Tom Lane [Sat, 16 Jun 2001 18:59:31 +0000 (18:59 +0000)]
It turns out that the relcache thinks it can distinguish different
rules and triggers by OID. So, even though we have no cross-references
in the system catalogs to pg_rewrite.oid or pg_trigger.oid, we'd better
have unique indexes on them. Put back pg_rewrite_oid_index, which I
mistakenly removed a few days ago, and add pg_trigger_oid_index.
Tom Lane [Thu, 14 Jun 2001 19:47:25 +0000 (19:47 +0000)]
Revoke public read access from pg_statistic, create new system view
pg_stats to provide controlled (and, hopefully, more readable) access
to statistics. Comments on definition of pg_stats welcome.
I didn't force initdb, but the rules regress test will fail until you
do one.
Tom Lane [Thu, 14 Jun 2001 01:09:22 +0000 (01:09 +0000)]
has_table_privilege functions from Joe Conway (with some kibitzing from
Tom Lane). For the moment, only the OID/name variants are provided.
I didn't force initdb, but the additions to the 'privileges' regress
test won't pass until you do one.
Tom Lane [Wed, 13 Jun 2001 21:44:41 +0000 (21:44 +0000)]
Allow a non-superuser database owner to vacuum all tables in his
database, including system catalogs (but not the shared catalogs,
since they don't really belong to his database). This is per recent
mailing list discussion. Clean up some other code that also checks
for database ownerness by introducing a test function is_dbadmin().
Tom Lane [Tue, 12 Jun 2001 22:54:06 +0000 (22:54 +0000)]
Extend GUC concepts of parse_hook and assign_hook to all four supported
datatypes, not only strings. parse_hook is useless for bool, I suppose,
but it seems possibly useful for int and double to apply variable-specific
constraints that are more complex than simple range limits. assign_hook
is definitely useful for all datatypes --- we need it right now for bool
to support date cache reset when changing Australian timezone rule setting.
Also, clean up some residual problems with the reset all/show all patch,
including memory leaks and mistaken reset of PostPortNumber. It seems
best that RESET ALL not touch variables that don't have SUSET or
USERSET context.
Tom Lane [Tue, 12 Jun 2001 18:54:22 +0000 (18:54 +0000)]
Repair problem with multi-action rules in combination with any nontrivial
manipulation of rtable/jointree by planner. Rewriter was generating
actions that shared rtable/jointree substructure, which caused havoc
when planner got to the later actions that it'd already mucked up.
Bruce Momjian [Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:58:34 +0000 (15:58 +0000)]
OK -- here's take #5.
It "make"s and "make check"s clean against current cvs tip.
There are now both Text and Name variants, and the regression test support
is rolled into the patch. Note that to be complete wrt Name based variants,
there are now 12 user visible versions of has_table_privilege:
has_table_privilege(Text usename, Text relname, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Text usename, Name relname, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Name usename, Text relname, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Name usename, Name relname, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Text relname, Text priv_type) /* assumes current_user */
has_table_privilege(Name relname, Text priv_type) /* assumes current_user */
has_table_privilege(Text usename, Oid reloid, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Name usename, Oid reloid, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Oid reloid, Text priv_type) /* assumes current_user */
has_table_privilege(Oid usesysid, Text relname, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Oid usesysid, Name relname, Text priv_type)
has_table_privilege(Oid usesysid, Oid reloid, Text priv_type)
For the Text based inputs, a new internal function, get_Name is used
(shamelessly copied from get_seq_name in sequence.c) to downcase if not
quoted, or remove quotes if quoted, and truncate. I also added a few test
cases for the downcasing, quote removal, and Name based variants to the
regression test.
Bruce Momjian [Tue, 12 Jun 2001 15:14:47 +0000 (15:14 +0000)]
I installed postgres 7.1 with --enable-odbc. I then installed
tclodbc ( and libiodbc-2.50.3
( I could not
get either to work... postgres would not find the global odbcinst.ini
file. I traced this to src/interfaces/odbc/gpps.c -- here are the
many things I think are wrong:
Run tclodbc and do a ``database db <DSNname>'' where ``DSNname'' is
one of the DSN's in /usr/local/etc/odbcinst.ini (or wherever the
global ini file is installed.) The result is always the error
message that ``one of server,port,database,etc. are missing''.
Run libiodbc-2.50.3/samples/odbctest <DSNname>. The command fails
to connect to the database and just exits.
Tom Lane [Tue, 12 Jun 2001 05:55:50 +0000 (05:55 +0000)]
Clean up various to-do items associated with system indexes:
pg_database now has unique indexes on oid and on datname.
pg_shadow now has unique indexes on usename and on usesysid.
pg_am now has unique index on oid.
pg_opclass now has unique index on oid.
pg_amproc now has unique index on amid+amopclaid+amprocnum.
