nethack.allison [Thu, 16 Dec 2004 00:20:54 +0000 (00:20 +0000)]
shadowed declaration warning
<Someone> complained that his compiler was giving these
cmd.c:2119: warning: declaration of `expl' shadows a global declaration
dungeon.c:292: warning: declaration of `rand' shadows a global declaration
exper.c:100: warning: declaration of `exp' shadows a global declaration
files.c:278: warning: declaration of `basename' shadows a global declaration
hack.c:1102: warning: declaration of `expl' shadows a global declaration
pickup.c:2081: warning: declaration of `select' shadows a global declaration
role.c:1060: warning: declaration of `conj' shadows a global declaration
nethack.allison [Wed, 15 Dec 2004 23:50:18 +0000 (23:50 +0000)]
new container flags
[Attention: This patch increments EDITLEVEL in patchlevel.h, rendering all
previous save and bones files obsolete.]
Here's the first cut at the two recommended flags lknown and cknown.
I've attempted to stay close to Pat's recommendations:
"Containers ought to have two new flags: lknown for lock status known,
and cknown for contents known (ie, `secret'). Formatted box and chest
descriptions should include locked/unlocked/broken when that is known
and empty/nonempty (or something like "holds N items") when contents
are known. The contents indicator would also apply to nonlockable
I probably overlooked a place where a flag should be adjusted, but this
should give us a good starting point.
I wasn't sure what to do with the case of the auditory feedback for
magical locking "Click" and "Clunk". The question that came to my mind
was: Should those reveal the locked or unlocked status of a box?
I suppose if you knew the type of wand you were zapping or the spell
you were casting, you could argue that they should.
In the end, I opted for setting lknown right off the zap/cast effect
for anyone playing a Wizard role, and not setting it for anyone else,
thus advancing class differentiation a little bit too.
I haven't checked the cknown results under all flags.menu_style options
at this point, only MENU_FULL.
nethack.allison [Thu, 9 Dec 2004 15:47:45 +0000 (15:47 +0000)]
upper case correction
Fix for first issue reported in this bug report:
<email deleted>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 7:13 AM
Subject: Two wrong messages
I would like to report two cosmetic issues:
1. "its gaze is reflected by the invisible [pet]'s shield."
Wrong capitalization.
2. The message given when decapicating an ettin {,zombie} with the Vorpal
Blade fails to mention the second head. This could be pretty tricky to
fix, but, per <Someone>'s suggestion, the easiest explanation would be
to say that the blade's wielder cuts off both heads at once.
The patch would look similar to:
*dmgptr = 2 * mdef->mhp + FATAL_DAMAGE_MODIFIER;
> if(mdef->data==&mons[PM_ETTIN]
> ||mdef->data==&mons[PM_ETTIN_ZOMBIE)
> pline("%s goes through both necks of %s at once like butter!",
> wepdesc, mon_nam(mdef));
> else
wepdesc, mon_nam(mdef));
otmp->dknown = TRUE;
(and the same for youdefend)
nethack.rankin [Sat, 4 Dec 2004 02:54:02 +0000 (02:54 +0000)]
stinking cloud feedback
Add the extra feedback suggested by <Someone> so that being blinded
by moving into a stinking cloud is explicitly pointed out to the user. It
makes things more verbose but seems reasonable. You get blinded for 1 turn
with every step, so the message gets repeated each time too, but since you
also get a choking or coughing message on each step it's only a modest
increase in the overall verbosity.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 30 Nov 2004 04:32:01 +0000 (04:32 +0000)]
avoid hallucinatory effect on black light as it explodes
From a bug report: when a black light explodes and triggers
hallucination, its own monster symbol--or warning marker for same--could
be seen changing. Since nothing is left after it explodes, you shouldn't
hallucinate anything at its location. Fix by killing it off (so removing
it from the map) before initiating Hallucination.
