Tom Lane [Thu, 31 Jul 2003 19:20:41 +0000 (19:20 +0000)]
When using a temp installation, unset PGUSER and other variables we
might have inherited from the environment that would possibly cause
psql to fail to connect to the temp installation properly. Per trouble
report from Markus Bertheau 7/1/03.
Tom Lane [Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:36:46 +0000 (18:36 +0000)]
Cause library-preload feature to report error if specified initialization
function is not found. Also, make all the PL libraries have initialization
functions with standard names. Patch from Joe Conway.
Tom Lane [Thu, 31 Jul 2003 17:21:57 +0000 (17:21 +0000)]
Upgrade parsing code for ACLs to be less hokey and more cognizant of
the actual logical structure and quoting rules being used. Fixes bug
reported by Chris K-L on 7/8/03.
Bruce Momjian [Thu, 31 Jul 2003 02:12:43 +0000 (02:12 +0000)]
dbf2pg - Insert xBase-style .dbf-files into a PostgreSQL-table
There is an option "-s oldname=newname", which changes the old field name of
the dbf-file to the newname in PostgeSQL. If the length of the new name is 0,
the field is skiped. If you want to skip the first field of the dbf-file,
you get the wildest error-messages from the backend.
dbf2pg load the dbf-file via "COPY tablename FROM STDIN". If you skip the
first field, it is an \t to much in STDIN.
A fix could be an counter j=0, which increments only, if a field is imported
(IF (strlen(fields[h].db_name)> 0) j++. And only if j > 1 (if an other field is
imported) the \t is printed.
An other small bug in the README:
-s start
Specify the first record-number in the xBase-file
we will insert.
should be
-e start
Specify the first record-number in the xBase-file
we will insert.
Tom Lane [Wed, 30 Jul 2003 19:48:41 +0000 (19:48 +0000)]
Fix numeric_smaller, numeric_larger, float4smaller, float4larger,
float8smaller, float8larger (and thereby the MIN/MAX aggregates on these
datatypes) to agree with the datatypes' comparison operations as
regards NaN handling. In all these datatypes, NaN is arbitrarily
considered larger than any normal value ... but MIN/MAX had not gotten
the word. Per recent discussion on pgsql-sql.
Tom Lane [Wed, 30 Jul 2003 19:02:18 +0000 (19:02 +0000)]
Cause ARRAY[] construct to return a NULL array, rather than raising an
error, if any input element is NULL. This is not what we ultimately want,
but until arrays can have NULL elements, it will have to do. Patch from
Joe Conway.
Tom Lane [Wed, 30 Jul 2003 17:08:47 +0000 (17:08 +0000)]
When shutting down the regression test postmaster after 'make check',
wait for the postmaster to actually exit. Otherwise running repeated
'make check's tends to misbehave, because we try to remove and recreate
the data directory while the old PM is still alive.
Tom Lane [Tue, 29 Jul 2003 22:18:38 +0000 (22:18 +0000)]
Fix longstanding error in _bt_search(): should moveright at top of loop not
bottom. Otherwise we fail to moveright when the root page was split while
we were "in flight" to it. This is not a significant problem when the root
is above the leaf level, but if the root was also a leaf (ie, a single-page
index just got split) we may return the wrong leaf page to the caller,
resulting in failure to find a key that is in fact present. Bug has existed
at least since 7.1, probably forever.
Tom Lane [Tue, 29 Jul 2003 17:21:27 +0000 (17:21 +0000)]
Coerce unknown-literal-constant default values to the column type during
CREATE TABLE (or ALTER TABLE SET DEFAULT), rather than postponing it to
the time that the default is inserted into an INSERT command by the
rewriter. This reverses an old decision that was intended to make the
world safe for writing
f1 timestamp default 'now'
but in fact merely made the failure modes subtle rather than obvious.
Per recent trouble report and followup discussion.
initdb forced since there is a chance that stored default expressions
will change.