Remove pg_rewrite's unnecessary index on oid, delete unused RULEOID syscache.
Remove index on pg_listener and associated syscache for performance reasons
(caching rows that are certain to change before you need 'em again is
rather pointless).
Change pg_attrdef's nonunique index on adrelid into a unique index on
Fix various incorrect settings of pg_class.relisshared, make that the
primary reference point for whether a relation is shared or not.
IsSharedSystemRelationName() is now only consulted to initialize relisshared
during initial creation of tables and indexes. In theory we might now
support shared user relations, though it's not clear how one would get
entries for them into pg_class &etc of multiple databases.
Fix recently reported bug that pg_attribute rows created for an index all have
the same OID. (Proof that non-unique OID doesn't matter unless it's
actually used to do lookups ;-))
There's no need to treat pg_trigger, pg_attrdef, pg_relcheck as bootstrap
relations. Convert them into plain system catalogs without hardwired
entries in pg_class and friends.
Unify global.bki and template1.bki into a single init script postgres.bki,
since the alleged distinction between them was misleading and pointless.
Not to mention that it didn't work for setting up indexes on shared
system relations.
Rationalize locking of pg_shadow, pg_group, pg_attrdef (no need to use
AccessExclusiveLock where ExclusiveLock or even RowExclusiveLock will do).
Also, hold locks until transaction commit where necessary.
Bruce Momjian [Mon, 11 Jun 2001 22:12:00 +0000 (22:12 +0000)]
Got two patches that were found by folks on the Castor list, that we'd like to
submit. These were done for the jdbc2 driver. The first one is for support
of the Types.BIT in the PreparedStatement class. The following lines need to be
inserted in the switch statment, at around line 530:
(Prepared statment, line 554, before the default: switch
case Types.BIT:
if (x instanceof Boolean) {
set(parameterIndex, ((Boolean)x).booleanValue() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
} else {
throw new PSQLException("postgresql.prep.type");
The second one is dealing with blobs,
inserted in (After previous patch line, 558):
case Types.BINARY:
case Types.VARBINARY:
and in (Around line 857):
case Types.BINARY:
case Types.VARBINARY:
return getBytes(columnIndex);
Tom Lane [Mon, 11 Jun 2001 04:12:29 +0000 (04:12 +0000)]
Move temporary files into 'pg_tempfiles' subdirectory of each database
directory (which can be made a symlink to put temp files on another disk).
Add code to delete leftover temp files during postmaster startup.
Bruce, with some kibitzing from Tom.
Tom Lane [Sun, 10 Jun 2001 02:59:35 +0000 (02:59 +0000)]
Fix thinko in hash cost estimation: average frequency
should be computed from total number of distinct values in whole
relation, not # distinct values we expect to have after restriction
clauses are applied.
Allow GRANT/REVOKE to/from more than one user per invocation. Command tag
for GRANT/REVOKE is now just that, not "CHANGE".
On the way, migrate some of the aclitem internal representation away from
the parser and build a real parse tree instead. Also add some 'const'
Tom Lane [Sat, 9 Jun 2001 18:16:59 +0000 (18:16 +0000)]
Remove RelationGetBufferWithBuffer(), which is horribly confused about
appropriate pin-count manipulation, and instead use ReleaseAndReadBuffer.
Make use of the fact that the passed-in buffer (if there is one) must
be pinned to avoid grabbing the bufmgr spinlock when we are able to
return this same buffer. Eliminate unnecessary 'previous tuple' and
'next tuple' fields of HeapScanDesc and IndexScanDesc, thereby removing
a whole lot of bookkeeping from heap_getnext() and related routines.
Bruce Momjian [Thu, 7 Jun 2001 00:10:18 +0000 (00:10 +0000)]
I have ported another Python Postgres interface to Windows (PgSQL). It seems
that not many people actually use libpq on Win32; I have found another bug. Some
functions that are defined in libpq-fe.h aren't exported in the DLL version of
the library. I have added them to src/interfaces/libpq/libpqdll.def. The new
complete file is attached.
Tom Lane [Wed, 6 Jun 2001 17:07:46 +0000 (17:07 +0000)]
Adjust WAL code so that checkpoints truncate the xlog at the previous
checkpoint's redo pointer, not its undo pointer, per discussion in
pghackers a few days ago. No point in hanging onto undo information
until we have the ability to do something with it --- and this solves
a rather large problem with log space for long-running transactions.
Also, change all calls of write() to detect the case where write
returned a count less than requested, but failed to set errno.
Presume that this situation indicates ENOSPC, and give the appropriate
error message, rather than a random message associated with the previous
value of errno.
Tom Lane [Tue, 5 Jun 2001 19:34:56 +0000 (19:34 +0000)]
Correct permissions-checking bugs associated with ancient decision to
copy PUBLIC access rights into each newly created ACL entry. Instead
treat each ACL entry as independent flags. Also clean up some ugliness
in acl.h API.
