From: Astrid Malo Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 20:28:17 +0000 (+0000) Subject: update transformations X-Git-Tag: pre_ajp_proxy~2257 X-Git-Url:;h=bf7718cc881963ec82fc6053adfb15a3a21d99b1;p=apache update transformations git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68 --- diff --git a/docs/manual/mod/ b/docs/manual/mod/ index c644471a7d..cd77db313c 100644 --- a/docs/manual/mod/ +++ b/docs/manual/mod/ @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@

Kernfunktionen und Multi-Processing-Module

Core Apache HTTP Server features that are always -available
Ständig verfügbare Kernfunktionen des Apache HTTP +Servers
A collection of directives that are implemented by more than one multi-processing module (MPM)
This Multi-Processing Module is optimized for BeOS.
diff --git a/docs/manual/mod/ b/docs/manual/mod/ index 8255482a36..39abebec56 100644 --- a/docs/manual/mod/ +++ b/docs/manual/mod/ @@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ - - + + - + - + @@ -112,9 +114,9 @@ expressions server - + environment variable - - + + - + @@ -240,8 +242,8 @@ module - + @@ -263,8 +265,8 @@ a DAV resource configured - + @@ -272,23 +274,26 @@ server cannot determine a type in any other way - + - - - - - +... </DirectoryMatch> + + + + + request - - - + + + - + - - - - + + + + - + extensions - - + + @@ -365,21 +371,22 @@ operations - - - - - - - + + + + + + + @@ -387,19 +394,19 @@ listens to + URL-Pfad|URL> ... </Location> + regex> ... </LocationMatch> - + - + - + + [+|-]Option [[+|-]Option] ... @@ -517,8 +524,8 @@ extensions extensions - + - - - - + + + + - + @@ -562,19 +570,22 @@ in the scriptlog - - + + - - - - - + + + + + [!]env-variable[=value] [[!]env-variable[=value]] ... - - - + + + @@ -655,14 +665,14 @@ Certificate verification per child process - + - + @@ -671,9 +681,9 @@ for a given virtual host + Adresse[:Port] [Adresse[:Port]] + ...> ... </VirtualHost>
AcceptMutex Default|method Default sM
Method that Apache uses to serialize multiple children accepting requests on network sockets
AcceptPathInfo On|Off|Default Default svdhC
Resources accept trailing pathname information
AccessFileName filename [filename] ... .htaccess svC
Name of the distributed configuration file
AcceptPathInfo On|Off|Default Default svdhC
Ressourcen lassen angehängte Pfadangaben zu
AccessFileName Dateiname [Dateiname] ... .htaccess svC
Name der dezentralen Konfigurationsdateien
Action action-type cgi-scriptsvdhB
Activates a CGI script for a particular handler or content-type
AddAlt string file [file] ...svdhB
Alternate text to display for a file, instead of an @@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ icon selected by MIME content-type
AddCharset charset extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions to the specified content charset
AddDefaultCharset On|Off|charset Off svdhC
Default character set to be added for a -response without an explicit character set
AddDefaultCharset On|Off|Zeichenkodierung Off svdhC
Standard-Zeichenkodierung für Antworten ohne +explizit angegebene Zeichenkodierung +
AddDescription string file [file] ...svdhB
Description to display for a file
AddEncoding MIME-enc extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions to the specified encoding @@ -97,8 +98,9 @@ information displayed by the server-info handler
AddOutputFilter filter[;filter...] extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps filename extensions to the filters that will process responses from the server
AddOutputFilterByType filter[;filter...] -MIME-type [MIME-type] ...svdhC
assigns an output filter to a particular MIME-type
AddOutputFilterByType Filter[;Filter...] +MIME-Type [MIME-Type] ...svdhC
einen Ausgabefilter einem bestimmten MIME-Type +zuordnen
AddType MIME-type extension [extension] ...svdhB
Maps the given filename extensions onto the specified content type
AllowCONNECT port [port] ... 443 563 svE
Ports that are allowed to CONNECT through the proxy
AllowOverride All|None|directive-type -[directive-type] ... All dC
Types of directives that are allowed in -.htaccess files
AllowOverride All|None|Direktiven-Typ +[Direktiven-Typ] ... All dC
Direktiven-Typen, die in .htaccess-Dateien +erlaubt sind.