cohrs [Mon, 29 Nov 2004 19:01:31 +0000 (19:01 +0000)]
U1182 - Can drink from sink while engulfed
The same occurred for fountains and drinking surrounding water while
I also added a !Levitation check for sinks, like already exists for
fountains. I cannot believe sinks are taller than an altar, and if you
can't pick up stuff from an alter while levitation, it stands to reason you
cannot drink from a sink then either.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 27 Nov 2004 03:06:21 +0000 (03:06 +0000)]
fix steed eating feedback
<Someone> reported that riding a steed into a magic portal can
give "steed is still eating" message, feedback normally used to explain why
you can't go down stairs. Rather than preventing portals from activating
in that situation, just force the meal to be finished in order to suppress
the message. Proper fix is probably to prevent all steed movement while
eating, but that would most likely result in no one ever riding again.
nethack.rankin [Wed, 24 Nov 2004 02:50:32 +0000 (02:50 +0000)]
fix #U1206 - Quest artifact in WIZKIT file aborts program
Fix the wizard mode crash From a bug report. Move the WIZKIT
message suppression to a lower level instead of trying to guard against
present and future pline() calls in the wishing code. The way that was
being handling wasn't suitable for dealing with quest feedback.
This also includes a couple of additional wishing synonyms.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 20 Nov 2004 02:39:18 +0000 (02:39 +0000)]
tastes like chicken...
Someone in the newsgroup expressed surprise that he didn't get any
special message after surviving the eating of a cockatrice corpse. Combine
the cliche that unconventional meat inevitably tastes like chicken with
the mythology that cockatrices are a bizarre hybrid of chicken and reptile
(or whatever). This will give a message about tasting like chicken for
corpses or smelling like chicken for tins when the hero has petrification
resistance (poly'd into a xorn, for instance) or is hallucinating.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 20 Nov 2004 01:41:01 +0000 (01:41 +0000)]
fix #U1202 - shop robbery oversights
A user reported that when breaking potions inside a box in a shop, he
wasn't charged for them. The code was calling stolen_value() as intended,
but that routine only charged for types of items which the shop normally
carries. That meant that breaking the contents of a box in a general
store would charge for them but doing so in a tool shop would, not even
though the tool shopkeeper would gladly sell such things when you picked
them up instead of causing them to go away.
When fixing this, I noticed that stolen_value() was only charging
for single items. Most of the time that was right, because throwing and
kicking things always split one off, but there are cases (such as zapping
a wand of teleportation at shop goods) where an entire stack gets stolen
as a group. This makes stolen_value() handle all quantities.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 13 Nov 2004 04:14:14 +0000 (04:14 +0000)]
cockatrice eggs vs gravity
Eggs thrown straight up which don't splatter on the ceiling yield
"you've got it all over your face", so wearing a helmet shouldn't protect
against petrification from cockatrice eggs in that situation. This was
part of my delayed helm vs hat stuff; I can't remember whether it was done
before or after this same issue came up in the newsgroup.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 13 Nov 2004 04:00:52 +0000 (04:00 +0000)]
hats vs helms
Something from <Someone>'s list: some messages have hardcoded references
to "helmet" which sound strange when the character is wearing a hat or cap.
helm_simple_name() is comparable to the existing cloak_simple_name(). It
returns "helm" or "hat" depending upon whether the helmet provides the
same protection that yields the assorted repetitions of "fortunately,
you are wearing a hard helmet". This choice ends up categorizing elven
leather helm as a hat (which I think is ok given that its undiscovered
description is "leather hat"), contrary to <Someone>'s suggestion that the
distinction be made based on whether the helmet was made of cloth.
I started on this a year and a half ago but didn't commit it.
Unfortunately I don't remember why and haven't done any significant
additional work now--just recovered from some intervening bit rot and
confirmed that the patch as is seems to be working ok (in the trunk; the
branch side has not been tested). I suspect that I meant to look for
additional helmet messages which could benefit from conditional headgear
description. (Those "hard helmet" ones don't need it, although they
should perhaps be moved into a common routine instead of being replicated.)
nethack.rankin [Sat, 6 Nov 2004 02:42:41 +0000 (02:42 +0000)]
#adjust enhancement - splitting stacks
Allow the #adjust command to be used to split an inventory stack
as well as for moving things to specific slot letters. Splitting is
accomplished by specifying a count along with the letter of the stack to
operate on, similar to when dropping a stack with 'd'. The comment above
doorganize() has more details.
