cohrs [Tue, 5 Aug 2003 17:28:59 +0000 (17:28 +0000)]
delayed mimicing appearance change
Back in April, <Someone> reported to the list that when you are
polymorphed into a mimic and #monster, and return to human form while still
mimicing, your appearance does not change. This was due to a change
between 3.4.0 and 3.4.1 that caused all mimicing to go thru one case and
the code to change appearance was actually never executed.
cohrs [Mon, 4 Aug 2003 21:37:19 +0000 (21:37 +0000)]
U234, buglist, and related iron ball bugs
Several bug reports have been filed regarding the use of attached iron balls to
move in ways that are otherwise disallowed: moving diagonally from a
doorway, moving through boulders, squeezing through small openings, passing
over traps and diagonally between boulders on sokoban levels. Modified
bhit to deal with this. All these cases now cause the iron ball to stop if
appropriate for your form, level of burden, and so on. Since both boulders
and iron balls are big, boulders now always stop thrown iron balls,
even if not attached. Since iron balls don't cause any damage as they pull
you along, I didn't add any damage for the new "jerks to a halt" cases.
nethack.allison [Mon, 4 Aug 2003 01:39:31 +0000 (01:39 +0000)]
DOS bits
On some MSDOS ports, STATIC_OVL doesn't equate
to static, so taking_off in do_wear.c conflicts with the
one in invent.c in those environments. Somebody
out there might wish to try and build the 16 port and
tune it to work properly someday.
nethack.allison [Sun, 3 Aug 2003 19:58:49 +0000 (19:58 +0000)]
another buglist entry
> fog cloud hit uses "it". I was exploring the insides of a fog
> cloud with my fifth level wizard, and cast force bolt at its
> insides. I got the message "The spell hits it. You destroy the
> fog cloud!". Shouldn't "it" be "the fog cloud"? If so, it is
> debatable whether or not the then second "fog cloud" should
> perhaps be "it"... [<Someone>]
nethack.allison [Sun, 3 Aug 2003 18:05:36 +0000 (18:05 +0000)]
buglist item (main trunk only)
> The lighting store doesn't sell oil (probably never added when
> POT_OIL was added). There currently isn't enough room in the
> shclass struct for another item, but that could be expanded. I
> think adding oil there would be useful for the post-3.4.x
> version.
cohrs [Sun, 3 Aug 2003 03:11:53 +0000 (03:11 +0000)]
U550 - grid bug travel redux
Undo the change to test_move and instead, don't even test moving in diagonals.
This opens the possibility for approximating the diagonal while polymorphed
into a grid bug in the future.
cohrs [Sat, 2 Aug 2003 22:42:49 +0000 (22:42 +0000)]
cmdassist for grid bugs
the cmdassist message shows all the valid directions even if you are
polymorphed into a grid bug. I noticed this when I typed a diagonal
direction as a grid bug and got the dialog, telling me the key I just typed
was valid, but it wasn't. Limit the keys to those valid for grid bugs.
cohrs [Sat, 2 Aug 2003 21:39:57 +0000 (21:39 +0000)]
U571 - access denied message
Since only developers know that "13" is EACCES, try to include the text
message. I'm not 100% sure the ifdefs are complete, but it can be tweaked
as needed. This was the only common message in files.c that included errno
so it's the only one I changed. Of course, "13" is only one of several
possible errno values that might reasonably show up here.
nethack.allison [Fri, 1 Aug 2003 12:06:43 +0000 (12:06 +0000)]
ce changes (from <Someone>)
The following files are gone (sys\wince):
- stat.h (moved to ceinc\sys\stat.h)
- fcntl.h (moved to ceinc\fcntl.h)
- errno.h (moved to ceinc\errno.h)
- assert.h (moved to ceinc\assert.h)
The following files were added:
- mhtxtbuf.c
- mhtxtbuf.h
- menubar.uu
- ceinc
- ceinc\sys
- ceinc\fcntl.h
- ceinc\errno.h
- ceinc\assert.h
- ceinc\sys\stat.h
CE notes:
- added new options "wraptext", "fullscreen" and "softkeyboard"
- CE341-1 fix ("wraptext" option)
- hide map scrollbars on Smartphone
- added View->Options menu
- PocketPC: added "Fit to screen" and "Show/Hide keypad" icons
on the menu bar
- Smartphone: '<', '>' keys were mapped incorrectly
- build: use source files directly from <buildroot>\sys\wince instead of
copying them to <buildroot>\wince\
U555 - solaris compilation bits
- If you have Gnome installed on solaris, the GETRES support wouldn't build.
