Bruce Momjian [Sat, 13 Jun 1998 04:27:18 +0000 (04:27 +0000)]
> I needed to do that for the web database that I'm setting up. We
have > 20000 users and each (potentially) needs a separate database
which is > only accessible to them. Rather than having 20000 lines
in pg_hba.conf, > I've patched Postgres so that the special token
"sameuser" in the > database field of pg_hba.conf allows access
only to the username which > is connecting.
Bruce Momjian [Tue, 9 Jun 1998 04:06:12 +0000 (04:06 +0000)]
Attached is a patch that fixes these leaks, and does a couple other
things as well:
* Computes and saves a cancel key for each backend. * fflush
before forking, to eliminate double-buffering problems
between postmaster and backends.
+ Wed Jun 3 13:38:57 CEST 1998
+ - Made sqlca struct compatible with other systems.
+ - Give back a warning in case of truncation
+ - Changed the handling of OptimizableStmt since the old one broke
+ - Set library version to 2.3
+ - Set version to 2.3.3
Rewrite JROUND macro to multiply by 1e6 rather than divide by 1e-6
and vica versa for the next operation.
This is reputed to fix inline math optimization troubles in glibc-2.0.x.
Regression tests still pass on libc/i686 machine. Patch suggested by Matt.
Add NAMEOID as built-in type.
Change ordering of IS_BUILTIN_TYPE() macro to optimize lookup.
Make CASH type _not_ equivalent to INT4.
CASH is passed by reference rather than passed by value.
Do type conversion to match columns in UNION clauses.
Currently force the type to match the _first_ select in the union.
Move oper_select_candidate() from parse_func.c to parse_oper.c.
Throw error inside of oper_inexact() if no match for binary operators.
Check more carefully that types can be coerced
even if there is only one candidate operator in oper_inexact().
Fix up error messages for more uniform look.
Remove unused code.
Fix up comments.
Require #define variable ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATHS if absolute paths are
allowed to be used for alternate database locations.
Probably best to default to not allowed, as now, since there are security
and integrity issues which should be considered carefully before
opening things up.
Will update docs to discuss this issue.
Add test for UNION.
Add additional tests in strings for conversions of the "name" data type.
Test SQL92 string functions such as SUBSTRING() and POSITION().
Add test for UNION.
Add additional tests in strings for conversions of the "name" data type.
Test SQL92 string functions such as SUBSTRING() and POSITION().
Fix geometry tests to reflect code fixed by Gautam.
Update error messages.
Marc G. Fournier [Tue, 26 May 1998 13:43:55 +0000 (13:43 +0000)]
From: Michael Meskes <>
+Wed May 20 10:46:48 CEST 1998
+ - Fixed handling of preprocessor directives and variable
+ initialization.
+ - Added enum datatype.
- Set version to 2.3.2
Marc G. Fournier [Sun, 24 May 1998 03:52:39 +0000 (03:52 +0000)]
From: Brook Milligan <brook@trillium.NMSU.Edu>
Everything (except of course random) passes on my netbsd box except int2,
int4, oidint2, and oidint4; all fail because of error message differences.
Below are some patches to the expectations to correct the problem by creating
*-NetBSD.out files.
Marc G. Fournier [Mon, 18 May 1998 16:05:05 +0000 (16:05 +0000)]
From: Michael Meskes <>
+ Wed May 6 16:09:45 CEST 1998
+ - Some more cleanups in the library.
+ Thu May 7 12:34:28 CEST 1998
+ - Made CONNECT and DISCONNECT statement more SQL3 compliant.
+ - Changed the API for the ECPGconnect function to be able to handle
+ hostnames and ports
+ Fri May 8 13:54:45 CEST 1998
+ - More changes to the parser. The connect statement now allows
+ ORACLE style logins.
+ - db-name is accepted in two ways:
+ - <dbname>[@<server>][:<port>]
+ - esql:postgresql://<server>[:<port>][/<dbname>]
+ Mon May 11 10:28:37 CEST 1998
+ - Added '? options' to connect call.
+ - Also allow USING as keyword for the password
+ Thu May 14 15:09:58 CEST 1998
+ - Changed preproc.y and pgc.l according to the parser changes in the
+ backend.
+ Fri May 15 09:55:21 CEST 1998
+ - Added connection_name handling
+ Mon May 18 10:33:58 CEST 1998
+ - Fixed some more bugs
+ - Set version to 2.3.1
+ - Set library version to 2.2
Bruce Momjian [Tue, 12 May 1998 23:05:12 +0000 (23:05 +0000)]
The attached patch corrects two problems with autoconfiguration of
psql in Postgres 6.3.2. Both of these problems were complained of
recently in pgsql-questions:
1. In the right circumstances, psql.c will fail to compile due to
to include a nonexistent <history.h>. (Thread "Compile-time
error" around 17 Apr 98.) 2. In other circumstances, psql will
compile but does not provide
command history capability, even though the underlying readline
library supports it. (Various threads, most recently "query
repetition in psql" around 29 Apr.)
Bruce Momjian [Tue, 12 May 1998 21:44:08 +0000 (21:44 +0000)]
Cleanups for large objects, so file is trucated on open, fix for
solaris/spare shared libararies, new error message for postmaster
startup, and makefile cleanups.
Check for and properly ignore FOREIGN KEY column constraints
(already had fixed same for table constraints).
Define USER as synonym for CURRENT_USER per SQL92 specs
(no longer allowed as bare column name, sorry).
Re-enable HAVING clause but no fixes elsewhere yet.
Other stuff from today's update of gram.y...
Check for and properly ignore FOREIGN KEY column constraints
(already had fixed same for table constraints).
Define USER as synonym for CURRENT_USER per SQL92 specs
(no longer allowed as bare column name, sorry).
Re-enable HAVING clause but no fixes elsewhere yet.
Make "char" type a synonum for "char(1)" (actually implemented as bpchar).
Compress/compact row-style subselect and operator definitions
(cut out ~140 lines of code with no change in functionality).
Save string type if specified for DEFAULT clause handling.
Enough for now...