Ivan Grokhotkov [Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:35:16 +0000 (20:35 +0800)]
unit tests: fix queue registry test
In the queue registry test, start_sem is given twice to let both tasks
start the test. Each task takes start_sem, does some work, gives done_sem,
and goes on to wait for start_sem again.
It may happen that one task can grab start_sem, add queues to the
registry, give done_sem, then grab start_sem again, delete the queues
from the registry, and give done_sem again. At this point, main test
task takes done_sem twice and proceeds to verify that queues have been
added to the registry. But in fact, the first task has already deleted
its queues from the registry, and the second one might not have added
the queues yet. This causes test to fail.
This changes the test to use separate start semaphores for each task,
to avoid the race condition.
Darian Leung [Mon, 30 Oct 2017 08:03:56 +0000 (16:03 +0800)]
FreeRTOS/make Queue Registry and Run Time Stats configurable
This commit makes the configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE and
configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS configurable in menuconfig.
- configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE can now be set in menuconfig.
- The functions vQueueAddToRegistry() and vQueueUnregisterQueue() were made
SMP compatbile
- pcQueueGetName() was backported from FreeRTOS v9.0.0
- Added test case for Queue Registry functions
- configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS can now be enabled in menuconfig. CCOUNT or
esp_timer can be selected as the FreeRTOS run time clock in menuconfig as
well, although CCOUNT will overflow quickly.
- Run time stats collection (in vTaskSwitchContext) and generation (in
uxTaskGetSystemState) have been made SMP compatible. Therefore
vTaskGetRunTimeStats() now displays the run time usage of each task as a
percentage of total runtime of both CPUs
Wangjialin [Tue, 7 Nov 2017 10:19:23 +0000 (18:19 +0800)]
bugfix(uart): workaround for uart fifo reset issue
Reported from github:
After providing a simple code to digital team, they confirmed that this is a hardware bug.
Root cause:
The fifo reset signal is incorrectly connected
If we want to reset tx fifo of UART2, we have to set txfifo_rst bit of both UART1 and UART2
If we want to reset rx fifo of UART2, we have to set rxfifo_rst bit of both UART1 and UART2
we don't use fifo rst bit in driver.
Digital team would update TRM and give more explanation about this issue.
wangmengyang [Wed, 8 Nov 2017 09:12:08 +0000 (17:12 +0800)]
component/bt: modify the implementation and interface of osi_alarm module
1. use esp_timer instead of FreeRTOS timer to implement osi_alarm in bluedroid
2. Remove two APIs: osi_alarm_now() and osi_alarm_time_diff() and modify the hci layer logic that use them
3. Implement osi_alarm_get_remaining_ms()
4. Move the definition of struct alarm_t in source file "alarm.c"
5. Add definition of module error code
Mahavir Jain [Fri, 3 Nov 2017 09:19:04 +0000 (14:49 +0530)]
pthread: Fix pthread_once to use atomic compare and set
Earlier recursive mutex was being used for this but since
SCOMPARE1 is already being saved/restored during context
switch, atomic compare and set can be used for this.
Test cases were added for the following functions
- xTaskNotify(), xTaskNotifyGive(), xTaskNotifyFromISR(), vTaskNotifyGiveFromISR(),
- xTaskNotifyWait(), ulTaskNotifyTake()
- vTaskDelayUntil()
The following function was made smp compatible and tested as well
- eTaskGetState()
Siarhei Volkau [Fri, 27 Oct 2017 07:22:01 +0000 (10:22 +0300)]
components/mdns: wrong Message compression detect
Old behavior assumes message compressed when any of 2 most significant bits are set,
But in fact Message compressed only when both those bits are set to 1.
jeanleflambeur [Thu, 12 Oct 2017 07:53:09 +0000 (09:53 +0200)]
Update esp_err.h
Renamed the internal rc to __err_rc to avoid clashes with local variables.
This code would not do the expected thing with the original ESP_ERROR_CHECK macro:
esp_err_t rc = 23; //some value that is important fo the user
The macro will expand to:
esp_err_t rc = (my_func(rc));
And the code will assert, as my_func will receive a random value - whatever is in the internal macro rc temp variable. This is due to the C weirdness of allowing this code:
Dmitry4Bh [Wed, 11 Oct 2017 11:02:06 +0000 (14:02 +0300)]
Fix type conversion error in components/lwip/api/pppapi.c
Pointer tcpip_api_call *m should be converted to pppapi_msg* instead of pppapi_msg_msg*
in pppapi_do_ppp_set_default(), pppapi_do_ppp_free() and so on.
It solve this issue https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/pull/1028
so there is no need to patch ip4.c because now netif_defauilt is setted correctly.
Also it prevents memory corruption when pppapi_free() is called.
Darian Leung [Mon, 9 Oct 2017 10:07:30 +0000 (18:07 +0800)]
New Task Watchdog API (Revert of Revert)
This commit reverts the revert on the new task watchdog API. It also
fixes the following bug which caused the reversion.
- sdkconfig TASK_WDT_TIMEOUT_S has been reverted from the unit of ms back to the
unit of seconds. Fixes bug where projects using the new API without rebuilding sdkconfig
would cause the old default value of 5 to be interpreted in ms.
This commit also adds the following features to the task watchdog
- Updated idle hook registration to be compatible with dual core hooks
- Updated dual core hooks to support deregistration for cpu
- Legacy mode has been removed and esp_task_wdt_feed() is now replaced by
esp_task_wdt_reset(). esp_task_wdt_feed() is deprecated
- Idle hooks to reset are now registered/deregistered when the idle tasks are
added/deleted from the Task Watchdog instead of at Task Watchdog init/deinit
XiaXiaotian [Thu, 2 Nov 2017 02:37:59 +0000 (10:37 +0800)]
fix some phy bugs
1. V366, fix a problem which initialize current can reach 800mA.
2. V365, fix a problem for pll_cap tracking in Coexist (BT & WIFI)
mode. The problem will make Coexist (BT & WIFI) WIFI AP mode TX
Fail in high temperature(>70).
3. V364, fix a bug of BT and Wifi coexist (hung in function of
wangmengyang [Wed, 1 Nov 2017 09:05:38 +0000 (17:05 +0800)]
component/bt: clean up WIFI_CLK_EN_REG settings for Bluetooth
1. move settings of WIFI_CLK_EN_REG for bluetooth into controller init/deinit APIs
2. modify the bit mask used in phy_rf init/deinit to use WIFI-BT shared bits