Pasi Kallinen [Tue, 5 Jan 2016 08:00:27 +0000 (10:00 +0200)]
Fix bz270, H4166: Finding a secret corridor shows it unlit with lit_corridor
Also #terrain command with dark_room on showed lit room floor on places with
objects or traps. We don't want to show dark room symbol anyway, because
the dark room symbols are only for line-of-sight, and #terrain should
override that...
PatR [Tue, 5 Jan 2016 00:51:24 +0000 (16:51 -0800)]
build fix for ck_server_admin_msg()
ck_server_admin_msg() is only available for '#if (UNIX && MAIL)' but
moveloop() tried to call it unconditionally. Call if from the UNIX
edition of ckmailstatus() instead.
Pasi Kallinen [Mon, 4 Jan 2016 21:04:56 +0000 (23:04 +0200)]
Add server admin messaging functionality
It's occasionally important for public servers to notify
all the players. Sending a mail is not reliable, as not everyone
wants to break conduct, or have mail on.
This adds a compile-time defined filename, which NetHack
will monitor. The contents of the file are in the same
format as SIMPLE_MAIL: "sender:message" on one line.
PatR [Mon, 4 Jan 2016 00:22:22 +0000 (16:22 -0800)]
fix reformatting typo in monmove.c
Fix the vault guard error in dochug() discovered by Alex K. The
behavior of a vault guard ignoring Conflict when confronting the
hero in the vault and escorting him through the temporary corridor
isn't affected. 3.4.3 already behaved that way. (I didn't track
the cause of that down so don't know whether it's intentional.)
PatR [Sun, 3 Jan 2016 08:36:31 +0000 (00:36 -0800)]
fix #H4153 - killed by kicking something weird
Steps to make sure 'kickedobj' didn't end up as a stale pointer
prevented it from being around to format the reason for death when
a kicking attempt was fatal.
Pasi Kallinen [Sat, 2 Jan 2016 11:40:47 +0000 (13:40 +0200)]
Move and reorder ap exc, menucolor and msgtype entries in options
Move autopickup exception, menucolor, and message type entries
in the options menu under "Other settings" -header, and reorders
them into alphabetical order.
nhmall [Sat, 2 Jan 2016 01:33:14 +0000 (20:33 -0500)]
SYSCF_FILE corrections for windows
Changes to be committed:
modified: src/files.c
modified: sys/share/pcmain.c
Related to #H4170, bz274
The current startup code seeks out the SYSCONFPREFIX using:
envp = nh_getenv("COMMONPROGRAMFILES");
which is fine and usually translates to something like
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\
NetHack then tacks on the NetHack subfolder to the path
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Common Files\\NetHack\\"
That should always be the definitive location.
However, in the event that there is no SYSCF_FILE actually
located at that system-wide spot (and ONLY in that event),
fall back to a secondary location of HACKDIR for locating
Also, there's some explicit tweaking added for the Microsoft
visual studio compiler debug execution to all a debug
session to correctly locate things. By default, on a
visual studio build, the executables are linked down in
subfolders of the build directory (Release, or Debug,
depending on visual studio build configuration options).
nhmall [Fri, 1 Jan 2016 16:17:57 +0000 (11:17 -0500)]
improve messaging on vampire bat to fog cloud transition in Vlad's
Bug 271 - #H4167: vampires being fog clouds show up as bats on telepathy
A bug reporter wrote:
> In top level of Vlad's, the vampires hiding as fog clouds in the closets show
> up on telepathy as B, when far-looked as vampire bat. once the door opens they
> are fog clouds.
> I currently have telepathy from the PYEC.
The vampire /was/ shapeshifted into a vampire bat, but once the secret door
was revealed, it shifted into a fog cloud in order to pass under the door.
If you were to blast the door with a wand of striking from a distance,
you would have encountered the vampire bat.
This clarifies the situation through better messaging.
Original debug call stack trace:
NetHack.exe!newcham(monst * mtmp, permonst * mdat, char polyspot, char msg) Line 3140
NetHack.exe!vamp_shift(monst * mon, permonst * ptr) Line 1598
NetHack.exe!m_move(monst * mtmp, int after) Line 1219
NetHack.exe!dochug(monst * mtmp) Line 566
NetHack.exe!dochugw(monst * mtmp) Line 100
NetHack.exe!movemon(...) Line 707
NetHack.exe!moveloop(char resuming) Line 105
NetHack.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 105
PatR [Thu, 31 Dec 2015 07:38:11 +0000 (23:38 -0800)]
fix bz265 - accessibility fix for reluctant pet
Requested by a blind player. The message "Fido moves only reluctantly"
didn't convey enough information to be useful. Describe the reason why
the move is reluctant: "Fido steps reluctantly over <some object>."