Anonymous user [user] ...dhE
Specifies userIDs that areallowed access without password verification
Anonymous_LogEmail On|Off On dhE
Sets whether the password entered will be logged in the @@ -168,9 +170,9 @@ group membership
AuthLDAPStartTLS on|off off dhX
Use a secure TLS connection to the LDAP server
AuthLDAPUrl urldhX
URL specifying the LDAP search parameters
AuthName auth-domaindhC
Authorization realm for use in HTTP -authentication
AuthType Basic|DigestdhC
Type of user authentication
AuthName auth-BereichdhC
Autorisierungsbereich zur Verwendung in der +HTTP-Authentisierung
AuthType Basic|DigestdhC
Art der Authentisierung
AuthUserFile file-pathdhB
Sets the name of a text file containing the list of users and passwords for authentication
AuthzDBMAuthoritative On|Off On dhE
Sets whether authorization will be passed on to lower level @@ -230,8 +232,8 @@ stored
CacheSize KBytes 1000000 svX
The maximum amount of disk space that will be used by the cache in KBytes
CacheTimeMargin ? ? svX
The minimum time margin to cache a document
CGIMapExtension cgi-path .extensiondhC
Technique for locating the interpreter for CGI -scripts
CGIMapExtension CGI-Pfad .EndungdhC
Technik zur Bestimmung des Interpreters für +CGI-Skripte
CharsetDefault charsetsvdhX
Charset to translate into
CharsetOptions option [option] ... DebugLevel=0 NoImpl +svdhX
Configures charset translation behavior
CharsetSourceEnc charsetsvdhX
Source charset of files
ChildPerUserID user-id group-id num-childrensM
Specify user ID and group ID for a number of child processes
ContentDigest On|Off Off svdhC
Enables the generation of Content-MD5 HTTP Response -headers
ContentDigest On|Off Off svdhC
Aktiviert die Generierung von Content-MD5 +HTTP-Response-Headern
CookieDomain domainsvdhE
The domain to which the tracking cookie applies
CookieExpires expiry-periodsvdhE
Expiry time for the tracking cookie
CookieLog filenamesvB
Sets filename for the logging of cookies
DefaultLanguage MIME-langsvdhB
Sets all files in the given scope to the specified language
DefaultType MIME-type text/plain svdhC
MIME content-type that will be sent if the -server cannot determine a type in any other way
DefaultType MIME-Type text/plain svdhC
MIME-Content-Type, der gesendet wird, wenn der Server den Typ +nicht auf andere Weise ermitteln kann.
DeflateBufferSize value 8096 svE
Fragment size to be compressed at one time by zlib
DeflateFilterNote [type] notenamesvE
Places the compression ratio in a note for logging
DeflateMemLevel value 9 svE
How much memory should be used by zlib for compression
Deny from all|host|env=env-variable [host|env=env-variable] ...dhB
Controls which hosts are denied access to the server
<Directory directory-path> -... </Directory>svC
Enclose a group of directives that apply only to the -named file-system directory and sub-directories
<Directory Verzeichnispfad> +... </Directory>svC
Umschließt eine Gruppe von Direktiven, die nur auf +das genannte Verzeichnis des Dateisystems und Unterverzeichnisse angewendet +werden
DirectoryIndex local-url [local-url] ... index.html svdhB
List of resources to look for when the client requests a directory
<DirectoryMatch regex> -... </DirectoryMatch>svC
Enclose directives that apply to -file-system directories matching a regular expression and their -subdirectories
DocumentRoot directory-path /usr/local/apache/h +svC
Directory that forms the main document tree visible -from the web
EnableMMAP On|Off On svdhC
Use memory-mapping to read files during delivery
EnableSendfile On|Off On svdhC
Use the kernel sendfile support to deliver files to the client
ErrorDocument error-code documentsvdhC
What the server will return to the client -in case of an error
ErrorLog file-path|syslog[:facility] logs/error_log (Uni +svC
Location where the server will log errors
Umschließt eine Gruppe von Direktiven, die auf + Verzeichnisse des Dateisystems und ihre Unterverzeichnisse abgebildet + werden, welche auf einen regulären Ausdruck passen
DocumentRoot Verzeichnis /usr/local/apache/h +svC
Verzeichnis, welches den Haupt-Dokumentenbaum bildet, der im +Web sichtbar ist.