Tom Lane [Tue, 5 Jun 2001 17:13:52 +0000 (17:13 +0000)]
Improve planning of OR indexscan plans: for quals like
WHERE (a = 1 or a = 2) and b = 42
and an index on (a,b), include the clause b = 42 in the indexquals
generated for each arm of the OR clause. Essentially this is an index-
driven conversion from CNF to DNF. Implementation is a bit klugy, but
better than not exploiting the extra quals at all ...
Tom Lane [Tue, 5 Jun 2001 05:26:05 +0000 (05:26 +0000)]
Further work on making use of new statistics in planner. Adjust APIs
of costsize.c routines to pass Query root, so that costsize can figure
more things out by itself and not be so dependent on its callers to tell
it everything it needs to know. Use selectivity of hash or merge clause
to estimate number of tuples processed internally in these joins
(this is more useful than it would've been before, since eqjoinsel is
somewhat more accurate than before).
Bruce Momjian [Mon, 4 Jun 2001 23:27:23 +0000 (23:27 +0000)]
This patch adds support for %TYPE in CREATE FUNCTION argument and return
types. This version has an elog() to remind the user the type
resolution is not dynamic.
Tom Lane [Mon, 4 Jun 2001 16:17:30 +0000 (16:17 +0000)]
Give error message, rather than coredump, for utility statements in
conditional rules (rules with WHERE clauses). We cannot support these
since there's noplace to hang a condition on a utility statement.
We caught the other case (attempt to attach a condition at rewrite time)
awhile ago, but this one escaped notice until now.
Tom Lane [Sat, 2 Jun 2001 20:18:30 +0000 (20:18 +0000)]
Accept and output '-Infinity' as well as 'Infinity', per long-ago
suggestion from Ross Reedstrom. Still needs work to make those symbols
convert to actual IEEE infinities (on machines where such things exist).
Tom Lane [Sat, 2 Jun 2001 19:01:53 +0000 (19:01 +0000)]
Tweak sorting so that nulls appear at the front of a descending sort
(vs. at the end of a normal sort). This ensures that explicit sorts
yield the same ordering as a btree index scan. To be really sure that
that equivalence holds, we use the btree entries in pg_amop to decide
whether we are looking at a '<' or '>' operator. For a sort operator
that has no btree association, we put the nulls at the front if the
operator is named '>' ... pretty grotty, but it does the right thing in
simple ASC and DESC cases, and at least there's no possibility of getting
a different answer depending on the plan type chosen.
Use --enable-nls to turn it on; see installation instructions for details.
See developer's guide how to make use of it in programs and how to add
psql sources have been almost fully prepared and an incomplete German
translation has been provided. In the backend, only elog() calls are
currently translatable, and the provided German translation file is more
of a placeholder.
Tom Lane [Sat, 2 Jun 2001 17:12:12 +0000 (17:12 +0000)]
Paranoia about unordered comparisons in IEEE float math. If we are
given values that compare as unordered, make sure we reply that they
are equal, which is better than giving an arbitrary answer --- at least
it doesn't depend on which one is passed as which arg.
Bruce Momjian [Fri, 1 Jun 2001 20:57:58 +0000 (20:57 +0000)]
The following patch for JDBC fixes an issue with jdbc running on a
non-multibyte database loosing 8bit characters. This patch will cause
the jdbc driver to ignore the encoding reported by the database when
multibyte isn't enabled and use the JVM default in that case.
Tom Lane [Fri, 1 Jun 2001 18:17:44 +0000 (18:17 +0000)]
pltcl, plperl, and plpython all suffer the same bug previously fixed
in plpgsql: they fail for datatypes that have old-style I/O functions
due to caching FmgrInfo structs with wrong fn_mcxt lifetime.
Although the plpython fix seems straightforward, I can't check it here
since I don't have Python installed --- would someone check it?
Tom Lane [Fri, 1 Jun 2001 17:49:17 +0000 (17:49 +0000)]
New improved version of bpcharin() may have got the truncation case
right, but it failed to get the padding case right.
This was obscured by subsequent application of bpchar() in all but one
regression test case, and that one didn't fail in an obvious way ---
trailing blanks are hard to see. Add another test case to make it
more obvious if it breaks again.
Tom Lane [Fri, 1 Jun 2001 15:45:42 +0000 (15:45 +0000)]
Remove fastpath.c's lame attempt at caching function lookup info across
calls. This has never actually cached anything, because postgres.c does
each fastpath call as a separate transaction command, and so fastpath.c
would always decide that its cache was outdated. If it had worked, it
would now be failing for calls of oldstyle functions due to dangling
pointers in the FmgrInfo struct. Rip it out for simplicity and bug-