I don't have access to a solaris system with Gnome installed, but hacked
unixconf.h to force the GETRES code itself to be compiled. So, I believe the
unixres.c change will work for folks really using Gnome on Solaris.
Whether the rest of the gnome code will build there is beyond me.
- I accidentally left TIMED_DELAY defined and the Solaris build failed.
While solaris has usleep(), this is not part of SVR4 as far as I can tell.
But, SysV does have poll, so I implemented msleep() for SysV systems in
terms of poll. So, you can now define TIMED_DELAY on any SYSV build.
B05003 - tree kicking object grammar
<Someone> thought the incorrect grammar in the messages was due to scatter()
changing the quan of treefruit, but in fact, it was due to treefruit
referring to the wrong object (there is also a theoretical possibility that
treefruit can refer to a merged object with the wrong count). Create a temp
object for use in the message to avoid these possibilities.
<email deleted> wrote:
> Windows NetHack graphical Version 3.4.1
> comments: I have been unable to remove or put in partial groups
> of items into a bag of holding or scak. With hethack 3.3.X I
> could put 2 of 3 potions or 3000 of 8000 pieces of gold into the
> bag. The menu persents you with the following options (yn#aq)(n).
> Using # exits the menu and typing in the number you wish to use
> does nothing. The work around is to drop the number you wish to
> not store and put all the remaining into the bag then pick up the
> remaining.
Add missing handling for trapped containers and for Schroedinger's Cat
to the #tip command. Also, after tipping out the contents of a cursed bag
of holding, its weight would still reflect any items destroyed during the
Releasing Schroedinger's Cat from a box which is being carried would
place the monster at the coordinates of wherever the box was last on the
floor instead of adjacent to the current location.
Also, the message sequence
The housecat inside the box is still alive!
The large box is empty.
seemed a little strange. This makes it say "is now empty" when a cat has
just been released.
> Trying to loot a bag on the floor while wielding a cursed
> quarterstaff: "You carefully open the bag... You have no free hand."
> Shouldn't I notice that I have no free hand before even trying?
<email deleted> wrote in rgrn:
> Using a stethoscope while inside a monster (air elemental, vortex)
> and while riding a steed will not let you use the stethoscope
> on your steed. You'll only get the engulfer-monster's stats
> instead of your steeds.
Fix the reported but that prevented stethoscope application to your
steed while engulfed. While the inability to apply your stethoscope
to your steed while engulfed was a code oversight, I think it's a
feature that your ability to use the stethoscope is impacted in the
midst of a swirling, noisy vortex. Make it deliberate with a
two-in-3 chance of avoiding the interference (nine-in-10 chance if
you're a healer who is much more skilled at using a stethoscope).
B05001 - eating a tin in a stack on the floor
Make sure to splitobj tin.tin before calling bill_dummy_object.
Avoids charging to all the stacked tins when you eat the 1st one.
Previously, if mksobj() was called with the 1st argument
having a value of CORPSE, and a second argument (init)
set to FALSE, the corpse would never get a timer attached.
Since the crysknife is the only MINERAL object in the
game that isn't affected by the "stone to flesh" spell,
and the only thing that makes it to the default
case on the switch statement in zap.c, make it
obvious that it isn't an oversight that nothing happens.
(it wasn't an oversight, right?)
B03008 - stop_occupation while digging in a pit
If you dug in a pit next to a sleeping, angry monster, you'd stop every
turn due to a complex check at the end of dochugw. It turned out this
was due to a long-standing bug in the special case vision code that failed
to set the COULD_SEE bit for the locations where it set the IN_SIGHT bit.
It looks like the underwater code had the same problem (it didn't set the
bit, obviously there are no pits underwater). However, the same could
occur if you see the angry, sleeping monster with Xray vision. In this
case, setting COULD_SEE is not appropriate, so added a mcanmove check to
the complex check in dochugw.
B04007 - invisible steed glyph while chatting and blind
Avoid ever putting an "I" on the hero's location by checking it in
map_invisible(). It appeared there were a few other special cases that
could call map_invisible() for actions involving the steed, so checking there
catches them all.
