jbrjake [Wed, 22 Oct 2008 21:39:28 +0000 (21:39 +0000)]
Bumps libmp4v2 to r36, which fixes the problem with QuickTime reading non-H.264 video, and also features a snazzy new layout and build routine thanks to KonaBlend (which necessitated a minor change to the include path for muxmp4.c).
jbrjake [Wed, 22 Oct 2008 15:25:20 +0000 (15:25 +0000)]
Scripts: massive update to manicure.rb, which now requires the 'plist' ruby gem to function. It now understands nested presets, reads cropping and loose anamorphic, and uses maxwidth and maxheight instead of width and height, among other changes.
jbrjake [Wed, 22 Oct 2008 14:19:58 +0000 (14:19 +0000)]
MacGui: Removes largeFileSize from the Universal preset since the Nano can't play 64-bit formatted MP4 files. Hopefully won't be an issue, although this leaves open the slight possibility of crashes at the end of encodes of long, noisy videos.
jbrjake [Sun, 19 Oct 2008 23:39:52 +0000 (23:39 +0000)]
Adds a configuration option for whether the COLR atom and h.264 VUI header should signal Bt.601 or Bt.7709 color, instead of just setting it based on whether the source is standard or high definition (which is preserved as default, and made more sensitive to letterboxed HD content).
jstebbins [Sat, 18 Oct 2008 23:48:53 +0000 (23:48 +0000)]
LinGui: add pref option to scale down high def previews
when this option is enabled, if the preview dims are above a threshold
then the size is scaled down to no larger than 1280x720.
1080p previews are too big for my laptop :-P
jstebbins [Fri, 17 Oct 2008 16:20:43 +0000 (16:20 +0000)]
LinGui: Make preset key/values mostly align with macui presets.
One step closer to having a common preset format.
Audio presets are still not compatible.
jbrjake [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 23:44:38 +0000 (23:44 +0000)]
Bumps libmp4v2 to r21, which fixes that include issue by folding the old 5.5G iPod UUID atom into the library, as well as a typing issue with Linux systems.
jstebbins [Wed, 15 Oct 2008 18:39:45 +0000 (18:39 +0000)]
LinGui: nested presets
new nested builtins.
user can create custom folders and drag n drop custom presets.
updated mac to linux presets plist translation tool to handle new format
eddyg [Tue, 14 Oct 2008 22:36:22 +0000 (22:36 +0000)]
a52_syncinfo() returns garbage values sometimes, so when scanning a stream check for two AC3 packets in a row that agree on their values before accepting them as gospel.
dynaflash [Tue, 14 Oct 2008 17:34:23 +0000 (17:34 +0000)]
MacGui: Finally!! Nested Presets - Initial implementation
- Currently just in the Built In presets.
- Special thanks to jbrjake for updating the new built in presets :)
-- jbrjake's notes on built in preset changes:
--- no more blind, broke, bedlam, or deux six quatre presets
--- detelecine and decomb for animation and television high profile presets
--- new x264 settings for most presets, which are still in a state of flux
--- iPod Hi-Rez renamed iPod Legacy, iPod Low-Rez renamed iPod Classic & iPod Nano, iPhone / iPod Touch renamed iPhone & iPod Touch
- Make sure to Update your Built In presets.
- Selecting the default preset (whether user specified or the hb default) automatically expands the proper parent folders
- "Folders" are stored as a different type of preset with key "Folder" where a value of 1 is a folder and 0 is a regular preset.
- Children presets (which can also be folder presets with their own children) are stored in an array in the folder preset with key "ChildrenArray"
- Levels are limited to three (including the root level).
- Though most of the code for creating custom user specified folders and dragging and dropping user presets into those folders is done, its not fully tested so is not currently implemented. In other words custom presets are still only at the root level.
