From: Matthew Fernandez <>
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2022 04:36:07 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: CI: call CPack via CMake

CI: call CPack via CMake

CPack is CMake’s “packaging driver,” exposed as `cpack.exe`. Yet if you
call `cpack.exe` in some CI environments, you will find the binary in your
`$PATH` is _not_ CMake’s packaging driver. This is what the logic in the Windows
setup script that is being removed in this commit was attempting to detect and
workaround or diagnose: a `cpack.exe` in your `$PATH` that is some unrelated and
unhelpful platform management executable.

But there is a simpler way. CMake’s docs¹ tell us:

  Instead of `cpack`, one may call `cmake --build . --target package` or
  `make package` or `ninja package`.

In this change, we drop the `cpack` and `$PATH` workarounds and just call
`cmake`, relying on it to know where its own packaging driver is.


diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index c4e3272d8..6e9e7a6c4 100755
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ if [ "${build_system}" = "cmake" ]; then
     pushd build
     cmake --log-level=VERBOSE ${CMAKE_OPTIONS:-} ..
     cmake --build .
-    cpack
+    cmake --build . --target package
     if [ "${OSTYPE}" = "linux-gnu" ]; then
diff --git a/ci/ b/ci/
index 1db270ad0..e84afab5e 100644
--- a/ci/
+++ b/ci/
@@ -39,7 +39,9 @@ def main(args: List[str]) -> int: #pylint: disable=C0116
          options.platform, "-D", "with_cxx_api=ON", ".."],
     run(["cmake", "--build", ".", "--config", options.configuration], build)
-    run(["cpack", "-C", options.configuration], build)
+    run(["cmake", "--build", ".", "--config", options.configuration, "--target",
+         "package"],
+        build)
     run(["msbuild.exe", f"-p:Configuration={options.configuration}",
diff --git a/windows/bin/setup-build-utilities.ps1 b/windows/bin/setup-build-utilities.ps1
index f05c68bb9..74e488cfd 100644
--- a/windows/bin/setup-build-utilities.ps1
+++ b/windows/bin/setup-build-utilities.ps1
@@ -52,14 +52,9 @@ $build_utilities_path = "$GRAPHVIZ_ROOT\windows\dependencies\graphviz-build-util
 find_or_fallback "swig" "$build_utilities_path"
 find_or_fallback "win_bison win_flex" "$build_utilities_path\winflexbison"
 find_or_fallback "makensis" "$build_utilities_path\NSIS\Bin"
-find_or_fallback "cmake cpack" "$CMAKE_BIN"
+find_or_fallback "cmake" "$CMAKE_BIN"
 find_or_fallback "msbuild" "$MSBUILD_BIN"
-if (-NOT (cpack.exe --help | Select-String 'CPACK_GENERATOR')) {
-    echo "Moving $CMAKE_BIN to front of PATH in order to find CMake's cpack"
-    $Env:Path="$CMAKE_BIN;$path"
 echo "Final check where all utilites are found:"
 $script:all_programs.Trim().Split(" ") | ForEach {
@@ -72,14 +67,6 @@ $script:all_programs.Trim().Split(" ") | ForEach {
-# Special checks
-if (-NOT (cpack.exe --help | Select-String 'CPACK_GENERATOR')) {
-    $exe = (Get-Command cpack.exe 2>$null).Source
-    Write-Error -EA Continue "Found an unknown cpack at $exe"
-    $exit_status = 1
 if ($exit_status -eq 0) {
     echo "All utilities have been found. Happy building!"
 } else {