U537 - autosearching while digging a trapped statue
Noticing a statue trap animate should stop your occupation.
That avoids the reported "You hit the with all your might." message.
> You aren't very skilled at reaching from the saddled blue dragon.
> Continue your attempt to set the land mine? [yn] (n)
> You begin setting your land mine.
> There is the trigger of your mine in a pile of soil below you.
> KAABLAMM!!! The air currents set your land mine off!
> I somehow suspect that it'd be more than the air currents, if I were
> trying to arm a land mine from dragonback while not very good at
> controlling it.
> What do you want to use or apply? [cmu or ?*]
> You aren't very skilled at reaching from the saddled warhorse.
> Continue your attempt to set the land mine? [yn] (n)
> You begin setting your land mine. You escape your land mine.
> Is "escape" really the right word here?
gcc -c -O -I../include -DDLB -DUSE_TILES -oo/cmd.o ../src/cmd.c
../src/cmd.c: In function `rhack':
../src/cmd.c:1800: warning: case value out of range
../src/cmd.c:1801: warning: case value out of range
Finally got around to installing OpenBSD (rev 3.3) in a vmware partition.
Found that several #if BSD's were inappropriate for modern BSD's. Haven't
installed FreeBSD or NetBSD, but based on reading their man pages,
these changes are needed there too. Mostly due to POSIX time() signature.
<Someone> wrote:
>This _must_ be a bug: if a character leaves a pet corpse in a
>bonesfile, someone getting those bones will receive
>"So this is how you repay loyalty?" should he sacrifice it, even
>though the loyalty wasn't shown to _him_."
Clear the appropriate fields from the attached monst structure
when loading bones.
B04001 - Staff of Aesclepius message while swallowed
Since cansee() is false for all locations while swallowed, need to test if
the monster being hit is the one that swallowed you to ensure that various
artifact hit messages, including the DRLI message, are printed.
cohrs [Mon, 30 Jun 2003 06:08:06 +0000 (06:08 +0000)]
U491: xorns, digging and pits
Digging a pit while a xorn set the trap time, but falling into a pit did
not. While lookin at this, it occurred to me that the same inconsistency
might occur while polymorhing from/to a xorn, and there was.
cohrs [Mon, 30 Jun 2003 04:18:29 +0000 (04:18 +0000)]
random numbers on linux
Switch the default Linux build behavior to use random instead of lrand48,
since lrand48 exhibits some obviously non-random behavior. random() has
been in glibc for a long time. Even if no other changes are made to
nethack's random number generator, this will improve the Linux behavior.
cohrs [Mon, 30 Jun 2003 04:00:14 +0000 (04:00 +0000)]
SF patch 536615: travel cache
This is derived from the proposed patch and feedback to it. This applies
the last-position cache behavior without an option, making the behavior
more like it is for interfaces with a mouse, where holding the mouse still
acts the same way as the travel cache. The code is not #ifdef'd either.
cohrs [Thu, 26 Jun 2003 00:53:10 +0000 (00:53 +0000)]
shopkeeper geography
From: <Someone>
I dunno if this is relevant but "Gomel" is actually not in Ukraine but in
Belarus. I am pretty sure because I have been there.
nethack.allison [Fri, 13 Jun 2003 19:57:22 +0000 (19:57 +0000)]
djgpp build instructions
Explicitly mention as a required djgpp component.
Oddly, some people only pick up part of djgpp, then
complain to us when the Makefile doesn't run as
cohrs [Thu, 12 Jun 2003 05:16:20 +0000 (05:16 +0000)]
guidebook building command
I found that the setting of GUIDECMD sys/unix/Makefile.doc didn't cut
it with groff-1.18. Also, the command was duplicated in the rule to
generate Guidebook.txt.
cohrs [Thu, 12 Jun 2003 04:49:09 +0000 (04:49 +0000)]
corpses on ice use of obj recharged field
A while back, I noticed that there was a custom use of the obj->recharged
flag in mkobj.c for tracking corpses on ice. It's much more obvious for
those of us that don't have the entire source base memorized to follow the
usual convention of adding a #define to obj.h. That's what this change does.
cohrs [Thu, 12 Jun 2003 03:32:58 +0000 (03:32 +0000)]
webbing over stairs
Due to limitations in some interface's display capabilities, don't let
polymorphed players web over stairs or ladders. As a side effect, this
side-steps missing checks for webs when going up or down stairs and ladders.
nethack.allison [Thu, 12 Jun 2003 03:28:39 +0000 (03:28 +0000)]
Long ago we received a bug report complaining that
hilite_pet on Win32 (tty) wasn't respecting
the setting of "use_inverse" (plain "inverse" at the
time I think).
