From: Badlop <>
Date: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 16:52:25 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: * doc/guide.tex: Small fixes (thanks to Christoph Anton Mitterer)
X-Git-Tag: v2.1.0~18^2~694

* doc/guide.tex: Small fixes (thanks to Christoph Anton Mitterer)
* doc/introduction.tex: Likewise
* doc/guide.html: Likewise

SVN Revision: 1347

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 7d6526558..609b59664 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2008-06-08  Badlop  <>
+	* doc/guide.tex: Small fixes (thanks to Christoph Anton Mitterer)
+	* doc/introduction.tex: Likewise
+	* doc/guide.html: Likewise
 2008-06-05  Badlop  <>
 	* doc/guide.tex: Document ejabberdctl status code (EJAB-633)
diff --git a/doc/guide.html b/doc/guide.html
index f2adbf863..0a836e697 100644
--- a/doc/guide.html
+++ b/doc/guide.html
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Support for virtual hosting.
 </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Statistics via Statistics Gathering (<A HREF="">XEP-0039</A>).
 </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">IPv6 support both for c2s and s2s connections.
 </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><A HREF="">Multi-User Chat</A> module with support for clustering and HTML logging. </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Users Directory based on users vCards.
-</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><A HREF="">Publish-Subscribe</A> component with support for <A HREF="">Personal Eventing via Pubsub</A>.
+</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><A HREF="">Publish-Subscribe</A> component with support for <A HREF="">Personal Eventing via Pubsub</A>.
 </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Support for web clients: <A HREF="">HTTP Polling</A> and <A HREF="">HTTP Binding (BOSH)</A> services.
 </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">IRC transport.
 </LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Component support: interface with networks such as AIM, ICQ and MSN installing special tranports.
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ connections.</TD></TR>
 access to the port. The default value is <TT>all</TT>.
 </DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>{certfile, Path}</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Full path to a file containing the default SSL certificate.
 To define a certificate file specific for a given domain, use the global option <TT>domain_certfile</TT>.
-</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>component_check_from</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> 
+</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>service_check_from</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> 
 This option can be used with <TT>ejabberd_service</TT> only. It is
 used to disable control on the from field on packets send by an
 external components. The option can be either <TT>true</TT> or
@@ -646,9 +646,10 @@ do not allow outgoing sockets on port 5222.<P>Remember that you must also instal
 <CODE>http://server:port/http-bind/</CODE>. Be aware that support for HTTP Bind
 is also needed in the Jabber client. Remark also that HTTP Bind can be
 interesting to host a web-based Jabber client such as
-<A HREF="">JWChat</A> (there is a tutorial to
-<A HREF="">install JWChat</A> with
-instructions for <TT>ejabberd</TT>).
+<A HREF="">JWChat</A> 
+(check the tutorials to install JWChat with ejabberd and an
+<A HREF="">embedded local web server</A>
+or <A HREF="">Apache</A>).
 </P></DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>http_poll</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> 
 This option enables HTTP Polling (<A HREF="">XEP-0025</A>) support. HTTP Polling
 enables access via HTTP requests to <TT>ejabberd</TT> from behind firewalls which
@@ -656,9 +657,7 @@ do not allow outgoing sockets on port 5222.<P>If HTTP Polling is enabled, it wil
 <CODE>http://server:port/http-poll/</CODE>. Be aware that support for HTTP Polling
 is also needed in the Jabber client. Remark also that HTTP Polling can be
 interesting to host a web-based Jabber client such as
-<A HREF="">JWChat</A> (there is a tutorial to
-<A HREF="">install JWChat</A> with
-instructions for <TT>ejabberd</TT>).
+<A HREF="">JWChat</A>.
 </P></DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>inet6</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Set up the socket for IPv6.
 </DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>{ip, IPAddress}</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> This option specifies which network
 interface to listen for. For example <CODE>{ip, {192, 168, 1, 1}}</CODE>.
@@ -721,7 +720,7 @@ The default policy for incoming and outgoing s2s connections to other Jabber ser
 The default value is <TT>allow</TT>.
 </DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>{{s2s_host, Host}, allow|deny}</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">
 Defines if incoming and outgoing s2s connections with a specific remote host are allowed or denied.
-This allows to restrict ejabberd to only stablish s2s connections 
+This allows to restrict ejabberd to only establish s2s connections 
 with a small list of trusted servers, or to block some specific servers.