If there is a pile, it will describe the top item rather than whichever
cursed item the pet doesn't want to step on.
PatR [Wed, 30 Dec 2015 10:33:42 +0000 (02:33 -0800)]
fix #H4147 - "unlockable chest" desc is misleading
Change "unlockable" to "broken" so that it won't be misunderstood to
mean "capable of being unlocked". The accompanying suggestion to omit
"broken" unless/until a lock or unlock attempt is made is no good since
the main reason for describing the broken lock is to avoid unnecessary
attempts to lock or unlock a container that the hero knows to be broken
but the player may have forgotten.
I also changed remote look-at for objects to use distant_name(doname)
instead of distant_name(xname) so that qualifiers like "empty" and
"broken" will show up on chests you've investigated before but aren't
standing on now. Monster type for corpse also gets shown, instead of
just 'food (corpse)'. Other remote items will become more verbose,
but only those that the hero has already seen up close.
PatR [Tue, 29 Dec 2015 23:09:50 +0000 (15:09 -0800)]
fix 'doterrain menu bug'
From a report sent directly to devteam: the #terrain command had the
same bug as the '`' command (which was one of the very first ones
reported): impossible("add_menu called before start_menu"). Only X11
PatR [Tue, 29 Dec 2015 01:32:31 +0000 (17:32 -0800)]
fix 'blind sink behavior'
Reported directly to devteam: teleporting or polymorphing a sink when
dropping the relevant ring into it was suppressed if the hero couldn't
see it happen.
Being unable to see the sink transform or vanish shouldn't stop that
from happening. Since the hero is known to not be levitating (because
of the sink), it can be assumed that he can feel the transformation or
vanishment (is that a real word?), so use the same messages regardless
of blindness.
PatR [Mon, 28 Dec 2015 23:10:22 +0000 (15:10 -0800)]
occupation vs running
Noticed while testing a potential change to running while confused:
when confusion timed out, I kept running even though I was headed in
the wrong direction. Timeout calls stop_occupation() but running is
not an occupation.
Make stop_occupation() also stop counted activity under control of
the player (ie, multi > 0). Some places in the code use both
stop_occuation() and nomul(0), some just use one or the other. But
most of those probably intend for both.
PatR [Mon, 28 Dec 2015 01:43:58 +0000 (17:43 -0800)]
death-reason sanitizing
Prevent commas, equal signs, and tabs in reason for death. Comma
can make while-helpless reason ambiguous in record and basic logfile.
Equal sign can do the same for fixrecord.awk, the awk program that
can be used to fix up corrupted 3.6.0 record files, if it resorts to
constructing logfile records out of xlogfile records. And tab could
break parsing of xlogfile (it should already be excluded though; the
code that lets players assign names to monsters uses mungspaces(), and
one of the things that does is to convert any tab into a space before
squeezing consecutive spaces down to one).
The name alteration shows up for tombstone as well as for file entries.
That could be changed but hardly seems worth the effort. Perhaps the
name sanitizing ought to be moved to the initial naming? At least then
it would be pretty obvious that it was intentional rather by mistake.
nhmall [Sun, 27 Dec 2015 00:08:08 +0000 (19:08 -0500)]
one statue from single vampire via cockatrice corpse
Changes to be committed:
modified: doc/fixes36.1
modified: include/extern.h
modified: src/mon.c
Fixes H4148 (bz246) and H4150 (bz248)
I wielded a c-corpse against a shapeshifting vampire bat (checked with a
stethoscope, it said "shapeshifter".) The bat turned to stone and spawned a
vampire. I hit the vampire and it also turned to stone, so I had two statues
from one monster (vampire bat and vampire.) Not sure if this is a bug or a
Engulfed by a fog cloud that was actually a Vampire,
and got the message: "You break out of the vampire!"