EnableMMAP On|Off On svdhC
Verwende Memory-Mapping, um Dateien während der +Auslieferung zu lesen
EnableSendfile On|Off On svdhC
Verwende die sendfile-Unterstützung des Kernels, um +Dateien an den Client auszuliefern
ErrorDocument Fehlercode DokumentsvdhC
Das, was der Server im Fehlerfall an den Client +zurückgibt
ErrorLog Dateiname|syslog[:facility] logs/error_log (Uni +svC
Ablageort, an dem der Server Fehler protokolliert
Demonstration directive to illustrate the Apache module API
ExpiresActive On|OffsvdhE
Enables generation of Expires @@ -301,38 +306,39 @@ by MIME type
ExtFilterDefine filtername parameterssE
Define an external filter
ExtFilterOptions option [option] ... DebugLevel=0 NoLogS +dE
Configure mod_ext_filter options
FileETag component ... INode MTime Size svdhC
File attributes used to create the ETag -HTTP response header
<Files filename> ... </Files>svdhC
Contains directives that apply to matched -filenames
<FilesMatch regex> ... </FilesMatch>svdhC
Contains directives that apply to regular-expression matched -filenames
FileETag Komponente ... INode MTime Size svdhC
Dateiattribute, die zur Erstellung des HTTP-Response-Headers +ETag verwendet werden
<Files Dateiname> ... </Files>svdhC
Enthält Direktiven, die sich nur auf passende Dateinamen +beziehen
<FilesMatch regex> ... </FilesMatch>svdhC
Enthält Direktiven, die für Dateinamen gelten, die + auf einen regulären Ausdruck passen
ForceLanguagePriority None|Prefer|Fallback [Prefer|Fallback] Prefer svdhB
Action to take if a single acceptable document is not found
ForceType MIME-type|nonedhC
Forces all matching files to be served with the specified -MIME content-type
ForceType MIME-Type|nonedhC
Erzwingt die Auslieferung aller passendenden Dateien mit dem +angegebenen MIME-Content-Type
Group unix-group #-1 sM
Group under which the server will answer requests
Header set|append|add|unset|echo header [value [env=[!]variable]]svdhE
Configure HTTP response headers
HeaderName filenamesvdhB
Name of the file that will be inserted at the top of the index listing
HostnameLookups On|Off|Double Off svdC
Enables DNS lookups on client IP addresses
IdentityCheck On|Off Off svdC
Enables logging of the RFC1413 identity of the remote -user
<IfDefine [!]parameter-name> ... - </IfDefine>svdhC
Encloses directives that will be processed only -if a test is true at startup
<IfModule [!]module-name> ... - </IfModule>svdhC
Encloses directives that are processed conditional on the -presence or absence of a specific module
HostnameLookups On|Off|Double Off svdC
Aktiviert DNS-Lookups auf Client-IP-Adressen
IdentityCheck On|Off Off svdC
Ermöglicht die Protokollierung der Identität des +entfernten Anwenders nach RFC1413
<IfDefine [!]Parametername> ... + </IfDefine>svdhC
Schließt Direktiven ein, die nur ausgeführt werden, +wenn eine Testbedingung beim Start wahr ist
<IfModule [!]Modulname> ... + </IfModule>svdhC
Schließt Direktiven ein, die abhängig vom +Vorhandensein oder Fehlen eines speziellen Moduls ausgeführt +werden
ImapBase map|referer|URL http://servername/ svdhB
Default base for imagemap files
ImapDefault error|nocontent|map|referer|URL nocontent svdhB
Default action when an imagemap is called with coordinates that are not explicitly mapped
ImapMenu none|formatted|semiformatted|unformattedsvdhB
Action if no coordinates are given when calling an imagemap
Include file-path|directory-pathsvdC
Includes other configuration files from within -the server configuration files
Include Dateiname|VerzeichnissvdC
Fügt andere Konfigurationsdateien innerhalb der +Server-Konfigurationsdatei ein
IndexIgnore file [file] ...svdhB
Adds to the list of files to hide when listing a directory
IndexOptions [+|-]option [[+|-]option] @@ -351,9 +357,9 @@ ISAPI extensions to the query field
ISAPIReadAheadBuffer size 49152 svdhB
Size of the Read Ahead Buffer sent to ISAPI extensions
KeepAlive On|Off On svC
Enables HTTP persistent connections
KeepAliveTimeout seconds 15 svC
Amount of time the server will wait for subsequent -requests on a persistent connection
KeepAlive On|Off On svC
Aktiviert persistente HTTP-Verbindungen
KeepAliveTimeout Sekunden 15 svC
Zeitspanne, die der Server während persistenter Verbindungen +auf nachfolgende Anfragen wartet