In response, we made it respect the setting. The
"use_inverse" setting is off by default however,
so we've now had about three complaints about
hilite_pet not working.
So I'm changing the default value for win32 tty
to having "use_inverse" set to TRUE.
They can still override it in the config file
that way.
cohrs [Sun, 8 Jun 2003 19:36:45 +0000 (19:36 +0000)]
U393 - jousting puddings into a polymorph trap caused 2 identical new monsters
Because hmon_hitmon caches the monster data type, it needs to update this
whenever the monster might polymorph. It already did this for potions, but
not for jousting. There are other more complex ways this could be addressed.
cohrs [Sun, 8 Jun 2003 18:31:57 +0000 (18:31 +0000)]
U393 - unix hangups in endgame
Unix code does not always go thru hangup() when EOF is encountered.
There is a similar end_of_input() that is sometimes called instead, which
was missing a test of program_state.something_worth_saving.
cohrs [Sun, 8 Jun 2003 17:51:57 +0000 (17:51 +0000)]
U338 - dismounting into known traps
When dismounting by choice and not impaired, the player could end up in a
known trap even if better positions were available. This change allows
the landing spot to prefer non-traps in these cases.
nethack.allison [Sun, 8 Jun 2003 00:22:28 +0000 (00:22 +0000)]
font_size descriptions
In May 2002, <Someone> wrote:
>In src/options.c, there are these options with their descriptions:
>{ "font_size_map", "the size of the map font", 20, DISP_IN_GAME },
> /*WC*/
>{ "font_size_menu", "the size of the map font", 20, DISP_IN_GAME
> }, /*WC*/
>{ "font_size_message", "the size of the map font", 20,
> DISP_IN_GAME }, /*WC*/
>{ "font_size_status", "the size of the map font", 20, DISP_IN_GAME
> }, /*WC*/
>{ "font_size_text", "the size of the map font", 20, DISP_IN_GAME
> }, /*WC*/ #####################
>Surely all those descriptions shouldn't be the same?
nethack.allison [Sat, 7 Jun 2003 17:18:28 +0000 (17:18 +0000)]
U486 follow-up
>>+ #define OPENFAILURE(fd) (fd < 0)
>>+ # endif
>> lockptr = 0;
>>! while (retryct-- && OPENFAILURE(lockptr)) {>nhversion: 3.4.1
>And now this is accepted as valid and nothing is opened...
nethack.allison [Sat, 7 Jun 2003 13:16:40 +0000 (13:16 +0000)]
fix for U486: Can't get Nethack 3.4.1 to work
>nhversion: 3.4.1
> nhfrom: 3.4.1 Official binary release for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP
> (
> comments: Whenever I run NethackW.exe, the nethack window
> appears, and does not run anything. When I close out of the
> program, I get this message:
> Waiting for access to C:\GAMES\NETHACK341\record. (X retries left). > The X seems to always be either 9 or 59. I don't know how to fix this > > problem, any help would be greatly appreciated
<Someone> writes:
>win32 open() returns -1 if failed - same as POSIX open().
> There is no STDIN in GUI applications so 0 is a valid return
> value from open().
> So it should read like that unless that breaks Amiga code:
Since I can't test the Amiga code, I added a macro
OPENFAILURE to keep the Amiga code the same as it
is now. It should probably be reviewed by someone on
the Amiga team to verify if open() on the Amiga returns
0 or -1 on failure. If the latter, the macro could be
removed completely.
nethack.allison [Fri, 6 Jun 2003 03:49:56 +0000 (03:49 +0000)]
number_pad (modified from <Someone>'s patch)
The number_pad option can now optionally hold a value
{0,1, 2 } for {off, on, DOS-mode} but plain number_pad and
!number_pad in config files still work as before.
