Tom Lane [Thu, 12 Mar 2009 00:53:25 +0000 (00:53 +0000)]
Fix core dump due to null-pointer dereference in to_char() when datetime
format codes are misapplied to a numeric argument. (The code still produces
a pretty bogus error message in such cases, but I'll settle for stopping the
crash for now.) Per bug #4700 from Sergey Burladyan.
Problem exists in all supported branches, so patch all the way back.
In HEAD, also clean up some ugly coding in the nearby cache management
Tom Lane [Wed, 11 Mar 2009 23:19:25 +0000 (23:19 +0000)]
Code review for dtrace probes added (so far) to 8.4. Adjust placement of
some bufmgr probes, take out redundant and memory-leak-inducing path arguments
to smgr__md__read__done and smgr__md__write__done, fix bogus attempt to
recalculate space used in sort__done, clean up formatting in places where
I'm not sure pgindent will do a nice job by itself.
Teodor Sigaev [Wed, 11 Mar 2009 16:03:40 +0000 (16:03 +0000)]
Some languages have symbols with zero display's width or/and vowels/signs which
are not an alphabetic character although they are not word-breakers too.
So, treat them as part of word.
Per off-list discussion with Dibyendra Hyoju <> and
and Bal Krishna Bal <> about Nepali language and
Devanagari alphabet.
Andrew Dunstan [Wed, 11 Mar 2009 03:33:29 +0000 (03:33 +0000)]
Use thread-local storage for querybuffer in fmtId() on Windows, when needed (i.e. when
running pg_restore, which might run in parallel).
Only reopen archive file when we really need to read from it, in parallel code. Otherwise,
close it immediately in a worker, if possible.
Tom Lane [Wed, 11 Mar 2009 03:32:22 +0000 (03:32 +0000)]
Improve match_special_index_operator() to recognize that LIKE with an
exact-match pattern (no wildcard) can be index-optimized in some cases where a
prefix-match pattern cannot; specifically, since the required index clause is
simple equality, it works for regular text/varchar indexes even when the
locale is not C. I'm not sure how often this case really comes up, but since
it requires hardly any additional work to handle it, we might as well get it
right. Motivated by a discussion on the JDBC list.
Tom Lane [Tue, 10 Mar 2009 22:09:26 +0000 (22:09 +0000)]
Make SubPlan nodes carry the result's typmod as well as datatype OID. This is
for consistency with the (relatively) recent addition of typmod to SubLink.
An example of why it's a good idea is to be seen in the recent "failed to
locate grouping columns" bug, which wouldn't have happened if a SubPlan
exposed the same typmod info as the SubLink it was derived from.
This could be back-patched, since it doesn't affect any on-disk data format,
but for the moment it doesn't seem necessary to do so.
Tom Lane [Tue, 10 Mar 2009 20:58:26 +0000 (20:58 +0000)]
Fix set_subquery_pathlist() to copy the RTE's subquery before it gets mangled
by the planning process. This prevents the "failed to locate grouping columns"
error recently reported by Dickson Guedes. That happens because planning
replaces SubLinks by SubPlans in the subquery's targetlist, and exprTypmod()
is smarter about the former than the latter, causing the apparent type of
the subquery's output columns to change. This seems to be a deficiency we
should fix in exprTypmod(), but that will be a much more invasive patch
with possible side-effects elsewhere, so I'll do that only in HEAD.
Back-patch to 8.3. Arguably the lack of a copying step is broken/dangerous
all the way back, but in the absence of known problems I'll refrain from
making the older branches pay the extra cost. (The reason this particular
symptom didn't appear before is that exprTypmod() wasn't smart about SubLinks
either, until 8.3.)
Alvaro Herrera [Mon, 9 Mar 2009 00:01:32 +0000 (00:01 +0000)]
Revert pg_bind_textdomain_codeset to a existant-but-empty function when
ENABLE_NLS is not defined, for better compatibility of the backend with
modules compiled the other way.
Alvaro Herrera [Sun, 8 Mar 2009 16:07:12 +0000 (16:07 +0000)]
On Windows, call bind_textdomain_codeset on domains other than the default one,
too, so that the codeset is properly mapped on the newly added PL domains.
Alvaro Herrera [Sat, 7 Mar 2009 00:13:58 +0000 (00:13 +0000)]
Separate the key word list that lived in keywords.c into a new header file
kwlist.h, to avoid having to link the backend object file into other programs
like pg_dump. We can now simply symlink a single source file from the backend
(kwlookup.c, containing the shared routine ScanKeywordLookup) and compile it
locally, which is a lot cleaner.
Tom Lane [Thu, 5 Mar 2009 23:06:45 +0000 (23:06 +0000)]
Teach the planner to support index access methods that only implement
amgettuple or only implement amgetbitmap, instead of the former assumption
that every AM supports both APIs. Extracted with minor editorialization
from Teodor's fast-GIN-insert patch; whatever becomes of that, this seems
like a simple and reasonable generalization of the index AM interface spec.