LanguagePriority MIME-lang [MIME-lang] ...svdhB
The precendence of language variants for cases where the client does not express a preference
LDAPOpCacheTTL seconds 600 sX
Time that entries in the operation cache remain valid
LDAPSharedCacheSize bytes 102400 sX
Size in bytes of the shared-memory cache
<Limit method [method] ... > ... - </Limit>svdhC
Restrict enclosed access controls to only certain HTTP -methods
<LimitExcept method [method] ... > ... - </LimitExcept>svdhC
Restrict access controls to all HTTP methods -except the named ones
LimitRequestBody bytes 0 svdhC
Restricts the total size of the HTTP request body sent -from the client
LimitRequestFields number 100 sC
Limits the number of HTTP request header fields that -will be accepted from the client
LimitRequestFieldsize bytessC
Limits the size of the HTTP request header allowed from the -client
LimitRequestLine bytes 8190 sC
Limit the size of the HTTP request line that will be accepted -from the client
LimitXMLRequestBody bytes 1000000 svdhC
Limits the size of an XML-based request body
<Limit Methode [Methode] ... > ... + </Limit>svdhC
Beschränkt die eingeschlossenen Zugriffskontrollen auf +bestimmte HTTP-Methoden
<LimitExcept Methode [Methode] ... > ... + </LimitExcept>svdhC
Beschränkt Zugriffskontrollen auf alle HTTP-Methoden +außer den genannten
LimitRequestBody Bytes 0 svdhC
Begrenzt die Gesamtgröße des vom Client gesendeten +HTTP-Request-Body
LimitRequestFields Anzahl 100 sC
Begrenzt die Anzahl der HTTP-Request-Header, die vom Client +entgegengenommen werden
LimitRequestFieldsize BytessC
Begrenzt die Länge des vom Client gesendeten +HTTP-Request-Headers
LimitRequestLine Bytes 8190 sC
Begrenzt die Länge der vom Client entgegengenommenen +HTTP-Anfragezeile
LimitXMLRequestBody Bytes 1000000 svdhC
Begrenzt die Größe eines XML-basierten +Request-Bodys
Listen [IP-address:]portnumbersM
IP addresses and ports that the server listens to
ListenBacklog backlogsM
Maximum length of the queue of pending connections
LoadModule module filenamesE
Links in the object file or library, and adds to the list of active modules
<Location - URL-path|URL> ... </Location>svC
Applies the enclosed directives only to matching -URLs
Wendet die enthaltenen Direktiven nur auf die entsprechenden +URLs an
<LocationMatch - regex> ... </LocationMatch>svC
Applies the enclosed directives only to regular-expression -matching URLs
Wendet die enthaltenen Direktiven nur auf URLs an, die auf +reguläre Ausdrücke passen
LockFile filename logs/accept.lock sM
Location of the accept serialization lock file
LogFormat format|nickname [nickname] "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" +svB
Describes a format for use in a log file
LogLevel level warn svC
Controls the verbosity of the ErrorLog
LogLevel Level warn svC
Steuert die Ausführlichkeit des Fehlerprotokolls
MaxClients numbersM
Maximum number of child processes that will be created to serve requests
MaxKeepAliveRequests number 100 svC
Number of requests allowed on a persistent -connection
MaxKeepAliveRequests Anzahl 100 svC
Anzahl der Anfragen, die bei einer persistenten Verbindung +zulässig sind
MaxMemFree KBytes 0 sM
Maximum amount of memory that the main allocator is allowed to hold without calling free()
MaxRequestsPerChild number 10000 sM
Limit on the number of requests that an individual child server @@ -438,14 +445,14 @@ components as part of the filename
MultiviewsMatch Any|NegotiatedOnly|Filters|Handlers [Handlers|Filters] NegotiatedOnly svdhB
The types of files that will be included when searching for a matching file with MultiViews
NameVirtualHost addr[:port]sC
Designates an IP address for name-virtual -hosting
NameVirtualHost Adresse[:Port]sC
Bestimmt eine IP-Adresse für den Betrieb namensbasierter +Virtual-Hosts
NoProxy host [host] ...svE
Hosts, domains, or networks that will be connected to directly
NumServers number 2 sM
Total number of children alive at the same time
Options - [+|-]option [[+|-]option] ... All svdhC
Configures what features are available in a particular -directory
All svdhC
Definiert, welche Eigenscahften oder Funktionen in einem +bestimmten Verzeichnis verfügbar sind
Order ordering Deny,Allow dhB
Controls the default access state and the order in which Allow and Deny are evaluated.