- Known issue: dragging and dropping within custom user presets seems a touch "glitchy". Though in testing presets have not been lost.
sr55 [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 21:54:27 +0000 (21:54 +0000)]
- Started to decouple this code a bit. Common.cs (now Main.cs) no longer relies on the frmMain window being passed into it. frmAddPreset no longer requires to access QueryGenerator.cs
- QueryGenerator.cs, x264Panel.cs, PresetLoader.cs all moved into their own "frmMain" folder as that is the only place they should be used.
- Rearranged the base of frmMain.cs a bit.
sr55 [Mon, 13 Oct 2008 19:52:33 +0000 (19:52 +0000)]
- Fix preset bug where mkv and chapters are used in the preset, but on selecting said preset, the selected file extension would be m4v
- Fix in Audio panel where the track 1 bit-rate is not always set correctly if the preset also changes the audio mixdown
jbrjake [Sat, 11 Oct 2008 19:19:27 +0000 (19:19 +0000)]
Only associate audio tracks with an alternate group if there's more than one audio track. That way the iPhone doesn't show the audio selection button when it isn't necessary.
eddyg [Fri, 10 Oct 2008 00:41:15 +0000 (00:41 +0000)]
libhb: Fix linux compilation. Only set the pthread mutex type on cygwin since it is the only one that is using the wrong one as a default. Avoids having to get the enums right across OS's.
jbrjake [Thu, 9 Oct 2008 17:50:44 +0000 (17:50 +0000)]
Bumps x264 to r999, bringing with it, among other things, the removal of the b-rdo and bime options and new subme modes to replace them.
Subme 5 or greater now includes bime.
Subme 7 is now subme 6 with b-rdo
Subme 8 is the old subme 7 with b-rdo
Subme 9 is new, does RD-refinement for b-frames.
MacGui presets and advanced tab have been updated to reflect these changes (don't forget to update built-in presets).
CLI will wait, as manicure.rb is in a state of flux.
WinGui and LinGui still need to be updated.
jbrjake [Thu, 9 Oct 2008 15:11:27 +0000 (15:11 +0000)]
After discussion with eddyg, extending verbose logging level 2 from just memory-related logging to general-purpose housekeeping--stuff that isn't necessary when scrolling through activity logs users submit with bug reports and support queries. This includes things like thread start/exit messages and preview frames.
jbrjake [Thu, 9 Oct 2008 00:16:14 +0000 (00:16 +0000)]
Adds an hb_deep_log() function for multiple levels of debugging verbosity. Level 1 displays when hb_log does (job->verbose == 1) and is now meant for logging that helps in tech support. Level 2 adds memory-related logging like freed buffers, and level 3 is for granular stuff that displays once per sample, frame, packet, etc. The debug level continues to be set when hb_init() is called.
sr55 [Mon, 6 Oct 2008 21:38:54 +0000 (21:38 +0000)]
- Another small improvement to the activity window. If the user has only selected a small block of text, then the copy to clipboard function now only copies that, rather than the full log.
eddyg [Mon, 6 Oct 2008 21:36:01 +0000 (21:36 +0000)]
Change pthread mutex's to be explicitly NORMAL instead of relying on the default on a per OS basis. Cygwin was using RECURSIVE as a default, which does not block the caller upon a second lock. This commit fixes decomb, and slow, and slower deinterlace on Windows.
sr55 [Sun, 5 Oct 2008 19:18:25 +0000 (19:18 +0000)]
- Just moving stuff functions around to different places. Probably some more of this to come. frmMain / common.cs are a bit of a mess right now
van [Sat, 4 Oct 2008 19:21:49 +0000 (19:21 +0000)]
Sanity check in encfaacClose or we'll abort on an illegal channel spec or sample ratesince init sets job->die which causes close to be called when the work struct hasn't been fully set up.
sr55 [Sat, 4 Oct 2008 13:25:30 +0000 (13:25 +0000)]
- Added Copy to Clipboard button back to the Activity Log Window. Now works on Vista.
- Activity window now loads the load file for the last action. e.g If the last action was a scan, it'll load the scan log and if the last action was an encode, it will display the encode log.