Tom Lane [Tue, 29 Jul 2003 00:03:19 +0000 (00:03 +0000)]
Apply (a somewhat revised version of) Greg Mullane's patch to eliminate
heuristic determination of day vs month in date/time input. Add the
ability to specify that input is interpreted as yy-mm-dd order (which
formerly worked, but only for yy greater than 31). DateStyle's input
component now has the preferred spellings DMY, MDY, or YMD; the older
keywords European and US are now aliases for the first two of these.
Per recent discussions on pgsql-general.
Tom Lane [Mon, 28 Jul 2003 19:31:32 +0000 (19:31 +0000)]
Code review for recent GUC changes --- try to make it less obvious that
these things were added at different times by different people ;-).
Includes Aizaz Ahmed's patch to remove duplicate array in help_config.c.
Bruce Momjian [Mon, 28 Jul 2003 16:22:16 +0000 (16:22 +0000)]
There was enough code drift since this patch, that a couple of bugs
New items have been added to GucContext and GucSource enums, but of
course they were not added to the corresponding GucContextName[] and
GucSourceName[] arrays in the patch. Here's a new patch to fix the
resulting bugs.
Bruce Momjian [Sun, 27 Jul 2003 19:39:13 +0000 (19:39 +0000)]
Tom, happier with the attached patch?
I'd have to disagree with regards to the memory leaks not being worth
a mention - any such leak can cause problems when the PostgreSQL
installation is either unattended, long-living andor has very high
connection levels. Half a kilobyte on start-up isn't negligible in
this light.
Regards, Lee.
Tom Lane writes:
> Lee Kindness <> writes:
> > Guys, attached is a patch to fix two memory leaks on start-up.
> I do not like the changes to miscinit.c. In the first place, it is not
> a "memory leak" to do a one-time allocation of state for a proc_exit
> function. A bigger complaint is that your proposed change introduces
> fragile coupling between CreateLockFile and its callers, in order to
> save no resources worth mentioning. More, it introduces an assumption
> that the globals directoryLockFile and socketLockFile don't change while
> the postmaster is running. UnlinkLockFile should unlink the file that
> it was originally told to unlink, regardless of what happens to those
> globals.
> If you are intent on spending code to free stuff just before the
> postmaster exits, a better fix would be for UnlinkLockFile to free its
> string argument after using it.
Bruce Momjian [Sun, 27 Jul 2003 04:51:45 +0000 (04:51 +0000)]
Here is 4 file in tgz:
the new timetravel.c,
new timetravel.README (cut from spi/README and modified),
and modified timetravel.example.
- optionally 3 parameter for insert/update/delete user name
- work with CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ixxx on table xxx
(the original version was work with unique index on 6.5.0-6.5.3,
and not work on 7.3.2,7.3.3)
(before 6.5.0 and between 6.5.3 and 7.3.2 I dont know)
- get_timetravel(tablename) function for check timetravel-status.
- timetravel trigger not change oid of the active record. (it is not a
good feature, because the old version is automatice prevent the paralel
update with "where oid=nnn")
Bruce Momjian [Sun, 27 Jul 2003 04:35:54 +0000 (04:35 +0000)]
> Joe Conway <> writes:
>>ISTM that "source" is worth knowing.
> Hm, possibly. Any other opinions?
This version has the seven fields I proposed, including "source". Here's
an example that shows why I think it's valuable:
regression=# \x
Expanded display is on.
regression=# select * from pg_settings where name = 'enable_seqscan';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------
name | enable_seqscan
setting | on
context | user
vartype | bool
source | default
min_val |
max_val |
regression=# update pg_settings set setting = 'off' where name =
-[ RECORD 1 ]---
set_config | off
regression=# select * from pg_settings where name = 'enable_seqscan';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------
name | enable_seqscan
setting | off
context | user
vartype | bool
source | session
min_val |
max_val |
regression=# alter user postgres set enable_seqscan to 'off';
(log out and then back in again)
regression=# \x
Expanded display is on.
regression=# select * from pg_settings where name = 'enable_seqscan';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------
name | enable_seqscan
setting | off
context | user
vartype | bool
source | user
min_val |
max_val |
In the first case, enable_seqscan is set to its default value. After
setting it to off, it is obvious that the value has been changed for the
session only. In the third case, you can see that the value has been set
specifically for the user.
