for Udm_Set_Agent_Params mnoGoSearch module. Now it can use stopwords
stored either in database or in the plain text files. Added php warnings.
Test example updated.
@ for Udm_Set_Agent_Params mnoGoSearch module. Now it can use stopwords
@ stored either in database or in the plain text files. Added php warnings.
@ Test example updated. (gluke)
@- When using the ob_gzhandler() PHP now automagically also sets the
@ Content-Lengh correctly which enables browsers to use the HTTP
@ Keep-Alive feature. (Thies)
UDM_PARAM_CHARSET parameter in Udm_Set_Agent_Param() has been added to
set local charset you are using. Example updated also.
@- UDM_PARAM_CHARSET parameter in Udm_Set_Agent_Param() has been added to
@ set local charset you are using. Example updated also. (gluke)
Uwe Steinmann [Thu, 1 Feb 2001 07:07:10 +0000 (07:07 +0000)]
some modification from Rainer Schaaf
* fixed prototype for pdf_new()
* MINFO: included Revision of pdf.c, removed info about CJK + in-memory, this is
standard with V3.x)
* repaired PDF_open_CCITT
* repaired PDF_setfont
* eliminated many compiler warnings.
* former resource "pdf document" is now called "pdf object"
Sean Bright [Wed, 31 Jan 2001 22:04:30 +0000 (22:04 +0000)]
Added the mysql_get_*_info() functions.
# If anyone knows of a version of mysql lower then 3.20.32 that implements
# all 3 of these functions, please change the conditionals.
@- Added mysql_get_client_info(), mysql_get_server_info(),
@ mysql_get_proto_info(), and mysql_get_host_info() functions. (Sean)
mnoGoSearch extension module initial version has been added.
This module currently at the alpha state, but it can be used already.
@- mnoGoSearch extension module initial version has been added.
@ This module currently at the alpha state, but it can be used already.
# For details about mnoGoSearch please refer at
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Stig Bakken [Tue, 30 Jan 2001 00:55:27 +0000 (00:55 +0000)]
@Added raiseError and setErrorHandling methods to PEAR class (Stig, PEAR)
# This allows all objects to have their own default error handling
# or use a global default.
Chuck Hagenbuch [Fri, 26 Jan 2001 20:07:22 +0000 (20:07 +0000)]
have DB::isError return true if passed "null". Now you can more consistently
use DB::isError(), since some of the db drivers return nulls from various
functions (like fetchRow()), and others don't... We should probably make all
of them just return errors. I did this for the mysql driver, as a start.
Uwe Steinmann [Fri, 26 Jan 2001 08:20:24 +0000 (08:20 +0000)]
- This is major change of the php pdf api to be closer to the pdflib api
done by Rainer Schaaf from pdflib GmbH.
- Some more functions has been implemented as well.
- backwards compatibility has been maintained a much as possible
Derick Rethans [Wed, 24 Jan 2001 09:24:26 +0000 (09:24 +0000)]
- Commited a patch that adds support for converting Images to WBMP format.
(Thanx to Denis Gasparin <>)
@- Added support for converting images from JPG/PNG on the fly with the GD
@ extension, which is usefull for creating dynamic WAP-sites (Derick)
Boian Bonev [Tue, 23 Jan 2001 21:46:04 +0000 (21:46 +0000)]
changed function names to be like vpopmail_add_user instead vpopmail_adduser
added vpopmail_error to report error string (vpopmail_errno global var)
put exec functions back in with _ex (vpopmail_add_domain_ex)
rewritten README to help users keep secure
fixed protos to state bool instead void return type
MySQL Team [Tue, 23 Jan 2001 16:48:50 +0000 (16:48 +0000)]
Upgrade ext/mysql/libmysql to version 3.23.32. One notable bug fix is
that the client can now connect to a server which is using a default
charset other than latin1.