PatR [Sat, 26 Dec 2015 07:36:44 +0000 (23:36 -0800)]
fix #H4144 - rejecting named monster's own name
Some monsters can't be named, but if the user tried to assign them a
name that matched what they were already called, the rejection message
could be silly. Reported case was "I'm Izchak, not Izchak!". The fix
is more general than just for shopkeepers, although their reject
message was silliest when complaining about the name already in use.
For the cited case, feedback will now be 'He is already called Izchak.'
PatR [Sat, 26 Dec 2015 06:25:56 +0000 (22:25 -0800)]
more attribute from-what
A change earlier today resulted in infravision being described by
enlightenment (wizard mode only) as "from current creature form" when
it was actually due to hero's non-human race. Now it'll be "innately".
PatR [Sat, 26 Dec 2015 05:54:01 +0000 (21:54 -0800)]
newline handling
In light of the recent 'bad options' feedback issue where \r messed
up message display, try to to make newline handling be more consistent.
I'm sure there are lots of places that still handle \n manually, but
it's a start.
PatR [Sat, 26 Dec 2015 00:46:02 +0000 (16:46 -0800)]
fix #H4146 - more enlightenment vs drain resistance
Duplicate of another recent report as far as drain resistance from
Excalibur/Stormbringer/Staff of Aesculapius not being shown by
enlightenment goes, but this one mentioned that it also wasn't being
shown for lycanthropy. Being inflicted by that does confers level-
drain resistance. were_change() wasn't calling set_uasmon() since
it isn't changing, but set_uasmon() is were intrinsics
conferred by creature form are set up. So call it when changing
were-form. Direct access to u.ulycn wasn't calling it either, so add
a new routine to assign the value to that instead doing so directly.
PatR [Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:33:56 +0000 (15:33 -0800)]
fix #4040:2 - message typo for pet mind flayer
Mentioned in a completely unrelated report (about energy drain for
vortex attack): the message given if a tame mind flayer is killed by
attempting to eat Medusa's brains had "then is passes" where "then it
passes" was intended.
PatR [Fri, 25 Dec 2015 23:00:28 +0000 (15:00 -0800)]
"fix" #H4040 - energy vortex power drain
Reporter thought the fact that two different DREN cases had different
chances to inflict energy drain was an inconsistency, but it was
intentional. Attack for DREN damage has 25% chance to drain energy,
and is never used since no monster has such an attack. Engulf for
DREN damage has 75% chance to drain energy; energy vortices have this,
and the higher chance to be drained while engulfed was intentional.
So add comments explicitly spelling out the 25% and 75% chances.
During beta testing there was a complaint that the energy drain was
much too severe: once hero's current energy drops to 0, excess drain
for current attack and future drains come out of max-energy instead.
That's survivable for caster-type characters with really high energy,
but drained low energy characters to 0 max energy very quickly.
I agreed with the complaint but didn't implement a fix until too late
for 3.6.0. I've since thrown that one out and done this one instead.
Change base drain amount from 4d6 to 2d6, and weaken it more to 1d6
when energy is low or strengthen it to 3d6 when energy is high. It
almost certainly will need further tuning.
PatR [Fri, 25 Dec 2015 22:24:18 +0000 (14:24 -0800)]
inappropriately sensing humans and elves
Discovered while testing the from-what enhancements to enlightenment.
Polymorphing into a vampire confers the ability to sense humans and
elves without having telepathy or being triggered by blindness. That
would be taken away if you polymorphed into something else, but was
being left in effect if polymorph just timed out and hero returned to
normal form.
Same thing occurred for sensing shriekers if you poly'd into a purple
worm and then reverted to normal (something much less likely to get
noticed and not really subject to abuse if it ever did).
Bonus fix: the code involved was using 0 to mean that Warn_of_mon
from polymorph wasn't in effect, but 0 is also giant ant. This makes
it use NON_PM for that instead.
PatR [Fri, 25 Dec 2015 22:15:00 +0000 (14:15 -0800)]
Enlightenment/attribute disclosure while in wizard mode shows reasons
for some of the intrinsics. This adds some more of those: innately
due to polymorph for lots of things, and innately due to role for
knight's jumping. (Drain_resistance from equipped item came with the
'resistance from Excalibur' patch.)