This change will make it possible for users to split stacks of cursed
loadstones which they couldn't easily do before, but I don't see anything
wrong with that. It was always possible to have multiple stacks of load-
stones by starting with ones that had different curse/bless status, so this
hasn't introduced a totally new situation. On the other hand, I haven't
tested this with the GOLDOBJ configuration and am not sure whether there is
any need to prevent gold from being split there. The getobj() call doesn't
specify COIN_CLASS so perhaps it's irrelevant (unless it ought to be
changed the other direction by adding that to intentionally allow gold to
be split?).
nethack.rankin [Sat, 6 Nov 2004 01:51:08 +0000 (01:51 +0000)]
doorganize() tidying
I've cleaned up the #adjust routine somewhat while revising it to
support splitting stacks as well as moving them, then have separated the
cleanup from the more substantial changes. The most significant change
here is that #adjust will give up early if used when inventory is empty;
the user used to be forced to choose a letter from an empty list in that
case, then it gave up when no object was selected. There's also a minor
change for users who turn `fixinv' off; the prompt's list of likely
candidate letters for destination slot is reduced to one letter beyond
current usage instead of showing the rest of the alphabet. (Picking any
letter--which users can still do--beyond current usage results in moving
the adjusted item to the end of the list, although it ultimately ends up
with a different letter than the user chose because adjusting from some
other slot frees up that slot; all items past it--including the new last
element--effectively move up one letter [or more if merges occur].)
nethack.rankin [Sat, 6 Nov 2004 01:19:25 +0000 (01:19 +0000)]
pickup into quiver
Despite lack of feedback from the beta testers about it, add the code
which tries to stack an object being added to inventory with the quiver
before trying with other carried objects. Only matters to user if quiver
is non-empty and one or more other slot(s) are compatible with it, but
that's not uncommon for someone who starts a rogue by splitting the initial
daggers into separate wield and throw slots. Firing a dagger from quiver
and then having it merge with wielded weapon instead of back into quiver
when picked back up leads to tedious inventory manipulation. Assigning
different names to the two stacks solves this, but can't help when picking
up an unnamed item which is otherwise compatible. (A rogue with starting
daggers wouldn't encounter that since unnamed ones won't be sufficiently
identified to stack, but any character who just gathers unID'd daggers and
uses them for both melee and throwing has a chance of running into the
"picked up into less desireable slot" trap whenever new ones are found.)
nethack.rankin [Tue, 2 Nov 2004 05:15:33 +0000 (05:15 +0000)]
Glib messages when dropping weapons
<Someone> reported that she got "your weapon slips from your hands" when
inflicted with slippery fingers while wielding multiple daggers. That
should be "weapons" plural and they're only being dropped from one "hand"
singular. Fix that and also give more specific feedback than "weapon"
for non-swords based on their weapon skill category names. This works
pretty well for most common weapons but might need some more tweaking for
ones where different types have gotten lumped together in the skills.
old feedback:
Your weapon slips from your hands.
Your tool slips from your hands.
Your food slips from your hands.
Your sword slips from your hands.
Your other sword also slips from your hands.
new feedback:
Your daggers slip from your hand.
Your <one-hander> slips from your hand.
Your <two-hander> slips from your hands.
Your pick-axe slips from your hand.
The corpse slips from your hand.
Your sword slips from your left hand.
Your other sword also slips from your right hand.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 30 Oct 2004 01:44:12 +0000 (01:44 +0000)]
#enhance docs again
Since "weapons and spell skills" is grammatically suspect and
"weapons and spells skills" sounds odd, change to "weapon and spell skills"
in both the Guidebook and the game's online descriptions. The #enhance
command itself uses "current skills" and doesn't need any alteration.
From the newsgroup: if you were polymorped into a cockatrice and
a trapper attempted to swallow you, the 't' displayed at its location
would be left behind after it turned to stoned. This fixes that and a
much more serious issue as well: if you were punished at the time, the
game would panic on your next attempt to move because the ball&chain were
left in limbo. There would also have been strangeness (monster sharing
your location, stale u.ustuck setting) if the swallower was life-saved,
but I didn't try to make that happen so am not sure how bad things would
have been.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 28 Oct 2004 01:48:52 +0000 (01:48 +0000)]
doc bits
Per <Someone>'s request, make the game's description of the ``#enhance''
command be the same as in the Guidebook by mentioning spell skills.
