Test === operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_identical_basic.phpt]
Test <=> operator : different types [tests/lang/operators/operator_spaceship_basic.phpt]
comparing different variables for equality [Zend/tests/compare_001_64bit.phpt]
comparing different variables for identity [Zend/tests/compare_002_64bit.phpt]
Rebinding of ::getClosure()s [Zend/tests/closure_061.phpt]
comparing different variables (greater than) [Zend/tests/compare_003_64bit.phpt]
comparing different variables (less than) [Zend/tests/compare_004_64bit.phpt]
comparing different variables (greater or equal than) [Zend/tests/compare_005_64bit.phpt]
comparing different variables (smaller or equal than) [Zend/tests/compare_006_64bit.phpt]
Invalid numeric string E_WARNINGs and E_NOTICEs, combined assignment operations [Zend/tests/numeric_string_errors_assign.phpt]
Bug #51819 (Case discrepancy in timezone names cause Uncaught exception and fatal error) [ext/date/tests/bug51819.phpt]
Test all filters returned by filter_list() [ext/filter/tests/033.phpt]
filter_var() and FILTER_VALIDATE_MAC [ext/filter/tests/055.phpt]
Test strrpos() function : usage variations - unexpected inputs for 'needle' argument [ext/standard/tests/strings/strrpos_variation10.phpt]
Test strtr() function : usage variations - empty string & null for 'str' argument [ext/standard/tests/strings/strtr_variation4.phpt]
Test strtr() function : usage variations - unexpected inputs for 'from' argument [ext/standard/tests/strings/strtr_variation6.phpt]
Test strstr() function [ext/standard/tests/strings/strstr.phpt]
Tyson Andre [Sun, 19 Jul 2020 01:22:57 +0000 (21:22 -0400)]
Skip upload_2G.phpt if disk_free_space() <= 2GB
This test failed when the free disk space is close to 2.15GB.
I see the file size in the .out file as 0.
PHP has to save the full file contents to disk (the path is in `$_FILES`)
In line with usual rules, give untyped properties a null default
value. Otherwise constructor promotion would give you a property
declaration that cannot be achieved through any other means.
It does not make sense to throw a `TypeError` when the stream can't be
analyzed. If `sapi_windows_vt100_support()` is used as getter, we just
return `false` in that case; if the function is used as setter, we
additionally trigger a warning.
We also fix the test cases for this function, which have been broken
before. Note that these tests are still whitespace sensitive.
Similar to what is done for ReflectionType itself, copy the
type name stored inside ReflectionProperty. Also make sure the
type field is always initialized for dynamic properties.
This is a non-issue in PHP 8, because we store a pointer to the
property_info there, rather than a copy.
Only set preloading compiler_options while executing the preload
file, not when performing linking afterwards. Otherwise options
like IGNORE_INTERNAL_CLASSES will hide classes from inheritance
Fix preloading of union typed property inherited from internal class
Tricky edge case: We inherit a property from an internal class,
in which case no property duplication takes place. We should not
try to persist the property info in that case. This didn't really
matter previously, but now that the property has some non-interned
owned data (the type), we need to make sure we don't try to free
Rowan Tommins [Thu, 11 Jun 2020 19:56:22 +0000 (20:56 +0100)]
Improve output of tokens in Parse Errors
Currently, unexpected tokens in the parser are shown as the text
found, plus the internal token name, including the notorious
"unexpected '::' (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)".
This commit replaces that with a more user-friendly format, with
two main types of token:
* Tokens which always represent the same text are shown like
'unexpected token "::"' and 'expected "::"'
* Tokens which have variable text are given a user-friendly
name, and show like 'unexpected identifier "foo"', and
'expected identifer'.
A few tokens have special cases:
* unexpected token """ -> unexpected double-quote mark
* unexpected quoted string "'foo'" -> unexpected single-quoted
string "foo"
* unexpected quoted string ""foo"" -> unexpected double-quoted
string "foo"
* unexpected illegal character "_" -> unexpected character 0xNN
(where _ is almost certainly a control character, and NN is the
hexadecimal value of the byte)
The \ token has a special case in the implementation just to stop
bison making a mess of escaping it and it coming out as \\