Try to really fix the slow buildbots this time.
Printing to stdout, doesn't mean the data was actually written.
It depends on the buffering, so we need to flush. This will hopefully
really fix the buildbots getting killed due to no output on the slow bots.
Thomas Wouters [Thu, 27 Apr 2006 23:41:27 +0000 (23:41 +0000)]
Add more ignores of ImportWarnings; these are all just potential triggers
(since they won't trigger if zlib is already sucessfully imported); they
were found by grepping .py files, instead of looking at warning output :)
Thomas Wouters [Thu, 27 Apr 2006 23:13:20 +0000 (23:13 +0000)]
- Add new Warning class, ImportWarning
- Warn-raise ImportWarning when importing would have picked up a directory
as package, if only it'd had an This swaps two tests (for
case-ness and __init__-ness), but case-test is not really more expensive,
and it's not in a speed-critical section.
- Test for the new warning by importing a common non-package directory on
sys.path: site-packages
- In, silence warnings generated by the build-environment
because Modules/ (which is added to sys.path for Setup-created modules)
has 'zlib' and '_ctypes' directories without's.
Thomas Wouters [Thu, 27 Apr 2006 22:38:32 +0000 (22:38 +0000)]
Do the small-memory run of big-meormy tests using a prime number, rather
than a convenient power-of-2-and-multiple-of-5, so incorrect testing
algorithms fail more easily.
Thomas Wouters [Thu, 27 Apr 2006 22:37:50 +0000 (22:37 +0000)]
Some style fixes and size-calculation fixes. Also do the small-memory run
using a prime number, rather than a convenient power-of-2-and-multiple-of-5,
so incorrect testing algorithms fail more easily.
This may be a useful style question for the docs -- should examples show
the necessary imports, or should it be assumed that the reader will
figure it out? In the What's New, I'm not consistent but usually opt
for omitting the imports.
Thomas Wouters [Wed, 26 Apr 2006 15:53:30 +0000 (15:53 +0000)]
The result of SF patch #1471578: big-memory tests for strings, lists and
tuples. Lots to be added, still, but this will give big-memory people
something to play with in 2.5 alpha 2, and hopefully get more people to
write these tests.
After the patch (45590) to add extra debug stats to the gc module, Python
was crashing on OpenBSD due to:
Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)
This seems to occur due to calling collect() when initialized (in pythonrun.c)
is set to 0. Now, the import will occur in the init function which
shouldn't suffer this problem.
Tim Peters [Wed, 26 Apr 2006 01:15:53 +0000 (01:15 +0000)]
Rev 45706 renamed stuff in, but didn't rename
uses of it in As a result, test_with has been skipped
(due to failing imports) on all buildbot boxes since. Alas, that's
not a test failure -- you have to pay attention to the
1 skip unexpected on PLATFORM:
kinds of output at the ends of test runs to notice that this got
It's likely that more renaming in would be desirable.
Implement MvL's improvement on __context__ in Condition;
this can just call __context__ on the underlying lock.
(The same change for Semaphore does *not* work!)
Thomas Wouters [Tue, 25 Apr 2006 15:29:46 +0000 (15:29 +0000)]
Define MAXPATHLEN to be at least PATH_MAX, if that's defined. Python uses
MAXPATHLEN-sized buffers for various output-buffers (like to realpath()),
and that's correct on BSD platforms, but not Linux (which uses PATH_MAX, and
does not define MAXPATHLEN.) Cursory googling suggests Linux is following a
newer standard than BSD, but in cases like this, who knows. Using the
greater of PATH_MAX and 1024 as a fallback for MAXPATHLEN seems to be the
most portable solution.
Thomas Wouters [Tue, 25 Apr 2006 15:08:10 +0000 (15:08 +0000)]
Fix SF bug #1476111: SystemError in socket sendto. The AF_INET6 and
AF_PACKET cases in getsockaddrarg were missing their own checks for
tuple-ness of the address argument, which means a confusing SystemError was
raised by PyArg_ParseTuple instead.
