Greg Price [Tue, 27 Aug 2019 18:16:31 +0000 (11:16 -0700)]
bpo-37936: Remove some .gitignore rules that were intended locally. (GH-15542)
These appeared in commit c5ae169e1. The comment on them, as well as
the presence among them of a rule for the .gitignore file itself,
indicate that the author intended these lines to remain only in their
own local working tree -- not to get committed even to their own repo,
let alone merged upstream.
They did nevertheless get committed, because it turns out that Git
takes no notice of what .gitignore says about files that it's already
tracking... for example, this .gitignore file itself.
Give effect to these lines' original intention, by deleting them. :-)
Git tip, for reference: the `.git/info/exclude` file is a handy way
to do exactly what these lines were originally intended to do. A
related handy file is `~/.config/git/ignore`. See gitignore(5),
aka `git help ignore`, for details.
Nick Coghlan [Sun, 25 Aug 2019 13:45:40 +0000 (23:45 +1000)]
bpo-37757: Disallow PEP 572 cases that expose implementation details (GH-15131)
- drop TargetScopeError in favour of raising SyntaxError directly
as per the updated PEP 572
- comprehension iteration variables are explicitly local, but
named expression targets in comprehensions are nonlocal or
global. Raise SyntaxError as specified in PEP 572
- named expression targets in the outermost iterable of a
comprehension have an ambiguous target scope. Avoid resolving
that question now by raising SyntaxError. PEP 572
originally required this only for cases where the bound name
conflicts with the iteration variable in the comprehension,
but CPython can't easily restrict the exception to that case
(as it doesn't know the target variable names when visiting
the outermost iterator expression)
These were caused by keeping around a reference to the Squeezer
instance and calling it's load_font() upon config changes, which
sometimes happened even if the shell window no longer existed.
This change completely removes that mechanism, instead having the
editor window properly update its width attribute, which can then
be used by Squeezer.
Victor Stinner [Fri, 23 Aug 2019 10:28:27 +0000 (11:28 +0100)]
test_gdb: use unittest test discovery (GH-15405)
Replace with unittest.main()
to automatically discover test cases, instead of having
an maintaing manually a list which may be incomplete.
empty_argv is no longer static in Python 3.8, but it is declared in
a temporary scope, whereas argv keeps a reference to it.
empty_argv memory (allocated on the stack) is reused by
make_sys_argv() code which is inlined when using gcc -O3.
Define empty_argv in PySys_SetArgvEx() body, to ensure
that it remains valid for the whole lifetime of
the PySys_SetArgvEx() call.
Pablo Galindo [Thu, 22 Aug 2019 01:38:39 +0000 (02:38 +0100)]
Refactor Parser/pgen and add documentation and explanations (GH-15373)
* Refactor Parser/pgen and add documentation and explanations
To improve the readability and maintainability of the parser
generator perform the following transformations:
* Separate the metagrammar parser in its own class to simplify
the parser generator logic.
* Create separate classes for DFAs and NFAs and move methods that
act exclusively on them from the parser generator to these
* Add docstrings and comment documenting the process to go from
the grammar file into NFAs and then DFAs. Detail some of the
algorithms and give some background explanations of some concepts
that will helps readers not familiar with the parser generation
* Select more descriptive names for some variables and variables.
* PEP8 formatting and quote-style homogenization.
The output of the parser generator remains the same (Include/graminit.h
and Python/graminit.c remain untouched by running the new parser generator).
bsiem [Wed, 21 Aug 2019 23:00:39 +0000 (01:00 +0200)]
bpo-37482: Fix email address name with encoded words and special chars (GH-14561)
Special characters in email address header display names are normally
put within double quotes. However, encoded words (=?charset?x?...?=) are
not allowed withing double quotes. When the header contains a word with
special characters and another word that must be encoded, the first one
must also be encoded.
In the next example, the display name in the From header is quoted and
therefore the comma is allowed; in the To header, the comma is not
within quotes and not encoded, which is not allowed and therefore
rejected by some mail servers.