Combining weapons plural with spell singular isn't right, but I'm not
sure which way to change that so am leaving it alone. On the other hand,
the poor grammar used to describe the ``#conduct'' command is easy to fix.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 22 Oct 2004 02:15:33 +0000 (02:15 +0000)]
gas spores attempting to attack
From a bug report, but pulls back" while successfully
praying. Gas spores' only "attack" is to explode when dying, so the code
that checks whether the monster has any attack needs to handle AT_BOOM as
a special case. Unfortunately this change means that you won't interrupt
an occupation when a gas spore approaches, and a subsequent kill by your
pet might end up causing you harm while still occupied. The callers of
`noattacks()' are messy enough that I didn't want to try to address that.
This also moves noattacks() from mhitm.c to somewhere more sensible.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 22 Oct 2004 01:04:34 +0000 (01:04 +0000)]
fix #U782 - undead turning in a shop [trunk only]
Reported last December by <email deleted>. Using
a wand or spell of undead turning inside a shop used up corpses without
checking whether they were owned by the shop. Although the report didn't
mention it, using stone-to-flesh on statues had the same problem.
I'm not completely satisfied by some aspects of this code, but if I
don't commit what I've got now I probably never would. My original notes
are lost; I thought that there were some additional fixes present, but
looking at these diffs I don't see anything else significant enough to
warrant mention in the fixes file.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 16 Oct 2004 01:07:46 +0000 (01:07 +0000)]
two grammar bits
Fix the two minor grammar problems for messages given when eating
that were From a bug report: inappropriate or inconsistent
capitalization in mid sentence for
Ulch - That <object> was rustproofed!
and missing punctuation for the appended clause for cannibalism in
Ulch - that meat was tainted cannibal!
cohrs [Sun, 3 Oct 2004 22:14:36 +0000 (22:14 +0000)]
prevent a panic splitbill: no resident shopkeeper
Patch was sent in by <Someone> on Sep 8:
This bug causes a number of impossible messages (starting with splitbill:
no resident shopkeeper??)
Repeat by:
Enter a large shop.
Wish for a large stack of projectiles.
Sell your projectiles and then pick them up again.
Trap shopkeeper against the door with a scroll of earth.
Throw the projectiles at the shopkeeper to anger him.
Move away from the boulder trap and wait for the shopkeeper to leave the
Throw one of the projectiles at the free space.
cohrs [Sun, 3 Oct 2004 22:04:20 +0000 (22:04 +0000)]
X11 map scrolling behavior [from Steve VanDevender]
This isn't really a bug, but I find it does make the map scrolling in
the generic X11 version a lot less distracting. The original behavior
produces certain boundaries where, when the cursor moves back and forth
across that boundary, the map scrolls with each crossing. This is
particularly annoying in places like Sokoban where the player makes that
kind of movement frequently causing large jumps of the map each time.
Changing the border and delta constants in winmap.c as below eliminates
that behavior, as well as making the cursor easier to track by tending
to recenter it whenever the map shifts.
cohrs [Sun, 3 Oct 2004 21:59:18 +0000 (21:59 +0000)]
missing scrollbar in X11_display_file [from Steve VanDevender]
It appears that the Athena text widget in recent XFree86 distributions
does not properly honor the XawtextScrollWhenNeeded flag, so the text
widget created by X11_display_file() does not have a vertical scroll bar
when the text does not entirely fit in the window. I have seen this bug
in XFree86 versions from 4.0.2 through 4.3.0. Using XawtextScrollAlways
for the vertical scrollbar ensures it will always appear.
Objects which were destroyed by dipping them into lit potions of oil
didn't get unworn or unwielded in cases where that was needed. This left a
stale pointer which could result in various strange things (user saw it be
formatted as "glorkum" but that isn't guaranteed) and there was no update of
any attributes or intrinsics conferred by the item, so persistent levitation
or water walking or dexterity boost could occur.
