From: Bram Moolenaar <>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 20:19:31 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: patch 8.1.0331: insufficient test coverage for :mkview and :loadview
X-Git-Tag: v8.1.0331

patch 8.1.0331: insufficient test coverage for :mkview and :loadview

Problem:    Insufficient test coverage for :mkview and :loadview.
Solution:   Add tests. (Dominique Pelle, closes #3385)

diff --git a/src/testdir/test_mksession.vim b/src/testdir/test_mksession.vim
index d9fe2c28d..c0b82ffa8 100644
--- a/src/testdir/test_mksession.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_mksession.vim
@@ -311,5 +311,86 @@ endfunc
 endif " has('terminal')
+" Test :mkview with a file argument.
+func Test_mkview_file()
+  " Create a view with line number and a fold.
+  help :mkview
+  set number
+  norm! V}zf
+  let pos = getpos('.')
+  let linefoldclosed1 = foldclosed('.')
+  mkview! Xview
+  set nonumber
+  norm! zrj
+  " We can close the help window, as mkview with a file name should
+  " generate a command to edit the file.
+  helpclose
+  source Xview
+  call assert_equal(1, &number)
+  call assert_match('\*:mkview\*$', getline('.'))
+  call assert_equal(pos, getpos('.'))
+  call assert_equal(linefoldclosed1, foldclosed('.'))
+  " Creating a view again with the same file name should fail (file
+  " already exists). But with a !, the previous view should be
+  " overwritten without error.
+  help :loadview
+  call assert_fails('mkview Xview', 'E189:')
+  call assert_match('\*:loadview\*$', getline('.'))
+  mkview! Xview
+  call assert_match('\*:loadview\*$', getline('.'))
+  call delete('Xview')
+  bwipe
+" Test :mkview and :loadview with a custom 'viewdir'.
+func Test_mkview_loadview_with_viewdir()
+  set viewdir=Xviewdir
+  help :mkview
+  set number
+  norm! V}zf
+  let pos = getpos('.')
+  let linefoldclosed1 = foldclosed('.')
+  mkview 1
+  set nonumber
+  norm! zrj
+  loadview 1
+  " The directory Xviewdir/ should have been created and the view
+  " should be stored in that directory.
+  call assert_equal('Xviewdir/' .
+        \           substitute(
+        \             substitute(
+        \               expand('%:p'), '/', '=+', 'g'), ':', '=-', 'g') . '=1.vim',
+        \           glob('Xviewdir/*'))
+  call assert_equal(1, &number)
+  call assert_match('\*:mkview\*$', getline('.'))
+  call assert_equal(pos, getpos('.'))
+  call assert_equal(linefoldclosed1, foldclosed('.'))
+  call delete('Xviewdir', 'rf')
+  set viewdir&
+  helpclose
+func Test_mkview_no_file_name()
+  new
+  " :mkview or :mkview {nr} should fail in a unnamed buffer.
+  call assert_fails('mkview', 'E32:')
+  call assert_fails('mkview 1', 'E32:')
+  " :mkview {file} should succeed in a unnamed buffer.
+  mkview Xview
+  help
+  source Xview
+  call assert_equal('', bufname('%'))
+  call delete('Xview')
+  %bwipe
 " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index f02b9f996..e2123eb9d 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -794,6 +794,8 @@ static char *(features[]) =
 static int included_patches[] =
 {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+    331,