RequestHeader set|append|add|unset header [value]svdhE
Configure HTTP request headers
Require entity-name [entity-name] ...dhC
Selects which authenticated users can access -a resource
Require Name [Name] ...dhC
Wählt die authentisierten Benutzer aus, die auf eine +Ressource zugreifen können
RewriteBase URL-pathdhE
Sets the base URL for per-directory rewrites
RewriteCond TestString CondPatternsvdhE
Defines a condition under which rewriting will take place @@ -535,14 +542,15 @@ engine
RewriteOptions OptionssvdhE
Sets some special options for the rewrite engine
RewriteRule Pattern SubstitutionsvdhE
Defines rules for the rewriting engine
RLimitCPU seconds|max [seconds|max]svdhC
Limits the CPU consumption of processes launched -by Apache children
RLimitMEM bytes|max [bytes|max]svdhC
Limits the memory consumption of processes launched -by Apache children
RLimitNPROC number|max [number|max]svdhC
Limits the number of processes that can be launched by -processes launched by Apache children
Satisfy Any|All All dhC
Interaction between host-level access control and -user authentication
RLimitCPU Sekunden|max [Sekunden|max]svdhC
Begrenzt den CPU-Verbrauch von Prozessen, die von +Apache-Kindprozessen gestartet wurden
RLimitMEM Bytes|max [Bytes|max]svdhC
Begrenzt den Speicherverbrauch von Prozessen, die von +Apache-Kindprozessen gestartet wurden
RLimitNPROC Zahl|max [Zahl|max]svdhC
Begrenzt die Anzahl der Prozesse, die von Prozessen gestartet +werden können, der ihrerseits von Apache-Kinprozessen gestartet +wurden
Satisfy Any|All All dhC
Zusammenspiel von rechnerbasierter Zugriffskontrolle und +Benutzerauthentisierung
ScoreBoardFile file-path logs/apache_status sM
Location of the file used to store coordination data for the child processes
Script method cgi-scriptsvdB
Activates a CGI script for a particular request @@ -553,8 +561,8 @@ target as a CGI script
ScriptAliasMatch regex file-path|directory-pathsvB
Maps a URL to a filesystem location using a regular expression and designates the target as a CGI script
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry|Registry-Strict|Script Script svdhC
Technique for locating the interpreter for CGI -scripts
ScriptInterpreterSource Registry|Registry-Strict|Script Script svdhC
Methode zur Ermittlung des Interpreters von +CGI-Skripten
ScriptLog file-pathsvB
Location of the CGI script error logfile
ScriptLogBuffer bytes 1024 svB
Maximum amount of PUT or POST requests that will be recorded in the scriptlog
ScriptSock file-path logs/cgisock svB
The name of the socket to use for communication with the cgi daemon
SendBufferSize bytes 0 sM
TCP buffer size
ServerAdmin email-addresssvC
Email address that the server includes in error -messages sent to the client
ServerAlias hostname [hostname] ...vC
Alternate names for a host used when matching requests -to name-virtual hosts
ServerAdmin E-Mail-AdressesvC
E-Mail-Adresse, die der Server in Fehlermeldungen einfügt, +welche an den Client gesendet werden
ServerAlias Hostname [Hostname] ...vC
Alternativer Name für einen Host, der verwendet wird, wenn +Anfragen einem namensbasierten Virtual-Host zugeordnet werden
ServerLimit numbersM
Upper limit on configurable number of processes
ServerName fully-qualified-domain-name[:port]svC
Hostname and port that the server uses to identify -itself
ServerPath URL-pathvC
Legacy URL pathname for a name-based virtual host that -is accessed by an incompatible browser