Nothing to do with <Someone>'s recent list of missing entries, just
an amusing quote I like. The book itself isn't remotely nethackish; it's
about a teenage boy and a teddy bear who are operating as hardboiled-style
detectives in a land of sentient toys where nursery rhyme characters start
getting murdered.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 28 Aug 2004 01:54:20 +0000 (01:54 +0000)]
rnl() tweaks
Eliminate two minor anomalies in the behavior of the rnl() function
which returns a random number that is modified by the hero's Luck attribute.
Integer division by 3 on requests for small ranges and the fact that the
chance of making a modification was lower for good luck than for bad luck
meant that highest luck did not produce best chance to avoid worst result.
The actual effect on game play is sure to have been negligible. More
troubling is that the program has several rnl(3) and rnl(4) calls. These
practically guarantee a result of 0 when the hero has maximum luck. The
rnl() function really shouldn't be used for such tiny ranges (unless the
actual intent is that high level characters are expected to almost always
have the 0 outcome...).
nethack.allison [Mon, 23 Aug 2004 16:57:59 +0000 (16:57 +0000)]
rolling boulder not in bones files
<Someone> Cced from rgrn:
<email deleted> (<Someone>) writes:
[killed by a boulder trap, left bones]
> Then I realized... there's no boulder. Did the boulder disappear
> because I died from the attack, thus bypassing the code that moves the
> boulder to its intended destination? Did the creation of the bones
> file destroy the boulder? Do boulder traps sometimes get
> "deactivated" when bones files are loaded?
The first of these. If you look at launch_obj(), there's an
obj_extract_self() early on, then all the tracking its trajectory,
then a place_object() when it comes to rest; since the thitu() call
kills you during the trajectory part, the boulder never gets re-placed
onto the map. This is, I think, a bug (and one that will apply to any
monster-thrown object that kills you, as well); reported to the
nethack.rankin [Tue, 17 Aug 2004 01:29:47 +0000 (01:29 +0000)]
killing pets by displacing them into traps
A user pointed out that you lose pacifism conduct if you kill your
pet by displacing it into a trap but you don't gain any experience in
the process. Make this consistent with killing monsters in other ways:
if you get blamed for it then you should also get credit for it.
Probably minliquid() and mintrap() should take another argument so
they can call killed() instead of mondead() when necessary, but I didn't
go to that much effort....
cohrs [Sat, 7 Aug 2004 16:06:58 +0000 (16:06 +0000)]
C340-18 redux
Fix the test of otrapped in ohitmon pointed out by <Someone> that was causing
my previous fix to do the exact opposite of the intended behavior.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 3 Aug 2004 03:40:08 +0000 (03:40 +0000)]
fractured rock descriptions
From a bug report: fracture_rock() was unintentionally propagating
the boulder or statue's dknown flag to the resulting rocks, producing a
trivial but noticeable difference in description of "rock" vs "stone" if
the source object had been seen up close prior to being broken and the
rocks are then examined remotely or while blind.
The curse/bless state is propagating too, but this seems reasonable
so I've left it alone.
nethack.rankin [Tue, 3 Aug 2004 02:37:44 +0000 (02:37 +0000)]
fix "dropping Medusa's corpse down the stairs"
User reported the following incorrect feedback:
You drop Medusa's corpse. corpse falls down the stairs.
and apparently thought that the problem was a glitch in the middle of the
sentence; the actual problem is that the second sentence lacks its start.
This fix isn't perfect. You'll now get
Medusa's corpse falls down the stairs.
for the second sentence, but
The Oracle corpse falls down the stairs.
when dealing with a unique monster who doesn't have a personal name.
Either form seems acceptable to me, but mixing them appears inconsistent.
Probably all the uses of corpse_xname() (and its callers back up the
chain cxname(), aobjnam(), yobjnam()) need to be reviewed for usage. I
don't have the energy for that.
Fix the reported problem of being able to safely stand on lava after
taking off fireproofed water walking boots. The situation was more wide-
spread than that; the same thing happened when non-fireproofed boots were
burned off while walking over the lava in the first place. Now you'll
fall in and end up getting stuck (you have to have fire resistance for any
of this to happen and that resistance makes falling in be survivable).
nethack.rankin [Tue, 29 Jun 2004 02:06:36 +0000 (02:06 +0000)]
hostile djinni from potion
Fix the situation <Someone> reported where the "You disturbed me, fool!"
result when releasing a djinni from a cloudy potion sometimes produced a
peaceful djinni for neutrals due to the usual randomness in how monsters
react to characters of the same alignment. Explicitly force it to be
hostile for that outcome.