When number_pad:2 is set, iflags.num_pad_mode is set to 1
which triggers the following behaviour:
> '5', M('5') and M('0') are mapped in rhack()
>in cmd.c, only when they are entered as a command. When used as a
>number, like in the 'n' command, no mapping takes place. '0' is
>already mapped to 'i' by the core. The
>only difference [<Someone>] left in (deliberately) is when you press Ctrl-0;
>this used to map to C('i'), which is an invalid command; now
>keep it '0' (which is interpreted as 'i' by the core.)
nethack.allison [Tue, 3 Jun 2003 10:09:07 +0000 (10:09 +0000)]
win32 (from Yitzhak)
>The attached is a patch for the makefiles and .rc that makes
>Borland compile. Files modified: sys/winnt/Makefile.bcc - changes
>Makefile so dependencies on dlls are removed for console, adds
>gamedir.tag sys/winnt/Makefile.msc - changes the Makefile a bit to
>make it dependent on gamedir.tag in both gui and console, and make
>the dlls a dependency only in console but without the !IF for
>$(GAMEFILE). The .rc format is made workable for both Borland and
>MSC. win/win32/winhack.rc - makes FONT format Borland compatible
Fix the reported problem of combat messages referring to Orcus as
"it" when the data.base entry uses "he"; extend use of gender-specific
pronouns to named and other unique monsters as well as to humanoids.
If any of those should stay as "it", they'll need to be M2_NEUTERed....
And prevent level followers from chasing you across levels if they
are fleeing at the time. It's an old change I've been sitting on which
is not related but happens to be right next to the pronoun code.
nethack.allison [Sun, 1 Jun 2003 17:42:49 +0000 (17:42 +0000)]
look vs pickup
I encountered a look vs pickup cockatrice corpse
bug today.
If you looked at a location with ':', you
would instantly get
"Touching the cockatrice corpse is a fatal mistake..."
but if you used "m," you got the full list of
things at the location to choose from.
This patch makes the behaviour consistent
and more informative to the player.
You now get the partial list of things felt
up until the cockatrice corpse is encountered,
and then you get the
"Touching the cockatrice corpse is a fatal mistake..."
Before, the code was never displaying the partially
built list because the feel_cockatrice() call was
happening before the window display call.
nethack.allison [Sun, 1 Jun 2003 15:54:41 +0000 (15:54 +0000)]
look vs pickup
I encountered a look vs pickup cockatrice corpse
bug today.
If you looked at a location with ':', you
would instantly get
"Touching the cockatrice corpse is a fatal mistake..."
but if you used "m," you got the full list of
things at the location to choose from.
This patch makes the behaviour consistent
and more informative to the player.
You now get the partial list of things felt
up until the cockatrice corpse is encountered,
and then you get the
"Touching the cockatrice corpse is a fatal mistake..."
Before, the code was never displaying the partially
built list because the feel_cockatrice() call was
happening before the window display call.
nethack.rankin [Sun, 1 Jun 2003 14:52:04 +0000 (14:52 +0000)]
random level teleport fix
From the newsgroup: prevent monsters from level teleporting out of
the quest into the main dungeon. The player can't do that and monsters
weren't supposed to be able to, but from time to time the quest nemesis
has seemingly vanished after reading a cursed scroll of teleportation.
His disappearance was due to ending up on a random level between the
quest entrance and the top of the dungeon.
This also fixes an obscure bug that I noticed while trying to
reproduce that problem: uncontrolled level teleports by the player in
the quest had 80% or thereabouts chance of ending up on the quest home
level. All 12-15 main dungeon levels above quest entrance were included
in the random range of 1 thru current+3, then any choice which tried to
pick one of those was converted to quest level 1. (Monster destination
wasn't getting that adjustment.)
nethack.rankin [Sat, 31 May 2003 07:14:21 +0000 (07:14 +0000)]
some lint cleanup
Mostly `gcc -Wwrite-strings' complaining about passing string
literals to safe_qbuf(). `gcc -Wformat' didn't catch the type mismatch
of formatting the return value of strlen() with %d, presumeably because
size_t is defined as unsigned int on this system and it treats int and
unsigned int as interchangeable as far as printf/scanf checking goes.