PatR [Fri, 25 Dec 2015 22:13:05 +0000 (14:13 -0800)]
fix #H4142 - resistance from Excalibur
Enlightenment and end of game disclosure didn't report level-drain
resistance if that was obtained via wielding Excalibur (or Stormbringer
or Staff of Aesculapius). Drain_resistance wasn't one of the attributes
set for intrinsics/extrinsics when wielding or unwielding weapon or
wearing/unwearing other equipment. loseexp() checks resists_drli()
which does check for items in use, so level drain would be aborted,
possibly after messages claimed that it was taming place. I didn't try
to untangle any of that, just changed set_artifact_intrinsic to include
a test for DRAIN_RES.
PatR [Fri, 25 Dec 2015 00:00:50 +0000 (16:00 -0800)]
fix "Patch for dos mode nethackrc file on linux"
Reported directly to devteam (12 Dec), user had a config file originally
from MSDOS or Windows and used it on a linux system. That works as-is
except when it contained an invalid option line. Feedback was
"ad option line: "whatever-the-line-was
because of the carriage return character staying in the option buffer
after linefeed was stripped off from CR+LF line end.
He included a patch which replaced this existing fixup after fgets()
if ((p = index(buf, '\n')) != 0) *p = '\0';
with a loop over the whole string changing either '\n' or '\r' to '\0'.
This uses
if ((p = index(buf, '\n')) != 0) {
if (p > buf && *(p - 1) == '\r') --p;
*p = '\0';
instead. Ordinarily I would have just cloned the original line and then
substituted \r for \n in the copy, but the report mentioned "I couldn't
get index to work with carriage return". I don't know what he tried to
do or why simple index(buf,'\r') might not work as intended on his
platform, so I went with something that will work even if index()
behaves as strangely as the report suggested.
(We already have a couple of index(string,'\r') calls in use, but I'm
not going to change those unless someone complains about a problem.)
PatR [Thu, 24 Dec 2015 00:25:06 +0000 (16:25 -0800)]
fix #H4041 - implicit declaration of has_colors()
_M_UNIX (SCO UNIX) and __linux__ (all flavors of linux?) both call
has_colors() for TTY_GRAPHICS+TEXTCOLOR configuration, but neither
declared it. The new declaration is just a guess based on usage.
PatR [Thu, 24 Dec 2015 00:05:45 +0000 (16:05 -0800)]
fix "killed by a died"
Explosion caused by an unseen gas spore resulted in messages about
"explosion" instead of "gas spore's explosion", which is intended, but
followed that with a death reason of "killed by a died" which isn't.
Pasi Kallinen [Mon, 21 Dec 2015 16:18:28 +0000 (18:18 +0200)]
Fix findtravelpath buffer overflow
Test case: Bigroom, full of boulders, with a single
path from travel start to travel end. Boulders (and
doors) are added to the travelstep[xy] arrays multiple
times, and will overflow the arrays.
Pasi Kallinen [Mon, 21 Dec 2015 15:31:04 +0000 (17:31 +0200)]
Make travel consider traps like closed doors
Test case: U-shaped corridor, with a known trap in it.
Before this change, travel would try to move straight at
the target, bumping the wall or walking into a dead-end.
After this, travel will go along the corridor and then stop
right before the trap.
PatR [Mon, 21 Dec 2015 03:11:36 +0000 (19:11 -0800)]
H4047 revisited - dipping prompts
Shorten the dip-into-fountain, dip-into-pool, and dip-into-potion prompts
when flags.verbose is off. For non-verbose, use "it" (or "them") instead
of the formatted object name of the item being dipped.
Also, the "What do you want to dip <object> into?? [xyz or ?*]" prompt
for dipping into a potion had an extra question mark. I must have seen
that umpteen times before it actually registered.
No fixes entry; these are changes to post-3.6.0 changes....
PatR [Mon, 21 Dec 2015 01:17:48 +0000 (17:17 -0800)]
fix #H4072 - alchemy bugs
The 3.6.0 feature of dipping only a subset when attempting to dip a large
stack of potions into another potion (other than water) was calculating
the size of the subset poorly. Dipping 9 non-magic potions would always
dip the whole stack, but attempting to dip 10 would split the stack and
dip 2..9, so manually splitting off 9 in advance let the player always
get maximum yield. This anomaly didn't extend to dipping magic potions,
where dipping 2 always dipped "all" 2 and attempting to dip 3..N dipped
2..min(N,9) regardless of N. Also, the decision about whether what you
were dipping was magic was based on the potion being dipped even though
most alchemy formulas yield the same outcome when dipping magic potion
into non-magic or vice versa.