Also, for the "it's about time" result, suppress the "It vanishes"
message when the character doesn't see the djinni depart.
nethack.rankin [Thu, 24 Jun 2004 03:13:26 +0000 (03:13 +0000)]
shop repair messages
Fix the situation <Someone> reported where a shopkeeper removing a trap
from the shop doorway yielded "you see the shop door reappear" instead of
reporting about the trap. It made sense if the door had been destroyed
but not when intact.
For trunk only, try to fix up the shop repair message situation when
multiple repairs occur at the same time. Some things were being treated
as mutually exclusive when they aren't. This part needs more testing,
probably using a debugger to force multiple pending repairs to all occur
on the same turn. At any rate, using wizard mode and hoping for some
simultaneous activity was ineffective.
nethack.allison [Tue, 15 Jun 2004 11:52:04 +0000 (11:52 +0000)]
vampires now shapeshift [trunk only]
- can shift into fog clouds, vampire bats, and vampire lords into wolves
- after being "killed" in shifted form, they transform back rather than get
destroyed, and you must take them on in vampire form to defeat them
- can deliberately shift into fog clouds to pass under closed doors
nethack.allison [Tue, 15 Jun 2004 11:38:32 +0000 (11:38 +0000)]
cham changes (trunk only)
This is a foundation patch for patches to follow.
- use a full short index for mon->cham field.
- The current system of providing CHAM_XXX values
was limited to the 3 bits allocated in the bitfield and invalidated
save/bones if the field was expanded.
- The current system didn't provide an easy backwards change
if multiple monster types wanted to use the bit, there was a one
to one mapping: For instance, if you wanted a CHAM_VAMPIRE,
and you wanted vampires, vampire lords, and Vlad to use it, you
and CHAM_VLAD defined to achieve that with the one-to-one backward
- This new way just uses the mon[] index in the mon->cham field and
eliminates the need for CHAM_XXX (CHAM_ORDINARY is still used).
- no longer requires the cham_to_pm mappings
cohrs [Mon, 7 Jun 2004 19:07:55 +0000 (19:07 +0000)]
invisible troll revives and can appear visible
Play a character without see invisible. Wear speed boots. Generate a troll.
Zap it with a wand of make invisible. Kill it. Stand on the same square and
wait for it to rise from the dead. It will appear as a 'T'. Hitting it then
produces the normal "Wait, there's something here you can't see!"
[ incorporate slashem-Bugs-951439 fix ]
nethack.allison [Sat, 5 Jun 2004 15:50:48 +0000 (15:50 +0000)]
fire traps on ice
"<Someone>" on January 8, 2004, wrote:
> A Valkyrie on the Quest home level, wearing an
> amulet of magical breathing, enters a fire trap
> out on the ice:
>> A tower of flame erupts from the ice!
>> The ice crackles and melts.
>> You fall into the water. You sink like a rock.
>> But you aren't drowning. You touch bottom.
>> A cascade of steamy bubbles erupts from the bottom!
>Should the trap really be being triggered twice, once on ice and
>once underwater, when I've only moved onto the location once?
nethack.allison [Sat, 5 Jun 2004 13:56:29 +0000 (13:56 +0000)]
hearing a boulder fall
As From a bug report, if you couldn't see a rolling boulder
fall into a pit, you only heard the sound if you were blind.
Also fixes the article used in the message.
nethack.rankin [Fri, 4 Jun 2004 23:51:20 +0000 (23:51 +0000)]
"offering" lookup
Fix the situation <Someone> reported where requesting information about
the not too unlikely word "offering" would match the "ring" quote. I didn't
add a new quote for it but made "offer[ing]" and "sacrific[e|ing]" match the
existing altar quote. I also added one small quote I've had laying around
for a while.
nethack.allison [Fri, 4 Jun 2004 03:56:27 +0000 (03:56 +0000)]
#U986: <email deleted> wrote
on Sunday, April 4, 2004 at 20:27:06:
> On occassion when restoring a game where the
> character is wielding Sting, floor glyphs
> will show up before the --more-- prompt.
