granicus.if.org Git - php/log
Ilia Alshanetsky [Wed, 17 May 2006 13:28:29 +0000 (13:28 +0000)]
Bug fixing news
Ilia Alshanetsky [Wed, 17 May 2006 13:27:51 +0000 (13:27 +0000)]
Fixed bug #35512 (Lack of read permission on main script results in
E_WARNING rather then E_ERROR).
Antony Dovgal [Wed, 17 May 2006 10:12:36 +0000 (10:12 +0000)]
fix skip reason
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 17 May 2006 00:07:28 +0000 (00:07 +0000)]
- MFH Proto fix/add
Marcus Boerger [Tue, 16 May 2006 23:05:49 +0000 (23:05 +0000)]
- MFH '_' is valid in test blocks
Antony Dovgal [Tue, 16 May 2006 22:59:32 +0000 (22:59 +0000)]
fix test
Ilia Alshanetsky [Tue, 16 May 2006 14:11:52 +0000 (14:11 +0000)]
Make filters without a resource throw E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR rather then
Antony Dovgal [Tue, 16 May 2006 13:06:06 +0000 (13:06 +0000)]
new mkdir tests
Antony Dovgal [Tue, 16 May 2006 13:05:02 +0000 (13:05 +0000)]
fix #37395 (recursive mkdir() fails to create nonexistent directories in root dir)
Marcus Boerger [Tue, 16 May 2006 08:21:08 +0000 (08:21 +0000)]
- MFH Fixed Bug #37457 (Crash when an exception is thrown in accept() method of FilterIterator)
Ilia Alshanetsky [Tue, 16 May 2006 00:39:32 +0000 (00:39 +0000)]
Disable realpath cache when open_basedir or safe_mode are enabled on a
per-request basis.
Dmitry Stogov [Mon, 15 May 2006 16:44:54 +0000 (16:44 +0000)]
Added test
Sebastian Bergmann [Mon, 15 May 2006 16:08:18 +0000 (16:08 +0000)]
My bad.
Sebastian Bergmann [Mon, 15 May 2006 16:03:41 +0000 (16:03 +0000)]
Fugbix NEWS entries.
Sebastian Bergmann [Mon, 15 May 2006 16:01:24 +0000 (16:01 +0000)]
Fugbix typo.
Dmitry Stogov [Mon, 15 May 2006 15:38:46 +0000 (15:38 +0000)]
*** empty log message ***
Dmitry Stogov [Mon, 15 May 2006 15:31:27 +0000 (15:31 +0000)]
Optimized require_once/include_once (eliminated fopen() on second usage)
Dmitry Stogov [Mon, 15 May 2006 14:52:35 +0000 (14:52 +0000)]
Optimized shutdown sequence to iterate only over modified ini directives
Dmitry Stogov [Mon, 15 May 2006 14:30:31 +0000 (14:30 +0000)]
- Removed source compatibility with libfcgi
- Optimized access to FastCGI environment using HashTable instead of linear search
- Allowed PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS=0 to disable PHP die
- Allowed PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN=0 to disable PHP spawn workers
Derick Rethans [Mon, 15 May 2006 08:54:16 +0000 (08:54 +0000)]
- MFH: Fixed windows compile error.
Antony Dovgal [Mon, 15 May 2006 08:34:40 +0000 (08:34 +0000)]
MFH: disable OCILobRead2() support on Win32
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 19:58:04 +0000 (19:58 +0000)]
- Update
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 19:23:19 +0000 (19:23 +0000)]
- Add some update notes
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 19:20:21 +0000 (19:20 +0000)]
- We have it now fully RFC compliant
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 19:15:31 +0000 (19:15 +0000)]
- MFH No need to have this controlled by allow_url_fopen
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 18:50:02 +0000 (18:50 +0000)]
- Readd that E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, dropping it is a bad idea
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 18:45:10 +0000 (18:45 +0000)]
- Do not include E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR to the default mode E_ALL
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 18:40:12 +0000 (18:40 +0000)]
- MFH Add strict compliant RFC2397 support (no //)
Derick Rethans [Sun, 14 May 2006 17:36:05 +0000 (17:36 +0000)]
- Implemented Dmitry's const patch.
- Added support for "weekday" as relative item.
- Fixed bug #37368 (Incorrect timestamp returned for strtotime()).
Ilia Alshanetsky [Sun, 14 May 2006 16:06:48 +0000 (16:06 +0000)]
MFH: Fixed bug #36630 (umask not reset at the end of the request).