Thomas Wouters [Tue, 25 Apr 2006 13:53:23 +0000 (13:53 +0000)]
SF bug/patch #1433877: string parameter to ioctl not null terminated
The new char-array used in ioctl calls wasn't explicitly NUL-terminated;
quite probably the cause for the test_pty failures on Solaris that we
circumvented earlier. (I wasn't able to reproduce it with this patch, but it
has been somewhat elusive to start with.)
Nick Coghlan [Tue, 25 Apr 2006 10:56:51 +0000 (10:56 +0000)]
Move the PEP 343 documentation and implementation closer to the
terminology in the alpha 1 documentation.
- "context manager" reverts to its alpha 1 definition
- the term "context specifier" goes away entirely
- contextlib.GeneratorContextManager is renamed GeneratorContext
There are still a number of changes relative to alpha 1:
- the expression in the with statement is explicitly called the
"context expression" in the language reference
- the terms 'with statement context', 'context object' or 'with
statement context' are used in several places instead of a bare
'context'. The aim of this is to avoid ambiguity in relation to the
runtime context set up when the block is executed, and the context
objects that already exist in various application domains (such as
- contextlib.contextmanager is renamed to contextfactory
This best reflects the nature of the function resulting from the
use of that decorator
- decimal.ContextManager is renamed to WithStatementContext
Simple dropping the 'Manager' part wasn't possible due to the
fact that decimal.Context already exists and means something
different. WithStatementContext is ugly but workable.
A technically unrelated change snuck into this commit:
contextlib.closing now avoids the overhead of creating a
generator, since it's trivial to implement that particular
context manager directly.
Put break at correct level so *all* root HKEYs acutally get checked for
an installed VC6. Otherwise only the first such tree gets checked and this
warning doesn't get displayed.
This patch checks if poll is broken when the select module is loaded instead
of doing so at configure-time. This functionality is only active on Mac OS X.
This patch causes several symbols in the socket and posix module to be weakly
linked on OSX and disables usage of ftime on OSX. These changes make it possible
to use a binary build on OSX 10.4 on a 10.3 system.
Add Gregory K. Johnson's revised version of (funded by
the 2005 Summer of Code).
The revision adds a number of new mailbox classes that support adding
and removing messages; these classes also support mailbox locking and
default to using email.Message instead of rfc822.Message.
The old mailbox classes are largely left alone for backward compatibility.
The exception is the Maildir class, which was present in the old module
and now inherits from the new classes. The Maildir class's interface
is pretty simple, though, so I think it'll be compatible with existing
(The change to the NEWS file also adds a missing word to a different
news item, which unfortunately required rewrapping the line.)
Make copy of We'll still want to check the backward
compatibility classes in the new that I'll be committing in
a few minutes.
One change has been made: the tests use len(mbox) instead of len(mbox.boxes).
The 'boxes' attribute was never documented and contains some internal state
that seems unlikely to have been useful.
Python 2.4 changed ntpath.abspath to do an import
inside the function. As a result, due to Python's
import lock, anything calling abspath on Windows
(directly, or indirectly like tempfile.TemporaryFile)
hung when it was called from a thread spawned as a
side effect of importing a module.
This is a depressingly frequent problem, and
deserves a more general fix. I'm settling for
a micro-fix here because this specific one accounts
for a report of Zope Corp's ZEO hanging on Windows,
and it was an odd way to change abspath to begin
with (ntpath needs a different implementation
depending on whether we're actually running on
Windows, and the _obvious_ way to arrange for that
is not to bury a possibly-failing import _inside_
the function).
Note that if/when other micro-fixes of this kind
get made, the new Lib/test/
is a convenient place to add tests for them.
Thomas Heller [Fri, 21 Apr 2006 18:29:17 +0000 (18:29 +0000)]
Documentation for ctypes.
I think that 'generic operating system services' is the best category.
Note that the Doc/lib/libctypes.latex file is generated from reST sources.
You are welcome to make typo fixes, and I'll try to keep the reST sources
in sync, but markup changes would be lost - they should be fixed in the tool
that creates the latex file.
The conversion script is external/ctypes/docs/manual/