From: "Foo Bar, France" <>
To: Foo Bar, =?utf-8?q?Espa=C3=B1a?= <>
Brett Cannon [Wed, 21 Aug 2019 22:58:01 +0000 (15:58 -0700)]
bpo-37663: have venv activation scripts all consistently use __VENV_PROMPT__ for prompt customization (GH-14941)
The activation scripts generated by venv were inconsistent in how they changed the shell's prompt. Some used `__VENV_PROMPT__` exclusively, some used `__VENV_PROMPT__` if it was set even though by default `__VENV_PROMPT__` is always set and the fallback matched the default, and one ignored `__VENV_PROMPT__` and used `__VENV_NAME__` instead (and even used a differing format to the default prompt). This change now has all activation scripts use `__VENV_PROMPT__` only and relies on the fact that venv sets that value by default.
The color of the customization is also now set in fish to the blue from the Python logo for as hex color support is built into that shell (much like PowerShell where the built-in green color is used).
Steve Dower [Wed, 21 Aug 2019 22:27:33 +0000 (15:27 -0700)]
bpo-37834: Normalise handling of reparse points on Windows (GH-15231)
bpo-37834: Normalise handling of reparse points on Windows
* ntpath.realpath() and nt.stat() will traverse all supported reparse points (previously was mixed)
* nt.lstat() will let the OS traverse reparse points that are not name surrogates (previously would not traverse any reparse point)
* nt.[l]stat() will only set S_IFLNK for symlinks (previous behaviour)
* nt.readlink() will read destinations for symlinks and junction points only
bpo-1311: os.path.exists('nul') now returns True on Windows
* nt.stat('nul').st_mode is now S_IFCHR (previously was an error)
Added back mention that ensure_future actually scheduled obj. This documentation just mentions what ensure_future returns, so I did not realize that ensure_future also schedules obj.
Fix codecs.lookup() to normalize the encoding name the same way
than encodings.normalize_encoding(), except that codecs.lookup()
also converts the name to lower case.
Victor Stinner [Wed, 21 Aug 2019 12:40:42 +0000 (13:40 +0100)]
bpo-37851: faulthandler allocates its stack on demand (GH-15358)
The faulthandler module no longer allocates its alternative stack at
Python startup. Now the stack is only allocated at the first
faulthandler usage.
faulthandler no longer ignores memory allocation failure when
allocating the stack. sigaltstack() failure now raises an OSError
exception, rather than being ignored.
The alternative stack is no longer used if sigaction() is
not available. In practice, sigaltstack() should only be available
when sigaction() is avaialble, so this change should have no effect
in practice.
faulthandler.dump_traceback_later() internal locks are now only
allocated at the first dump_traceback_later() call, rather than
always being allocated at Python startup.
* Write a message when killing a worker process
* Put a timeout on the second popen.communicate() call
(after killing the process)
* Put a timeout on popen.wait() call
* Catch popen.kill() and popen.wait() exceptions
Greg Price [Wed, 21 Aug 2019 04:53:59 +0000 (21:53 -0700)]
Unmark files as executable that can't actually be executed. (GH-15353)
There are plenty of legitimate scripts in the tree that begin with a
`#!`, but also a few that seem to be marked executable by mistake.
Found them with this command -- it gets executable files known to Git,
filters to the ones that don't start with a `#!`, and then unmarks
them as executable:
$ git ls-files --stage \
| perl -lane 'print $F[3] if (!/^100644/)' \
| while read f; do
head -c2 "$f" | grep -qxF '#!' \
|| chmod a-x "$f"; \
Looking at the list by hand confirms that we didn't sweep up any
files that should have the executable bit after all. In particular
* The `.psd` files are images from Photoshop.
* The `.bat` files sure look like things that can be run.
But we have lots of other `.bat` files, and they don't have
this bit set, so it must not be needed for them.
Greg Price [Wed, 21 Aug 2019 03:50:51 +0000 (20:50 -0700)]
bpo-35518: Skip test that relies on a deceased network service. (GH-15349)
If this service had thoroughly vanished, we could just ignore the
test until someone gets around to either recreating such a service
or redesigning the test to somehow work locally. The
`support.transient_internet` mechanism catches the failure to
resolve the domain name, and skips the test.
But in fact the domain does still exist, as do its
nameservers -- and they can be quite slow to reply. As a result
this test can easily take 20-30s before it gets auto-skipped.
Jeroen Demeyer [Fri, 16 Aug 2019 10:41:27 +0000 (12:41 +0200)]
bpo-37540: vectorcall: keyword names must be strings (GH-14682)
The fact that keyword names are strings is now part of the vectorcall and `METH_FASTCALL` protocols. The biggest concrete change is that `_PyStack_UnpackDict` now checks that and raises `TypeError` if not.