I'm not sure whether the sizeof() values being passed to safe_qbuf()
ought to have casts. Any system where size_t isn't the same width as
unsigned int is bound to support prototypes, but might possibly warn about
the implicit conversion of unsigned long (or even unsigned long long these
days) to unsigned int.
jwalz [Wed, 28 May 2003 21:54:37 +0000 (21:54 +0000)]
Make enhanced ammo last longer.
Since traps can no longer provide an infinite supply, and people were
complaining that they always ran out of ammo before, make it less likely
to break enchanted and blessed ammo, and more likely to break eroded
warwick [Wed, 28 May 2003 05:36:57 +0000 (05:36 +0000)]
Unify usage of $(CC) vs. $(LD) for linking to always $(LINK), set
to $(CC) by default.
Necessary for C++ builds where the C++ compiler driver must be used
to link, adding libraries that the C compiler driver does not know
nethack.rankin [Mon, 26 May 2003 17:34:28 +0000 (17:34 +0000)]
cmdassist bits
If the player gives the 'T' command while not wearing any armor,
don't suggest "use 'R' to remove accessories" unless the character is
actually wearing accessories. Likewise for 'R' while not wearing any
accessories, don't suggest "use 'T' to take off armor" unless wearing
Add missing amulet case to the silly_thing() handling for 'W' and
'T'. Also handle boots, gloves, and lenses as plural in the message
there. silly_thing() has been simplified a little bit in the process.
nethack.allison [Mon, 26 May 2003 09:58:15 +0000 (09:58 +0000)]
win32gui: prevent male valkyrie (from <Someone>)
>Steps to reproduce problem:
>1) make sure you don't have race, role, gender specified in your
> defaults.h, then add
> OPTIONS=role:Valkyrie,race:Human,gender:male,align:lawful
>2) start a new nethackw.exe game
>3) Uncheck "Random" from gender box, now you can select from male
> or female, not only female.
>4) Select male and click OK.
>5) When game begins press shift+O (Options) and look to gender.
> Your valkyrie is male.
defaults.nh values were not used the dialog initialization. That's
why both male/female options were available for Valkyries. This is
now fixed.
Also added: checking for consistency of the initial settings and
resetting all incompatible values to ROLE_NONE.
cohrs [Sun, 25 May 2003 23:21:20 +0000 (23:21 +0000)]
another grammar bit
My e-mail archive shows this was originally reported as one of several
items in R871. Clean up a hit message when wielding cream pies.
nethack.allison [Sun, 25 May 2003 22:47:12 +0000 (22:47 +0000)]
Fix B03001
"You can't loot or pick up containers on the floor if you're not
skilled enough to reach them from your saddle, but you can check
for and disarm traps on them; this seems a little odd. (Likewise,
being able to set land mines and beartraps while riding.)"
cohrs [Sun, 25 May 2003 20:28:41 +0000 (20:28 +0000)]
U303 - starting the game as a male valkyrie
A core fixup if the the port startup code sets an invalid flags.female when
starting a new game. The old comment regarding being unable to change
flags.female was not completely correct. The flags.pantheon can be used to
differenciate new games from a restored game.
cohrs [Sun, 25 May 2003 19:03:55 +0000 (19:03 +0000)]
untested FreeBSD compilation fix
this particular fix has been sitting around my inbox for a while although
we've had reports of FreeBSD build problems for a long time. While it's
untested, it certainly looks like the unfixed system.h had a case that
could not be reached. bsdi seems like it needs to be handled the same way.
cohrs [Sun, 25 May 2003 17:40:51 +0000 (17:40 +0000)]
golem statue vs stone-to-flesh
move the fixes entry for this from 35.0 to 34.2 since the fix got
inserted into the 3.4.2 source and is not detrimental to the branch.
cohrs [Sun, 25 May 2003 05:04:11 +0000 (05:04 +0000)]
B03006 - Searching trapped chests
When attempting to disarm a trapped chest, wisdom should only be exercised
when not confused. It stands to reason that even if you manage to find a
trap in a confused/hallucinating state, wisdom shouldn't be exercised.
cohrs [Sun, 25 May 2003 03:47:31 +0000 (03:47 +0000)]
B03005 - Canceling monsters
Since monster cancellation sticks, it doesn't makes sense for Magicbane to
cancel a monster more than once. Tweaked the messages to deal with this fact.
I decided to not make Magicbane's random effect "intelligent", which is what
changing it to use some other attack against a canceled monster would be.