patch includes code that says:
+ Copyright (C) 1986 Gary S. Brown. You may use this program, or
+ code or tables extracted from it, as desired without restriction.
My interpretation (and Jim's) is that Gary S Brown has no claims under
copyright, patent or other rights or interests. Lawyers might disagree.
Jeremy Hylton [Wed, 16 Feb 2000 00:55:44 +0000 (00:55 +0000)]
support for arglists with implicit tuple unpacks
- added a number of support methods to generate code just before the
- hack protocol for communicating number of args to PyAssembler
fix TryExcept generation for case where exception handler has no body
fix visitAssAttr
add comment about incomplete visitAssName
stop using the ExampleASTVisitor
change script invocation to accept a list of .py files (e.g. Lib/*.py)
Guido van Rossum [Tue, 15 Feb 2000 14:51:46 +0000 (14:51 +0000)]
In response to one particular complaint on edu-sig, change some error
messages from "OverflowError: integer pow()" to "OverflowError:
integer exponentiation". (Not that this takes care of the complaint
in general that the error messages could be greatly improved. :-)
Jeremy Hylton [Fri, 11 Feb 2000 20:27:07 +0000 (20:27 +0000)]
add support for Lambda nodes
change resolution of local name ops (LOAD_FAST). i think it makes
sense now. if it is an argument or a local var name that it used, it
must be in varnames. if it is a local var name that is used, it must
also be in names
Greg Ward [Fri, 11 Feb 2000 02:52:39 +0000 (02:52 +0000)]
Ditched '_find_SET()', since it was a no-value-added wrapper around
Renamed '_do_SET()' to 'set_path_env_var()', tweaked docstring, and
cosmetically tweaked code.
Stylistic changes to MSVCCompiler constructor (variable renaming
and type consistency).
Greg Ward [Fri, 11 Feb 2000 02:47:15 +0000 (02:47 +0000)]
Latest patch from Thomas Heller/Robin Becker:
* tweak my docstrings
* fix None returns to empty list
* reshuffle responsibilities between '_find_exe()', '_find_SET()', and
the MSVCCompiler constructor -- now the constructor worries about
fetching the version list and determining the most recent one
* added "/W3" compile option
Also, I added/tweaked some docstrings.
Barry Warsaw [Thu, 10 Feb 2000 20:26:45 +0000 (20:26 +0000)]
Document the API changes to the nntplib module (exceptions become
classes, NNTP.__init__() grows a new optional argument to set reader
mode on the server).
Barry Warsaw [Thu, 10 Feb 2000 20:25:53 +0000 (20:25 +0000)]
Added new exception classes:
NNTPError - derived from Exception, it's the base class for all
other exceptions in this module
NNTPReplyError - what used to be error_reply
NNTPTemporaryError - what used to be error_temp
NNTPPermanentError - what used to be error_perm
NNTPProtocolError - what used to be error_proto
NNTPDataError - what used to be error_data
All the old names are retained for backwards compatibility; they point
to the class that replaces them. Also, any code in this module that
raises an exception, now does so with the exception class.
NNTP.__init__(): Added a new optional argument `readermode', which is
a flag that defaults to false. When set to true, the "mode reader"
command is sent to the NNTP server before user authentication. Reader
mode is sometimes necessary if you are connecting to an NNTP server on
the local machine and intend to call reader-specific comamnds, such as
`group'. If you get unexpected NNTPPermanentErrors, you might need to
set readermode. Patch provided by Thomas Wouters (who include the
standard disclaimer on is submission), and inspired
by Jim Tittsler.