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 02:00:04 +0000 (02:00 +0000)]
- Update
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 01:55:27 +0000 (01:55 +0000)]
- Update
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 01:42:03 +0000 (01:42 +0000)]
- MFH RFC2397 decoding
Marcus Boerger [Sun, 14 May 2006 01:06:09 +0000 (01:06 +0000)]
- MFH RFC 2397 meta data handling
Pierre Joye [Sun, 14 May 2006 00:29:08 +0000 (00:29 +0000)]
- initial commit
Please fill it :)
Rasmus Lerdorf [Sat, 13 May 2006 21:50:28 +0000 (21:50 +0000)]
Switch to a signed int for now. Will look at moving to a long throughout
the code here.
Marcus Boerger [Sat, 13 May 2006 17:58:58 +0000 (17:58 +0000)]
- MFH Initial support for RFC2397
Marcus Boerger [Sat, 13 May 2006 14:01:58 +0000 (14:01 +0000)]
- MFH add support for --EXPECTHEADERS--
Marcus Boerger [Sat, 13 May 2006 10:37:45 +0000 (10:37 +0000)]
- MFH code layout for __toString() use in parameter parsing api
Rob Richards [Fri, 12 May 2006 18:53:40 +0000 (18:53 +0000)]
MFH: add doXInclude property to allow processor to perform XIncludes
Ilia Alshanetsky [Fri, 12 May 2006 14:54:10 +0000 (14:54 +0000)]
Download pear phar file when making a distribution package
Derick Rethans [Fri, 12 May 2006 10:02:31 +0000 (10:02 +0000)]
- MFH: Tests for BC breaking changes.
Antony Dovgal [Fri, 12 May 2006 09:42:56 +0000 (09:42 +0000)]
MFH: fix #37416 (iterator_to_array() hides exceptions thrown in rewind() method)
Sebastian Bergmann [Fri, 12 May 2006 05:36:09 +0000 (05:36 +0000)]
Bump version.
Marcus Boerger [Fri, 12 May 2006 00:21:00 +0000 (00:21 +0000)]
- Missing __toString() pieces
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 22:58:14 +0000 (22:58 +0000)]
- Update
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 22:43:44 +0000 (22:43 +0000)]
. Fix iterator based access
. Add new attribute ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE: $bdh->setAttribute()
. Add new fetch mode: FETCH_PROPS_LATE, this fills object member
variables after calling the constructor (fixes #36428).
Antony Dovgal [Thu, 11 May 2006 22:41:37 +0000 (22:41 +0000)]
no need to destroy the zval here
Antony Dovgal [Thu, 11 May 2006 22:17:53 +0000 (22:17 +0000)]
fix test
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 22:17:42 +0000 (22:17 +0000)]
- MFH: add new test
Dmitry Stogov [Thu, 11 May 2006 22:10:31 +0000 (22:10 +0000)]
Fixed bug #37306 (max_execution_time = max_input_time)
Ilia Alshanetsky [Thu, 11 May 2006 22:04:51 +0000 (22:04 +0000)]
Fixed bug #37413 (Rejected versions of flex that don't work).
Edin Kadribasic [Thu, 11 May 2006 21:43:59 +0000 (21:43 +0000)]
Remove pecl includes (Steph), except pdo_odbc which will remain broke
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 21:07:39 +0000 (21:07 +0000)]
- MFH missing bits and pieces of the partial sync with head
# This time i added:
# and dapted parser,compiler,executor,interfaces to handle these flags
# their purpose is to be able to pass whetehr foreach is done by ref to
# the current() handler so that it can error out in case it is not capable
# to comply to the requested return signature/protocol/semantics (weyp).
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 21:03:14 +0000 (21:03 +0000)]
- Drop second superflous zval_ptr_dtor in string arg parsing
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 21:01:04 +0000 (21:01 +0000)]
- Fix test
Antony Dovgal [Thu, 11 May 2006 15:43:28 +0000 (15:43 +0000)]
fix test
Antony Dovgal [Thu, 11 May 2006 15:10:36 +0000 (15:10 +0000)]
fix segfault when passing objects where strings are expected
Seiji Masugata [Thu, 11 May 2006 14:42:12 +0000 (14:42 +0000)]
fixed all mbstring setting information doesn't return in mb_get_info( ).
Antony Dovgal [Thu, 11 May 2006 14:18:34 +0000 (14:18 +0000)]
add new test
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 08:11:45 +0000 (08:11 +0000)]
- MFH Add missing ZEND_API declarations
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 08:06:22 +0000 (08:06 +0000)]
Marcus Boerger [Thu, 11 May 2006 07:56:36 +0000 (07:56 +0000)]
- MFH Fix error mode handling
Rasmus Lerdorf [Thu, 11 May 2006 03:47:55 +0000 (03:47 +0000)]
This spelling mistake finally annoyed me enough to fix it.