That should make it a little bit easier to use / understand.
jstebbins [Sat, 4 Oct 2008 01:22:11 +0000 (01:22 +0000)]
LinGui: queue item editing
editing a pending item loads the item's settings and deletes it from the queue
editing a finished or running item just loads it's settings
jstebbins [Fri, 3 Oct 2008 20:59:50 +0000 (20:59 +0000)]
LinGui: change the top level structure that contains presets from a dictionary
to an array. Dictionaries are unordered sets, so this new structure
allows greater flexibility in how the presets may be ordered.
Is backwards compatible. Old structure is read and converted to new.
van [Fri, 3 Oct 2008 05:10:21 +0000 (05:10 +0000)]
- Only do 'lost PCR' checks (r1712) when we're dealing with something that could be an over-the-air transport stream. We can't lose the clock of a program stream and shouldn't have losses on an m2ts stream.
- Widen the DTS-to-PCR acceptance window from +-5sec to +-5min since there's nothing in the standard that bounds the offset between a DTS and its clock reference.
sr55 [Thu, 2 Oct 2008 11:55:10 +0000 (11:55 +0000)]
- Query Parser - Regex was failing when the audio track was listed as " + 1, English (AAC)" instead of something like " + 2, English (AC3) (5.1 ch), 48000Hz, 384000bps"
- Fixes make building on cygwin (I think - I was seeing some cygwin lib errors before however these seem to have just disappeared. If anyone has a failed build due to this, let me know.)
ffmpeg requires framerate num/den to be reducable to 16 bit quanitites for
mpeg-4. So round odd framerates to "close" standard framerate (which are
reducable). If there is no "close" framerate, the the rate is truncated
down to 16 bits.
Wait until 4 frames are stashed in the delay_queue before outputting any frames from render when using VFR detelecine. With only 3, the array storing previous time stamp isn't full when the first frame's outputted, throwing off AV sync.
- Refined the Queue look.
- Fixed bug which cause the move up and down buttons to cause an exception.
- When you select an item on the queue and move it up or down, it will now remain selected. This saves re-selecting the item every time you want to move it up or down.
- Added pending encodes counter.
- Improved some of the messagebox error messages. Removed a few redundant error messages.
- the x264 tooltips got lost at some point. They've been re-added. Changed one or 2 other tooltips.
MacGui: Queue - Fix drag'n drop so that when dragging over an item, it doesn't auto expand.
- Also fix some really hosed up formatting
- Remove the unused moveObjectsInQueueArray method from HBQueueController ( we moved that to Controller.mm back in 1703 but left it "just in case").
CLI: Removes --vfr command line option. --detelecine now drops frames by default. To regress to the old behavior of not dropping duplicate frames in detelecine, and only reweaving them so they're progressive, specify a frame rate ( -r 29.97 would be the one that makes sense). This is because the "Same as source" FPS method employed when the user doesn't specify a framerate is inherently variable, as it passes through the source's frame durations instead of smoothing them to a constant rate.
LinGui: Ditto
Update labels for the mp4 options in both the main window and the queue readout.
- "64 Bit MP4" -> "Large file size"
- "HTTP Optimized MP4" -> "Web optimized"
- "Insert iPod Atom" -> "iPod 5G support"
MacGui: Update labels for the mp4 options in both the main window and the queue readout.
- "64 Bit MP4" -> "Large file size"
- "HTTP Optimized MP4" -> "Web optimized"
- "Insert iPod Atom" -> "iPod 5G support"
Less technical and hopefully more descriptive to the users (one of those rare instances where jbrjake prefers to be less technical) :)
MacGui: Fix presets when using maximum source picture size and loose anamorphic so choosing such a preset sets the width to its full source storage size and properly applies loose anamorphic.
MacGui: Fixes bug in x264 advanced options tab, that didn't blank out direct prediction when b-frames were disabled. Thanks for pointing it out, cvk_b!
LinGui: Work around a silly treeview formatting bug.
If the window hasn't been shown yet, the width request doesn't fully do
it's job and cell formatting gets munged.