Stig Bakken [Tue, 8 Oct 2002 01:04:52 +0000 (01:04 +0000)]
* make these variables configurable from environment on Windows:
Andi Gutmans [Mon, 7 Oct 2002 21:46:44 +0000 (21:46 +0000)]
- Require $this-> when calling a methods. This whole automatic lookup
- first in the class and then in the global scope is confusing, slow and
- not quite BC compatible.
Lots of clean-up for upcoming mbstring merging event.
Added mb_regex_set_options().
The Options parameters of various mbregex functions are now deprecated.
@- Added mb_regex_set_options(). The Options parameters of
@ various mbregex functions are now deprecated. (Moriyoshi).
Rasmus Lerdorf [Mon, 7 Oct 2002 16:46:38 +0000 (16:46 +0000)]
readdir() was returning NULL instead of FALSE when used on an invalid
directory handle. If someone forgot to check (as someone here did) that
the opendir() succeeded, and then followed the documented usage by checking
readdir()!==FALSE things would go awry. The ZEND_FETCH_RESOURCE macro
explicitly does a RETURN_NULL on failure which is not what we want in this
case, so work around it. No need to change it for the OO case since the
object is not created if the opendir fails.
Sascha Schumann [Mon, 7 Oct 2002 03:12:06 +0000 (03:12 +0000)]
stdio buffers data in user land. By calling fflush(3), this
data is sent to the kernel using write(2). fsync'ing a
file descriptor is not required -- writing to a fd has the same
affect as calling fflush after each fwrite.
Melvyn Sopacua [Mon, 7 Oct 2002 00:05:20 +0000 (00:05 +0000)]
Add --EXPECTF-- section: 'sprintf' for EXPECT sections. See for usage
example ext/xslt/tests/009.phpt.
# To aid debugging, a little commented section is left in, this can be
# stripped in due time, or properly integrated with some --debugging flag.
# But it's quite useful, when you make such tests.
Rasmus Lerdorf [Sun, 6 Oct 2002 08:39:05 +0000 (08:39 +0000)]
WS fix - although the entire libgd directory is horrendously formatted.
However, since we are forking existing code, fixing it would make it much
harder to merge any Boutell patches (if they ever come out with any).
Rasmus Lerdorf [Sun, 6 Oct 2002 07:19:07 +0000 (07:19 +0000)]
Ok, perhaps it's too late at night, but I see absolutely no reason for
this chunk of code here. Why is it writing a file to disk
in the middle of this function? Looks like leftover debug code, and this
particular code seems to be crashing on OSX as per bug #19704.
Rasmus Lerdorf [Sun, 6 Oct 2002 06:03:17 +0000 (06:03 +0000)]
As discussed a while ago, decoding GIF images is not considered a Unisys
LZW patent violation so we can distribute read-only GIF support with
our bundled GD2. The patent also expires in 2003, which is quickly
approaching, so we can roll in write support soon unless things change.
Melvyn Sopacua [Sat, 5 Oct 2002 19:44:26 +0000 (19:44 +0000)]
(xslt tests) Add test for new backend API (005.phpt), new function
(006.phpt) and a crash test (007.phpt)
006.phpt also tests handling of public entities, which is in
essence new to the extension, since there was no way to turn
it on.
# These new functions and backend will be added shortly.
# TODO: test for xslt_set_object