Antony Dovgal [Wed, 10 May 2006 22:57:50 +0000 (22:57 +0000)]
change it to be consistent with the others
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 22:46:16 +0000 (22:46 +0000)]
- Fix tests
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 22:38:35 +0000 (22:38 +0000)]
- Update tests after MFH
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 22:36:49 +0000 (22:36 +0000)]
- No more ze1
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 21:46:59 +0000 (21:46 +0000)]
- Hardcoded error mode was changed to 8191
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 21:19:37 +0000 (21:19 +0000)]
- MFH tests
Rasmus Lerdorf [Wed, 10 May 2006 21:19:32 +0000 (21:19 +0000)]
Add input_filter hook call in getenv()
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 21:13:22 +0000 (21:13 +0000)]
- Missing __ToString() sync
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 21:12:48 +0000 (21:12 +0000)]
- Enforece rule of disallowing throw in __toString()
Rasmus Lerdorf [Wed, 10 May 2006 21:10:45 +0000 (21:10 +0000)]
Now that ext/filter is bundled, we should be defining these in one place
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 20:00:26 +0000 (20:00 +0000)]
- MFH add E_RECOVERABLE as default
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 19:41:34 +0000 (19:41 +0000)]
- ze1 cleanup (bjori) /thx
Rob Richards [Wed, 10 May 2006 19:38:35 +0000 (19:38 +0000)]
Synch with HEAD
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 19:36:47 +0000 (19:36 +0000)]
- Missing __tostring() conversion snippets
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 19:20:34 +0000 (19:20 +0000)]
- Missed my name
Frank M. Kromann [Wed, 10 May 2006 18:32:50 +0000 (18:32 +0000)]
Fix win32 build
Andrei Zmievski [Wed, 10 May 2006 16:50:57 +0000 (16:50 +0000)]
Rename RegExIterator -> RegexIterator.
Also rename recursive one.
Rob Richards [Wed, 10 May 2006 14:39:10 +0000 (14:39 +0000)]
- Update after api changes
Antony Dovgal [Wed, 10 May 2006 14:04:52 +0000 (14:04 +0000)]
fix tests
Antony Dovgal [Wed, 10 May 2006 14:04:18 +0000 (14:04 +0000)]
add missing parts of E_RECOVERABLE merge
Antony Dovgal [Wed, 10 May 2006 14:00:36 +0000 (14:00 +0000)]
add missing ZEND_API to the implementation
Antony Dovgal [Wed, 10 May 2006 13:49:27 +0000 (13:49 +0000)]
nuke extra semi-colon
Ilia Alshanetsky [Wed, 10 May 2006 13:07:15 +0000 (13:07 +0000)]
Fixed bug #37394 (substr_compare() returns an error when offset equals
string length).
Rob Richards [Wed, 10 May 2006 12:04:46 +0000 (12:04 +0000)]
Synch with HEAD
add readInnerXML, readOuterXML, readString, and setSchema functionality
allow parser options to be passed when loading reader
optimization: use xmlTextReader const functions for string properties
add test
Andrey Hristov [Wed, 10 May 2006 11:53:13 +0000 (11:53 +0000)]
Don't allocate 2 chunks of memory when one can fit. Reduces memory
fragmentation. There is one more place that fragments memory but it will
complicate the ongoing Unicode upgrade of mysqli so leaving it away for now.
Antony Dovgal [Wed, 10 May 2006 10:07:28 +0000 (10:07 +0000)]
MFH: fix #37392 (Unnecessary call to OCITransRollback() at the end of request)
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 09:27:23 +0000 (09:27 +0000)]
- MFH news
Andrei Zmievski [Wed, 10 May 2006 02:47:21 +0000 (02:47 +0000)]
*** empty log message ***
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 01:23:55 +0000 (01:23 +0000)]
- MFH Constructors in interfaces
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 00:41:23 +0000 (00:41 +0000)]
i- ZE1_compat tests are no longer necessary
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 00:31:04 +0000 (00:31 +0000)]
- MFH: SplFileObject improvements
. FILE_OBJECT_READ_AHEAD: allow to read ahead
. FILE_OBJECT_SKIP_EMPTY: allow to skip empty lines (includes read ahead)
. FILE_OBJECT_READ_CSV: allow to read as csv
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 00:29:42 +0000 (00:29 +0000)]
- Fix iterators part and add tests
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 00:03:38 +0000 (00:03 +0000)]
- Update after api changes
. ArrayIterator/ArrayObject: function lookup caches and array functions
. Added RegExIterator, RecursiveRegExIterator
. Added (full) caching support for CachingIterator
Marcus Boerger [Wed, 10 May 2006 00:00:13 +0000 (00:00 +0000)]
- Update after api changes
Marcus Boerger [Tue, 9 May 2006 23:54:48 +0000 (23:54 +0000)]
- Tweak version check
Marcus Boerger [Tue, 9 May 2006 23:53:40 +0000 (23:53 +0000)]
- MFH pcre_get_compiled_regex_cache() support