Bruce Momjian [Sun, 27 Jul 2003 03:51:59 +0000 (03:51 +0000)]
> Am Son, 2003-06-22 um 02.09 schrieb Joe Conway:
>>Sounds like all that's needed for your case. But to be complete, in
>>addition to changing tablefunc.c we'd have to:
>>1) come up with a new function call signature that makes sense and does
>>not cause backward compatibility problems for other people
>>2) make needed changes to
>>3) adjust the README.tablefunc appropriately
>>4) adjust the regression test for new functionality
>>5) be sure we don't break any of the old cases
>>If you want to submit a complete patch, it would be gratefully accepted
>>-- for review at least ;-)
> Here's the patch, at least for steps 1-3
Bruce Momjian [Sun, 27 Jul 2003 03:47:22 +0000 (03:47 +0000)]
This is a totally trivial patch for something that was a very minor nit that
annoyed me the other day while I was documenting my current project. It
makes pg_dump use the same layout for types as for tables, by putting "\n\t"
before the first field and "\n" before the final ");"
Can't really justify this too much except to say I had an itch and I
scratched it ;-)
Bruce Momjian [Sun, 27 Jul 2003 03:32:26 +0000 (03:32 +0000)]
here are the patches for psql on Win32:
psql4win32.patch - changes in the psql source code
psql-ref.patch - changes in the documentation psql-ref.sgml
(for new builtin variable WIN32_CONSOLE)
To apply them use "patch -p 1" in the root directory of the
postgres source directory.
These patches fix the following problems of psql on Win32
(all changes only have effect #ifdef WIN32):
a) Problem: Static library libpq.a did not work
Solution: Added WSAStartup() in fe-connect.c
b) Problem: Secret Password was echoed by psql
Solution: Password echoing disabled in sprompt.c
c) Problem: 8bit characters were displayed/interpreted wrong in psql
This is due to the fact that the Win32 "console" uses a
different encoding than the rest of the Windows system
Solution: Introduced a new psql variable WIN32_CONSOLE
When set with "\set WIN32_console", the function OemToChar()
is applied after reading input and CharToOem() before
displaying Output
Bruce Momjian [Sun, 27 Jul 2003 03:13:17 +0000 (03:13 +0000)]
The deferred trigger queue pushing to disk patch pointed out
that the regression tests for foreign keys didn't seem to test
a deferred constraint that was not satisified by a later
statement and was not made immediate by set constraints,
so here's a simple added test with a single invalid insert and
a commit.
Bruce Momjian [Sat, 26 Jul 2003 23:58:23 +0000 (23:58 +0000)]
>>You can alias $0, similar to the argument variables. And, I confirmed
>>that you cannot change the value, similar to the argument variables:
> Perhaps you shouldn't mark it isconst; then it would actually have some
> usefulness (you could use it directly as a temporary variable to hold
> the intended result). I can't see much value in aliasing it if it's
> const, either.
