From: Rainer Jung <>
Date: Sat, 12 Nov 2011 02:08:53 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: Choose consistent comments and remove explicit
X-Git-Tag: 2.3.16~185

Choose consistent comments and remove explicit
module names, because those references easily
get outdated.

git-svn-id: 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68

diff --git a/modules/examples/NWGNUmakefile b/modules/examples/NWGNUmakefile
index 0192576270..ee395c0e44 100644
--- a/modules/examples/NWGNUmakefile
+++ b/modules/examples/NWGNUmakefile
@@ -151,14 +151,15 @@ XDCDATA		=
 # If there is an NLM target, put it here
-# We are referencing example.nlm twice to get around a known issue with the
-# makefiles.  Normally if there is only one element to be built within a
+# If there is only onle element to build it needs to be included twice
+# in the below target list.
+# Normally if there is only one element to be built within a
 # directory, the makefile for the single element would be called NWGNUmakefile.
 # But if there are multiples, the parent NWGNUmakefile must reference more
 # than one submakefile. Because the experimental directory might vary in the
 # number of submakefiles, but for the moment only contains one, we reference
 # it twice to allow it parent NWGNUmakefile to work properly.  If another
-# submakefile is added, the extra reference to example.nlm should be removed.
+# submakefile is added, the extra reference to the first NLM should be removed.
 TARGET_nlm = \
 	$(OBJDIR)/example_hooks.nlm \
 	$(OBJDIR)/example_ipc.nlm \
diff --git a/modules/experimental/NWGNUmakefile b/modules/experimental/NWGNUmakefile
index 29ec122b68..f43cec821a 100644
--- a/modules/experimental/NWGNUmakefile
+++ b/modules/experimental/NWGNUmakefile
@@ -151,17 +151,16 @@ XDCDATA		=
 # If there is an NLM target, put it here
-# We are referencing substitute.nlm twice to get around a known issue with the
-# makefiles.  Normally if there is only one element to be built within a
+# If there is only onle element to build it needs to be included twice
+# in the below target list.
+# Normally if there is only one element to be built within a
 # directory, the makefile for the single element would be called NWGNUmakefile.
 # But if there are multiples, the parent NWGNUmakefile must reference more
 # than one submakefile. Because the experimental directory might vary in the
 # number of submakefiles, but for the moment only contains one, we reference
 # it twice to allow it parent NWGNUmakefile to work properly.  If another
-# submakefile is added, the extra reference to substitute.nlm should be removed.
+# submakefile is added, the extra reference to the first NLM should be removed.
 TARGET_nlm = \
-	$(OBJDIR)/noloris.nlm \
-	$(OBJDIR)/noloris.nlm \