ServerRoot directory-path /usr/local/apache sC
Base directory for the server installation
ServerSignature On|Off|EMail Off svdhC
Configures the footer on server-generated documents
ServerTokens Major|Minor|Min[imal]|Prod[uctOnly]|OS|Full Full sC
Configures the Server HTTP response -header
ServerName +voll-qualifizierter-Domainname[:port]svC
Rechnername und Port, die der Server dazu verwendet, sich +selbst zu identifizieren
ServerPath URL-PfadvC
Veralteter URL-Pfad für einen namensbasierten +Virtual-Host, auf den von einem inkompatiblen Browser zugegriffen +wird
ServerRoot Verzeichnis /usr/local/apache sC
Basisverzeichnis der Serverinstallation
ServerSignature On|Off|EMail Off svdhC
Konfiguriert die Fußzeile von servergenerierten +Dokumenten
ServerTokens Major|Minor|Min[imal]|Prod[uctOnly]|OS|Full Full sC
Konfiguriert den HTTP-Response-Header +Server
SetEnv env-variable valuesvdhB
Sets environment variables
SetEnvIf attribute regex [!]env-variable[=value] @@ -584,12 +595,11 @@ header
Sets environment variables based on attributes of the request without respect to case
SetHandler handler-name|NonesvdhC
Forces all matching files to be processed by a -handler
SetInputFilter filter[;filter...]svdhC
Sets the filters that will process client requests and POST -input
SetOutputFilter filter[;filter...]svdhC
Sets the filters that will process responses from the -server
SetHandler Handlername|NonesvdhC
Erzwingt die Verarbeitung aller passenden Dateien durch +einen Handler
SetInputFilter Filter[;Filter...]svdhC
Bestimmt die Filter, die Client-Anfragen und POST-Eingaben +verarbeiten
SetOutputFilter Filter[;Filter...]svdhC
Bestimmt die Filter, die Antworten des Servers verarbeiten
SSIEndTag tag "-->" svB
String that ends an include element
SSIErrorMsg message "[an error occurred +svdhB
Error message displayed when there is an SSI error
ThreadsPerChild numbersM
Number of threads created by each child process
ThreadStackSize number 65536 sM
Determine the stack size for each thread
TimeOut second 300 sC
Amount of time the server will wait for -certain events before failing a request
TimeOut Sekunden 300 sC
Zeitspanne, die der Server auf verschiedene Ereignisse wartet, +bevor er die Anfrage abbricht
TransferLog file|pipesvB
Specifly location of a log file
TypesConfig file-path conf/mime.types sB
The location of the mime.types file
UnsetEnv env-variable [env-variable] ...svdhB
Removes variables from the environment
UseCanonicalName On|Off|DNS On svdC
Configures how the server determines its own name and -port
UseCanonicalName On|Off|DNS On svdC
Bestimmt, wie der Server seinen eigenen Namen und Port +ermittelt
User unix-userid #-1 sM
The userid under which the server will answer requests
UserDir directory-filename public_html svB
Location of the user-specific directories
VirtualDocumentRootIP interpolated-directory|none none svE
Dynamically configure the location of the document root for a given virtual host
<VirtualHost - addr[:port] [addr[:port]] - ...> ... </VirtualHost>sC
Contains directives that apply only to a specific -hostname or IP address
Enthält Direktiven, die nur auf bestimmte Hostnamen oder +IP-Adressen angewendet werden
VirtualScriptAlias interpolated-directory|none none svE
Dynamically configure the location of the CGI directory for a given virtual host
VirtualScriptAliasIP interpolated-directory|none none svE
Dynamically configure the location of the cgi directory for