From: Anton Yartsev
Windows users must have Perl installed to use scan-build. Currently scan-build -is known to work with the msys perl port.
+Windows users must have Perl installed to use scan-build.
-scan-build.bat script allows you to launch scan-build in the same way as it described in the Basic Usage section above. -All you need to be able to invoke scan-build from an arbitrary location is to add the path to scan-build to your PATH environment variable.
+scan-build.bat script allows you to launch scan-build in the same +way as it described in the Basic Usage section above. To invoke scan-build from +an arbitrary location, add the path to the folder containing scan-build.bat to +your PATH environment variable.
+ +If you have unexpected compilation/make problems when running scan-build +with MinGW/MSYS the following information may be helpful:
+ +
+$ scan-build [scan-build options] sh -c "make [make options]"