 </DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B><TT>{s2s_max_retry_delay, Seconds}</TT></B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> 
 The maximum allowed delay for retry to connect after a failed connection attempt.
@@ -1081,7 +1080,7 @@ To limit the number of sessions per user to 10 for all users:
 <H4 CLASS="subsubsection"><!--SEC ANCHOR -->Several connections to a remote Jabber server with ACL</H4><!--SEC END --><P>
 <A NAME="configmaxs2sconns"></A>
 </P><P>The special access <TT>max_s2s_connections</TT> specifies how many
-simultaneus S2S connections can be stablished to a specific remote Jabber server.
+simultaneus S2S connections can be established to a specific remote Jabber server.
 The default value is <TT>1</TT>.
 There&#X2019;s also available the access <TT>max_s2s_connections_per_node</TT>.</P><P>The syntax is:
 </P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">  {access, max_s2s_connections, [{&lt;maxnumber&gt;, &lt;aclname&gt;},
diff --git a/doc/guide.tex b/doc/guide.tex
index 2dd6d022e..59951fc69 100644
--- a/doc/guide.tex
+++ b/doc/guide.tex
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ This is a detailed description of each option allowed by the listening modules:
     access to the port. The default value is \term{all}.
   \titem{\{certfile, Path\}} Full path to a file containing the default SSL certificate.
     To define a certificate file specific for a given domain, use the global option \term{domain\_certfile}.
-  \titem{component\_check\_from} \ind{options!service\_check\_from}
+  \titem{service\_check\_from} \ind{options!service\_check\_from}
     This option can be used with \term{ejabberd\_service} only. It is
     used to disable control on the from field on packets send by an
     external components. The option can be either \term{true} or
@@ -705,9 +705,10 @@ This is a detailed description of each option allowed by the listening modules:
     \verb|http://server:port/http-bind/|. Be aware that support for HTTP Bind
     is also needed in the \Jabber{} client. Remark also that HTTP Bind can be
     interesting to host a web-based \Jabber{} client such as
-    \footahref{}{JWChat} (there is a tutorial to
-    \footahref{}{install JWChat} with
-    instructions for \ejabberd{}).
+    \footahref{}{JWChat} 
+    (check the tutorials to install JWChat with ejabberd and an
+    \footahref{}{embedded local web server}
+    or \footahref{}{Apache}).
   \titem{http\_poll} \ind{options!http\_poll}\ind{protocols!XEP-0025: HTTP Polling}\ind{JWChat}\ind{web-based Jabber client}
     This option enables HTTP Polling (\xepref{0025}) support. HTTP Polling
     enables access via HTTP requests to \ejabberd{} from behind firewalls which
@@ -717,9 +718,7 @@ This is a detailed description of each option allowed by the listening modules:
     \verb|http://server:port/http-poll/|. Be aware that support for HTTP Polling
     is also needed in the \Jabber{} client. Remark also that HTTP Polling can be
     interesting to host a web-based \Jabber{} client such as
-    \footahref{}{JWChat} (there is a tutorial to
-    \footahref{}{install JWChat} with
-    instructions for \ejabberd{}).
+    \footahref{}{JWChat}.
   \titem{inet6} \ind{options!inet6}\ind{IPv6}Set up the socket for IPv6.
   \titem{\{ip, IPAddress\}} \ind{options!ip}This option specifies which network
     interface to listen for. For example \verb|{ip, {192, 168, 1, 1}}|.
@@ -784,7 +783,7 @@ There are some additional global options:
   The default value is \term{allow}.
   \titem{\{\{s2s\_host, Host\}, allow|deny\}}
   Defines if incoming and outgoing s2s connections with a specific remote host are allowed or denied.
-  This allows to restrict ejabberd to only stablish s2s connections 
+  This allows to restrict ejabberd to only establish s2s connections 
   with a small list of trusted servers, or to block some specific servers.
   \titem{\{s2s\_max\_retry\_delay, Seconds\}} \ind{options!s2s\_max\_retry\_delay}
   The maximum allowed delay for retry to connect after a failed connection attempt.
@@ -1260,7 +1259,7 @@ Examples:
 The special access \term{max\_s2s\_connections} specifies how many
-simultaneus S2S connections can be stablished to a specific remote Jabber server.
+simultaneus S2S connections can be established to a specific remote Jabber server.
 The default value is \term{1}.
 There's also available the access \term{max\_s2s\_connections\_per\_node}.
diff --git a/doc/introduction.tex b/doc/introduction.tex
index 92f6a4ec5..1991c93ec 100644
--- a/doc/introduction.tex
+++ b/doc/introduction.tex
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Moreover, \ejabberd{} comes with a wide range of other state-of-the-art features
 \item IPv6 support both for c2s and s2s connections.
 \item \txepref{0045}{Multi-User Chat} module with support for clustering and HTML logging. %%\improved{}
 \item Users Directory based on users vCards.
-\item \txepref{0060}{Publish-Subscribe} component with support for \txepref{00163}{Personal Eventing via Pubsub}.
+\item \txepref{0060}{Publish-Subscribe} component with support for \txepref{0163}{Personal Eventing via Pubsub}.
 \item Support for web clients: \txepref{0025}{HTTP Polling} and \txepref{0206}{HTTP Binding (BOSH)} services.
 \item IRC transport.
 \item Component support: interface with networks such as AIM, ICQ and MSN installing special tranports.