Tom Lane [Thu, 5 Mar 2009 17:30:29 +0000 (17:30 +0000)]
Fix column privilege checking for cases where parent and child have different
attribute numbering. Also, a parent whole-row reference should not require
select privilege on child columns that aren't inherited from the parent.
Problem diagnosed by KaiGai Kohei, though this isn't exactly his patch.
Add MUST (Mauritius Island Summer Time) to the list of known abbreviations.
Mauritius began using DST in the summer 2008-2009; the Olson library has been
updated already.
Clarify to the translator that yyerror() deals with the translation of
"syntax error", not the literal string. I was previously confused on this
matter, but I have now verified that everything is translated properly.
Provide some proper minimal documentation for the pg_dump(all) --binary-upgrade
option. We don't want to commit to what it does, but hiding it will only
cause confusion.
Add some sanity checks to CREATE CAST ... WITHOUT FUNCTION. Disallow
composite, enum and array types, as those are surely not binary-compatible
with anything else because of the embedded OIDs.
Add new SQL:2008 error codes for invalid LIMIT and OFFSET values. Remove
unused nonstandard error code that was perhaps intended for this but never
Don't actively violate the system limit of maximum open files (RLIMIT_NOFILE).
This avoids irritating kernel logs (if system overstep violations are enabled)
and also the grsecurity alert when starting PostgreSQL.
Fix copy-pasto in the patch to allow background writer to run during
recovery: if background writer or pgstat process dies during recovery (or
any other child process, but those two are the only ones running), send
SIGQUIT to the startup process using correct pid.
Remove the placeholder LWLockId in place of the removed FreeSpaceLock.
As pointed out by ITAGAKI Takahiro, we split SInvalLock into two in 8.4,
so to keep the numbers of the rest of the locks unchanged from 8.3, we
don't need a placeholder.
Tom Lane [Mon, 2 Mar 2009 21:18:43 +0000 (21:18 +0000)]
When we are in error recursion trouble, arrange to suppress translation and
encoding conversion of any elog/ereport message being sent to the frontend.
This generalizes a patch that I put in last October, which suppressed
translation of only specific messages known to be associated with recursive
can't-translate-the-message behavior. As shown in bug #4680, we need a more
general answer in order to have some hope of coping with broken encoding
conversion setups. This approach seems a good deal less klugy anyway.
Teodor Sigaev [Mon, 2 Mar 2009 15:10:09 +0000 (15:10 +0000)]
Fix usage of char2wchar/wchar2char. Changes:
- pg_wchar and wchar_t could have different size, so char2wchar
doesn't call pg_mb2wchar_with_len to prevent out-of-bound
memory bug
- make char2wchar/wchar2char symmetric, now they should not be
called with C-locale because mbstowcs/wcstombs oftenly doesn't
work correct with C-locale.
- Text parser uses pg_mb2wchar_with_len directly in case of
C-locale and multibyte encoding
Per bug report by Hiroshi Inoue <> and
following discussion.
Backpatch up to 8.2 when multybyte support was implemented in tsearch.
Tom Lane [Sat, 28 Feb 2009 18:49:42 +0000 (18:49 +0000)]
Fix buffer allocations in encoding conversion routines so that they won't
fail on zero-length inputs. This isn't an issue in normal use because the
conversion infrastructure skips calling the converters for empty strings.
However a problem was created by yesterday's patch to check whether the
right conversion function is supplied in CREATE CONVERSION. The most
future-proof fix seems to be to make the converters safe for this corner case.
Tom Lane [Sat, 28 Feb 2009 03:51:05 +0000 (03:51 +0000)]
Shave a few cycles in compare_pathkeys() by checking for pointer-identical
input lists before we grovel through the lists. This doesn't save much,
but testing shows that the case of both inputs NIL is common enough that
it saves something. And this is used enough to be a hotspot.
Tom Lane [Sat, 28 Feb 2009 00:10:52 +0000 (00:10 +0000)]
Reduce the maximum value of vacuum_cost_delay and autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay
to 100ms (from 1000). This still seems to be comfortably larger than the
useful range of the parameter, and it should help discourage people from
picking uselessly large values. Tweak the documentation to recommend small
values, too. Per discussion of a couple weeks ago.
Tom Lane [Fri, 27 Feb 2009 23:30:29 +0000 (23:30 +0000)]
Temporarily (I hope) disable flattening of IN/EXISTS sublinks that are within
the ON clause of an outer join. Doing so is semantically correct but results
in de-optimizing queries that were structured to take advantage of the sublink
style of execution, as seen in recent complaint from Kevin Grittner. Since
the user can get the other behavior by reorganizing his query, having the
flattening happen automatically is just a convenience, and that doesn't
justify breaking existing applications. Eventually it would be nice to
re-enable this, but that seems to require a significantly different approach
to outer joins in the executor.