> These floor glyphs usually correspond to the
> location of monsters (sometimes they are just
> cavern features such as walls). Some of these
> floor glyphs are not in the character's line
> of sight upon restoring.
Also in this patch is a restore of Sting's ability
to glow blue.
nethack.allison [Tue, 1 Jun 2004 05:22:28 +0000 (05:22 +0000)]
Give more information about your attributes in debug mode
via Control-X.
I'd like to see some way of getting bits of this info to the
player during the game (from the Oracle or something),
but this patch keeps it limited to debug mode.
cohrs [Wed, 26 May 2004 15:49:49 +0000 (15:49 +0000)]
monsters using teleport traps
While trying in vain to find code that would cause the reported
priest-on-players-location behavior, I did find that the code to find
a usable teleport or similar trap was disallowing lots of locations due to
an && that should have been an ||.
cohrs [Tue, 25 May 2004 18:20:35 +0000 (18:20 +0000)]
U979 followup - mimic mimicking a boulder on Sokobon hole
The previous change only affected mimics that started mimicing after the
level was created. This change tries to perform a similar behavior for
randomly placed mimics that are forced to mimic a boulder on special levels.
In this case, since the symbol is fixed and the location is "random", try
several times to find a non-trap location for such a mimic.
cohrs [Mon, 24 May 2004 22:07:18 +0000 (22:07 +0000)]
U979 - mimic mimicking a boulder on Sokobon hole
On mazelike levels, mimics will mimic either boulders or statues (of giant
ants, as it turns out). However, it does not make sense to mimic a boulder
on a hole or even a pit, since boulders would typically fall in. Also,
statues are not typical objects in Sokoban. So, skip statue special case
in Sokoban and always avoid the forced emulation of a boulder when on a
trap location outside a room. This is a bit drastic, but I couldn't think of
an argument for adding the code to do this only for pits, holes, et al,
which are the most likely traps outside rooms anyway.
nethack.allison [Mon, 24 May 2004 14:21:15 +0000 (14:21 +0000)]
CE patch (from <Someone>)
Disable processing of double-click messages if the first click
causes map to scroll. The problem is that if the first click scrolls
the map the second click is going to scroll it even further
(before it is redrawn) which is very confusing for the user.
cohrs [Sat, 22 May 2004 18:23:59 +0000 (18:23 +0000)]
Wrong weight of corpses on special levels
Incorporate a fix from <Someone> related to slashem-Bugs-916544. The
weight was not recalcuated after changing the corpsenm.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 22 May 2004 03:24:23 +0000 (03:24 +0000)]
shapechanger hit points (trunk only)
Try to fix the report of a doppelganger (created from using stone-
to-flesh on a fake statue of Demogorgon) having 1700 hit points after
reverting to its native form. The problem was due to the special monster
level of Demogorgon rather than anything to do with shape changers; the
actual bug was use of `mdat->mlevel' where it should have been using
`mtmp->data->mlevel'. But the whole section of code was rather suspect
since it didn't attempt to handle other types of monsters (dragons, golems,
elementals) which have non-standard hit points, so I knocked some out.
Monsters who have gained or lost levels prior to changing form will no
longer carry that adjustment along; the new form will always be a brand
new one of its type. However, if the old form is injured at the time of
change, the new form will be too (same as before).
cohrs [Sat, 22 May 2004 01:10:01 +0000 (01:10 +0000)]
U1047 - mimics mimicking closed doors on the rogue level
Since the rogue level does not have closed doors, mimicking one there makes
no sense. Similar to what wand of locking does there, make mimics that end
up there mimic a wall instead of a door.
cohrs [Fri, 21 May 2004 21:33:19 +0000 (21:33 +0000)]
U1041 - monster hidden under a corpse not displayed immediately when it rots
There was already code to ensure that if a hidden monster moved, it would
no longer be hidden. However, if the monster is asleep or whatever under
a rotting corpse, when the corpse rotted away, the monster would not
immediately become detected. Add a check to the rot code before the newsym.