Change the splitting calculation to yield 3..min(N,8) for magic and 7..N
for non-magic, with no extra threshold that can produce anomalies in the
result. Also, the determination of magic vs non-magic is based on the
outcome rather than either of the inputs--unless the outcome is random,
in which case it will be treated as magic if either of the input potions
is magic.
PatR [Sun, 20 Dec 2015 09:44:19 +0000 (01:44 -0800)]
fix #H4105 - credit cloning
Putting gold into a hero-owned container on a shop's floot gave credit
for the amount of the gold but also set the gold object no_charge, so
it could be taken out without taking away the credit. Then put back
in and taken out as many times as the player liked, doubling the gold
each time until the shopkeeper was out of cash.
I think the proper fix would be to avoid giving credit instead of not
marking the gold no_charge, but that would require multiple additional
changes so I took the easy way out.
Most of the changes to pickup.c are reformatting that it escaped prior
to release. The changes to shk.c are cosmetic and not part of the fix.
PatR [Sun, 20 Dec 2015 04:07:51 +0000 (20:07 -0800)]
fix "spellbook of novel" on discoveries list
Avoid "spellbook of novel" after novel becomes discovered. Now it will
just be "novel". Prior to discovery, it might be on the list as "book
called whatever" if the player assigns a type name.
Also, make novel become discovered after reading one instead of only via
object identification. It already shows up as "novel" in inventory, but
changing its definition to designate it as not-interesting-to-discover
feels disrespectful to the tribute.
PatR [Sun, 20 Dec 2015 03:39:20 +0000 (19:39 -0800)]
have #jump cast "jumping"
Requested during beta testing: if hero can't jump, have #jump command
attempt to cast the jumping spell. This is similar to how #unturn and
^T cast spells when used while lacking the innate ability.
PatR [Sun, 20 Dec 2015 02:14:39 +0000 (18:14 -0800)]
more tin opener
Reading a non-cursed scroll of enchant weapon has a side-effect of
uncursing a weapon welded to hand(s). Make it do the same thing for
cursed tin opener, the only non-weapon/non-weptool that welds to hand.
nhmall [Fri, 18 Dec 2015 23:24:13 +0000 (18:24 -0500)]
make corpse visible if stethoscope told you about it
Bug bz14, no web id.
Steps to reproduce:
- have a stethoscope handy.
- place an amulet in a doorway and move one square outside the room's door.
- create and lead an invisible stalker to be on top of amulet, with you
just outside the room beside the door square.
- zap the stalker asleep with a wand of sleep.
- put on a blindfold.
- quaff a potion of object detection.
- amulet shows in the doorway.
- save the game and keep the savefile for ease of returning to this point.
Bug 1 observed (remember that you're blind due to blindfold):
- zap a wand of death at the stalker that you know to be on top of
the amulet, but that the game gives no indication of.
- if the stalker left a corpse, and you apply a stethoscope to the
doorway, the game tells you that "You determine that that unfortunate
being is dead" yet no being or corpse is displayed, still just the amulet.
Fix that by calling map_object(corpse, TRUE) in its_dead() under these circumstances.
The circumstances in the original report were also reproduced, specifically:
If a stethoscope finds an unseen monster on a square with an
object-detected object while blind, after killing the monster, the
object isn't remembered.
That remains unfixed because the I (invis monster glyph) aleady overwrote the
detected object glyph, so it is a much tougher situation.
nhmall [Fri, 18 Dec 2015 17:50:25 +0000 (12:50 -0500)]
fix H4101: can hear pets while deaf
This is a fix for H4101, bz192.
add non-audio (felt) outcome to yelp()
This also add #wizintrinsic command because testing this was a pain
without a simple, straightforward way to go deaf that didn't time-out
before the situation being tested recurred.
PatR [Fri, 18 Dec 2015 15:18:58 +0000 (07:18 -0800)]
warning bit
Suppress a couple of 'dead increment' diagnostics from the clang static
analyzer. The assignments are dead, but keeping the variable up to date
is more valuable (in case someone someday changes the code to use the
affected variable somewhere farther along in that function) than changing
the code to avoid the assignments in order to prevent the diagnostic.
This will only work to suppress the analyzer's diagnostic messages if
either FORCE_ARG_USAGE or GCC_WARN is defined when compiling makemon.c.