OK; the only change in this version is "isconst = false;". Now you can
use $0 as a result placeholder if desired. E.g.:
create or replace function tmp(anyelement, anyelement) returns anyarray as '
v_ret alias for $0;
v_el1 alias for $1;
v_el2 alias for $2;
v_ret := ARRAY[v_el1, v_el2];
return v_ret;
' language 'plpgsql';
create table f(f1 text, f2 text, f3 int, f4 int);
insert into f values ('a','b',1,2);
insert into f values ('z','x',3,4);
select tmp(f1,f2) from f;
select tmp(f3,f4) from f;
Bruce Momjian [Sat, 26 Jul 2003 13:50:02 +0000 (13:50 +0000)]
At long last I put together a patch to support 4 client SSL negotiation
modes (and replace the requiressl boolean). The four options were first
spelled out by Magnus Hagander <> on 2000-08-23 in email
to pgsql-hackers, archived here:
The only change to the server is a new pg_hba.conf line type,
"hostnossl", for specifying connections that are not allowed to use SSL
(for example, to prevent servers on a local network from accidentally
using SSL and wasting cycles). Thus the 3 pg_hba.conf line types are:
pg_hba.conf line types
host applies to either SSL or regular connections
hostssl applies only to SSL connections
hostnossl applies only to regular connections
These client and server options, the postgresql.conf ssl = false option,
and finally the possibility of compiling with no SSL support at all,
make quite a range of combinations to test. I threw together a test
script to try many of them out. It's in a separate tarball with its
config files, a patch to psql so it'll announce SSL connections even in
absence of a tty, and the test output. The test is especially informative
when run on the same tty the postmaster was started on, so the FATAL:
errors during negotiation are interleaved with the psql client output.
I saw Tom write that new submissions for 7.4 have to be in before midnight
local time, and since I'm on the east coast in the US, this just makes it
in before the bell. :)
Tom Lane [Fri, 25 Jul 2003 23:37:31 +0000 (23:37 +0000)]
Error message editing in src/pl. The plpython module could use another
look ... I'm not real certain which errors are strictly internal and which
are likely to be provoked by users.
Bruce Momjian [Fri, 25 Jul 2003 21:48:45 +0000 (21:48 +0000)]
Update copyrights to 2003.
print.c: Add one more line to pager calculation to account for the prompt.
help.c: Call PageOutput with correct number of lines within slashUsage
Add one to line count in helpSQL to account for "Available help:" line.
Make copyright match COPYRIGHT file. (Just "1994")
Bruce Momjian [Fri, 25 Jul 2003 21:42:26 +0000 (21:42 +0000)]
> Having read the list, and noticed the message about table inheritance I
> thought that I would see if I could come up with a simple solution, and
> have my first delve into the code for PostgreSQL.
> Attached is a diff against 7.3.3 source, of changes to describe.c for
> psql. This should print out a list of parent tables in a similar style
> to that of the index listing. I have done some testing on my side and it
> all seems fine, can some other people have a quick look? What do people
> think? Useful?
Tom Lane [Fri, 25 Jul 2003 21:02:52 +0000 (21:02 +0000)]
Recent patch to dump nondefault attstorage settings broke pg_dump for
dropped columns. Fix by using LEFT JOIN rather than straight join
between pg_attribute and pg_type. Also, use pg_type.oid as input to
format_type, so that we don't get a failure on deleted types of deleted
columns (this may be a change we ought to backpatch to 7.3....).
Bruce Momjian [Fri, 25 Jul 2003 19:27:06 +0000 (19:27 +0000)]
> Rod Taylor <> writes:
> > It seems that readline() on my system (FreeBSD 4.8) isn't declared to
> > take the prompt as a const. Thus, remove const from gets_interactive()
> > to remove the warning.
> I think it would be a lot cleaner to just put a cast to char * into the
> readline call (with a note about why).
Ok.. that works.
I must say it's a little strange being able to take a constant and say
its no longer constant anymore -- but I suppose it's no different than
defining then undefining pre-processor constants.
Barry Lind [Thu, 24 Jul 2003 00:30:39 +0000 (00:30 +0000)]
Fixes additional sql injection vulnerabilities reported by Oliver Jowett
and Dmitry Tkach. Specifically the previous fix still allowed the statement termination character through in unquoted places in the sql statement, and the driver never correctly handled someone passing a value of \0 in a string which under the v2 protocol would end the statement causing the following text to possibly
be treated as a new sql statement
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