Tom Lane [Fri, 27 Feb 2009 22:41:38 +0000 (22:41 +0000)]
Tighten up join ordering rules to account for recent more-careful analysis
of the associativity of antijoins. Also improve optimizer/README discussion
of outer join ordering rules.
In CREATE CONVERSION, test that the given function is a valid conversion
function for the specified source and destination encodings. We do that by
calling the function with an empty string. If it can't perform the requested
conversion, it will throw an error.
Backport to 7.4 - 8.3. Per bug report #4680 by Denis Afonin.
Peter Eisentraut [Fri, 27 Feb 2009 09:58:09 +0000 (09:58 +0000)]
Add the long options to the psql --help display, where they were curiously
Since this touches most lines of the help output, also change the mix of
puts and printf calls to printf everywhere, for easier code editing and
Tom Lane [Fri, 27 Feb 2009 00:06:27 +0000 (00:06 +0000)]
Improve create_unique_path to not be fooled by unrelated clauses that happen
to be syntactically part of a semijoin clause. For example given
WHERE EXISTS(SELECT ... WHERE upper.var = lower.var AND some-condition)
where some-condition is just a restriction on the lower relation, we can
use unique-ification on lower.var after having applied some-condition within
the scan on lower.
Tom Lane [Thu, 26 Feb 2009 22:19:20 +0000 (22:19 +0000)]
Remove outdated join_1.out regression test comparison file. This has
been broken for more than a month, so evidently it's not needed, at
least not for any configuration in the buildfarm. We can correct it
and replace it later if we find something that still needs it.
Tom Lane [Wed, 25 Feb 2009 18:00:01 +0000 (18:00 +0000)]
Fix an old problem in decompilation of CASE constructs: the ruleutils.c code
looks for a CaseTestExpr to figure out what the parser did, but it failed to
consider the possibility that an implicit coercion might be inserted above
the CaseTestExpr. This could result in an Assert failure in some cases
(but correct results if Asserts weren't enabled), or an "unexpected CASE WHEN
clause" error in other cases. Per report from Alan Li.
Back-patch to 8.1; problem doesn't exist before that because CASE was
implemented differently.
Tom Lane [Wed, 25 Feb 2009 03:30:38 +0000 (03:30 +0000)]
Get rid of the rather fuzzily defined FlattenedSubLink node type in favor of
making pull_up_sublinks() construct a full-blown JoinExpr tree representation
of IN/EXISTS SubLinks that it is able to convert to semi or anti joins.
This makes pull_up_sublinks() a shade more complex, but the gain in semantic
clarity is worth it. I still have more to do in this area to address the
previously-discussed problems, but this commit in itself fixes at least one
bug in HEAD, as shown by added regression test case.
Peter Eisentraut [Tue, 24 Feb 2009 10:06:36 +0000 (10:06 +0000)]
Add the possibility to specify an explicit validator function for foreign-data
wrappers (similar to procedural languages). This way we don't need to retain
the nearly empty libraries, and we are more free in how to implement the
wrapper API in the future.
Tom Lane [Tue, 24 Feb 2009 01:38:10 +0000 (01:38 +0000)]
Repair a longstanding bug in CLUSTER and the rewriting variants of ALTER
TABLE: if the command is executed by someone other than the table owner (eg,
a superuser) and the table has a toast table, the toast table's pg_type row
ends up with the wrong typowner, ie, the command issuer not the table owner.
This is quite harmless for most purposes, since no interesting permissions
checks consult the pg_type row. However, it could lead to unexpected failures
if one later tries to drop the role that issued the command (in 8.1 or 8.2),
or strange warnings from pg_dump afterwards (in 8.3 and up, which will allow
the DROP ROLE because we don't create a "redundant" owner dependency for table
rowtypes). Problem identified by Cott Lang.
Back-patch to 8.1. The problem is actually far older --- the CLUSTER variant
can be demonstrated in 7.0 --- but it's mostly cosmetic before 8.1 because we
didn't track ownership dependencies before 8.1. Also, fixing it before 8.1
would require changing the call signature of heap_create_with_catalog(), which
seems to carry a nontrivial risk of breaking add-on modules.
Change the signaling of end-of-recovery. Startup process now indicates end
of recovery by exiting with exit code 0, like in previous releases. Per
Tom's suggestion.
Tom Lane [Fri, 20 Feb 2009 00:01:03 +0000 (00:01 +0000)]
Simplify overcomplicated (and overly restrictive) test to see whether an
IS NULL condition is rendered redundant by detection of an antijoin.
