The test succeeds with libxml < 2.9.4, and is supposed to succeed with
libxml > 2.9.4. Unfortunately, we can't conditionally mark a test case
as XFAIL, so we're simply skipping the test for libxml 2.9.4 instead.
Fixes #72590: Opcache restart with kill_all_lockers does not work
ACCEL_LOG_ERROR is special and causes a zend_bailout() and the code
never gets to call kill() in the next line after the logging. Change
the log level to WARNING.
While it is possible to force the same behavior by setting the internal
option (?J), having a dedicated modifier appears to be useful. After all,
J is even listed on the "Pattern Modifiers" man page[1], but the description
referrs to (?J).
Fix #67325: imagetruecolortopalette: white is duplicated in palette
gdImageTrueColorToPalette() is sometimes wasteful by putting multiple white
color entries into the palette. This is caused by an obvious typo, where
to avoid a division by zero when `total` is zero, `count` is checked instead
of `total`.
We fix this issue to improve the quality of the color quantization.
When ran from a root directory the test case failed, because the open_basedir
restriction for "../[…]" won't kick in. Therefore we change the current
working directory to the test case's directory, as discussed on internals,
see <>.
Fix #66797: mb_substr only takes 32-bit signed integer
`from` and `len` are `long`, but get passed to mbfl_substr() which expects
`int`s. Therefore we clamp the values to avoid the undefined conversion
Xinchen Hui [Sun, 21 Aug 2016 09:19:24 +0000 (17:19 +0800)]
Merge branch 'PHP-5.6' of into PHP-5.6
* 'PHP-5.6' of
Improvements to fix #72714, suggested by nikic
Fix #65732: grapheme_*() is not Unicode compliant on CR LF sequence
Fix #72714: _xml_startElementHandler() segmentation fault
update NEWS
Fixed bug #72852 imap_mail null dereference
Revert "Fix dba configuration for Windows"
Fix dba configuration for Windows
Fix broken test include
fix NEWS
Add myself as PDO_OCI maintainer
Fix #65732: grapheme_*() is not Unicode compliant on CR LF sequence
According to the Unicode specification (at least as of 5.1), CRLF sequences
are considered to be a single grapheme. We cater to that special case by
letting grapheme_ascii_check() fail. While it would be trivial to fix
grapheme_ascii_check() wrt. grapheme_strlen(), grapheme_substr() and
grapheme_strrpos() would be much harder to handle, so we accept the slight
performance penalty if CRLF is involved.
The issue is caused by an integer overflow when the `long` passed as
XML_OPTION_SKIP_TAGSTART is assigned to `xml_parser::toffset` which is
declared as `int`. We can simply work around this issue, by clipping
resulting negative values to 0 (and raising a notice in this case), because
the reasonable range for this value is certainly catered to by positive
However, there still remains the issue that `xml_parser::toffset` is later
added to `char *`s, which can cause OOB reads, so we make sure that the
upper bound never exceeds the strlen(). We eschew optimizing `SKIP_TAGSTART`
wrt. to the potentially duplicate strlen() call, because that code path is
unexpected anyway.
To be able to build the dba extension on Windows, libdb was required. This
is contrary to *nix where each handler can be configured individually. To
avoid BC breaks, we only do minimal modifications, instead of adjusting the
Windows configuration to match the *nix configuration, for now.
PNG allows identical images to be stored differently what makes nearly all
tests checking the MD5 hash of the PNG representation fail with external
libgd. For now, we use the GD format instead, which doesn't allow for such
Of course, this md5() checking should be replaced by a image diffing feature
in the long run.
Fix #68302: impossible to compile php with zip support
We should not let configure succeed, if SIZEOF_OFF_T == 0, just to let the
compilation fail later. Instead we bail out early, giving a hint regarding
the potential issue, namely misconfigured libraries.
Anatol Belski [Sun, 14 Aug 2016 17:33:24 +0000 (19:33 +0200)]
Fixed bug #72759 Regression in pgo_pgsql
This is caused by the fix for #72633. Namely, lastval() throws an error,
if no nextval() was called earlier in the same session. This is by all
means correct so far, however inside a transaction it leads to an abort.
This is the opposite to MySQL's last_insert_id() which doesn't produce
any error no matter something were autoincremented or not.
To avoid existing scripts breakage in the stable branches, the previous
patch is extended to revert the transaction to the state before the lastval()
call in case of error. It is done only for 5.6 and 7.0 to retain BC. For 7.1+,
the clean behavior should persist. This is already the current behavior, when
the sequence name is explicitly passed. So there's no reason to obfuscate the
errors where this breakage is valid.