cohrs [Fri, 21 May 2004 21:20:16 +0000 (21:20 +0000)]
U917 - floating above unknown stairs
Attempting to go > while blind and floating over unknown stairs/ladder
would refer to the stairs in the "high above" message (however, the
stairs/ladder remained unidentified on the map). Change this case so
it only refers to stairs/ladder if that's what the hero remembers on the map.
nethack.allison [Sun, 9 May 2004 16:58:56 +0000 (16:58 +0000)]
U1039 passive() stoning check tweak
>If you hit a cockatrice with a weapon that immediately breaks
>(like a potion, mirror, or cockatrice egg) you get stoned,
Add a parameter to passive() to make it possible to pass
additional information that indicates that the weapon was
there at the start of the turn, but destroyed during the turn.
nethack.allison [Sun, 9 May 2004 16:53:16 +0000 (16:53 +0000)]
U1039 passive() stoning check tweak
>If you hit a cockatrice with a weapon that immediately breaks
>(like a potion, mirror, or cockatrice egg) you get stoned,
Add a parameter to passive() to make it possible to pass
additional information that indicates that the weapon was
there at the start of the turn, but destroyed during the turn.
nethack.rankin [Sat, 8 May 2004 03:36:37 +0000 (03:36 +0000)]
cursed destroy armor
Fix the bug From a bug report. Subsequently removing
the item caused those attributes to be returned to an incorrect value
which was higher than the character started out with.
giant carrying boulder dies while trapped in a pit (trunk only)
<Someone> wrote:
> "You kill the invisible storm giant. The boulder fills a pit."
> [...] why did I find the corpse *lying on* and not *buried in* the
> former pit?
Ensure that the corpse ends up buried in that case.
<Someone> wrote:
> You have much trouble removing u - a helmet.
> You have much trouble lifting a plate mail. Continue? [ynq] (q)
> You have much trouble removing R - a plate mail.
> You have much trouble removing N - a leather cloak.
> Why am I told that I have trouble "lifting" a plate mail?
1. Add strsubst() routine to hacklib to replace a word or phrase in a string in place.
2. Correct the inconsistency reported.
cohrs [Fri, 26 Mar 2004 19:26:37 +0000 (19:26 +0000)]
U897: kicking while in the air
If you kick something while in the air (i.e. on the Air level or while
in a bubble on the water level), 1) greased objects were treated specially
and 2) messages were given about the object sliding.
- add checks for kicking in the air, and always increased distance a bit
(I didn't add any checks to deal with the transition from air to water or
visa versa)
- don't set the flag that causes the "slides" message in these cases either
cohrs [Fri, 26 Mar 2004 18:28:28 +0000 (18:28 +0000)]
score wrapping band-aid
This patch simply keeps the score from wrapping by capping it at LONG_MAX.
If someone wants to change the score to be unsigned, some changes will
need to be made to tweak this code (and use ULONG_MAX instead).
I'm assuming that our platforms all have limits.h.
cohrs [Fri, 26 Mar 2004 18:20:49 +0000 (18:20 +0000)]
Juiblex' frozen "moat"
<Someone> reported that freezing the swamp on Juiblex' level would result
in message about a frozen moat. Avoid this by using waterbody_name
to to determine if it's a moat or not.
cohrs [Fri, 26 Mar 2004 17:23:15 +0000 (17:23 +0000)]
nethack man page updates
- as requested by ESR, remove the use of parentheses from the usage
summary, it confused some man page conversion tool he has
- updated documentation for the -p option to mention the word "role"
so anyone search for role in the man page will still find it
- removed use of .UC, it is listed as deprecated in all the current man
documentation I could find, when it was even documented at all
- other minor spelling and formatting (hyphenation) changes
arromdee [Fri, 12 Mar 2004 04:04:51 +0000 (04:04 +0000)]
blindfold (from r.g.r.n)
Someone suggested that if your vision is only blocked by a blindfold and it's
the blindfold that glows, you should be able to see it.
arromdee [Fri, 12 Mar 2004 03:57:20 +0000 (03:57 +0000)]
blindfold (from r.g.r.n)
Someone suggested that if your vision is only blocked by a blindfold and it's
the blindfold that glows, you should be able to see it.