If we know that a join is an antijoin, then *any* Var coming out of its
righthand side must be NULL, not only the joining column(s). Also,
it's still gonna be null after being passed up through higher joins,
whether they're outer joins or not. I was misled by a faulty analogy
to reduce_outer_joins() in the original coding. But consider
select * from a left join b on a.x = b.y where b.y is null and b.z is null;
The first IS NULL condition justifies deciding that the join is an antijoin
(if the = is strict) and then the second one is just plain redundant.
Peter Eisentraut [Thu, 19 Feb 2009 10:07:58 +0000 (10:07 +0000)]
Remove croak and Perl_croak from gettext triggers. While we could
selectively mark up their arguments for translation, the Perl xsubpp tool
generates a bunch of additional Perl_croak calls that we cannot control,
so we'd be creating a confusing mix of translated and untranslated messages
of a similar kind. This is something that might deserve a more
comprehensive solution later.
Also remove _ from gettext triggers, because it wasn't used.
Use SPI.c instead of SPI.xs as source file for xgettext, because the .xs
format isn't really supported in xgettext.
Increase NUM_AUXILIARY_PROCS, now that the startup process can co-exist
with other auxiliary processes for a short period. As witnessed by
buildfarm member dungbeetle.
Tom Lane [Wed, 18 Feb 2009 19:23:26 +0000 (19:23 +0000)]
Remove the special cases to prevent minus-zero results in float4 and float8
unary minus operators. We weren't attempting to prevent minus zero anywhere
else; in view of our gradual trend to make the float datatypes more IEEE
standard compliant, we should allow minus zero here rather than disallow it
We don't, however, expect that all platforms will produce minus zero, so
we need to adjust the one affected regression test to allow both results.
Per discussion of bug #4660.
(In passing, clean up a couple other minor infelicities in float.c.)
Start background writer during archive recovery. Background writer now performs
its usual buffer cleaning duties during archive recovery, and it's responsible
for performing restartpoints.
This requires some changes in postmaster. When the startup process has done
all the initialization and is ready to start WAL redo, it signals the
postmaster to launch the background writer. The postmaster is signaled again
when the point in recovery is reached where we know that the database is in
consistent state. Postmaster isn't interested in that at the moment, but
that's the point where we could let other backends in to perform read-only
queries. The postmaster is signaled third time when the recovery has ended,
so that postmaster knows that it's safe to start accepting connections.
The startup process now traps SIGTERM, and performs a "clean" shutdown. If
you do a fast shutdown during recovery, a shutdown restartpoint is performed,
like a shutdown checkpoint, and postmaster kills the processes cleanly. You
still have to continue the recovery at next startup, though.
Currently, the background writer is only launched during archive recovery.
We could launch it during crash recovery as well, but it seems better to keep
that codepath as simple as possible, for the sake of robustness. And it
couldn't do any restartpoints during crash recovery anyway, so it wouldn't be
that useful.
log_restartpoints is gone. Use log_checkpoints instead. This is yet to be
This whole operation is a pre-requisite for Hot Standby, but has some value of
its own whether the hot standby patch makes 8.4 or not.
Tom Lane [Sun, 15 Feb 2009 20:16:21 +0000 (20:16 +0000)]
Teach the planner to treat a partial unique index as proving a variable is
unique for a particular query, if the index predicate is satisfied. This
requires a bit of reordering of operations so that we check the predicates
before doing any selectivity estimates, but shouldn't really cause any
noticeable slowdown. Per a comment from Michal Politowski.
Tom Lane [Sat, 14 Feb 2009 20:48:36 +0000 (20:48 +0000)]
A couple of marginal performance hacks for the information_schema views:
replace the old recursive-SQL-function implementation of _pg_keysequal()
with use of the built-in array containment operators, and change
table_constraints' UNION to UNION ALL. Per discussion with Octavio Alvarez.
initdb not forced since this doesn't affect results, but you'd need to
initdb or reload the information_schema to see the new definitions.
Tom Lane [Fri, 13 Feb 2009 17:12:04 +0000 (17:12 +0000)]
Fix UNLISTEN to fall out quickly if the current backend has never executed
any LISTEN command. This is more important than it used to be because
DISCARD ALL invokes UNLISTEN. Connection-pooled applications making heavy
use of DISCARD ALL were seeing significant contention for pg_listener,
as reported by Matteo Beccati. It seems unlikely that clients using LISTEN
would use pooled connections, so this simple tweak seems sufficient,
especially since the pg_listener implementation is slated to go away soon
Back-patch to 8.3, where DISCARD ALL was introduced.
Peter Eisentraut [Thu, 12 Feb 2009 15:11:44 +0000 (15:11 +0000)]
The Czech (cs_CZ) and Slovak (sk_SK) locales sort numbers after letters,
instead of vice versa. Update the regression test expectations to support
that. In the plpgsql test, adjust the test data so that this isn't an
issue. In the char and varchar tests, add new expected files.