From: Nikita Popov Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2013 17:09:05 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Merge branch 'PHP-5.5' X-Git-Tag: php-5.6.0alpha1~448^2~105 X-Git-Url:;h=1713d9ad307bc56e01a71f1bf3b09fbafa0128d5;p=php Merge branch 'PHP-5.5' Conflicts: UPGRADING UPGRADING.INTERNALS --- 1713d9ad307bc56e01a71f1bf3b09fbafa0128d5 diff --cc UPGRADING.INTERNALS index 90c7a4394f,bdc2a43ab9..e9252b73bd --- a/UPGRADING.INTERNALS +++ b/UPGRADING.INTERNALS @@@ -3,8 -3,11 +3,7 @@@ $Id UPGRADE NOTES - PHP X.Y 1. Internal API changes - a. Streams pooling API - b. Lowercasing and locales - a. Executor changes - b. Streams pooling API - c. Lowercasing and locales - d. zend_qsort_r - e. get_current_key ++ a. 2. Build system changes a. Unix build system changes @@@ -15,44 -18,96 +14,6 @@@ 1. Internal API changes ======================== - a. Streams pooling API - a. Executor changes - - * extensions can't override zend_execute() any more, they should override - zend_execute_ex() instead. The EG(current_execute_data) is already - initialized in zend_execute_ex(), so for compatibility extensions - may need to use EG(current_execute_data)->prev_execute_data instead. - * removed EG(arg_types_stack), EX(fbc), EX(called_scope), EX(current_object) - * added op_array->nested_calls. It's calculated at compile time. - * added EX(call_slots). It is an array to store information about syntaticaly - nested calls (e.g. foo(bar())). It's preallocated together with execute_data. - * added EX(call) - pointer to a current calling function. Actually an - element of EX(call_slots) - * opcodes INIT_METHOD_CALL, ZEND_INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL, - ZEND_INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME, ZEND_INIT_NS_FCALL_BY_NAME use result.num as - an index in EX(call_slots) - * opcode ZEND_NEW uses extended_vallue as an index in EX(call_slots) - * opcoes ZEND_DO_FCALL and ZEND_DO_FCALL_BY_NAME use op2.num as - an index in EX(call_slots) - * added op_array->used_stack. It's calculated at compile time and the - corresponding stack space is preallocated together with execute_data. - ZEND_SEND* and ZEND_DO_FCALL* don't need to check for stack overflow - anymore. - * Removed execute_data->Ts field. The VM temporary variables always allocated - immediately before execute_data structure. Now they are accessed by offset - from the execute_data base pointer (instead of execute_data->Ts). Compiler - stores new offsets in op_array->opcodes[*].op?.num. You can use macros - EX_TMP_VAR() and EX_TMP_VAR_NUM() to access temp_variable by offset or - number. You can convert number to offset using EX_TMP_VAR_NUM(0, num) or - offset to number (EX_TMP_VAR_NUM(0,0)-EX_TMP_VAR(0,offset)). - * Removed execute_data->CVs field. The VM compiled variables always allocated - immediately after execute_data structure. Now they are accessed by offset - from the execute_data base pointer (instead of execute_data->CVs). You can - use macros EX_CV_NUM() to access compiled variables by number. - - b. Streams pooling API -- --The streams pooling API has been removed. The following functions no longer --exist: -- --PHPAPI int php_stream_context_get_link(php_stream_context *context, -- const char *hostent, php_stream **stream); --PHPAPI int php_stream_context_set_link(php_stream_context *context, -- const char *hostent, php_stream *stream); --PHPAPI int php_stream_context_del_link(php_stream_context *context, -- php_stream *stream); -- - b. Lowercasing and locales - c. Lowercasing and locales -- --The lowercasing functions in zend_operators.c were split into those that do --lowercasing according to locale rules and those that do ASCII lowercasing. --ASCII: -- -- zend_str_tolower_copy -- zend_str_tolower_dup -- zend_str_tolower -- zend_binary_strcasecmp -- zend_binary_strncasecmp -- --Locale-based: -- zend_binary_strncasecmp_l -- zend_binary_strcasecmp_l -- zend_binary_zval_strcasecmp -- zend_binary_zval_strncasecmp -- string_compare_function_ex -- string_case_compare_function -- --Internal engine lowercasing will be using ASCII-only rules. User-facing functions, --such as strcasecmp, will be using locale rules. -- --Two new functions - zend_binary_strncasecmp_l and zend_binary_strcasecmp_l - added as --locale-based counterparts to zend_binary_strcasecmp and zend_binary_strncasecmp. - - d. zend_qsort_r - -Added the function zend_qsort_r(): - -typedef int (*compare_r_func_t)(const void *, const void * TSRMLS_DC, void *); -void zend_qsort_r(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t siz, compare_r_func_t compare, void *arg TSRMLS_DC); - -The extra argument it has (relatively to zend_qsort()) is passed to the -comparison function. - - e. get_current_key - -The signature of the get_current_key iteration handler has been changed to: - -void (*get_current_key)(zend_object_iterator *iter, zval *key TSRMLS_DC); - -The key should be written into the zval* using the ZVAL_* macros. -- ======================== 2. Build system changes ======================== @@@ -61,5 -116,5 +22,5 @@@ - b. Windows build system changes -- - Drop Windows XP and 2003 support. ++ -